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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

EDIT: And frankly, is it even worth it?

100 Enchanting plus the Double Enchant perk is completely worth it.

I'm rocking two Daedric Swords right now, one with Fire Soultrap/Absorb Health. The other is rocking Absorb Stamina/Fire Damage.

I go into rooms and shit just dies.


Well I talked about people´s gamestyle some days after release.
Imho using fast travel and quest markers is just dumb.
Accept quest, fasttravel to cave, clear, fasttravel to city, get reward, go to npc sell stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, get new quest.
So much fun. You prolly bought the wrong game.

Edit: The same people probably skip through dialogues and never read a book. I just dont get it.


100 Enchanting plus the Double Enchant perk is completely worth it.

I'm rocking two Daedric Swords right now, one with Fire Soultrap/Absorb Health. The other is rocking Absorb Stamina/Fire Damage.

I go into rooms and shit just dies.

I don't really use weapons: I tend to stick with magic. I'll whip out a bow with MP Drain on occasion, but even that's rare. Mostly I'd like to enchant my armor, but can I really top Archmage's Robes? Even Morokei is almost twice as good as the best headpiece I can enchant...
God damn this game makes me wish I was born in 1995 or something. I'm old and jealous. It's not fair. Sure us old folk like to wax nostalgia about how we cut our teeth on Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy 1 or Phantasy Star. Skyrim has made me realize that for the first nearly two decades of my RPG gaming life I played the video game equivalent of f-ing cave paintings or silent movies. I can't even say talkies because it was all text bubbles until Lunar 2 for me and even then it took a few seconds to load the dialogue that sounded like it was recorded in the bathroom stall of my high school bathroom.

Shit, even KOTOR and Dragon Age Origins (remember I have been a console gamer most of my life) feel like Ubisoft's My First WRPG Imagine Baybeez Training Wheels Edition in comparison.

I've been to a grand total of two cities, one by accident, in 40 or so hours. Forty hours. You just ruined Christmas Skyrim. Batman, AC Revelations, Skyward Sword? I don't give a fuck anymore.

Thanks Skyrim.


Well I talked about people´s gamestyle some days after release.
Imho using fast travel and quest markers is just dumb.
Accept quest, fasttravel to cave, clear, fasttravel to city, get reward, go to npc sell stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, get new quest.
So much fun. You prolly bought the wrong game.

I use fast travel and quest markers all the time. U mad bro?


Well I talked about people´s gamestyle some days after release.
Imho using fast travel and quest markers is just dumb.
Accept quest, fasttravel to cave, clear, fasttravel to city, get reward, go to npc sell stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, get new quest.
So much fun. You prolly bought the wrong game.

Edit: The same people probably skip through dialogues and never read a book. I just dont get it.

My character isn't really an avid reader so...


This game without fast travel would be torture lol. Ok so the world is nice to explore in it's entirety once, or twice...but seriously, any more than that and it becomes a repetitive chore. It's not like the world outside the cities is especially diverse or varied either.


I don't really use weapons: I tend to stick with magic. I'll whip out a bow with MP Drain on occasion, but even that's rare. Mostly I'd like to enchant my armor, but can I really top Archmage's Robes? Even Morokei is almost twice as good as the best headpiece I can enchant...

Master Robes + double enchanting every other peace of gear with two enchants can render Arch-mage robe quite obsolete, especially when you get something like destruction spells -100% cost.

Only thing that seems you can't match with enchanting is robes with like +22 spell reduction and 150% mana regen.

Maxing enchanting also uses weapon/staffs charges way way WAYYYY slower.


Unconfirmed Member
1995? I know kids who were born in 2000 who are playing Skyrim.


1995? I know kids who were born in 2000 who are playing Skyrim.


Sometimes looking at a profile/username alone tells you that theres no need for discussion :)

Oh and for the record, the world is very much diverse if you walk from Riften/Whiterun etc to a northern city.


Well I talked about people´s gamestyle some days after release.
Imho using fast travel and quest markers is just dumb.
Accept quest, fasttravel to cave, clear, fasttravel to city, get reward, go to npc sell stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, save, load, sell more stuff, get new quest.
So much fun. You prolly bought the wrong game.

Edit: The same people probably skip through dialogues and never read a book. I just dont get it.

Seriously? I mean, I can almost understand no fast travel, but no quest markers? Don't get me wrong, wandering can be fun, but... sometimes I want to actually make progress, y'know?

Shoot, I haven't even started the Thieves' Guild or either side of the Civil War and I've been playing for Zenithar knows how long... I'm only a Thane of one hold, for crying out loud!

How could you possibly have enough time to get stuff done if you spend half of it walking around mountains?


I found some craaazzzyyy shit tonight!

First, I was just adventuring near Solitude where I came upon a cave with some Ghostbusters-esque shit going on. Flying purple spirits and shit! Good times.

chanced upon a dragon priest as well, was a really fucking tough fight. I had to knock him over with FUS RO DAH and use a few paralysis scrolls to wail on him.


Seriously? I mean, I can almost understand no fast travel, but no quest markers? Don't get me wrong, wandering can be fun, but... sometimes I want to actually make progress, y'know?

Well I get your point. Ofc i want to make progress as well, but lets say you got like 20-30 active quest. Do you activate all of them on your map?
I like to challenge myself with actually remembering names, places and people who want you to find something. Thats what I loved about the Journal in Morrowind so much. Even if didn´t had time to play for a week, you were allways able to check up where you stopped playing.

Edit: About the rest of your post. In case your interrested:
I got around 120 hours by now(and like 5 on Skyward :[, Zelda - you have to wait!). Mainquest:
Been to Skyhaven Temple
, I´m jarl of Riften, Whiterun and Markhart. Did one quest for the Mages to get into the tomb. Done with Companions. Joined DB and did a little bit for the Thieves. Joined the Empire and did the first quest. Oh and I own 3 houses, nicely decorated :).


1995? I know kids who were born in 2000 who are playing Skyrim.

I was playing U3 online co-op with my cuz the other day and this kid came on, who I kid you not (no pun intended), sounded like he was like 6-7. As in, super young, not fully fluent in the language yet, had almost toddlerish, childish mannerisms, but was really polite and friendly.

When we first heard him, I was about to boot him straight. I even asked, aren't you a bit young to be playing the game? He was like, "yeaa I know I know but it's really fun". Lol.

Anyway, we proceeded to play, London Underground on Hard. He ripped shit up. He was literally better than both of us combined and I consider myself good at the game lol. Such a strange feeling being tutored at a game by a child.
i really hate when my companion just disappears, and i have no clue when i saw him last. now i have to go back a few saves and search for him, sucks.

loading screens, here i come.


i really hate when my companion just disappears, and i have no clue when i saw him last. now i have to go back a few saves and search for him, sucks.

loading screens, here i come.

It is annoying when they vanish. I usually just have my character wait for an hour or two, and my companion materializes right next to me. There is the odd time that doesn't work, and a fast travel does the trick. If that doesn't work, I attempt to recruit a new follower, and he/she says I have someone with me already. So I go about my merry way, doing quests as usual, and suddenly my companion just appears out of nowhere, all "Sup?"
The hell were they doing in all that time?

I dismissed one follower not long ago, and she just ended up missing. Went back to her home, and she isn't there. She's probably dead in the wild somewhere... She has some very valuable armor on her that I spent awhile smithing, and enchanting. I've made too much progress since dismissing her to load an earlier save, so to hell with her.


How do you get the Shield of Solitude? I have become Thane of Solitude, but I got a weapon, with no Shield in sight. The Googles do nothing to help me on this one.


It is annoying when they vanish. I usually just have my character wait for an hour or two, and my companion materializes right next to me. There is the odd time that doesn't work, and a fast travel does the trick. If that doesn't work, I attempt to recruit a new follower, and he/she says I have someone with me already. So I go about my merry way, doing quests as usual, and suddenly my companion just appears out of nowhere, all "Sup?"
The hell were they doing in all that time?

I dismissed one follower not long ago, and she just ended up missing. Went back to her home, and she isn't there. She's probably dead in the wild somewhere... She has some very valuable armor on her that I spent awhile smithing, and enchanting. I've made too much progress since dismissing her to load an earlier save, so to hell with her.

Yea that happened to me, dismissed Faendal, went looking for him, he's not around, a dragon attacked, I killed it, still couldn't find him, went back after a few days and found his corpse right where the dragon died, I'm thinking I probably slashed him to death along with the dragon but I didn't see him because the dragon was in the way :lol
Well thats odd. So I mentioned earlier that if you time it right, you can cast invisibility and slash someone with a dagger at the same time, no one will aggro you. Well, I noticed that the +48% one hand enchantments that I have don't seem to apply to daggers so I switched to a sword but the same trick doesn't work. Even though I'm invisible, they see me anyway.


Yes, Muiri will be my wifuu. ^_^''

I don't care that she is a homicidal psycho-bitch who can only say one line even if you marry her, she is still the hottest lady in all of Skyrim.
If you're playing on PC, there's a fix - check the Bugs section on this page.

Aaand if you're not playing on PC, fix that bug first. :p


Well thats odd. So I mentioned earlier that if you time it right, you can cast invisibility and slash someone with a dagger at the same time, no one will aggro you. Well, I noticed that the +48% one hand enchantments that I have don't seem to apply to daggers so I switched to a sword but the same trick doesn't work. Even though I'm invisible, they see me anyway.

It's likely the noise. Invisibility doesn't silence your actions, and daggers are silent weapons where swords generate noise even if you miss.


Yea that happened to me, dismissed Faendal, went looking for him, he's not around, a dragon attacked, I killed it, still couldn't find him, went back after a few days and found his corpse right where the dragon died, I'm thinking I probably slashed him to death along with the dragon but I didn't see him because the dragon was in the way :lol

I've killed my companion so many times with arrows. They just seem to have a knack of stepping in front of me just as I loose my arrow. Reload!
It's because of this that I set my game to autosave on menu open every 5 minutes.

However, in my case with my missing follower, I was in a town when I dismissed her. She walked out the door, and vanished without a trace.
I dismissed one follower not long ago, and she just ended up missing. Went back to her home, and she isn't there. She's probably dead in the wild somewhere... She has some very valuable armor on her that I spent awhile smithing, and enchanting. I've made too much progress since dismissing her to load an earlier save, so to hell with her.

I took a quest with the companions
Cure Vilkas of lycanthropy
which completed when I arrived at the destination without actually doing anything and the forced companion just wandered off. I went, whatever, and went about my business for a few hours copying over my auto and standard saves before returning for Iona. She says "I am sworn to carry your burdens" with less sass than Lydia.

But now I can't have any companions because they all say I have one, even though the one that was forced upon me is back at the companions and completely denies any knowledge of our previous contract. Now I have to find a quest that forces a companion to flush out the companion bug so I can at least complete one of the Daedric quests I was about to do.

Apparently it's a well known bug, that's easy to fix with the console, sadly not on the PS3/XBOX so watch out!


Oh I just love taking companions into booby-trapped dwarven caves. Lydia just couldn't seem to grasp that stepping onto a pressure plate releases 3 metal hammer like rods into her torso every time.

Watching her fly helplessly with a satisfying thud against the wall was quite hypnotic, though after her 10th attempt I grew tired of her antics and decided to end her. Fortunately now on fire she decided to avoid said pressure plates and chased purposefully past them. Now collapsed at my feet, I looted her smoldering corpse and ressurected her, giving her every bit of weighty tat that I could find for the mindless donkey cart that she is.

"I'm sworn to carry your burdens"

"Yes, yes you are bitch, now move your ass! My burdens (dragon bone / scales / tat) as you call them are yours to carry, but enough of your shenanigans I have a quest to complete!"

I think I shall marry her someday, take her to the throat of the world and blast her off the top.

"Till death us do part bitch, mwahahaha"

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Haven't been following page to page so i don't know if this has been mentioned yet... or even if we are still spoiler-guarding everything but... Main quest/DB spoilers....

I summoned Lechance on top of the College and he is not so spectral! Took pictures with my phone which i may get up here unless it's already been done but i was actually kind of giddy for a minute. There he is. Not all ghosty and shit. But just chillin... was cool...

And from there went to finish up some random quests including dropping off Ulfrics axe to the Whiterun Jarl ... as he sat there thinking about which way to go .. being all wishy washy ... AFTER i asked which side he was on and he basically says "If only Ulfric would come out and say it ...." at which time i hand him the axe and think "Hell yah.. he's gonna get pumped and we're all gonna fuck soooo much shit up!!! :D:D"

... "Take this axe back to our friend, Jarl Ulfric. He has his answer. Someone bring me a pen! I need to write a letter to the Emperor to remind his troops they need to staple wolf skins onto their iron armor! I'm a huge bitch!!!"

All i could think... "they tried to cut my head off dude."

So glad i didn't buy the house. Gonna WRECK HIS SHIT! ..... i love this game.
Love it.

Edit: "Good luck with your... uh ... murders." Hahahaa... good times.


Never played much "thief" characters in the previous Elder Scrolls.

But I'm currently playing through a Khajiit thief/assassin. And holy carp I'm addicted to pick pocketing. I feel a bit cheap utilizing my quicksave/quickload with it though. But I love going around getting arrows/gold/lockpicks/jewelery from... pretty much everyone.

Nose Master

I pickpocketed Astrid's knife. Forget what it's called, but I got it the first try (with 23% success rate :3). Anyways, when I go to a grindstone to upgrade it, it says this: "Requires: " That's it. No actual ingredient listed. I was able to crank it up to Legendary with apparently nothing. This happen to anyone else?


Never played much "thief" characters in the previous Elder Scrolls.

But I'm currently playing through a Khajiit thief/assassin. And holy carp I'm addicted to pick pocketing. I feel a bit cheap utilizing my quicksave/quickload with it though. But I love going around getting arrows/gold/lockpicks/jewelery from... pretty much everyone.

You should definitely stop using saves to get around theft failures. Failing at theft is sometimes more fun than succeeding. Don't deprive yourself of that part of the game.

Yo Gotti

I pickpocketed Astrid's knife. Forget what it's called, but I got it the first try (with 23% success rate :3). Anyways, when I go to a grindstone to upgrade it, it says this: "Requires: " That's it. No actual ingredient listed. I was able to crank it up to Legendary with apparently nothing. This happen to anyone else?

Yep, I've seen this before.

I just took it as a favor from Bethesda, since Smithing really doesn't require much effort anyway.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
How much Smithing do you need to go above Superior? I got my glass sword and dagger to this awhile ago, I'm at 63 now and still nada.
So I downloaded a mod that makes the Dragonscale armor look like the Nightengale armor. Fully customizable Nightingale armor is awesome.

Hood > +48% archery, waterbreathing
Armor > +23 light armor, +74 stamina (I think)
Gloves > + 48% archery, +48% one hand
Boots > Muffle, +48% one hand
Ring > +48% archery, +48% one hand
Necklace > +48% archery, +48% one hand
Main quest done

Wow, that was too easy.....but being level 47 with full smithing and enchanting does that, I guess lol.........one dragonrend and one onslaught with my ebony weapons and he was dead


So, I just started Skyrim a couple of days ago. One of my favorite things to do in Morrowind was enchanting stuff and while I'm picking up plenty of soul gems and coming across the stations for enchanting stuff... I don't have a weapon/item/skill(unsure of how it works in this game) that will let me capture some souls. Where can I find one? I'm still at a very low level so don't send me too far, thanks in advance.
So, I just started Skyrim a couple of days ago. One of my favorite things to do in Morrowind was enchanting stuff and while I'm picking up plenty of soul gems and coming across the stations for enchanting stuff... I don't have a weapon/item/skill(unsure of how it works in this game) that will let me capture some souls. Where can I find one? I'm still at a very low level so don't send me too far, thanks in advance.

Either learn soul trap from a book or find a weapon that has soul trap on it already. They sometimes show up randomly in shops inventories.
So, I just started Skyrim a couple of days ago. One of my favorite things to do in Morrowind was enchanting stuff and while I'm picking up plenty of soul gems and coming across the stations for enchanting stuff... I don't have a weapon/item/skill(unsure of how it works in this game) that will let me capture some souls. Where can I find one? I'm still at a very low level so don't send me too far, thanks in advance.
There is a Soul Trap spell in one of the magic lines. I think Conjuration?
why does every goddamn Mage Guild questline have to suck a lot?
Lame arch-mages and final enemies. Meh.
Savos Aren's name is similar to Samus Aran though. Wonder if it's a homage or something.


Regret siding with the Ulfric now.
Spoke with Solitude's court wizard she says torygg was holding the Skyrim together, and would probably have announced independence with the empire if he had asked. And Torygg respected Ulfric for voicing his opinion. His wife also secretely worships Talos.


Just started the game yesterday and already almost 20 hours in, fucking hell.

Really good so far but holy shit the menu system is horrendous. This minimalist design is definitely a step backwards.


It is awesome when a game like this comes out and ever single one of my friends are playing it, and those who are not soon give into peer pressure and buy it. There is something that Bethesda finally got right in their formula.

Been playing around with the console commands a bunch with one of my friends and he linked me this video he just made. For some reason I found it much funnier then I feel I should have:

100 Smithing but choose the right path to get daedric crafting sooner, now I need three perks to get Advanced smithing because it's on the motherfucking left

ffff that 237 daedric improvement is gonna take a while


I dont get to see the deep blue lights a lot..now I'm using clear skies all the time at night just to see the pretty.

Do you have the full enchant or did you lower the power to get more charges? My sword needs a full recharge after two dungeons at the rate I'm going and I'm pretty sick of it for what doesn't appear to be much of an advantage.

I always put as much into the power as I can. If it runs out and I don't have a filled soul gem around, I usually have another enchanted weapon to use. I always seem to have about 4 or 5 on me at a time. Barring that, I'll just go unenchanted or use another tactic entirely.
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