I summoned Lechance on top of the College and he is not so spectral! Took pictures with my phone which i may get up here unless it's already been done but i was actually kind of giddy for a minute. There he is. Not all ghosty and shit. But just chillin... was cool...
And from there went to finish up some random quests including dropping off Ulfrics axe to the Whiterun Jarl ... as he sat there thinking about which way to go .. being all wishy washy ... AFTER i asked which side he was on and he basically says "If only Ulfric would come out and say it ...." at which time i hand him the axe and think "Hell yah.. he's gonna get pumped and we're all gonna fuck soooo much shit up!!!

... "Take this axe back to our friend, Jarl Ulfric. He has his answer. Someone bring me a pen! I need to write a letter to the Emperor to remind his troops they need to staple wolf skins onto their iron armor! I'm a huge bitch!!!"
All i could think... "they tried to cut my head off dude."
So glad i didn't buy the house. Gonna WRECK HIS SHIT! ..... i love this game.