this made me a little bit hot and bothered.
I love the top comment.
"I was a singer once to, until I took a guitar to the knee... "
I must have listened to this five times now. So beautiful.
this made me a little bit hot and bothered.
Im a little confused about soemthing:
My level up bar was 90% full so I figured I would level up by getting Destruction magic up from a trainer...after I trained about 5 levels in destruction magic (I dont use magic since Im a warrior) my level up bar was still at I reloaded just before the training and went got 1 skill point by shooting stuff with my Bow to get the archery skill up and after it went up one point I leveled up.
I dont understand why training in destruction magic did not level me up since I only had like one more point to go before leveling?
oh...for some reason I thought that you level up every time you advance 10 skills of any kind...not sure why I thought that.
I love the top comment.
"I was a singer once to, until I took a guitar to the knee... "
I must have listened to this five times now. So beautiful.
Well, as strong as the lore's foundations are, the dialogue and in-game story lines have a tendency towards the petty and the mundane. So I can see how it might not draw you in.
Once I started reading the books, I just couldn't stop. None of it's necessary to your enjoyment of the game, so don't worry about it too much.
There's really no need to speculate about this. Hjalti Early-Beard aka Talos Stormcrown aka Tiber Septim was an incarnation of Talos. Or at least part of one: Zurin Arctus and Ysmir Wulfarth were also incarnations of Talos.
Talos is the Missing God, counterpart and mirror to the Dragon God. He is Shezzar who is Shor who is Lorkhan. In an event that echoed the mythic Betrayal/Sacrifice from which Akatosh and Lorkhan created the world, man and the god became one. It took a lot of doing and there were many failed attempts - Wulfarth was left over from one such, and Pelinal Whitesnake is another example.
This, by the way, is the entire reason for the Thalmor to ban Talos worship. The Altmer have hated Lorkhan since the beginning of linear time. All the shit about it not being proper to worship a mortal is just a cover--the Thalmor know damn well that Talos is real, and they detest him.
This chick sings the bard song Dragonborn. I don't normally care about videos like this but I really liked it.
Huh, I hadn't heard the "Talos is Lorkhhan"-theory yet. I know there were plenty of Shezzarines in the past (like Pelinal Whitestrake) but I hadn't stopped to figure that maybe Talos was one, too.
It's certainly a possibility.
oh neat, so THIS is what it sounds like when someone that can actually sing performs the song.
Seriously, those voice actors are horrible in the game.
So I know the bugs the new patch causes on consoles - 'resistances no longer work'
but what things does it fix?
I figure I should way the pros and cons and see if the patch is worth it.
Im a little confused about soemthing:
My level up bar was 90% full so I figured I would level up by getting Destruction magic up from a trainer...after I trained about 5 levels in destruction magic (I dont use magic since Im a warrior) my level up bar was still at I reloaded just before the training and went got 1 skill point by shooting stuff with my Bow to get the archery skill up and after it went up one point I leveled up.
I dont understand why training in destruction magic did not level me up since I only had like one more point to go before leveling?
Got a question. I went up the left side of the Blacksmithing tree to get Glass and Dragon armor. However, now I want a Daedric bow. Can I just jump over from Dragon to get Daedric, or do I have to level up the right side? Can't test this as I'm not at home.`
This game.Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player's wedding dead
The left side of the tree is pointless, as you can get the best Light Armour and weapons through the right side anyway.Got a question. I went up the left side of the Blacksmithing tree to get Glass and Dragon armor. However, now I want a Daedric bow. Can I just jump over from Dragon to get Daedric, or do I have to level up the right side? Can't test this as I'm not at home.`
This game.
The left side of the tree is pointless, as you can get the best Light Armour and weapons through the right side anyway.
This game.
The left side of the tree is pointless, as you can get the best Light Armour and weapons through the right side anyway.
oh...for some reason I thought that you level up every time you advance 10 skills of any kind...not sure why I thought that.
and where is the best version of the game? I can't see that.
Did the patch improve the 360 textures off the hd?
Debating to patch or not.
This chick sings the bard song Dragonborn. I don't normally care about videos like this but I really liked it.
Don't patch. Magic resistance goes kaput, and on top of that textures still don't load properly. Stick with playing off the disk un-patched for now.
Don't patch. Magic resistance goes kaput, and on top of that textures still don't load properly. Stick with playing off the disk un-patched for now.
I solved the texture problem by installing it to an USB stick. Its worth trying![]()
'Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player's wedding dead'
Now that sounds insanely creepy and funny.
The things I wish I knew when I started, lol.This game.
The left side of the tree is pointless, as you can get the best Light Armour and weapons through the right side anyway.
'Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player's wedding dead'
Now that sounds insanely creepy and funny.
I was just doing this thieves guild quest playing super stealthy so Skyrim obviously decided to send a dragon my way. It was insane.
She also does a brief rendition of the main theme in there... 1:25 is pure bliss.This chick sings the bard song Dragonborn. I don't normally care about videos like this but I really liked it.
From their forums:
UPDATE 1.2 NOTES (all platforms unless specified)
Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)
Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360)
Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player's wedding dead
Dragon corpses now clean up properly
Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)
Happened to me. Lydia showed up dead and that got my wife all pissed at me and everyone else in the temple. They told me to leave and she called the wedding off.
oh neat, so THIS is what it sounds like when someone that can actually sing performs the song.
Seriously, those voice actors are horrible in the game.
You really should just stop using the spoiler tag. Whether it contains a spoiler or not, you're using it wrong in all cases. No, Alftand Ruined Tower is not a spoiler. It's actually the information you need if you want to hide spoilers.HELP! I'm in theand I cannot get anywhere. Did anyone have trouble with this when you did it? Please somebody help me through it. It's the hardest dungeon I've been to. thanks in advance.Alftand Ruined Tower
I'm definitely not venturing the world now and will stop playing if I have nothing to do in towns as long as they leave this bug in. I didn't grind 2-handed, illusion, restoration, destruction, light armor (all non-perks, not my build!) just to get slaughtered by novice mages.Well, my character is pretty much fucked now - all magic resistance is pretty much non-existent, and when you're not wearing anything but a robe, that kind of screws it up.
Any acknowledgement yet of the issue, or fix in the works? It's unplayable for me now, and I love(d) this game.
"I can't believe you invited your zombie ex to our wedding! That's it, I'm leaving!"
I'm walking around the city, decked out in full Dragonplate, Spell Breaker and a Daedric sword. My heavy armor, one-handed and block skills are at 100. The rest is significantly lower. Here's a selection of what the guards have to say to me.I love how guards make comments about your character, depending on your levels in certain skills, and what quests you've completed. A guard made a comment about my Dragon Scale Armor. "Is your armor made of... Dragon Scales?! What I wouldn't give for a set of that."
I've had the armor for a long time, and it's only now I get complimented on it.
This chick sings the bard song Dragonborn. I don't normally care about videos like this but I really liked it.
This is funny, because they never said that to me during the 60 hours I went dual wielding, but once I started wielding a 2-handed sword (for fun/training) they start appreciating it. Do they not know how fearsome my skill is in dual wieldingI'm walking around the city, decked out in full Dragonplate, Spell Breaker and a Daedric sword. My heavy armor, one-handed and block skills are at 100. The rest is significantly lower. Here's a selection of what the guards have to say to me.
"Favor the bow, eh? I'm a sword man, myself."
"Destruction magic's fine, just don't go burning any buildings."
"Keep your hands to yourself, sneak thief!"
"The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon, I can respect that."
Are these guards fucking dense? Don't they know who I am?
I'm the goddamn Dovahkiin.
You really should just stop using the spoiler tag. Whether it contains a spoiler or not, you're using it wrong in all cases. No, Alftand Ruined Tower is not a spoiler. It's actually the information you need if you want to hide spoilers.
Glass Armor and Weapons are just so damn sexy. Just had to get them. Elven Weapons are superior to Dwarven ones BTW, but both perks require the same amount of skill. Only the materials are harder to get, and not by much if you're willing to travel to different merchants.
Sorry I didn't understand that. Though I'll try what you suggested. Still, I need some help here.