Less cheese is just to always start standup fights by letting your enemies (whatever they are) take a few swipes at your shield before engaging. You get some block XP in battle, your enemies lose some of their stamina to their opening attacks, and you have a solid window of opportunity to start whooping on them.If you want to cheese it a little bit... the best way to increase block is to let a mud crab beat your ass. (bring health potions) They lvl it really fast and, unlike most other shit in the world, they don't move around much and they can't suddenly lop your head off even though you have more than 1/3 your health left. You also wont get a disease, as you often do with wolves and other animals.
this guy creeped me out a bit
What sword is that?
Also, damn, I didn't know there were hand-to-hand executions. Awesome.
Is alchemy a hard skill to level? I've always wanted to be a more "natural" character that avoided all magic and relied completely on his own mental and physical abilities.
That is the Dwarven 2hander.
Yeah the bone crunching noises my fists make as they crush skulls is awesome.
Wait, so those lines of purple light aren't part of the sword? I was hoping you'd found Umbra or somehing. :lol
So, just finished the companion questline. Overall I found it pretty anticlimactic.
Spoilers I guess
I guess there is always the possibility its not actually over. But it felt pretty final, now that you're in charge. So I have some questions about the werewolf stuff. Will I ever be able to turn into one at will like vilkas did in that drauger cave? Will it ever happen again on a full moon? How do I cure myself if I don't wish to be one anymore?It was cool. I really liked reading kodlaks journal and how he dreamt a prophecy you would come and help free him of the beast blood. But overall the questline was kinda boring. I mean, you only turned into a werewolf that one time. For the most part you just engaged the silver hand in petty battles until it lead to his death. By far the coolest quest besides the blood ritual was going to clear out the witches. The end part where you go into the tomb and fight off the ghost companions and then kodlaks beast spirit was neat. But I Just felt like there could have been more to it.
That part of the road has a purple light on it from something.
The more I get into this game (and don't get me wrong, I love how much there is) the lack of consequences just gets more and more apparent. I side with the Stormcloaks, and the only consequence is imperial camps will get hostile if I get to close. I can still walk into their cities without incident.
I can join the Companions while being a Mage, despite their dislike of magic, can even join the thieves guild.
I love how much there is to do, but there's no connection between anything.
It is unfortunate how slow mana regen is in combat. It would be fine if Destruction spell damage actually scaled, but since it doesn't, being a Destruction magic-focused caster is just about the worst decision you can make.
this.Yeah the world isn't reactive at all. One of the reasons I'd like Obsidian to take a stab at Elder Scrolls is because that sort of thing would probably become a much bigger part of the game.
Game definitely has plenty of issues that could be remedied. The little moments make it all worth it though.
How the hell do you kill magic anomalies?!
then I would like to know if you killed that dragon.
What kind of man sees a dragon on the horizon, and DOESN'T go kill it?
They're strong against melee attacks, but magic seems to do decent damage to them.
One that's this > . < close to being over encumbered lol.
then I would like to know if you killed that dragon.
I just started the game and near the end of the dragon sequence, I didn't realise there was a choice of who to follow. How much does that effect stuff later on in the game?
I hate/love when dragons circle, but then fly off.
I just started the game and near the end of the dragon sequence, I didn't realise there was a choice of who to follow. How much does that effect stuff later on in the game?
I just started the game and near the end of the dragon sequence, I didn't realise there was a choice of who to follow. How much does that effect stuff later on in the game?
I really wish they would do this more often. I am officially sick of those damn things.
That is the Dwarven 2hander.
Yeah the bone crunching noises my fists make as they crush skulls is awesome.
I didn't even know there was a choice, just followed the imperial dude.
How do I give the supplies to the Greybeards from the guy near the bridge at the bottom of the mountain?
How do I give the supplies to the Greybeards from the guy near the bridge at the bottom of the mountain?
Almost not at all.
Zero effect at all.