CHEEZMO;33110427 said:I'm trying to join the Legion, and the first thing she wants me to do is clear out a fort near Solitude. I go there and kill everyone, but when I get back to her I cant enter proper dialogue and she just orders me to clear the fort.
Am I missing something? :/
Are the non-soul gems used for anything? I had one quest that needed 3 flawless of something, otherwise I'm just hoarding them. Would rather sell.
CHEEZMO™;33110931 said:Anyone?
I'm seriously considering rerolling early at this point.
One of the Daedric Quests, The Only Cure, requires a Flawless Ruby.
is the red eagle quest infinite? i read the book again and go the quest flagged one more time.
or is it a bug?
Yeah, NPCs may request them. So far I've only had a request for Flawless Amethyst, and Flawless Sapphires.
Yeah, it notified me to do the quest again, but I checked the misc. quest list and it wasn't there. Must have self-corrected? (ps3)It's a bug, I think. Happened to Wulf, too.
Dragons are annoying as fuck. They're worse than cliff racers.
Sick of vendors only having about 1100 (max) gold. I have a chest loaded with high end gear, some of it 2000g.
I don't want to do the "trick" from Morrowind where I would buy up all the tiny things the vendor had, raising his available money to a level I could use, then sell my high end item to that vendor, and the tiny ones to multiple vendors.
I swear, I'm spending 1/3 of my time just flying around the world and waiting for a few hours just to sell my shit.
Sick of vendors only having about 1100 (max) gold. I have a chest loaded with high end gear, some of it 2000g.
I don't want to do the "trick" from Morrowind where I would buy up all the tiny things the vendor had, raising his available money to a level I could use, then sell my high end item to that vendor, and the tiny ones to multiple vendors.
I swear, I'm spending 1/3 of my time just flying around the world and waiting for a few hours just to sell my shit.
Does anyone know if you can get themore than once? I've been spoiled with it and it's literally like 1 minute from expiring on my game, haha... just curious if I can get it again. If no one knows, maybe I'll try the steps again and see if it re-triggers (google search has failed me).Voice of the Sky 24h active effect (from your journey to High Hrothgar)
Yeah, it notified me to do the quest again, but I checked the misc. quest list and it wasn't there. Must have self-corrected? (ps3)
Sick of vendors only having about 1100 (max) gold. I have a chest loaded with high end gear, some of it 2000g.
I don't want to do the "trick" from Morrowind where I would buy up all the tiny things the vendor had, raising his available money to a level I could use, then sell my high end item to that vendor, and the tiny ones to multiple vendors.
I swear, I'm spending 1/3 of my time just flying around the world and waiting for a few hours just to sell my shit.
Does your journal tell you to return to Rikke? (I think that's her name)
I JUST cleared the fort out, myself. I hope I don't run into this bug. (If it is one)
I had a bit of trouble, though. It wasn't updating my journal to return to the Legate. So I kept running around the damn fort, and eventually I found a straggler in the tower outside.
One of the Daedric Quests, The Only Cure, requires a Flawless Ruby.
Do the Thieves Guild stuff. Eventually you can end up with several vendors who have around 4k gold each.
I appreciate the vendor limit since it tends to keep people's gold in check, even if just due to their own laziness. :> Ain't like there's really much meaningful stuff to buy, anyway, unless you're really into Smithing or purchasing houses you don't really need.
Every time I get a "meh" reward for a quest:
I also got my Dragonscale/Dragonbone armor sets. I plan to use the heavy for magic resist against those darn dragons and the light for all around treks.![]()
Yeah money seem to serve no purpose atall to the point I dont even care how much stuff sells for or what its worth.
I'm sure the gold complainers are going for the achievement or trophy requiring 100,000 gold. .
i don't remember ever getting a good reward from quests. all my armor comes from chests and boss drops.
The game gets so boring when weapons are that godlike.
My daggers are like 110 and even then the game is super easy.
Creation Kit — Beginning in January, PC players will be able to download the same development tools we used at Bethesda Game Studios to create Skyrim. In tandem with the Creation Kit’s release, we will roll out a new Wiki and videos to help you get started. It also features something we think you’re going to love…
Steam Workshop – We’re excited to share news that we’ve been working closely with Valve to integrate Steam Workshop into the Creation Kit. Using the Workshop, you’ll have free user content with the push of a button. The Creation Kit will bundle your mod and upload it to the Workshop, where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. You’ll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed. Everyone here is really excited about the opportunities and possibilities this opens up for our entire community.
Prefer to use existing modding sites? Not a problem. You’ll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites.
In my experience you need to join the stormcloacks to get the house offer as well as completing the serial killer quest so, I doubt you can get the house if you don't side with him, not 100% sure though.I think I'm asking this again.
Is it possible to buy a house in Windhelm, without assisting Ulfric? Am I going to join him, when I speak to him in the palace?
I'm lolling here. I wasn't the one complaining, but the ones complaining about the ones who're making god tier weapons.
I only made it now so I don't have to upgrade ever again and don't worry about any other weapons I may need to pick up and haul it back to storage or to sell. By the way, my game time is about 275 hours, I'm lv 53 now.
Cliff racers were a blight with no redeeming value whatsoever. The fact alone that dragons can and do wipe out quest-givers makes them well worth having in the game, and is their best feature.
What's annoying are all the unnecessarily immortal NPCs. And by "unnecessarily" I'm referring to every single one of them. Everyone should be able to be killed, even if it greatly affects the main quest line, i.e. killing Vivec in Morrowind.
When you look at stuff like the immortal NPCs and some of the still-existing scaling elements, well - I don't know where Bethesda's balls went but hopefully they'll retrieve them one day.
I tussled with two Blood Dragons at the same time and it was pretty gnarly. /bragHad an awesome battle with a Blood Dragon and Dragon Priest at the same time.
Only died twice before I did it.
275 hours, I'm lv 53 now.
have not met the Greybeards yet.
In my experience you need to join the stormcloacks to get the house offer as well as completing the serial killer quest so, I doubt you can get the house if you don't side with him, not 100% sure though.
Are you dual casting? You should be stunlocking them as soon as they land. Dragons are easy with Destruction.
Conjuration is the best magic school, I think. Get the Twin Souls perk, summon two Dremora Lords, and watch them clean up
There's also The Flame and Storm Thralls for hitting the dragon while he is in the air.
Are you an Arch mage? That mask that I found before I became one with 100% increased magika regeneration has been helping out a ton.
Also, get Marcurio as a companion in Riften.
I tussled with two Blood Dragons at the same time and it was pretty gnarly. /brag
I died 3 or 4 times.
And the hilarious thing is, I have not met the Greybeards yet. xD I know I know, that cool Fus Ro Dah whatever is cool.
Does anyone know the ranking of dragons?
Normal dragon, blood, etc?
Does anyone know the ranking of dragons?
Normal dragon, blood, etc?
I'm lolling here. I wasn't the one complaining, but the ones complaining about the ones who're making god tier weapons.
I only made it now so I don't have to upgrade ever again and don't worry about any other weapons I may need to pick up and haul it back to storage or to sell. By the way, my game time is about 275 hours, I'm lv 53 now.
Sick of vendors only having about 1100 (max) gold. I have a chest loaded with high end gear, some of it 2000g.
I don't want to do the "trick" from Morrowind where I would buy up all the tiny things the vendor had, raising his available money to a level I could use, then sell my high end item to that vendor, and the tiny ones to multiple vendors.
I swear, I'm spending 1/3 of my time just flying around the world and waiting for a few hours just to sell my shit.
Skeleton, Dragon, Frost, Blood?
That seems how it's worked out for me anyway.
According to UESP
Blood Dragons
Flame Dragons
Frost Dragons
Elder Dragons
Ancient Dragons
Finally settled on an archery character and doing pretty well for myself at the beginning of the main quest (level 12, first dragon down), but it's amazing how I can get murdered by random wildlife. I thought it was doing pretty well for myself - cutting through bandits and draugrwithout much trouble - until I got one-hitted by a snow cat.
I'm lolling here. I wasn't the one complaining, but the ones complaining about the ones who're making god tier weapons.
I only made it now so I don't have to upgrade ever again and don't worry about any other weapons I may need to pick up and haul it back to storage or to sell. By the way, my game time is about 275 hours, I'm lv 53 now.
light armor user here and i got murdered by cats and bears as well until lvl 30 or so, lol. dragons only hit half as hard.