Just buy them from College of Winterhold. The NPC named Enthil or whatever. 740 each.
I thought I heard that he rarely has them.
Just buy them from College of Winterhold. The NPC named Enthil or whatever. 740 each.
CHEEZMO;33031124 said:Never used a companion outside of quest required ones.
I thought I heard that he rarely has them.
Where's the best place to get Daedric hearts? Trying to craft some gear.
Yeah, but where can i find npc ids? A quick google only give me those for Oblivion.
Unless someone can check Karita in Dawnstar's inn for me!
Do you have the Atronach Stone or a spell absorption affect active? There's a glitch that causes you to absorb your own Conjuration spells resulting in them failing.
Yeah, but where can i find npc ids? A quick google only give me those for Oblivion.
Unless someone can check Karita in Dawnstar's inn for me!
100k Gold.
He wakes up, thanks you and rewards you with a certain sum of gold the he goes his way, i thought it was a quite morbid way from Bethesda to test out our morality since there's no indicative that you can refuse it but it does have two outcomes.
Where's the best place to get Daedric hearts? Trying to craft some gear.
Same here. Means nothing =/
It's just a personal choice for my play style. I'm not saying they can't work together, I just prefer to walk the world. It makes it feel more epic and I almost always discover new and interesting things, even if they aren't quest related, when I'm going on a walkabout.
That said, I do use fast travel from time to time when I have to sell of gear. Good merchants are few and far between and I hate dumping stuff that is useful. That's about the only time I use it though, otherwise it's off on a hike for me.
And it should also be noted that I've played all the Elder Scrolls like that since Morrowind. Tried to do it in Daggerfall, but there just wasn't enough unique and interesting terrain then.
If a follower's level doesn't scale with the player, what determines their level? Is it determined by the level of the player when he firsts asks the companion to join, or do different followers have different levels?
anyone know?
A follower's stats are determined based on the level the player is at when he or she first enters the zone that the follower is in. Once generated, the follower's stats do not increase at all. For example, Lydia is usually one of the first followers players will have access to, and most players receive her at a lower level. As such, most players' Lydias will have low stats for the entire game.
wiki says...
wiki says
Their level is set at the same time. Some have a minimum level, Lydia is level 6 minimum.
Ah, ok. Guess I'll be trading her in pretty soon then.
I was just underwater and spotted a skeleton tied to a brick.........there was some ebony gear lying next to it.......what the fuck
With level 100 enchanting you can have 2 enchants on your gear, so you can choose two schools. I picked destruction and restoration.
Question about this:
Some effects are listed as two in one like "17% cost reduction on destruction spells and mana regenerates 100% faster". Does this count as one of the two effects or does selecting this count as both?
theres also a way to level up your npcs with the console...forgot what though. maybe target them and type advlevel?
Have you spent points in the Restoration tree? There's a perk that makes your mana regen faster.How come my mana barely regenerates during a fight and then after wards it fills up almost instantly? It wouldn't be so bad if didn't take my entire mana bar to kill one dude.
If you told her to wait, she's still there, waiting. I read on TES Wiki that companions will wait for you for 3 days and go back to your house (if you have one) or to where you first got them. In Lydia's case, that would be the Castle in Whiterun.Anyone lose a companion? I told that chick Lydia to wait. I accidentally fast travelled and now she's gone. She had good armour and weapons. She bounced and stole on me 0_0
Question is (companion spoilers)can I be a werewolf and a vampire at the same time?
Anyone lose a companion? I told that chick Lydia to wait. I accidentally fast travelled and now she's gone. She had good armour and weapons. She bounced and stole on me 0_0
How come my mana barely regenerates during a fight and then after wards it fills up almost instantly? It wouldn't be so bad if didn't take my entire mana bar to kill one dude.
It's so frustrating
Have you spent points in the Restoration tree? There's a perk that makes your mana regen faster.
I'm also using a 54% Mana Regen Helmet I made myself and it's kicking ass.
You're stilll low level, but I don't think it took me my entire magicka reserves to kill ONE dude.
Double check your spells and perks on the destruction tree - not having the "<spell level> uses half magicka" perk makes it impossible to be a caster.
I figured giving my companion a soul trap weapon and my empty soul gems would be a good idea so that i could use my Daedric zweihander
She kills 1 wolf, i check to see if it worked and all the soul gems i gave her (150+) are now filled with petty soul
Question about this:
Some effects are listed as two in one like "17% cost reduction on destruction spells and mana regenerates 100% faster". Does this count as one of the two effects or does selecting this count as both?
You playing one PC?
Anyone playing on PC (for console commands), try to replicate the result. With normal soul gems and black soul gems. Give companion 100 or so black soul gems, a soul trap weapon and have him or her kill a NPC...
100 enchanting
Double enchant time........
Now to craft new weapons and armour lol
PC yeah
So glad i didn't give her my black and grand gems.
I was able to get Karita back, now i told her to go to my house in Riften thinking that maybe the Solitude's house was bugged for npcs that were not intended to be your wife.
I see her inside the house. Finally! Wait... where is she going? Why is she using the back door?
*Goes outside and see Karita walking toward the forest without looking back*