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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

Not sure, but I refused and still got the quest.

That reminds me, should I do this quest?
Cannibalism is not Odin's thing.
You can accept and refuse, both will get you the quest. If you call her out, you'll have to fight her. I'm not sure if I should kill her or not. Not into deadric stuff, but I can't say no to a good quest and don't want to make the same mistake I did with the Brotherhood.
Have never had that happen, but you could try the following...

- Change clothes / armor
- Go to sleep on a bed (to activate a different animation set and go to 'Well Rested')
- Go to any of the shrines on any city and cure yourself
- Try swimming or riding a horse (to activate a different animation set)
- Save, quit and load
- Role-play a 90 year old character who can't walk as fast.
- Surely you are not encumbered, right? :p

Wonder what happens when you become encumbered. Maybe you don't move at all? :p

Yeah, not encumbered for sure. Tried shrines, but no luck. Will try sleeping. Fast travel adn some other stuff hasn't worked.

The Chef

I don't suppose there is anyplace I can get
armor that isn't enchanted is there? Easily the best looking armor in the game.


Quick question.

Markath, Hall of Dead. Refuse her offer or not? What would make the better quest?

If you complete her quest, she will be your companion. She summons shit and necro's bodies which is pretty cool. Just be sure to put some kind of mask over her fugly-ass face.


I haven' touched Skyrim since the 1.1 Terraria update came out.....both games are so immense with so much to do and collect...played 11 hours since the 1.1 update 2 days ago. I'm on about the same pace I was with Skyrim lol.


brought Skyrim over to a friends house last night to show it off. He pops it in, installs the update, and starts playing. The first dragon attack was glitched to the point where my friends were laughing instead of "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing like I did when I first encountered a dragon.

They need to fix this game. It's too good to be marred by these glitches. I'm sad.


Hooked the PC up to the TV and all I can say is holy shit!
My friend recently had his PS3 and his copy of Skyrim with him and we played on that same TV. Now that I'm playing on the PC in 1080p at High settings, I can't even imagine going back and playing the console versions. And it's not even on Ultra for crying out loud!


I'm not sure it's a bug or not but everytime I fast travel back to College of Winterhold a dragon would attack. It's happen three times for me. Its an easy way for me to get dragon souls because all the mages kill the dragon really quickly. Just wondering if that has happened to anyone else?


I'm thinking of rushing through the Stormcloak, Companions, and main quest as a heavy armored melee character and then taking my time doing the other lines as a stealth/magic character. About how long will it take to do the first character?


brought Skyrim over to a friends house last night to show it off. He pops it in, installs the update, and starts playing. The first dragon attack was glitched to the point where my friends were laughing instead of "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing like I did when I first encountered a dragon.

They need to fix this game. It's too good to be marred by these glitches. I'm sad.

Yeah, If I we're Bethesda I'd be in full panic and repair mode. If they don't act fast this game's legacy will be how buggy it was rather than its fantastic depth and detail.

Ironically, they could learn a lesson from Mojang and be FAR more transparent about these issues to help their community understand. I mean, when you patch a game and said patch makes things far worse, we might not get so bent out of shape if we understood why it happened and what is being done to prevent it occurring again. Instead, they stay quiet and leave us in an untrusting position.


I'm thinking of rushing through the Stormcloak, Companions, and main quest as a heavy armored melee character and then taking my time doing the other lines as a stealth/magic character. About how long will it take to do the first character?

They're all fairly short. Maybe a couple hours for each of those 3.
Just got the upgrade to the fire breath shout and...it's beautiful. Also starting to get Ebony and Glass items, I can't believe this game is still so addicting and entertaining 48 hours in.
Where the fuck are you guys going to use an arcane enchanter? I'm sick to death of having to search every dungeon just to enchant stuff.

I'm seriously pissed off at this game now, Dragons are surely the new Cliff Racers. I don't even get a choice of whether I want to take my Horse with me, so I fast travel and a Dragon is waiting for me. Fucking kills my Horse every time. I want a no Dragon patch right now, I've got like 6000 Dragon Souls stockpiled.


Hahahahaha, those silly Thalmor are so stupid. I came across a patrol of them escorting what was a likely an innocent worshipper of Talos off for "questioning". Then one of them had the nerve to ask me if I was a Talos worshipper. I replied yes and they attacked me, swiftly meeting their end with one of them even losing their head. Did they really think I was provoking them on accident? I'm the god damn Dovahkiin, and any Thalmor I see in my beloved Skyrim will meet a swift end as I tear them apart with the power of the Voice!

I love this game


I was going to wait until Christmas time to pick this puppy up but am super tempted. However the recent 1.2 cockup has me a little worried. Should I wait until that gets patched as well?
Where the fuck are you guys going to use an arcane enchanter? I'm sick to death of having to search every dungeon just to enchant stuff.

I'm seriously pissed off at this game now, Dragons are surely the new Cliff Racers. I don't even get a choice of whether I want to take my Horse with me, so I fast travel and a Dragon is waiting for me. Fucking kills my Horse every time. I want a no Dragon patch right now, I've got like 6000 Dragon Souls stockpiled.

Dragonsreach in Whiterun, arch mage room in College of Winterhold, Daphne's room in Riverwoood are a few.
Where the fuck are you guys going to use an arcane enchanter? I'm sick to death of having to search every dungeon just to enchant stuff.

I'm seriously pissed off at this game now, Dragons are surely the new Cliff Racers. I don't even get a choice of whether I want to take my Horse with me, so I fast travel and a Dragon is waiting for me. Fucking kills my Horse every time. I want a no Dragon patch right now, I've got like 6000 Dragon Souls stockpiled.

I always use the one in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) that belongs to the court wizard. It's a short run from your house.

It annoys me that you can't get one for your house though, as everything else can conveniently be done either in or just outside (Blacksmithing, alchemy, selling, etc).

Regarding horses, I don't bother with one at all. I prefer running around in first person, horses don't feel that much faster than sprinting, and when you're on a horse, you have to constantly get off to harvest ingredients, fight, etc. Not to mention that as you pointed out, they're vulnerable, and you have to spend money to replace them.

Yo Gotti

I always use the one in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) that belongs to the court wizard. It's a short run from your house.

It annoys me that you can't get one for your house though, as everything else can conveniently be done either in or just outside (Blacksmithing, alchemy, selling, etc).

The Reach's in Solitude or Whiterun.

The house in Solitude also has one in the basement once you buy the kit.


The Reach's in Solitude or Whiterun.

The house in Solitude also has one in the basement once you buy the kit.

And you can buy one for the house in Markarth as well, and that house is much cheaper at 8000 coin compared to 25000 coin for the one in Solitude.

Edit: Although I came upon a bug with that man who sells the house in Markarth. It seems that if you try to buy it without having the coin necessary, when you come back to buy it later you can't see the option in the dialogue menu. To fix it I had to become a thane in that city, then I could buy the house.
Not getting tired of the game at all, but after 35 hours in I can feel the fatigue slightly setting in. Anybody else feeling this?

Maybe I'll start to take it a little slower from here on out. Maybe do one quest a day. I'm sure my wife would appreciate it.

Edit: Just looked it up and the game has 244 quests and over 300 points of interest. Oh boy...


tastes so good! Yum! :D

It's kind of surreal having completed this quest and still having "Speak to Verulus about the Hall of the Dead" in my Miscellaneous list.

Seriously, fuck innkeepers. Don't ever ask them about rumors unless you're absolutely sure you haven't started any quest lines in the local area.


Last night, I was just exploring some land up north after felling the dragon I had a bounty on, and decided to descend the mountain by hopping in the river and dropping down the cascading waterfalls.

After a few drops, I look to my left and see a wide pool being filled by a branch of the river I'm in, with some carved stones standing in it. I head swim over, fighting the current, and find a dead treasure hunter and a chest in the bottom of the basin. Even better, behind the stones is an unmarked doorway. Usually these are the exits to dungeons but I've found a few cool nooks that were totally unmarked like this. I enter.

I won't spoil it, but I think it was called Snapleg Cave, and it came out at Darkwater Pass. The view upon entering literally took my breath away - Bethesda's artists have really hit a sweet spot between cave design and artistry. Skyrim is at its best when it's showing large, grand spaces and this place fit the bill.

I tumble out of Darkwater Pass below the falls and find a mine nearby on the shores. The miners are getting sick, and need me to deliver a message to an herbalist in Windhelm for them. I take the note, head to Windhelm, and that's where my adventures ended last night. I spent about half an hour doing my end of play session tidy up (disenchant what loot I can, sell the rest, visit a smelter for ore, a blacksmith for crafting, buy some good arrows, deposit books and valuable gems at my home in Solitude).

Today I started here:

Holy SHIT! I just went for a long wander in the wilderness. Pretty sure I was jumping up to a plane so steep I was pretty sure you shouldn't be able to go there and found some place called 'Kagrenzel'. Needless to say, I had stumbled upon a fucking AWESOME dungeon. I won't spoil what happens when you find it, but it is quite literally the perfect example of how well designed the world of this game is. GODDAMN!

Pretty sure i found it. I was exploring the mountains to the far east, from Riften, and ended up on a very high mountain top looking down on the land.


From there I went further north and spotted a huge set of ruins far below me. My mountain horse and I trek down carefully. I clear out three (!!) frost trolls, mine some ore, and head in.

I won't spoil it, but it's worth experiencing. Some light comments:
It was shorter than I expected, but worth the ride. I found the chest on my first pass, which is what I assume the treasure map on the way out was signaling. If it's not, someone let me know. :)

Who didn't throw the Falmer off the bridge into the water?

I climbed back up and did a second pass to make sure I didn't miss anything. Finding the Falmer in the water with me was a delight.

My stomach dropped out when that happened.

I'm going coax my daughter into going there tonight. Thanks for the suggestion, Scully.

I head further up the mountains to the north and descend near Windhelm, where I deliver the note to the alchemist for some coin. While doing so, I overhear an argument and inquire, which leads to a quest to a nearby cave (Foresaken Cave). Neat little dungeon, the conclusion of which started another quest (before I've completed the one I was in there for in the first place). I'm promised rich rewards for my troubles.

Tonight, to nudge the Dark Brotherhood, Civil War and main quest lines along one notch. My thirst for wandering, free form adventure is sated for now.

I've exited and saved, with two quests on queue that weren't there before. 102 hours into Skyrim, I have 60+ quests and tasks on queue, and am still running into constant surprises and delights every day. I honestly don't think I've played a game that has made me this happy in so many ways before.


It's a One-Handed Perk...I think there's a 2 handed version as well. But it's basically just a chance to decapitate on a power attack.

Nah, it's not just a gore for fun perk.

"Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to decapitate your enemies".

It serves as a decent point spent as well.
If you are playing on PC your can place an enchanting table(or anything really) where ever you want one.

To find the id for it, enter the console and type 'Help Table 0' or maybe try 'help arcane 0', a list of table ids should pop up, scroll through until you find an enchanters table id. Then place with 'player.placeatme ###', the placement depends on where your character is and where your looking etc, might have to try a few times to get it placed correctly.


Is there any point to smithing other than making some end-game armors? I've been wearing some iron armors for so long now. I can never make good armors, and I'm guessing I'll just find better stuff anyway.

Same for weapons.
Last night, I was just exploring some land up north after felling the dragon I had a bounty on, and decided to descend the mountain by hopping in the river and dropping down the cascading waterfalls.

After a few drops, I look to my left and see a wide pool being filled by a branch of the river I'm in, with some carved stones standing in it. I head swim over, fighting the current, and find a dead treasure hunter and a chest in the bottom of the basin. Even better, behind the stones is an unmarked doorway. Usually these are the exits to dungeons but I've found a few cool nooks that were totally unmarked like this. I enter.

I won't spoil it, but I think it was called Snapleg Cave, and it came out at Darkwater Pass. The view upon entering literally took my breath away - Bethesda's artists have really hit a sweet spot between cave design and artistry. Skyrim is at its best when it's showing large, grand spaces and this place fit the bill.

I tumble out of Darkwater Pass below the falls and find a mine nearby on the shores. The miners are getting sick, and need me to deliver a message to an herbalist in Windhelm for them. I take the note, head to Windhelm, and that's where my adventures ended last night. I spent about half an hour doing my end of play session tidy up (disenchant what loot I can, sell the rest, visit a smelter for ore, a blacksmith for crafting, buy some good arrows, deposit books and valuable gems at my home in Solitude).

Today I started here:

Pretty sure i found it. I was exploring the mountains to the far east, from Riften, and ended up on a very high mountain top looking down on the land.


From there I went further north and spotted a huge set of ruins far below me. My mountain horse and I trek down carefully. I clear out three (!!) frost trolls, mine some ore, and head in.

I won't spoil it, but it's worth experiencing. Some light comments:
It was shorter than I expected, but worth the ride. I found the chest on my first pass, which is what I assume the treasure map on the way out was signaling. If it's not, someone let me know. :)

Who didn't throw the Falmer off the bridge into the water?

I climbed back up and did a second pass to make sure I didn't miss anything. Finding the Falmer in the water with me was a delight.

My stomach dropped out when that happened.

I'm going coax my daughter into going there tonight. Thanks for the suggestion, Scully.

I head further up the mountains to the north and descend near Windhelm, where I deliver the note to the alchemist for some coin. While doing so, I overhear an argument and inquire, which leads to a quest to a nearby cave (Foresaken Cave). Neat little dungeon, the conclusion of which started another quest (before I've completed the one I was in there for in the first place). I'm promised rich rewards for my troubles.

Tonight, to nudge the Dark Brotherhood, Civil War and main quest lines along one notch. My thirst for wandering, free form adventure is sated for now.

I've exited and saved, with two quests on queue that weren't there before. 102 hours into Skyrim, I have 60+ quests and tasks on queue, and am still running into constant surprises and delights every day. I honestly don't think I've played a game that has made me this happy in so many ways before.

Awesome. Where abouts is this Snapleg Cave? I'd love to go explore there, but don't want to use an official map. Seems more fun when you're given verbal directions - more like you've actually accomplished something by finding it.


Really disappointed Spellsword playstyle doesn't work well in Skyrim. At least not as i wanted to do it. In Morrowind and Oblivion i would debuff the enemy and kill it with a melee weapon. In Skyrim? I, uh, debuff and kill him with Destruction spells... A lot of "spell", no "sword". Sure i could use Illusion as well but wouldn't work with my planned perk-build. Besides, it doesn't have proper debuffs either, just crowd control.
We need absorb and drain spells for Skyrim, both short and long duration ones. Also slow without "frost" component (Alchemy has slow effect without damage). And damage over time spells, with longish durations (10-20 second long spells for use against stronger opponents). Need on-touch spells as well, Flames/Sparks/Frostbite sort of replace those but i manage to hit friendlies with these...

Back to planning, maybe i can pull of some sort Spellsword character but i'll have to do it without Destruction. My rule of thumb for Skyrim characters is "only one direct attack method", ie only one of following: 1-H, 2-H, Destruction, Archery. Spellsword needs a melee weapon so Destruction is out of question or i end up using only it.
LOL @ Nightingale Armour.

At one point during my Thieves guild questing I became overencumbered and just dumped it all in some random cave. I can't even remember which one.
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