I see Animated Prostitution mod is in works already.
Thanks for the advice. Looks like I'll be whipping up some vegetable soup before my next outings.
Guess for now I'll just have to swallow my pride and run my heavily armored Nord ass off, coming back later to seek revenge and restore my honor ;P
I have no idea what that is. Sounds devious though!Have you unlocked Being Etherial yet?
"Goddamn, Lydia, get out of the wa....Oh, ok then. Carry on."
"The first version of the app contains an interactive map where you can drop annotated markers / journal entries down," the developer told us. "For example, yesterday I played Skyrim and left a bunch of dragon scales and bones on the side of a mountain because they were too heavy.
I will come back and get them some other time so I marked it on the map so I know where it's at in the future. Another example is I'm always looking for the right ingredients for potions, so when I come across an important ingredient, I mark it on the map so I know where to get it next time."
The Nightingale set is the best looking piece of armor in the game. It owns so much.I think the DB and Thieves gear is weaker this time around. I think it's the only clothing in the game that actually feels as if it's 200 years later...yet it looks more out of place and frankly, dull.
Did this patch fix followers not scaling with you?
That gif is a work of art and got a nice lol from me at work. Good job"Goddamn, Lydia, get out of the wa....Oh, ok then. Carry on."
The Nightingale set is the best looking piece of armor in the game. It owns so much.
None I think but some people feel bad about being part of the Dark brotherhood, and being the Dragonborn at the same time![]()
I have no idea what that is. Sounds devious though!
Thanks for the advice. Looks like I'll be whipping up some vegetable soup before my next outings.
Guess for now I'll just have to swallow my pride and run my heavily armored Nord ass off, coming back later to seek revenge and restore my honor ;P
Seriously. Where is the fence that shows up in Whiterun when you do the repeatablequests?Thieves GuildI did the one for the Battle-Born's.
Yeah,Killing theis actually quite easy if you firstdragon priest Volsungkill the Draugur Death Overlord in the prior room. He drops a shield of cold nullification that basically renders Volsung's attacks to nothing. The bastard has an incredible amount of HP though, so it will take some time to kill him
The Nightingale set is the best looking piece of armor in the game. It owns so much.
I'm sure it's been posted, but...
Creepy video, or creepiest video?
Argonian Male: 1.01
Argonian Female: 1.00
Breton Male: 1.00
Breton Female: 0.95
Dark Elf Male: 1.00
Dark Elf Female: 1.00
High Elf Male: 1.08
High Elf Female: 1.08
Imperial Male: 1.00
Imperial Female: 1.00
Khajiit Male: 1.00
Khajiit Female: 0.95
Nord Male: 1.03
Nord Female: 1.03
Orc Male: 1.04
Orc Female: 1.04
Redguard Male: 1.00
Redguard Female: 1.00
Wood Elf Male: 0.98
Wood Elf Female: 1.00
Having read about your issues, I looked up an end of dungeon guy who was giving me fits over the weekend and now I can honestly say that some things are just plain hard to kill if your level isn't high enough.Yeah,its his friend in the last chamber of the dungeon that I had all the problems with. When I ran past him and ended up atop Balrog mountain is when his buddy, Wraith McFuckYouSon appears and my morale completely shattered ;P
But again, thanks for the advice, it looks like I've falsely believed that quests specifically handed out would be level appropriate and it seems that's not the case. It also seems like under certain cases the very end areas of dungeons may scale wildly out of the balance to the earlier rooms. Well, I don't like it, but knowing is half the battle and all that.
I don't want to leave Whiterun until I beat the Companions questline, which I believe I did.. But it is still telling me to go to the leaders for work. Can I ever get that shit out of my quest log?I beat Kodlak's werewolf soul, etc.
Holy shit I just got eaten by a Dragon.
Is anyone trying to play this without fast travelling?
Is anyone trying to play this without fast travelling?
Is anyone trying to play this without fast travelling?
Do some shouts require more than one dragon soul? I ask since I have unlocked the power to scream flames and have two dragon souls with which I still am not able to unlock it.
...? Help
CHEEZMO;33028637 said:I started out doing it for the first few days.
70 hours in and I FT everywhere and feel kinda bad about it :/
Not out of the miscellaneous section no. Just untrack it and forget about it unless you need easy gold.
Why are you attacking a dragon from the front? You've played enough RPGs to know standard dragon fighting position. COME ON!
Yes, there have been several of us in this thread who have noted that we don't use fast traveling at all. I personally love to explore the world. The problem is that I get easily distracted when I go off on a quest that has me walking across the map. Too many cool things to check out.
I also use Whiterun as my base of operations simply because it is centrally located.
No, each word should be able to be unlocked with one soul.
I'm relishing it a bit, actually. Dragonborn by day. Assassin and thief by night. Mwahaha.
(Alternately, saving the world from dragons so there are more people to murder and steal from.)
I just wish the guild quest lines played into this a bit, with the DB at least aknowledging how you're Dragonborn, yet carting about slicing the throat of beggers for some coin. A little self-awareness of the hilarity would go a long way.
I don't really see why you couldn't explore AND use fast travel. I've explored almost the entirety of the map, and I use fast travel all the time. What I tend to do is fast travel for quests, and then when I just feel like wandering, I travel around.
That way, questing is efficient, and I don't feel tied to an objective when i decide to wander off in some direction.
If you destroy the world, you stop the flow of souls. I'd take a steady stream that lasts forever rather than one short deluge.Weird. The DB is obsessed with nothingness, Sithis and his "void". Why would they want to save the world from being devoured by Alduin?
Where are good places to find Words...besides the dragon icons on the map and the main quest?
Are they down in those nord ruins?