Shatner's Bassoon
Is it just me or is the Mzulft dungeon way too fucking long (and annoying)?
Nope, I'm with you on this one.
Is it just me or is the Mzulft dungeon way too fucking long (and annoying)?
Nope, I'm with you on this one.
Think you need to get your illusion to 75 and then buy it from somebody at the college.Anybody know where you can buy Invisibility? Muffle is useless to me for anything but raising illusion with my perks and armor. Really want to go predator on some bandits.
Bad bug. With the main quest, nothing that I know of requires that town.
I'm level 36 and I'm still not done in White run.Is it normal to be level 25 and still questing in Whiterun? I've got loads of quests queued up too... The only guild I've joined so far is the companions.
Is it normal to be level 25 and still questing in Whiterun? I've got loads of quests queued up too... The only guild I've joined so far is the companions.
Is it just me or is the Mzulft dungeon way too fucking long (and annoying)?
Nope, I'm with you on this one.
Worst dungeon ever!
I stumbled upon a dragon fighting a giant. I helped kill the dragon, but then the giant and his mammoth attacked me, why? Anyhow the game crashed to the desktop and the next time they did not agro, must be a stray arrow shot?
My experience with Skyrim has been mostly clearing out bandit tunnels, killing rats and doing fetch quest. The quest and dialog are so bad, people you don't know you ask you to murder people, entrust you with their stuff, etc. A strange world they live in!
"Hello stranger. Take this sword I just made and take it to my father. Never mind that I don't know you!"
Can you steal a horse as long as no one sees you? After spending 1k on one that a dragon killed (why do they attack dragons?) I am now back on foot.
Hold the fucking phone!!!is the adoring fan???Cicero
ARCHERS! ...or anyone who ever wants to use archery.
Put this in the [Combat] section of your Skyrim.ini
This takes care of the up-arc that arrows make. I carefully tuned this so it only flies up to the center of the crosshair before it drops. Since applying this, archery makes SO MUCH more sense and I've been able to land a lot of great hits on moving targets.
Edit: Oops. Meant to put this in the mod thread, but I'll leave it here.
Hold the fucking spoilers?
I've been playing for almost 30 hours and didn't even know you could sprint FFS ><
Hold the fucking phone!!!is the adoring fan???Cicero
Dates don't match up so I don't think so.
Wow, this game likes to troll.
Go to dungeon for Staff.
Dungeon takes 2 hours.
Reach end to obtain Staff.
Don't actually receive the Staff... quest over.
What a waste of time that was!![]()
I killed 'em all with no repercussions. You don't even have to sneak through it.
I thought Mzulft was great! but then again, it was my first Skyrim Dwemer dungeon. It was long however.
I thought Mzulft was great! but then again, it was my first Skyrim Dwemer dungeon. It was long however.
Not really. They're shaking hands with the Thalmor with one hand while sharpening a knife with the other. The Thalmor are doing pretty much the same.
Fact of the matter is, the war the Empire fought with the Dominion came rather unexpectedly for the Empire. At the end they could either sign the Concordat or die. The only ones really enforcing the ban on Talos worship law are the Thalmor, you won't see any Imperial soldier doing anything about it. The ban's just there for show, because both sides are licking their wounds and preparing for another go-round.
The Empire needs the Nords, but the Nords need the Empire. If they seccede, the Empire will fall when the next war breaks out. If the Empire falls, nothing will stop the Dominion from conquering them next.
Bethesda really crafted some great lore for this game. I loved what the two novels did, but everything that happened between the novels and the games is just awesome. Part of me misses the "stable" Empire from Morrowind and Oblivion, though.
360 users in particular, any of you ever recall hearing this song in-game? I don't.![]()
Is it normal to be level 25 and still questing in Whiterun? I've got loads of quests queued up too... The only guild I've joined so far is the companions.
The Thalmor are still occupying parts of Hammerfell, and they're not likely to give those up anytime soon. The Empire was clinging to life by the time the Concordat was signed: if the fighting had gone on for a bit longer, it'd have ceased to exist. It needed time to get its strength back after having been fighting an unexpected war for so long. Outlawing Talos worship was stupid, but it was either that or getting your head chopped off along with all the rest. The Empire didn't just sell out its own people, it sold out itself. You think no Imperials believed in Talos? I bet Cyrodiil's not exactly a happy place to live in right now. The Empire had to make some sacrifices to stay alive, so it could become strong again.Based on what I've read simply within the game, I see no reason to side with the Imperials. At the time of the treaty they ceded not only cultural values of their people but territory as well. Granted the territory was taken or contested at that time, point being that those in Hammerfell weren't too happy about the Empire's withdrawal and offering of their land in the treaty. At any rate unless I am mistaken, those in Hammerfell alone fought back the Thalmor from their shores. In other words, the Empire folded too soon and betrayed its own people. To hell with it. Especially when you consider the "motive" of the Thalmor as presented. What's to convince the Nords, Ulfric, or any Jarl in Skyrim that the Emperor won't offer them on a silver platter next to this threat or the one that follows?
Still haven't been to Blackreach. I want to know what all the fuss is about. Is it that huge?
If my housecarl dies can I get another one?
Still haven't been to Blackreach. I want to know what all the fuss is about. Is it that huge?
I spent two or three hours down there and I don't think I got everything.
Is there anything to get other than red plants?
Not really except forIs there anything to get other than red plants?
Where do you sell all your stuff without teleporting around? The merchants just don't have enough money.
Where do you sell all your stuff without teleporting around? The merchants just don't have enough money.