Just found a dog called Meeko outside of Solitude. He led me to the shack he lives in, where his owner recently died of Rockjoint.
I took the poor mutt with me, I just couldn't leave him behind. :lol
Holy crap.. I'm doing the Mind of Madness quest.
It's.. crazy...
Last night I saw a giant kill an orc, then I killed the giant. Just past where this happened was an empty orc camp. I think we can all guess what happened before I got there.i got a quest to kill some kind of leader in some ruins outdoors, but the place was totally deserted.
got the quest completion message....
Sure you can, but with alchemy you can make better fortify enchant potions than you'll ever find as loot (not smithing tho, Blacksmith's Elixir gives +50% which is better than what can be made with alchemy). You can also make those potions/poisons worth 3,000+ with alchemy if you're short on gold.![]()
Last night I saw a giant kill an orc, then I killed the giant. Just past where this happened was an empty orc camp. I think we can all guess what happened before I got there.
CHEEZMO™;32974541 said:I have a question.
Is it possible to disenchant the Shrouded Gloves?
I'd like to put the effect on some Thalmor gloves I got hold of because I love the way they look, heh.
I just did that one yesterday. Pretty cool one.
Not only that, but if the companion picks up an object it doesn't check encumbrance, so you can load them up with everything if you so wish.
Also, they can open locked chests always.
CHEEZMO;32974541 said:I have a question.
Is it possible to disenchant the Shrouded Gloves?
I'd like to put the effect on some Thalmor gloves I got hold of because I love the way they look, heh.
Actually, you can make smithing potions which increase weapon improvement 130%.
On that note, though, does anyone know of any other creatures aside from Mammoths that have a Grand Soul?
Giants only have a Greater Soul, it seems.
You cannot disenchant most of the special enchants... i suggest you save and check if you can. There are some that do work, like Poacher's Axe.
Ulfric speech when you see him in windhelm for the first time is so fucking epic
can't believe how epic some of the dialogues in this game are.
The only one I remember except the the Winterhold one. This game is clearly not about complicated quests.
Even this one was very easy, but at least entertaining.
Do I need to level smithing to obtain the dragon armor? I don't want to gain levels and be underpowered for enemies.
Anything I can do to get the "Collect bounty from Skald" quest bug out of my miscellaneous list?
Will I miss out on a lot of equipment if I destroy the Dark Brotherhood instead of joining them?
Ah right you are, serves me right for listening to someone on the bethesda forums instead of trying it for myself. Dragon priests and dremoras have grand souls as well; not an easy source, granted.
I just ran into a Dragon Priest for the first time, my cheeks were well and truly spread.
Yes, you need it on level 100!
Hah I was pretty close to joining that side but after being shittalked endlessly I just said fuck it and became a tool for the empire.i am still amusing myself by being an elf working for the racist stormcloaks. It's amazing how much they don't seem to care except for the occasional questioning of my motives.
I love how they immediately roll out together when it's over.
Can you conjure your own Dremora Lord, kill him and steal his soul?
Definitely something you *shouldn't* be able to do, but wouldn't be the first time I saw such an oversight.
Don't think I got an answer to my question a few pages back... I have some armour and gloves enchanted with fortify smithing, but when I wear them the strength of the weapons and armour I can create and upgrade goes down, does anyone know why? Nothing from my usual armour has any smithing perks I'm losing when I change, not sure why it is happening.
i am still amusing myself by being an elf working for the racist stormcloaks. It's amazing how much they don't seem to care except for the occasional questioning of my motives.
That's lame. When do you recommend getting smithing to 100? I'm scared enemies will be too tough for me if I do it right now (level 13 at the moment).
Are you losing +One-handed Damage and/or Armor skill? That's the only reason it would change what you see on them when you're creating the equipment as your Smithing skill does absolutely nothing there.
RE: Destroying the dark brotherhood
I did the quest to kill the orphanage mother from that kid. Nice touch having that tie in to the dark brotherhood storyline. What I didn't expect was that the woman who kidnapped me was the fucking leader! Not realising this, and not wanting to comply with her demands, I killed her (with some difficulty and quite a few reloads may I add) and nicked all her stuff! Hope I didn't jump the gun or anything, but it does seem like it's going along with it just fine so far so should be fine. Just thought it was funny.
Do I need to level smithing to obtain the dragon armor? I don't want to gain levels and be underpowered for enemies.
Yes, you need it on level 100!
So I am confused. I killed my 2nd dragon (in the level where I have to get the Horn for the grey beards) and I didn't get any souls to enable a dragon shout. What happened?
This is not true, you do not need smithing to get dragon armour. Yesterday I picked up Dragonscale boots in a chest in a dungeon. I'm currently at level 41 and just found them for the first time. So I would assume the rest of the armour pieces will also show up at some point as random loot in chests as time goes on. My smithing is only at about 70 right now and the only perkS I have unlocked is arcane smithing and whatever the first one is (steel?).
That's lame. When do you recommend getting smithing to 100? I'm scared enemies will be too tough for me if I do it right now (level 13 at the moment).
RE: Destroying the dark brotherhood
I did the quest to kill the orphanage mother from that kid. Nice touch having that tie in to the dark brotherhood storyline. What I didn't expect was that the woman who kidnapped me was the fucking leader! Not realising this, and not wanting to comply with her demands, I killed her (with some difficulty and quite a few reloads may I add) and nicked all her stuff! Hope I didn't jump the gun or anything, but it does seem like it's going along with it just fine so far so should be fine. Just thought it was funny.
it's not that epic when you hear it for 10th time - every time you enter the palace to talk with his companion.
CHEEZMO;32975418 said:What do you do with the Unusual Gems?
I asked that guy inside the gate in Riften, which crossed off the "ask an appraiser" thing, but now I don't know what to do.
Are they actually for anything?