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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Being a werewolf is such a waste of time. I mean, i got reduced damage, reduced health/armor, i can't heal myself, i dont have any ranged attack, i cant get resting bonus and i cant even cancel it when i want... i mean, other than running faster, what's the point?

Werewolves can actually be quite devastating and powerful in combat, even on Master. They also have other fun uses.

1) You can murder people anonymously. Go into Werewolf form, go into a town and just go crazy, and they'll have no idea it was you (since as far as they're concerned, it was some crazy wolf guy). As you might imagine, this can be devilishly effective for Dark Brotherhood-related quests.

If Dead Thrall ever starts working right, it'll be fun to combine the two. Go into town as a Werewolf, murder some NPC, then perma-zombify them. Shame so many NPCs seem immortal.

2) As you alluded to, it's the fastest way to manually travel, by far. Werewolves have enormous stamina tanks and also regen very quickly. Combined with a very fast sprint, you can get around quite effectively. They're faster than horses and also seem to have much more endurance.

3) As far as combat effectiveness, you can take people out pretty quickly by alternating swipes and doing power attacks, and the sprinting leaping attack does huge damage and has crazy knockdown. Your power attacks also have a tendency to stagger/knock down enemies, if not just send them flying. If they're on the ground and still alive, you can just obliterate them before they get back up.

You can also set spells on yourself beforehand, i.e. Ebony Flesh, and they'll still be in effect.

Your summons also don't die if you switch to Werewolf form (I know for a fact summons don't; I assume it's the same for zombies). Use one or two as a tank distraction and you can go around and just clean up as Werewolf. And the Howl AOE is very powerful and useful crowd control. It's a lot of fun too. Send enemies scurrying then chase them down rip them apart one by one, and it's brutally effective when combined with the leaping attack.

Werewolf is good fun. It's probably likely the class you've spent time building up will be more powerful in some situations, but ripping the trachea out of unfortunate fools as a terrible Wolfman can have its charms, and if you play it right you can be quite strong with it. The most important thing to remember as a Werewolf is to use your significant crowd control abilities.

Only real downsides to Werewolf form are that you lose object interactions, i.e. picking up loot, and you're not able to manually switch back to your normal form if enemies are around. The loss of the well-rested buff is trivial.
two updates on the patch now, for PS3 players. *crosses fingers*

Update: We’re around 30 minutes playing Skyrim with v2.01 and gameplay feels much more smooth on the PS3, although we know it takes a little longer for extreme issues to show. We’ll update you after around two hours.
Update 2: 3 hours in and still no lag, although we have seen reports from our readers that some of you have installed the PS3 patch and get lag after a few hours. As a note, our test machine is a PS3 slim.



I have leveled one handed and light armor from 30 to the 50s. Basically every time I was in town I would go to a trainer and level. I didn't do it when I was in the middle of a dungeon though, and I shouldn't have to.
Of course you should. You're role playing as a thief, it makes perfect sense that you'd be underpowered as a warrior without extra help. RPG's are supposed to be about making choices and dealing with them.
I've spoken to a frighteningly large number of people who are unable to buy Skyrim because "they're getting it for Christmas".

Telling somebody I'm buying them Skyrim, so that they aren't to go and buy it themselves, and are unable to play it for at least a month, is the kind of present I would reserve for somebody I despised, not a loved one. Just get them a lump of coal; they'll be far more grateful.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I've spoken to a frighteningly large number of people who are unable to buy Skyrim because "they're getting it for Christmas".

Telling somebody I'm buying them Skyrim, so that they aren't to go and buy it themselves, and are unable to play it for at least a month, is the kind of present I would reserve for somebody I despised, not a loved one. Just get them a lump of coal; they'll be far more grateful.

Got the same problem with another game I am waiting for. gnhnghgn.


Really Really Exciting Member!
That's why i only ask games for christmas that i do not care if i dont play them on the first week following their release date.


hide your water-based mammals
PC has taught me to be cheap. No more buying 5 60 dollar games in a month. That happened once. There have been months when I got 2 games. I'm broke like crazy right now so that stops me from buying as many.


Of course you should. You're role playing as a thief, it makes perfect sense that you'd be underpowered as a warrior without extra help. RPG's are supposed to be about making choices and dealing with them.

I pick pockets and and get stealth arrow shots before every fight/or stealth shot someone in the back for 6x damage. I'd say well over half of my kills are just straight up sword. But because pickpocket, stealth, and smithing level up so much faster proportionately to light armor/one hand, my character is completely unbalanced.

The system is supposed to work in such a way that the skills you are using level up and you don't have to "plan" your character. I use one handed swords way more often then anything else but it is out of balance to the other skills (and I have warrior stone.)

And to be honest, the vast majority of the time it doesn't matter because stealth is so powerful. But when you're forced to have a companion that is really loud, the imbalance starts to really show itself. Especially when that companion gets knocked out in 3-4 hits and then I'm left dealing with the 4 draugr deathlords he aggro'd.


I'm level 31 after 52 hours of play and I literally loot ALL THE THINGS, every single urn in a dungeon gets turned upside down but I have yet to find this 'be my wife' amulet.

I'll talk to the dude in Riften then but I don't think it drops as often as you say?

I'm over 170 hours and I have 4 of the amulets now (I only bought the first one, I found the other three in strange places :/).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Where do you find the answers to those stupid door puzzles where you have to circle the rings with the animal icons!?

On the particular claw for the dungeon. It should be in your misc. items list; click and hold when hovering over the model of the item to rotate the view and take note of the three symbols on its underside.


Earlier i read here that there's a quest where
wake up in Markath after drinking with someone
, or so i understood. Where does that quest start?


I've spoken to a frighteningly large number of people who are unable to buy Skyrim because "they're getting it for Christmas".

Telling somebody I'm buying them Skyrim, so that they aren't to go and buy it themselves, and are unable to play it for at least a month, is the kind of present I would reserve for somebody I despised, not a loved one. Just get them a lump of coal; they'll be far more grateful.

This was me with Ocarina of Time in 1998.

Grandma! *shakes fist*

Of course you should. You're role playing as a thief, it makes perfect sense that you'd be underpowered as a warrior without extra help. RPG's are supposed to be about making choices and dealing with them.

I completely agree. In fact I---OH someone released the console codes for divorce!? Awesome!


And to be honest, the vast majority of the time it doesn't matter because stealth is so powerful. But when you're forced to have a companion that is really loud, the imbalance starts to really show itself. Especially when that companion gets knocked out in 3-4 hits and then I'm left dealing with the 4 draugr deathlords he aggro'd.

That's really the bigger problem of the whole thing. Enemies that are currently engaged with something, even if you haven't been spotted, don't get Sneak Attacked. A bit of a problem with companions charging in to be an idiot. On the bright side, when they invulnerability kneel, you get your Sneak Attacks back for a short while so use those while you can.

The Companion quest initiation with Farkas was probably the hardest quest I've done in the entire game due to this :/ 100 Pickpocket/70-ish Sneak with sub-30 One-hand and Archery? Upgraded weapons mid-dungeon to a Silver weapon? Yeah, it was kind of bad.
Did anyone get the Notched Pickaxe yet?

Is it true you can enhance it to have like 200+ damage?

Also, what is the most powerful weapon in the game?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Earlier i read here that there's a quest where
wake up in Markath after drinking with someone
, or so i understood. Where does that quest start?

The Bannered Mare. Inside will be a man who requests that the two of you go head-to-head in a drinking contest.


The Bannered Mare. Inside will be a man who requests that the two of you go head-to-head in a drinking contest.

*blinks* How the hell have i missed that? This game is amazing, i find something new from places i've been already with every character.
You know this game is good when you play it for 17 hours straight. Something I never thought I would do after playing and hating Oblivion and Fallout 3.
In my opinion its not that the game is really good, because almost all of its individual parts really aren't that great. Its that Skyrim has that same x-factor that World of Warcraft has that keeps people playing for hours on end. Skyrim works because it is a singleplayer MMO.

I do have to give Bethesda a lot of credit for the world they created, which is really beautiful, and for somehow being able to create pretty cool lore in the books that are scattered all around the world. Now give me some good quests and stories in TES6 please, and more consequences for doing things and making certain choices.

I mean, why am i able to walk into Windhelm as a dark elf and not run in any trouble, while the first thing you see is a bunch of dark elfs getting shit on by some Nords? Why am i able to join the Stormcloaks as a non-Nord, while their whole schtick is "Skyrim for the Nords" and looking forward to purging Skyrim of the other races? It makes no sense at all to create this backstory but leave the player outside of it. The world they've made is too disconnected from the player, and that is really disappointing. And the whole "do whatever you want" that people like to claim about TES is simply not true. If i stop and try to be a blacksmith the whole world stops. Noone will come to buy my stuff, there is no economy, nothing. The only way forward is to do quests and kill stuff.

Then again, i'm looking forward seeing how, once the Construction Kit is released, modders will turn the game into something amazing, because there is a lot of potential in the game. Its just a shame that it could have been so much better than it is now.


Who's the worst of the bunch, Imperials or Stormcloaks. Give me some hard evidence that one of these sides did something really bad, lied during the game or kept something from me. I don't know what to pick.


The Bannered Mare. Inside will be a man who requests that the two of you go head-to-head in a drinking contest.

No, it's in a random inn. Mine started in the Bee and the Barb in Riften. There will just be a guy in some inn who challenges you to a drinking contest.


No, it's in a random inn. Mine started in the Bee and the Barb in Riften. There will just be a guy in some inn who challenges you to a drinking contest.

Oh. Well. That explains how i can have missed the quest. Oh well, awesome game regardless.

EDIT just found him in the Bannered Mare!


Companions are lame, I always roll out alone now. A lot of the encounters aren't as satisfying when there's an invulnerable badass standing next to you. Maybe being Marcurio's sidekick for a few hours scarred me.


Who's the worst of the bunch, Imperials or Stormcloaks. Give me some hard evidence that one of these sides did something really bad, lied during the game or kept something from me. I don't know what to pick.

It's a tough decision...I went with the Stormcloaks since I was a Nord warrior and they just dont want to be governed by another empire (that is also an ally of another faction who outlaws Talos worship), they are a bit racist when it comes to elves though.

I dont know much about the empire though, but Im sure they have there good and bad parts much like the stormcloaks.

Neither side is wholly good or evil, so its not that kind of choice.


So after starting a new dude, I totally recalled that the game had the whole Radiant Story thing. They really pulled that off, kudos to Bethesda. Seems so natural in the game, but when you play multiple times, you start to notice things like quests taking place in different dungeons, and stuff like that.

Pretty cool that it's so seamless.


Who's the worst of the bunch, Imperials or Stormcloaks. Give me some hard evidence that one of these sides did something really bad, lied during the game or kept something from me. I don't know what to pick.

The Thalmor are the worst. They're straight up Nazis who want to exterminate all humans on Tamriel. I sympathize with the Stormcloaks because so many of them and their relatives fought in the Great War and died only to have their religion banned by the empire they were fighting for.

At the same time though, the pragmatic approach is to realize that the Empire had to make that deal with the Thalmor or be wiped out entirely, and the Stormcloaks are being pretty shortsighted in their rebellion. Making that deal gives the Empire time to regroup for when the Thalmor inevitably tries to wipe them out again, and it would be best to have a united Empire with Skyrim as part of it when that war comes. If Skyrim gains independence, it just makes it easier for the Thalmor to wipe out the empire and skyrim one by one.
2 muthaphukin dragons down!

I was taking my early morning constitutional when the first one swooped in. No shame. There was a giant nearby too so I lured the fool to a nearby town (with the mine) and started to duke it out with the locals. Thinking I'm almost done, I start winding up a power attack and I get killed. There was a stealthy fucking bear in the midst the whole time. Asshole was doing 70% damage hits but I continued thinking it was the dragon.

Anyway, I reload and finish it off pretty much in the center of town. Once it's down, everyone starts crowding around saying "I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes." So I talk to the one of the NPCs expecting them to commend me on being the ravashing, dragon slaying charmer that I am, instead they tell me that I'm not welcome then offer for me to work in the goddamn mine. I slew a fucking dragon before your very eyes you sons of a bitches.

Dismayed by the lack of adulation I received I walked off into the woods passed a witches hut and over in the clearing ahead, circling a giant ant hill I see another dragon; this one was a frosty one. Unfortunately for him I had some frost damage reduction on my equipement so I could stay in his face slashing away while he used his frost breath. When I did finally finish him off I witnessed what has to be the jankiest finishing animation in the game. It's like my dude was shifting around the dragon for about 15 seconds to finally get into a position to stab the damn thing and it looked absolutely ridiculous. It was so freaking long lol


Who's the worst of the bunch, Imperials or Stormcloaks. Give me some hard evidence that one of these sides did something really bad, lied during the game or kept something from me. I don't know what to pick.

Neither side is wrong. The Stormcloaks side is a just cause but it's like playing a game of chess, the Stormcloaks are just rushing in blindly due to emotion. The Empire is playing the safer game, which will probably win in the end.


Wait can you enchant and enhance a weapon? It never lets me enchant an enhanced or enhance an enchanted.

Do I need a special perk? I have 93 smithing and up to the Daedric perk.

The perk in the middle of the Smithing tree lets you enhance enchanted items. They should already appear in the list, but attemping to enchant will give you an error saying you lack the required perk.

Note, some weapons are not upgradable for whatever reason (like the supple ancient nord bow)


hide your water-based mammals
It's a tough decision...I went with the Stormcloaks since I was a Nord warrior and they just dont want to be governed by another empire (that is also an ally of another faction who outlaws Talos worship), they are a bit racist when it comes to elves though.

I dont know much about the empire though, but Im sure they have there good and bad parts much like the stormcloaks.

Neither side is wholly good or evil, so its not that kind of choice.

I'm at a point now where I got the mission from Solitude to join the Imperials. Is that the time to choose sides or is that just a local Solitude thing where I'm just proving myself? It seems like the Stormcloaks are what I'm leaning towards.


Wait can you enchant and enhance a weapon? It never lets me enchant an enhanced or enhance an enchanted.

Do I need a special perk? I have 93 smithing and up to the Daedric perk.

Im not sure, I just know that you can use enchanting/alchemy/smithing to keep increasing your percentages to improve a weapon or armor and as far as I know it's not capped...creating infinite possibilities Im guessing.

I wouldnt know for sure since it takes any challenge out of the game.
You need the Smithing perk that lets you improve enchanted items.

The perk in the middle of the Smithing tree lets you enhance enchanted items. They should already appear in the list, but attemping to enchant will give you an error saying you lack the required perk.

Note, some weapons are not upgradable for whatever reason (like the supple ancient nord bow)

Thanks guys!! I never noticed that little dude over there.

Im not sure, I just know that you can use enchanting/alchemy/smithing to keep increasing your percentages to improve a weapon or armor and as far as I know it's not capped...creating infinite possibilities Im guessing.

I wouldnt know for sure since it takes any challenge out of the game.

Yeah I hear ya, but I like the "god-mode" feeling I get when get to it without using a cheat.


I'm at a point now where I got the mission from Solitude to join the Imperials. Is that the time to choose sides or is that just a local Solitude thing where I'm just proving myself? It seems like the Stormcloaks are what I'm leaning towards.

Not sure what quest you are referring too...I went with he Stormcloaks early on in my game and before visiting a bunch of cities (including solitude), but once you join a side there is no going back.


Thanks guys!! I never noticed that little dude over there.

Yeah I hear ya, but I like the "god-mode" feeling I get when get to it without using a cheat.

Thats cool...I may go the enchanting route when I create my Mage char...just so i can be overpowered and fool around with the game (I really dont like using cheats or soncole commands either).


This game kinda makes me want to go back to Oblivion for the better guilds and quest rewards. Skyrim does lots of things better than Oblivion but the guilds and loot are a step back.

Hope the DLC gives you some badass loot.

I'm genuinely shocked that the same guy was behind the Dark Brotherhood in both games. There's a total lack of interest in the actual contracts this time around. Oblivion understood that killing someone was just fun; killing them in a hilarious and original way with the prospect of a higher reward was sublime. Here the contracts feel secondary, rather than the main event. I mean, the moose head! The party lock in!


Who's the worst of the bunch, Imperials or Stormcloaks. Give me some hard evidence that one of these sides did something really bad, lied during the game or kept something from me. I don't know what to pick.

The stormcloaks are racist supremisists (I can see why they hate the high elves bu they hate Bosmer too, and act none-to-happy towards Kajiit and Argonians)

The Imperials themselves aren't bad, but they are under the heal fo the Thalmor who, uh, are probably the most evil group of people outside of demon worshipers.
How does one go about leveling Pickpocket? Do you have to successfully loot an item, or does just opening and closing their inventory count?


Companions are lame, I always roll out alone now. A lot of the encounters aren't as satisfying when there's an invulnerable badass standing next to you. Maybe being Marcurio's sidekick for a few hours scarred me.

While true, it still bugs me that they can die from friendly fire :( Babysitting an almost-immortal is the far more irritating bits. I'm not keeping Heal Other hotkeyed just so I can not be lonely on my trips.

Did anyone get the Notched Pickaxe yet?

Is it true you can enhance it to have like 200+ damage?

Also, what is the most powerful weapon in the game?

Daedric 2H Mace is the highest number on a melee weapon, though 2x Daedric 1H Swords are higher overall damage due to swing speed.


How does one go about leveling Pickpocket? Do you have to successfully loot an item, or does just opening and closing their inventory count?

You have to successfully steal an item. The higher the value of the item, the more SkillEXP it is worth.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Speaking of Imperial vs Stormcloak, i went with Imperial and accepted a quest where i got to meet that female soldier in the middle of Skyrim.

Yet i can go into the Stormcloak city(Windhelm?) and speak to Ulfric and no one seem to give a shit that im with them. Is that because im not further into the Imperial quests?
Speaking of Imperial vs Stormcloak, i went with Imperial and accepted a quest where i got to meet that female soldier in the middle of Skyrim.

Yet i can go into the Stormcloak city(Windhelm?) and speak to Ulfric and no one seem to give a shit that im with them. Is that because im not further into the Imperial quests?

No that is my one real beef with the game. You'd think after fucking them over they would do more than just give me angry lines of text. I shouldnt be able to get within 100 feet of ulfric or even enter the city.
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