I need help GAF, on the PC version how do I draw my bow, aim but if I want to undraw the arrow and not fire.. how do I do that? It seems I can only aim by holding M1 and there is no option to undraw so once I aim with M1 the arrow is lost?
Then I see archer videos where people are able to undraw/aim the arrow?
Is there a way to see that for bound weapons?
I've cleared that Brotherhood dungeon for thequest and went back to Maro."Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!"
All I got was some money, crap and praise? That's it? End of the quest? I've made Skyrim a better place? Are you kidding me? Someone here seriously trolled me, when he said that it would start an awesome quest.
Did i use the calculations correctly? From UESP http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Armor
I determined with 15 skill in heavy armor, no perks, wearing steel armor without shield i would have 18.75% damage reduction.
1/5th damage reduction at end-game isn't great of course... with Lord Stone that would be 70% though. Add some skill ups (no perks) and attaining almost maximum of 80% wouldn't be far. Some Smithing (even without perks) would boost me to there.
This would of course be useful only for a character who doesn't need mana or magicka regen from Standing Stones.
Could you PLEASE use some freaking spoiler tags? Introduce the topic so people know what you are talking about and then tag the sensitive stuff. I'm just starting the DB and that quest title...goddamn it.![]()
Well, not sure which Steel you're talking about but I assume regular ol' Steel, not Steel Plate. That's 76 Displayed Armor Rating before upgrading them, 126 after Legendary. Factoring in the 100 hidden AR brings you up to 226 and then Lord Stone makes it 276 for 33% Resistance.
Uh, no upgrading, regular steel, no shield, no perks and The Lord Stone is flat 50% damage reduction. Thus armor damage reduction (about 20% if i calculated it correctly) plus 50% damage reduction would be 70%. Meaning no use for armor perks really. Or high level armor for that matter.
I always do this, untill the point which the barrel falls off and you get caught. Like what happens on the video.
For what it's worth,. Don't think it's an actual spoiler but tagged it out of safety anyway.it isn't a Dark Brotherhood quest. It's what happens if you decide against joining. So ... since you're doing the quests, this didn't spoil the questline at all
Lord Stone is +50 Armor Rating, not +50% DR.
I hate you.It depends on if you want to join the Dark Brotherhood. If you don't then go ahead it starts an awesome quest where you get to kill off the whole Dark Brotherhood
No, it is 50% damage resistance according to UESP and the Game Guide.
TES wikia notes it as being 50+ armor.
So what does the game show?
If it is not flat 50% damage reduction, the stone is completly worthless.
Too bad the game doesn't have "damage resistance" or "resist normal weapons" enchantment...
No, it is 50% damage resistance according to UESP and the Game Guide.
TES wikia notes it as being 50+ armor.
So what does the game show?
If it is not flat 50% damage reduction, the stone is completly worthless.
Too bad the game doesn't have "damage resistance" or "resist normal weapons" enchantment...
This chick sings the bard song Dragonborn. I don't normally care about videos like this but I really liked it.
It's 50 armor, and 25% magic resistance.
Yeah that fight was ridiculously cool.Just killedMercer Frey, from the thieves guild. It was good , especially with the water rising and not knowing where to go added alot of tension. Do you get to keep the skeleton key even after turning the quest in?
Still not going to bother with armor perks anymore for future characters... slow to raise and and boring perks.
The Atronach. 50 magicka, 50% damage reduction from spells (or chance to block the whole spell, which one is it?). The penalty is laughable, since the potions are plentiful and magicka regen is not that useful anyway due to reduced rates during combat.
Eh, they're still useful if you're trying to reach the Armor cap. Unless you're just going to circumvent it entirely with the Enchanting/Alchemy/Smithing trio ... though you'll still fall short, for the record (barring some extreme circumstances with Armor skill Enchants, I think; I did the math for this yesterday how did I forget it already :/).
Neither, as far as I know; you absorb the Magicka from the spell (i.e., replenishing your own) but it has nothing to do with the damage you take. Admittedly, I haven't tested this near as much as the Armor/Weapon mechanics.
Fought a purple dragon last night.
The textures didn't load on it properly or something so it was literally purple........
Oh man, didn't know dragons could appear while you were in a city! I fast traveled to Whiterun and when I arrived it was nighttime. But right away this (my very first) Elder dragon starts attacking the city! It was spewing fire all over the city and landing on buildings and whatnot! Oh man it looked so good and awesome, especially during night time!
Fought a purple dragon last night.
The textures didn't load on it properly or something so it was literally purple........
I know they took the new patch down, but do I have to delete the cache and all that nonsense to get rid of it, now? Or will it just sort of revert automatically?
yep, that's the textures not loading. What you're seeing is basically the normal mapping without textures.
Happens to me sometimes as well on various things in the environment (PC here).
Atronach stone has a very annoying habit of eating your summons, be that from a shout, conjuration spell or a item.
When you use a summon shout with a 300 min cooldown that does not work due to the Atronach stone, I switched to Lord stone.
What platform?
360 D:
360 D:
If you clear the cache, you lose the first patch too. Then you can't load your saves.
Also, it doesn't look like they took it down here: I'm still prompted to download the patch.
So what difficulty is everyone playing?
So what difficulty is everyone playing?
What quest do you have to do in order to get to buy a house in Windhelm? And what is the name of that quest?
You never get punished for killing in the thieves guild, at least I didn't. One of my only gripes with the quest line. Why say that if you're not going to actually hold us accountable?It's weird how you can still complete thieves missions even though you didn't do what the NPC or quest description told you.
I ended up killing one person in the Golden Glow but no repercussions..But I could have sworn the leader said no blood on the blade? And I also got seen by Gulum-Ei when it said I was supposed to shadow him but the mission didn't fail.
I switched to Master at level 35 because the challenge was non-existant at that point to keep it at adept.
So what difficulty is everyone playing?
Master.So what difficulty is everyone playing?
Almost ALL the house quests require that you talk to the Jarl.
He doesn't give me anything. When I speak to the guy who sells the house he says "There is an empty home in the city, but there was some... unpleasantness recently. I'm afraid it's not available just yet."
this one was tricky to get I had to google ityou actually have to start the civil war, win it for the imperials or complete the rescue quest for the stormcloaks