You can't do that because that Dremora counts as a Summoned Creature.
That's why you give it to a companion
You can't do that because that Dremora counts as a Summoned Creature.
You can accept and refuse, both will get you the quest. If you call her out, you'll have to fight her. I'm not sure if I should kill her or not. Not into deadric stuff, but I can't say no to a good quest and don't want to make the same mistake I did with the Brotherhood.Not sure, but I refused and still got the quest.
That reminds me, should I do this quest?Cannibalism is not Odin's thing. after I finish the Imperial questline I can no longerdo any quests in Windhelm???
As far as the companion quest I never got the optionto reverse being a warewolf
Have never had that happen, but you could try the following...
- Change clothes / armor
- Go to sleep on a bed (to activate a different animation set and go to 'Well Rested')
- Go to any of the shrines on any city and cure yourself
- Try swimming or riding a horse (to activate a different animation set)
- Save, quit and load
- Role-play a 90 year old character who can't walk as fast.
- Surely you are not encumbered, right?
Wonder what happens when you become encumbered. Maybe you don't move at all?![]()
Quick question.
Markath, Hall of Dead. Refuse her offer or not? What would make the better quest?
Try finding someone with a bow and let them fill you full of arrows. It resets the stuck ice spike so it might fix the slowness too.Yeah, not encumbered for sure. Tried shrines, but no luck. Will try sleeping. Fast travel adn some other stuff hasn't worked.
Should I complete the main quest or the civil war(I'm with the stromcloaks) first?
Has there been any word on whether or not Skyrim will be getting Steam Cloud support?
brought Skyrim over to a friends house last night to show it off. He pops it in, installs the update, and starts playing. The first dragon attack was glitched to the point where my friends were laughing instead of "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing like I did when I first encountered a dragon.
They need to fix this game. It's too good to be marred by these glitches. I'm sad.
I'm thinking of rushing through the Stormcloak, Companions, and main quest as a heavy armored melee character and then taking my time doing the other lines as a stealth/magic character. About how long will it take to do the first character?
Where the fuck are you guys going to use an arcane enchanter? I'm sick to death of having to search every dungeon just to enchant stuff.
I'm seriously pissed off at this game now, Dragons are surely the new Cliff Racers. I don't even get a choice of whether I want to take my Horse with me, so I fast travel and a Dragon is waiting for me. Fucking kills my Horse every time. I want a no Dragon patch right now, I've got like 6000 Dragon Souls stockpiled.
Where the fuck are you guys going to use an arcane enchanter? I'm sick to death of having to search every dungeon just to enchant stuff.
I'm seriously pissed off at this game now, Dragons are surely the new Cliff Racers. I don't even get a choice of whether I want to take my Horse with me, so I fast travel and a Dragon is waiting for me. Fucking kills my Horse every time. I want a no Dragon patch right now, I've got like 6000 Dragon Souls stockpiled.
I always use the one in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) that belongs to the court wizard. It's a short run from your house.
It annoys me that you can't get one for your house though, as everything else can conveniently be done either in or just outside (Blacksmithing, alchemy, selling, etc).
^ You can cut people's heads off? Since when?
The Reach's in Solitude or Whiterun.
The house in Solitude also has one in the basement once you buy the kit.
Verulustastes so good! Yum!
^ You can cut people's heads off? Since when?
It's a One-Handed Perk...I think there's a 2 handed version as well. But it's basically just a chance to decapitate on a power attack.
Holy SHIT! I just went for a long wander in the wilderness. Pretty sure I was jumping up to a plane so steep I was pretty sure you shouldn't be able to go there and found some place called 'Kagrenzel'. Needless to say, I had stumbled upon a fucking AWESOME dungeon. I won't spoil what happens when you find it, but it is quite literally the perfect example of how well designed the world of this game is. GODDAMN!
It's a One-Handed Perk...I think there's a 2 handed version as well. But it's basically just a chance to decapitate on a power attack.
The Reach's in Solitude or Whiterun.
The house in Solitude also has one in the basement once you buy the kit.
I don't suppose there is anyplace I can getarmor that isn't enchanted is there? Easily the best looking armor in the game.Nightingale
Ooooh. How far is your house in Solitude from vendors and the blacksmith?
Last night, I was just exploring some land up north after felling the dragon I had a bounty on, and decided to descend the mountain by hopping in the river and dropping down the cascading waterfalls.
After a few drops, I look to my left and see a wide pool being filled by a branch of the river I'm in, with some carved stones standing in it. I head swim over, fighting the current, and find a dead treasure hunter and a chest in the bottom of the basin. Even better, behind the stones is an unmarked doorway. Usually these are the exits to dungeons but I've found a few cool nooks that were totally unmarked like this. I enter.
I won't spoil it, but I think it was called Snapleg Cave, and it came out at Darkwater Pass. The view upon entering literally took my breath away - Bethesda's artists have really hit a sweet spot between cave design and artistry. Skyrim is at its best when it's showing large, grand spaces and this place fit the bill.
I tumble out of Darkwater Pass below the falls and find a mine nearby on the shores. The miners are getting sick, and need me to deliver a message to an herbalist in Windhelm for them. I take the note, head to Windhelm, and that's where my adventures ended last night. I spent about half an hour doing my end of play session tidy up (disenchant what loot I can, sell the rest, visit a smelter for ore, a blacksmith for crafting, buy some good arrows, deposit books and valuable gems at my home in Solitude).
Today I started here:
Pretty sure i found it. I was exploring the mountains to the far east, from Riften, and ended up on a very high mountain top looking down on the land.
From there I went further north and spotted a huge set of ruins far below me. My mountain horse and I trek down carefully. I clear out three (!!) frost trolls, mine some ore, and head in.
I won't spoil it, but it's worth experiencing. Some light comments:It was shorter than I expected, but worth the ride. I found the chest on my first pass, which is what I assume the treasure map on the way out was signaling. If it's not, someone let me know.
Who didn't throw the Falmer off the bridge into the water?
I climbed back up and did a second pass to make sure I didn't miss anything. Finding the Falmer in the water with me was a delight.
My stomach dropped out when that happened.
I'm going coax my daughter into going there tonight. Thanks for the suggestion, Scully.
I head further up the mountains to the north and descend near Windhelm, where I deliver the note to the alchemist for some coin. While doing so, I overhear an argument and inquire, which leads to a quest to a nearby cave (Foresaken Cave). Neat little dungeon, the conclusion of which started another quest (before I've completed the one I was in there for in the first place). I'm promised rich rewards for my troubles.
Tonight, to nudge the Dark Brotherhood, Civil War and main quest lines along one notch. My thirst for wandering, free form adventure is sated for now.
I've exited and saved, with two quests on queue that weren't there before. 102 hours into Skyrim, I have 60+ quests and tasks on queue, and am still running into constant surprises and delights every day. I honestly don't think I've played a game that has made me this happy in so many ways before.
Ooooh. How far is your house in Solitude from vendors and the blacksmith?
Damn <3
Is there any point to smithing other than making some end-game armors? I've been wearing some iron armors for so long now. I can never make good armors, and I'm guessing I'll just find better stuff anyway.
Same for weapons.