I actually really like the Nightingale armor. I wear the main chest piece with dragon boots and gauntlets. I'm a sucker for the cape. I haven't found a light armor helmet I like though.
I actually really like the Nightingale armor. I wear the main chest piece with dragon boots and gauntlets. I'm a sucker for the cape. I haven't found a light armor helmet I like though.
Nothing wrong with swording as a mage! Good backup when the MP runs low, great for filling gems, and when you run up against a bunch of other mages with their fancy wards there's nothing like chopping a few heads off to send a message. Dawnstar is a good sword, i used that for a fair while. fire damage + turn undead etc.
Regarding soul trap for mages: there's a conjuration perk that adds soul trap to any bound weapon. Coupled with the dispell summoned creatures perk (and a few perks in one handed) and even at level 30 i'm still using the basic bound sword quite a bit. If you don't want to go down that road then thein markath has the enchantment. i just dislike having to recharge it.mace of molag bal from the abandoned house quest
Also, does the Soul Trap enchant itself require filling too?
Yeah, I really like the Ebony armor as well.
So is it worth it to cheese the iron dagger smithing exploit?
I've been playing 26 hours so far and just talked to the graybeards or whatever, so I'm not to far into the main quest. It's weird, even after doing a shit ton of sidequests I feel like taking on quests is a dice roll sometimes. Some quests I wreck the living shit out the enemies, but other seemingly mundane one off quests seem impossible at certain points.
So guys, what's this bug in Markarth I hear about? The one that makes all the guards hostile to you or something. Could someone just tell me what questline would trigger it?
My friend told me he had finals coming up soon. I just gifted him Skyrim. GOOD LUCK AHUAHUAHUA
So guys, what's this bug in Markarth I hear about? The one that makes all the guards hostile to you or something. Could someone just tell me what questline would trigger it?
Guys, enchanting my gear.
Stamina or Stamina regen?
Magika or Magika regen?
Not sure what's better, more of it, or faster regen. Does having more of it autimatically make regen faster too given that more is regening at a time?
Can anyone elaborate?
Guys, enchanting my gear.
Stamina or Stamina regen?
Magika or Magika regen?
Not sure what's better, more of it, or faster regen. Does having more of it autimatically make regen faster too given that more is regening at a time?
Can anyone elaborate?
Not sure what's better, more of it, or faster regen. Does having more of it autimatically make regen faster too given that more is regening at a time?
Can anyone elaborate?
What kind of creatures give you Grand Souls? I only have the regular Azura's Star, and it can't trap human souls.
Apparently this is a pretty widespread bug. If you have ever previously broken into the Honningbrew Meadery, the quest is broken and you can't advance. The only solution I know of (PC only) is to use the console to complete the quest, and then use it again to start the next quest in line.Well, started the Thieves Guild quest line, got to the part afterFuck, Bethesda. I know you're notorious about this sort of thing, but there's no reason whatsoever for such game-breaking bugs to be in the game at release.burning the bee hives and was told by Brynjolf that Maven Black-Briar wanted to speak with me. Can't seem to progress at all past that point. Brynjolf won't speak, none of the other thieves in the guild have any input, and Maven just says the same old crap she always has.
Just joined the DB. Only have done like 4 Thieves quests, 3 or 4 Companion quests and STILL have NOT joined the Mages Guild at all. Haven't even been to the college.
And I just checked: 55 hours.
Just joined the DB. Only have done like 4 Thieves quests, 3 or 4 Companion quests and STILL have NOT joined the Mages Guild at all. Haven't even been to the college.
And I just checked: 55 hours.
Why not do a little bit of smithing yourself, then use that profit to buy a smithing trainer? Seems like that would be easier and less tedious.
Game is just amazing. Taking screens is so fun. Stupid bear trying to talk shit to a Dragon got lit up 0_0
360 here, how do I check play time?
Just joined the DB. Only have done like 4 Thieves quests, 3 or 4 Companion quests and STILL have NOT joined the Mages Guild at all. Haven't even been to the college.
And I just checked: 55 hours.
Ok, I'm in it for the long haul now. Just completely completely engrossed. Its incredible. I can't fucking believe this game exists. Oh man. I played a good 5 hours today, maybe 6. Gonna play a few more in a little while. Oh man. WOW.
Just played up to the point of getting the first shout. This is a completely new experience for me. I've never played an RPG like this before.
Apparently this is a pretty widespread bug. If you have ever previously broken into the Honningbrew Meadery, the quest is broken and you can't advance. The only solution I know of (PC only) is to use the console to complete the quest, and then use it again to start the next quest in line.
So guys, what's this bug in Markarth I hear about? The one that makes all the guards hostile to you or something. Could someone just tell me what questline would trigger it?
Wait til you fully upgrade that shout. Mmm.Just played up to the point of getting the first shout. This is a completely new experience for me. I've never played an RPG like this before.
Wait til you fully upgrade that shout. Mmm.
Thanks Aiden.
Also....Bloody hell. I don't have the Fortify Stamina Regeneration enchantment. Keep cycling through War Maidens store in Whiterun for any armour to pop up with it but nada for so many refreshes. Any ideas guys?
What's better Light or Heavy amor?
I watched GB's Quick Look and remember them saying that they regretted going Heavy Armor at the beginning and ended up throwing the rest of the points on Light Armor so now I'm wondering which to go.
I usually play the "warrior" role and like a good sword, shield and a knight-like kind of armor but if this game favors light amor I might go that way.
What's better Light or Heavy amor?
I watched GB's Quick Look and remember them saying that they regretted going Heavy Armor at the beginning and ended up throwing the rest of the points on Light Armor so now I'm wondering which to go.
I usually play the "warrior" role and like a good sword, shield and a knight-like kind of armor but if this game favors light amor I might go that way.
What's better Light or Heavy amor?
I watched GB's Quick Look and remember them saying that they regretted going Heavy Armor at the beginning and ended up throwing the rest of the points on Light Armor so now I'm wondering which to go.
I usually play the "warrior" role and like a good sword, shield and a knight-like kind of armor but if this game favors light amor I might go that way.
I'm 75 hours in, on my way to level 41, have only accepted (not completed) the fourth main quest, have only joined up with the Companions and am still working through that quest line, and my most recently completed quest is the Daedric quest "The Taste of Death", which culminates with.the feasting on Brother Verulus