Question : I'm only level 14 and started doing the companions quests, and Farkas wanted to join me on one so Lydia stayed behind, and now I can't find her anywhere, anyone know where she might be or how to find her?
Why can't I have a forge in my own castle?Two things I want in this game:
1. Divorce. I just realized how hot Aela is, yet I'm stuck with Ysolda. And I can't even find her.
2. A forge in my house. I have an enchanting table and alchemy lab, why can't I have a forge in my backyard?
I have no clue, either. :lol
She was "gifted" to me or whatever and I haven't looked for her since.
We were talking and I just kinda stopped and she left and went somewhere. :lol
I love it when dragons perch on buildings:
1. Yup, just wait a bit. If you don't like it, you will also be able to cure yourself on a later mission.A couple of questions
1. I'm still fairly early on and rolling with the Companions. Will I be able to?become a werewolf with them
2. I'm in dire need of somewhere to store my goods. I've already thrown anything without an enchantment on it. So far I've got about 3k gold. Is there an easy way to make up the other two?
DB Stuff- does it ever get as awesome.
Oh yeah, it's awesome, hah. I just thought there was some hidden thing we were supposed to spot.
How.. do you marry people? There are a couple really hot girls around...
Also, can you marry one girl on each city?Or only one in the whole game? If you kill her, could you marry someone else? If not, I guess I won't marry anyone until I visit all 9 cities. I wanna marry the hottest girl out there
(oh god what am I saying?)
Is the night-eye spell still in this game?? If so, where can you purchase it?
gotta get an amulet of mara. dude in riften inn sells one for 200 gold. then wear it and talk to anyone who's eligible, male or female. then after doing a quest for them, they fall in love with you
aela's the hottest marriage material i've seen (without usage of the console anyways)
where can I find aela?
Okay, I'm ready for the Dark Brotherhood to get awesome now.
Opening solvo: kill three dudes in different places. Easy enough, three throat slices.
Then, a mission to go kill two people (one optional). The only wrinkle is I had to go talk to someone and then find him in some ruins. It was exactly like killing bandits in some ruins.
I looted the rest of the dungeon, got one of those "you don't have the right object" messages at the end. Grrrr.
Hiding in the coffin when I got back, and the Night Mother talking was great. The following conversation was frustrating, though. I learned two things: first, what's his face the crazy jester was indeed plotting against Astrid, and he had two specific members of the DB leaning his way. Then the Night Mother spoke.
The first bit was dropped entirely after. I'd like to tell her about it, you know? To top it off, the plot is halted while I go do two side quests. I'm hoping they're more complex than it sounds.
In Oblivion, the DB missions were awesome because of the secondary criteria attached. Don't get caught, drop the moose head, etc. Do assassinations in Skyrim ever get that interesting?
Got my sneak up to 100 tonight, the first skill to do so. Archery is about four levels behind.
I was wearing the Amulet and no prompt came up when I talked to Aela. Why can't I marry this chick??
I was wearing the Amulet and no prompt came up when I talked to Aela. Why can't I marry this chick??
Dark Bro spoilzOblivion DB quests were miles ahead of these ones... These ones are just find and kill. No interesting kills =(
Wow. The Solitude house is so not worth the 25k. Reloaded my save.
I'm thinking of doing the Mages questline just for the archmage quarters.
Or maybe just buy the house in Riften.
Dark Bro spoilzOblivion DB quests were miles ahead of these ones... These ones are just find and kill. No interesting kills =(
I wish I could take over a fort or something outside of a town. How am I supposed to plot against all of humanity in the comfort of a townhouse?
I killed the mother fucker!!!
Found a big stone to hide behind while spamming him with arrows when peaking out.
Got his mask too, lock pick, sneak, archery + 20%.
So I finally managed to get this game to run on my PC and wow am I hooked. Just hit level 20 after a few days of playing and I can't put it down.
Quick question though, at some point it the game does magic become necessary? I'm currently wearing heavy armor and using a 2h sword + bow and I haven't sunk a single point into my magika pool yet. It was pretty smooth sailing early on, but I'm finding I need to potion chug in more and more fights now. Is anyone else out there melee + bow only? IS this a bad idea?
So I finally managed to get this game to run on my PC and wow am I hooked. Just hit level 20 after a few days of playing and I can't put it down.
Quick question though, at some point in the game does magic become necessary? I'm currently wearing heavy armor and using a 2h sword + bow and I haven't sunk a single point into my magika pool yet. It was pretty smooth sailing early on, but I'm finding I need to potion chug in more and more fights now. Is anyone else out there melee + bow only? IS this a bad idea?
I was wearing the Amulet and no prompt came up when I talked to Aela. Why can't I marry this chick??
Two things I want in this game:
1. Divorce.
Muiri imo is the hottest Skyrim wife.
Anyway, anyone know a way to get merchants to have more money than 1200ish without the kill and reload technique or using the Speech perks? So annoying. Wish they had at least 2-3k each at a time.
I go to merchants that sell stuff I want to buy, such as filled soul gems or arrows. Buy those, then their gold is added to their stash and I can sell a larger share of my loot. Not helpful if there's nothing you want to buy, though.
Where do I get this amulet? I just did a quest for her and though she'd make a fine wife.
You have to go to the inn first. Otherwise the guy you need to talk to will never show up at the temple.Go to the Temple of Mara in Riften and talk to homeboy there.
I go to merchants that sell stuff I want to buy, such as filled soul gems or arrows. Buy those, then their gold is added to their stash and I can sell a larger share of my loot. Not helpful if there's nothing you want to buy, though.
Where do I get this amulet? I just did a quest for her and though she'd make a fine wife.
You should already have one. It drops REALLY often. "Amulet of Mara". If you don't have one, I have no idea how you missed it.
The calm before the storm.
Discussing strategy with my fearless companion Lydia.[IMG]
[B]A master strategist always maintains the high ground.[/B]
[B]Target acquired![/B]
Locked and loaded.[/B]
Mission Complete. Lets head home.[/B]
More like Kain the Dragoon. Way to copy, fucker!
Never heard of the fellow. Pics?More like Kain the Dragoon. Way to copy, fucker!
I'll look for it. I only learned about it in the past few days, I've probably sold it a few times. :lol
What a weird way to activate a feature like marriage.
Never heard of the fellow. Pics?
It makes sense within the game. Basically if you are wearing an Amulet of Mara, it lets everyone know (as is custom) that you're looking for engagement. So I rather like the implementation of that aspect. It also adds a new layer when you kill a guard, or anyone else, and find an Amulet of Mara. Poor sap never found anyone, but at least no one has to come and let his wife know the bad news.