So I just did the Bards College quests...
Is that it? Really? An induction quest and then three fetch quests that weren't hard at all? :S How disappointing...
Welcome to all of the quests.
So I just did the Bards College quests...
Is that it? Really? An induction quest and then three fetch quests that weren't hard at all? :S How disappointing...
What's with named Dragons? I fast traveled to a village and the head dragon resurrected one and it had an actual name but I thought those were only for specific story quests? I wasn't doing a quest.
If you're not melee and don't have a bunch of vegetable soups, you're doing it wrong
(Easy to make 1 stamina regen per second food, so you basically never have 0% stamina and as long as you have something, you can do a power attack without the penalty pause)
Welcome to all of the quests.
This game kinda makes me want to go back to Oblivion for the better guilds and quest rewards. Skyrim does lots of things better than Oblivion but the guilds and loot are a step back.
Hope the DLC gives you some badass loot.
You should already have one. It drops REALLY often. "Amulet of Mara". If you don't have one, I have no idea how you missed it.
I'm hoping the same thing, my empty ass house only has a bed and my junk all over the floor lol.
Who do I have to speak to go chests added so I can store my stuff like a civil person?
If you're melee and don't have a bunch of vegetable soups, you're doing it wrong
(Easy to make 1 stamina regen per second food, so you basically never have 0% stamina and as long as you have something, you can do a power attack without the penalty pause)
I'm level 31 after 52 hours of play and I literally loot ALL THE THINGS, every single urn in a dungeon gets turned upside down but I have yet to find this 'be my wife' amulet.
I'll talk to the dude in Riften then but I don't think it drops as often as you say?
yeah :/ I mean if you are able to Smith/Enchant good stuff it shouldn't matter that much. I didn't do it until I was already lvl 30ish. I don't think there's a way to up your skill level without leveling your character and still be able to smith Daedric or Ebony or Glass.
My stuff is always knocked al over the place in my house in Marakarth (sp?)
My wife and Lydia are in Whiterun, so i really wonder who's messing up my place al the time. I spend way to much organising my damn bookshelfs.
Being a werewolf is such a waste of time. I mean, i got reduced damage, reduced health/armor, i can't heal myself, i dont have any ranged attack, i cant get resting bonus and i cant even cancel it when i want... i mean, other than running faster, what's the point?
Not turning into a werewolf, but being one gives you 100% resistance to diseases.
Being a werewolf is such a waste of time. I mean, i got reduced damage, reduced health/armor, i can't heal myself, i dont have any ranged attack, i cant get resting bonus and i cant even cancel it when i want... i mean, other than running faster, what's the point?
I agree.
That said, i don't remember the Fighter's Guild storyline at all.
Heh, I've kind of screwed myself enemy leveling wise. I'm playing an assassin thief argonian. Just through regular play my pickpocket hit 100 fast, my smithing is in the 60s (I only ever smith components I find/kill in the world), and I'm lvel 33 or so with maybe 50 one-handed, 50 light armor, 30 block and 30 archery.
Just did the first real Companions quest, the dungeon is completely full of draugr deathlords. The companion you get stuck with is completely worthless against them. I have a hard time taking mudcrabs on in a 1 on 1 fight, and the companion keeps waking them up before I can backstab.
Thank god for on the fly difficulty switching.
Heh, I've kind of screwed myself enemy leveling wise. I'm playing an assassin thief argonian. Just through regular play my pickpocket hit 100 fast, my smithing is in the 60s (I only ever smith components I find/kill in the world), and I'm lvel 33 or so with maybe 50 one-handed, 50 light armor, 30 block and 30 archery.
Just did the first real Companions quest, the dungeon is completely full of draugr deathlords. The companion you get stuck with is completely worthless against them. I have a hard time taking mudcrabs on in a 1 on 1 fight, and the companion keeps waking them up before I can backstab.
Thank god for on the fly difficulty switching.
I still can't cure lycanthropyI've tried and tried but it won't work. I've done missions for Aela and Farkas but they don't mention anything. Vilkas is also nowhere to be found. I think he might be dead because when I was coming back with the Companions, I saw a body fly into the air as it was killed by a frost troll. Couldn't tell if it was him because it was far away.
Just started a warrior and doing the companions quest right now, the first dungeon you do as a werewolf was hell for me on master, kept dying to everyone. Then I found the roar button, shit is hilariously overpowered, not sure how well it scales or if it only works on humans, but aoe fear detect life is pretty sweet.
So I married Mjoll the Lioness and Aerin still follows her? Need to find a clever way to kill him so she wont be mad at me.
found this while searching for Mjoll
The game works very well, almost perfectly during the first twenty levels, but then rust over the paint can be found, unfortunately, a lot. Level scaling and character development, and economic idiotism are not enough to spoil the whole game experience, but enjoying the adventure seems more difficult as levels rises.
I do not say game is shit. I fully welcome it 50 hours without any grimace, but the sad fact is however, that Bethesda could have made the game so easily so much better overall. I look forward returning to the game, with a couple of new characters, but it must wait for the game balance mods.
However, at present, this is a much cohesive package than Oblivion, and easily about 90 points game. It just, frankly annoys all the wasted potential, and the silly little errors in the game design.
This save my ass a couple of time!
still asking for a good and cool one-handed sword, I already have the daedric sword but I would like to use another sword.
I still haven't met or been courted by a woman yet >< /foreveralone
Just like in the real wordl, you'll have to do the first steps yourself![]()
I tried beating and shouting at several of them with no luck, it doesn't work man, it doesn't work!
So i met some sexy bard in Dawnstar(?), im starting to regret that i took a random girl(Ysolda?) with some shitty robe in Whiterun as my wife now.
Wish i could get remarried in this game. :lol
You should drop some cash into training up your combat skills. You should have done it a few levels ago, honestly.
Yeah, but there is no way im going to restart a new character when mine is already lvl 43, just so i can get another wife.
Surely there is some PC mod somewhere that get rid of our current wife/husband? or maybe a console command?
Surely there is some PC mod somewhere that get rid of our current wife/husband? or maybe a console command?
Since divorce is not actually an option in Skyrim, you can use these console commands if you are not happy with your choice of marriage.
Code:Kill your spouse Enter console command resetquest RelationshipMarriage Remove the Amulet of Mara from your inventory. Enter console command SetStage RelationshipMarriage 10 Use console commands resurrect and setrelationshiprank player 4 on your spouse to resurrect them.
After following these steps you can get a new Amulet of Mara and find a new partner to marry.
(Since console players do not have the ability to use console commands, the only way to truly be rid of your spouse is by murdering them.)