What's an easy way to up my smithing?
What's an easy way to up my smithing?
I managed to play a game that's NOT Skyrim today.
I miss Skyrim.
OMG Thank you so much! Did not know this!If you're on 360, click the right stick down, and move the left stick backwards. It'll pan the camera out.
About 60 hours between two characters. I ditched my old character completely, and I'm at level 21 with my new one. Archery, restoration, sneak, dabbling in conjuration. But I'm limiting my archery + sneak perks cause the later ones feel cheap. Playing on Expert.What's your play time so far?![]()
Can Daedric Armor be found or can it only be forged?
76 hours. Level 50. 47/50 achievements, should get the other 3 by Friday.
I want dlc NAO!
Can Daedric Armor be found or can it only be forged?
I was wondering about this, too.I've been carrying a couple of broken sword handle's and blades with me. Anyone know if they are those quest related or can i just sell them?
It can only be forged in the pits of Mt. DOOM!
In all seriousness, I am at lvl 41 I have been only finding ebony stuff no Daedric stuff yet, will be forging my set.
I've been carrying a couple of broken sword handle's and blades with me. Anyone know if they are those quest related or can i just sell them?
Is the current patch for the 360 version okay to download or are there issues with it too?
If you're on pc there's console commands for this:What's an easy way to up my smithing?
I've been carrying a couple of broken sword handle's and blades with me. Anyone know if they are those quest related or can i just sell them?
I was wondering about this, too.
I have a collection of awesome maces, but i prefer to stay out of dual wielding, because changing a healing spell to another hand whenever the going gets dirty is annoying and slow and it happens too often, when i'm fighting some guy(s) who can handle himself i have to heal myself almost constantly, so i keep a healing spell in one hand and a mace in the other, so i can crush enemies and heal myself quickly.
my fightning style is not very honorable, lot's of archery (killing with a bow is most rewarding imo), astronach summoning and running while healing.
edit: it has worked very well so far, i'm level 25
Lol @ this patch.
Got attacked by an elder dragon in Riverwood, but then it started flying in place, before suddenly sinking down and then disappearing into the ground.
I've had that problem before patch I think, dragons would fly through mountains and ground. They just don't give a fuck.
I broke some guy out of jail, he said, i know the way out, follow me!
He then disapeared into the wall.
I kinda love those little glitches that make you go WTF????
So did the patch break the controls on PC when using a 360 controller? The A button only works on some menus and in others the A and Y buttons are swapped.
Is the current patch for the 360 version okay to download or are there issues with it too?
WTF? Anyone else been attacked by invisible animals? I was mauled by an invisible bear. The only thing I could distinguish it by was its shadow.
Did Bethesda turn on Black World Tendency?
WTF? Anyone else been attacked by invisible animals? I was mauled by an invisible bear. The only thing I could distinguish it by was its shadow.
Did Bethesda turn on Black World Tendency?
Fuck Lydia. Always with the sarcastic shit whenever she has to be the carry mule.No! Lydia died in combat ;_;
Might just cheat and resurrect her, I don't want to use a different companion so far in, me and her have been bros for life.
So...are Speech perks really worth the points over the alternatives? I'm level 43 right now and I'm interested in well over a dozen other perks.So I finally unlocked the 5 perks necessary to master the stuff I wanted with Speech. After selling around 60-70% of all my potions, barely touching jewellery and weapons/armour, I'm already just under 100k gold. So glad I did it. Having the confidence that I'll be able to buy all the houses in the cities and do them all up, feels good man. But yea, the Riverwood Trader is the best I've found so far. Give him 500 gold investment, plus the Level 100 Speech perk (gives everyone an extra 1k) and he starts with around 12k each time you do a re-load (just after killing him). So much easier to sell stuff now, phew.
So...are Speech perks really worth the points over the alternatives? I'm level 43 right now and I'm interested in well over a dozen other perks.
My mid lvl 28 Khajiit
HAHA that tower looks like a face!! .........
Somehow it made me laugh.. Maybe i should get some sleep.
Mana and mana regen is useless for destruction because the spells cost so much. It's MUCH better to enchant items to lower cost of spells. All destruction spells cost 0 mana for me.