A lot of things are harder than dragons lol
Unfortunately, dragons still have the most potential to fuck things up
Higher-level Charuses?... FUCK THOSE GUYS!
A lot of things are harder than dragons lol
I recently (like, 15 hours of playtime ago) bumped up the difficulty to Expert, and I'm enjoying it much much more. I feel myself being more strategic and intentional about my actions. More fun that way. Dunno if I'm ready for Master yet, though..There are a few different types of Dragons, Blood dragons have a mean bite on Expert.
I recently (like, 15 hours of playtime ago) bumped up the difficulty to Expert, and I'm enjoying it much much more. I feel myself being more strategic and intentional about my actions. More fun that way. Dunno if I'm ready for Master yet, though..
You want to go to the Ragged Flagon- Cistern, look at the exits along the walls, one will be a ladder that exits direct to the always-welcome "Skyrim"
Zeilard, are you and I the only ones in here playing the game the way it was meant to be played?![]()
Unfortunately, dragons still have the most potential to fuck things upI don't mean you per-say, I mean your game. Everything from killing NPCs to taking the fight where you don't want it. Ultimately, they really are only weak when their doing a stationary attack or on the ground; dragons are the most dangerous creatures in skyrim when they're doing nothing but low-altitude bombing runs . They're the prickly pears of Skyrim: They hurt if you don't engage them carefully but they are yummy when you get inside them :3
Higher-level Charuses?... FUCK THOSE GUYS!
Okay I have no idea how to get out of this place.
I'm at the Ratway vaults.
Protip: If you join theThieves guild and want a quicker shortcut go back to the HQ go around to the cemetery on the side of the Mara temple. You'll fin a crypt and if you push the button on the coffin it reveals a shortcut down there.
I think you mean glorious freedom fighter fighting for what is right and good.
It's sort of fun playing as a Dunmer because both sides are equally reprehensible to them, and more than most other races. The Stormcloaks for obvious reasons, and the Imperials because they're the pets of gross High Elves. And of course the whole imperialism thing.
are there some very good and cool armors apart from the daedric ones?
I am level 30 something and the hardest enemies are still dragons. Blood Dragons or Ice Dragons that is. Normal Dragons who haven't appeared for a long while and I might have seen 2 or 3 are not that strong. I call those 'baby dragons'.
are you a warrior or a mage? becase they are hilariously easy for mages.
harder than dragons for me.
are you two using Nvidia GeForce cards?
Get a housecarl to help then.
The hardest enemies I've fought are the higher up mages who slow me down with their freezes rays and penetrate my body with their ice popsicles.
Guys drain me in no time.
Please someone tell me How do you become awerewolve anytime you want.. I have the ring, and I'm doing a late mission in the champions guild the one for revenge after the"leader was killed"...?
Push them around with the Raise Zombie spell.
Or use the first shout...
you gotta follow your bender all the way to the end.
Is it possible to pick up a warhorse of some kind, fitted with steel plating or something like that, purely for show? I'm on a no quick travel or horse carriage playthrough which means I'm on my horse ... A LOT, so I'd love a badass looking horse.
Man, at this point I almost want horse armor DLC, haha.
I need help. I can't figure this out.
I was exploring some tomb or whatever with my current Elven Mace. Damage is 27.
I found this:
Damage is 19 but total damage on the bottom is 31? What is this referring to? How could that be? When I picked the item up and put it into my inventory and then went to select it, damage was down to 19. What's going on?
HELP im at the excavation site and I cannot find anything, I keep getting stuck in the ruins. What do I do>?
Added damage from skills ( 1-Hand perk ) and what else you have? A sword specific perk or item? Perhaps an active magic effect on you that increases sword damage?
Solitude is unplayable on PS3. I don't know if it always rains there but god damn, can't move in that slideshow.
HELP im at the excavation site and I cannot find anything, I keep getting stuck in the ruins. What do I do>?
You're going to need be a bit more specific.