How high do I have to get sneak/which perks do I need so that I go by completely unnoticed (bar being right in someone's face)?
My sneak is 50 and I'm still getting spotted pretty easily.
Where the thieves at?
I'm 80 sneak and it's pretty random for what can spot me. I'm playing on Master though so sneak power is definitely reduced.
Like I can dance in front of Frostbite spiders and totally teabag them and they won't see me, but random bandits will. So weird. Always gotta stay behind certain enemies. Mammoths spot me easily when I'm in front of them trying to go for 30x sneak stabs.
Well that really sucks. Is there any way to delete the patch? Wondered why mages suddenly were the only one's giving me any real grief. Leaves me wondering what it actually did fix since I still get the texture loading issues with the game installed post patch. Honestly, vanilla Skyrim off the DVD was better.
You should be able to locate the patch under Game Data (PS3) but most games mark their savegames. So if you delete the patch, the game will complain (even without internet connection) that your savegame has the wrong version.
Briarhearts can spot me at 100 sneak, muffled and invisible. Its bullshit.
God the buying/selling system in this game is so damn flawed. Merchants are useless. I'm at level 49 and to make things worse I have to unlock 5 perks to get the master Speech perk (all Merchants get +1000). So annoying that the next several hours of my play will go towards upgrading something pretty much unrelated to actual combat. But I want those houses so I have no choice really.
P.S, I also haven't seen the Greybeards yet lol.
Enchant weapons with banish and sell to the river wood merchant after investing = $$$
Really????? This is unbelieveable... How can a company this size and with this revenue have this kind of problems?
So it just downloaded a 360 patch is it safe to install to hard drive now?
yes, but there are now additional, non-texture related problems.
What is the advantage of investing in a store?
I thought I could go and collect some earning after a week or something
What is the advantage of investing in a store?
I thought I could go and collect some earning after a week or something
Wonder if absorption works now that resistances are broken!
I know health absorb works because I have it on my sword. But yea, magic resistance seems caput. Can't confirm for sure, but I do seem to be taking more damage from mages.
Lol, looks like I'm not downloading that patch. Dammit Bethesda, come on.
I wish I hadn't. They should at least offer an option to go back to the patch before or something (360 here). This is a joke.
I wish I hadn't. They should at least offer an option to go back to the patch before or something (360 here). This is a joke.
Another feature of the 1.2 patch is artistic flying dragons...
Another feature of the 1.2 patch is artistic flying dragons...
I just realised that the icon on Skyrim and Morrowind's main menu/box art is the same lol...probably obvious.
I actually thought it was the Dragonborn symbol, I guess it's something else? It's not on Oblivion's art.
I just realised that the icon on Skyrim and Morrowind's main menu/box art is the same lol...probably obvious.
I actually thought it was the Dragonborn symbol, I guess it's something else? It's not on Oblivion's art.
It's the symbol of Akatosh, the dragon god and big hoss of the eight divines.
Isn't that the Imperial Legion symbol? The general of the legion has it on his chest.
It's the symbol of Akatosh, the dragon god and big hoss of the nine divines.
It's the symbol of Akatosh, the dragon god and big hoss of the nine divines.
The mages are dangerous Mofos, have 40% magic resistance and half of my hp got blasted away by some random mage dude walking in the snow before I could take out my weapons :lol
Thalmor scum.Fix'd.
I've been sent to Riften to speak to Brynjolf about the dragons, but in order to advance, it seems I have to complete his quest, which I really don't want to do.
He wants me to steal a ring and plant it on Brand-Shei, so he's sent to jail and run out of business, but I'm trying to avoid going down the "bad-guy" route, and Brand-Shei has given me a quest I'd rather do.
Is there any way I can advance this questline without having to do this?
Thalmor scum.