You walk past it when. Its in Blackreach. Pretty hard to're search for the elder scroll in the dwemer ruins
Sorry, misread your post. I thought you were asking if it was a part of the main quest.
You walk past it when. Its in Blackreach. Pretty hard to're search for the elder scroll in the dwemer ruins
You think you're immersed in Skyrim?
68 hour save file, level 40, still have not seen a wispmother.
Also just realised there are no dreughs in this game, land or sea.
It's one of my most used abilities/magic in the entire game. I have it on 90% of the time in a dungeon or at night. I really don't know how people can navigate around without it unless they boost brightness up to insane levels in the options menu.
You know what would make the Dungeons a lot cooler and more atmospheric...complete darkness, which is how they should be anyways.
It would certainly make using a torch more useful and the Kahjits, seeing in the dark ability, have a reason for being there.
Hopefully some mods come out next year that will create more realistic lighting conditions for Dungeons and outside as well.
It would have also been cool if they made dungeons so that you could light torches placed on the that you could tell where you've been.
"I need you to do something"Is it possible to dispel the runes of other mages?
"I need you to do something"
I don't use companions, but thanks for the laugh. :lol"I need you to do something"
Wow, Kagrenzel was pretty cool indeed!
AMAZING. There has to be more of those.
You think you're immersed in Skyrim?
Thanks.That or you can just shoot it with any kind of projectile magic.
What's the deal with those Forsworns? Are they just bandits with a different skin or am I killing native Americans that just want to be left alone?
"I need you to do something"
No, just dozens and dozens of video's of Lydia being a dumb bitch. :lol
You lost her too? I was doing one of the later Mage Guild quests where you have to find the three books, and there came a point where she just wasn't following me anymore... I checked back home (as she's also my wife) and no go, so now I have f'ing Lydia following me, who I'm going to fus ro dah off the top of the Throat of the World the next time I get a chance... I guess I should go back to the dungeon where I last saw her.
I would like to reiterate how badass conjuring is at a high level. Summoning two dremora lords and just following them with fireball completely wrecks shit.
Make this happen Bethesda.
Wait, there are other games?I really wish this game would have come out in probably would have saved me a lot of money from buying every other big game released this Fall.
Im usually done with games after a week or so, but Skyrim is sticking with me. I have about 130 hours according to steam...Ive never played a game this much. I cant even think about other games.
Is anyone else not using magic at all in their playthorugh? I also don't use shields, swords, or any melee weapons really, either. Wondering am I missing out. Don't really wanna change now.
Playing a Khajit pure stealth/archer build.
What is the importance of a wispmother? Killed one at level 13 yesterday. Can tell ya where she is. I ran into her on my first character and got owned. Kinda guessed where she was on my new one and owned her.![]()
100 hours, 10 minutes, and 26 seconds spent playing this game.
All Dragon Priest masks obtained.
Main quest completed and my final side quests expunged, it was a good run; I'll be back for DLC.
I sacrificed my companions to a daedric god, good times.
You have done a whole lot more than me, at more hours while being only a few levels above my 39 level.
You only slept 8 hours MrBig?!
Thieves guild -of course you don't know what I should be expecting for the final quest and you guys can't come with me, that's why you guys chose me as a leader when I barely joined like a week ago ;o
Question -
I was in a fight with a necromage, who hit me constantly with this slowing ice blast thing. 25 min after killing him, I still can't run or move fast at all, and I have an ice shard stuck in my side. I'm assuming this is a bug? Any way to remove this effect?
Might actually use a game screenshot as a wallpaper for once.
Even better, get the Daedric artifactfrom the questSanguine Roseand have 3 Dremora running around!A Night to Remember
Quick question.
Markath, Hall of Dead. Refuse her offer or not? What would make the better quest?