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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Obsidian fan
So I went into the Midden for that mage quest. I took a detour and found
a room with a big hand on a pedestal.

What's up with that?
CHEEZMO™;32957731 said:
So I went into the Midden for that mage quest. I took a detour and found
a room with a big hand on a pedestal.

What's up with that?

There should be a book nearby telling you what to do.


Got myself full set of Ebony armor, bought the ingots,m can't be arsed to search for a mine now. Lvl 30, tearing everything apart with my warrior.

Next points go into Speech, I'm getting tired of shopkeepers having 1k gold, and me getting lousy prices for each epic item I drag out of a tomb.

Also - managed to get Fortify Smithing on an item! Does the quality of armor matter when enchanting it? Or I can just create my epic Leather smithing set?
i got speech to 100 and got all of the perks on the left side of the tree. Feels so good to be able to sell all my shit to anyone i want. :)
I've named all my enchanted Dragonbone armor after the named Dragons I've killed to forge them. Viinturuth's Spine, Nahagliiv's Wings, Mirmulmir's Talons and Sahloknir's Teeth. Yes, I had to look those names up. :lol

I also enchanted a Daedric sword with Soul Trap and Absorb Health. Aptly called it 'Parasite'. Tremble, world, before Wulf.


I have run into an annoying glitch. I am at the negotiating table between all the big shots in Skyrim. I am at the point where they are negotiating land rights and after I complete that section the game just stops. Not freezes, the conversation is supposed to continue but it just doesn't. Is anyone else getting this?

There is a command you can enter to make the quest move on. Search for it on youtube.
I've named all my enchanted Dragonbone armor after the named Dragons I've killed to forge them. Viinturuth's Spine, Nahagliiv's Wings, Mirmulmir's Talons and Sahloknir's Teeth. Yes, I had to look those names up. :lol

I also enchanted a Daedric sword with Soul Trap and Absorb Health. Aptly called it 'Parasite'. Tremble, world, before Wulf.

There's nothing to "lol" about with this. That's awesome sir.
I've named all my enchanted Dragonbone armor after the named Dragons I've killed to forge them. Viinturuth's Spine, Nahagliiv's Wings, Mirmulmir's Talons and Sahloknir's Teeth. Yes, I had to look those names up. :lol

I also enchanted a Daedric sword with Soul Trap and Absorb Health. Aptly called it 'Parasite'. Tremble, world, before Wulf.

??? How do you name enchanted items?

Darkman M

Man. Leveling enchanting is a pain. I thought the most annoying part would be filling soul gems, but no, the most annoying part is selling the stuff I make to the merchants who only have enough gold to buy a couple each.

Get that speech up and invest in store and gold they keep grows 10 fold(from what ive heard) getting to a certain point in the thieves guild also gets you more merchants with more gold.


Anybody else doing the Imperial quest line? I've met up with Legate Rikke at a camp not far from Whiterun but she refuses to talk to me. She's got the quest identifier above her head but when I tap X on her she just spouts the same line of dialogue over and over (without locking me in to talk). I can't start the dialogue to begin he quest. :(


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I love doing a weapon bash with a 2h and following it up with a power attack, works great of them pesky mages.


On the 360, press 'Y' in the enchanting menu. But on every platform, the option should be there, right next to 'Craft'.

To clarify, I'm pretty sure the option to rename is only available on the soul gem selection screen AFTER you select a soul gem to enchant with. Also, if you switch any of your enchantments/items after naming your item it will default back to the original name and you'll have to type it in again.
I'm about to begin with Skyrim. Would you guys recommend a strategy guide? It's actually the first real RPG I'm about to play and it seems overwhelming.


I'm about to begin with Skyrim. Would you guys recommend a strategy guide? It's actually the first real RPG I'm about to play and it seems overwhelming.
Nah, you don't really need one.

Going in knowing nothing is best. Just do what you feel like and it'll all fall into place.


Might be a dumb question, but if I don't apply any perks to a skill does it actually improve when you gain experience in it?

If get to level 100 in smithing but apply no perks would I get any benefit for instance.?


Might be a dumb question, but if I don't apply any perks to a skill does it actually improve when you gain experience in it?

If get to level 100 in smithing but apply no perks would I get any benefit for instance.?

Yes, every skill has some aspect that is directly improved by the skill (damage, magic cost, etc)


Might be a dumb question, but if I don't apply any perks to a skill does it actually improve when you gain experience in it?

If get to level 100 in smithing but apply no perks would I get any benefit for instance.?

You still improve, the perks are just for added perkiness.

EDIT: Curse you webrunner!


I'm about to begin with Skyrim. Would you guys recommend a strategy guide? It's actually the first real RPG I'm about to play and it seems overwhelming.

With many other RPGs, a guide can, playstyle and preferences taken into account, be a fun thing. Skyrim's a little shifted from the norm however; the very core of the game is an idea that the world around you will accomodate whatever approach you take to that which is presented to you. The game certainly (to a harrowing degree) be played with a min/max mindset, but if you're just jumping into RPG land and want to try it out, fuck all that. Do what you want. The game will provide you with adventures. You'll find them, naturally, and the game'll suppport your choices of action within them. Screw a guide with this one. Just roam for ten hours, then ten hours more, then another twenty hours. Then be humbled at the surface you've only scratched. Main thing is: just do whatever you feel like doing and roll with it. The game offers a ton of mileage from simply trusting your gut.
To clarify, I'm pretty sure the option to rename is only available on the soul gem selection screen AFTER you select a soul gem to enchant with. Also, if you switch any of your enchantments/items after naming your item it will default back to the original name and you'll have to type it in again.
true, true. Just experienced the latter myself. :lol

My previous Daedric sword was enchanted with a 1sec soul trap spell, so I could quickly level my enchant skill with a crapton of gems. I called it Gemfeeder, I quite like the name. :p


Things got pretty nuts last night... I've been -trying- to transition away from being two-handed+heavy armor to becoming a spellcaster. I've been out trying to build those skills, which means I'm rather vulnerable as my spells are still somewhat weak and I'm wearing robes rather than armor. So right now I absolutely have to rely on the combination of my companion plus a conjured familiar to be effective tanks. I was doing some random exploring when the dragon head icon came up on my compass, meaning a shout altar was nearby. So I started following the path toward it, up a mountain. On the way we crossed three different sets of ruins that were individually named, but all seemed to be interconnected, ultimately leading to the altar. Came around a corner and walked in on a fight between a blood dragon and some kind of high end Draugar lord. They were basically in a stalemate, until the Draugar messed up and the dragon brought him to his knees. I rushed in to attack the dragon when all of a sudden a bunch of skeletons showed up, too. While trying to avoid the dragon and clear out the skeletons the Draugar lord managed to get back onto his feet. At this point I'm getting torn up and my companion, Agris the Bulwark, is completely MIA. I have no fucking clue where he went off to. Probably stuck on terrain somewhere. I ended up dying.


Repeat the encounter, but this time the Draugar and the dragon are not fighting each other and both go straight for me. Agris is basically useless the whole fight, accomplishing nothing more than constantly getting in the way. This despite the fact I'd given him all of my awesome armor plus a sweet dwarven shield and an ebony mace. Useless, I tell you. The dragon finally snatched him up in its jaws and killed him. So I ended up finishing the dragon, the Draugar, and the skeletons all by myself. I stripped Agris' corpse and left his ass to rot on the mountainside - you're fired as my housecarl, dude. At this point I'm like "fuck this wizard shit" and I equip myself with all of the awesome heavy armor I'd given to Agris. Fortunately I was also smart enough to bring my two handed greatsword with me, just in case things went off the rails.

So now I'm solo, fighting my way through these ruins, still trying to find the shout altar I'd originally been looking for, thinking that I could just walk up and collect the shout since the dragon was dead. Of course not. Turned out the altar was guarded by a completely different dragon than the one I already killed, so now I had to solo it. Fortunately it was the standard, lower HP dragon and bringing it down wasn't too difficult. But what a fucking mess that whole thing turned out to be. All I wanted was to collect a shout and I ended up having to solo 3 powerful mobs plus a bunch of harsh randoms (forgot to mention the ice wraiths) while dragging the gear of the now deceased Agris the Useless. And when I finally get home to Markarth Lydia is all cheery, "Hello, my love! Back from some adventure, I bet!" Yeah, if you only knew. I think from now on I'm sticking with Maurcurio, he seems to be the only companion who is not completely shit in a fight.


Tonight I was hired by a small child to murder an old lady, for revenge and spite.

Woo hoo! I love killing old ladies in their sleep.

Might have to do the Dark Brotherhood next. That was a fun warm up lap.

OMG. I just found where this little event led to.

I had no idea. I'm working on clearing out some longstanding Misc. items from my queue, knocking off a bandit here, talking someone out of a mine there. On the way to a bandit camp, I run into a courier with a letter for me.

Black hand. Oh shizzle. But I've murdered quite a few folks - a dozen or so - which was this about?

After finishing off the couple bandits at a camp, I decide to take a nap and rest up. There's something satisfying about clearing out a settlement, then sleeping in their bed after. A marking my territory sort of thing.

And then THAT happened when I woke up. I investigated all three carefully, decided I couldn't be sure, and put an arrow through each of them in turn. It's the only way to be sure the right one got killed, and I've long stopped worrying about collateral damage. I figured that would impress her, and it did.

Invitation received.
My Thieves Guild run might be interrupted for a while.

A most unexpected yet perfectly logical series of events, that still managed to blindside me, in a most welcome and awesome way.

70 hours in and the game is still surprising and amazing me.


Yes, every skill has some aspect that is directly improved by the skill (damage, magic cost, etc)

Thanks, I thought so, it was smithing and enchanting that was throwing me as I was struggling to see what benefits I'd get, (still can't) so it made me doubt the rest.
With many other RPGs, a guide can, playstyle and preferences taken into account, be a fun thing. Skyrim's a little shifted from the norm however; the very core of the game is an idea that the world around you will accomodate whatever approach you take to that which is presented to you. The game certainly (to a harrowing degree) be played with a min/max mindset, but if you're just jumping into RPG land and want to try it out, fuck all that. Do what you want. The game will provide you with adventures. You'll find them, naturally, and the game'll suppport your choices of action within them. Screw a guide with this one. Just roam for ten hours, then ten hours more, then another twenty hours. Then be humbled at the surface you've only scratched. Main thing is: just do whatever you feel like doing and roll with it. The game offers a ton of mileage from simply trusting your gut.

Hype! I can't wait to get home and fire it up, thanks!


So it's guesswork?

Well not quite. Many enemy types have a hierarchy hence you generally know which ones will go down quick and which ones will give you problems. I find the game does a fairly good job of letting you know how effective you will be at engaging an enemy with the first exchange of blows. I generally like to test this at a distance or hidden with an arrow.
Thus far, the most annoying enemies for me are bandit chiefs in close quarters.

I like that Bethesda RPGs challenge some of the RPG tropes and try to find ways to make it more inferable rather than explicitly stating them. They haven't always been successful but they're definitely progressive.
huh, weird. I was travelling outside Whiterun when I saw something big and lizardy move near the guard tower where you kill Mirmulmir near the start of the game. It's a dead dragon, but it hasn't dissolved... And it's called Mirmulmir.

I absorbed the shit out of Mirmulmir two weeks ago. This is weird. :lol


To the people getting 100% magicka cost reduction on Destruction, how do you do it? I can't enchant fortify destruction to my gloves OR my boots.


This game has the worst loot.

The worst.

Totally disagree! The loot is great I found. Rare items feel really rare when you find them and because of your encumbrance limit, I find that when I raid a dungeon or a bandit lair, I choose between value-to-weight ratio and I just stock pile items in my home till I'm ready to sell or use them. I got really rich off of doing this to the point I leave 75% of the items behind and still manage to leave with 2000 to 3000 gold worth of items to sell in one raid.

The games allows you to make weapons powerful if that's what your looking for in rare items but if you want the pleasure of truly feeling satisfaction in this solitary experience, the pace Skyrim goes at as far as giving you rare (quest-based) items is really good.
I have to say, reading the stories in this thread is just as fun as playing the game, because you can perfectly imagine how it all happened.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Just reached Blackreach.

Also saw a giant down there, the hell?


Ah... pretty weak then. Thanks.

Not really. It works exactly how you'd expect any temporary buff to work. The damage is multiplied in stealth. A poisoned arrow has been my savior from taking on bandit chiefs head-on long enough for them to kill me on many occasions.
Investing in a shop is a waste of perks. If you quicksave, kill the shop keeper and then reload, the shop keeper will have new inventory and replenished cash.


College of Winterhold spoiler:

Can you only wear
Dragon Priest masks
with the
Archmage robes
, or is there some other type of hat that doesn't cause it to dequip?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I downloaded an update today when playing Skyrim. Does anyone know what the update did/fix? Was it patch 2? If so, are there notes for it?

This is for the X360 version, just to clarify.


Man, while I'm enjoying the current game I'm playing, I seem to keep thinking about my next character a lot. I just don't know when to start him.

Anyone else have this problem?


Wow, the ending of Blood on the Ice was such an anti-climax lol.

Calixto appears in the market... while Arinvya is just standing still for like 30 seconds screaming "help me please!' while her back is towards him. I kill him. I speak to her and she tells me not to try not to burn anything with my sword and then tells me if the guards really tried they would have found the butcher by now. He was on the floor, dead, right next to her. Thanks, bitch.


hide your water-based mammals
Man, while I'm enjoying the current game I'm playing, I seem to keep thinking about my next character a lot. I just don't know when to start him.

Anyone else have this problem?

It's crossed my mind but I'm about 25 hours in and can't fathom starting over yet. Maybe when I hit 80hours and/or beat the game. I'm in no rush yet though.


So, curious- I've carried every book since I started the game. Is there a spot to put them in for safekeeping or do I have to buy a house?

You can get some places that function as a house.. and apparently a couple of shacks count (alchemist and meeko's) but it's pretty easy to get tthe 5k gold to get your first house with.

Speaking of which (Brotherhood spoilers)
Anyone else put the Emperor's Robes on the sanctuary mannequin?


Man, while I'm enjoying the current game I'm playing, I seem to keep thinking about my next character a lot. I just don't know when to start him.

Anyone else have this problem?

I did, then I started my second character the other night. My first has a little over 70 hours and is level 37. I haven't beat the main quest, but I think I'm gonna wait until the patch to fix the PS3 framerate issues, then go back and finish that guy. I'll keep playing my new character til then.
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