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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Apologies, as it's very likely this has been asked several times previously.

I'm at the point in the Companions quest line where I have to agree to
become a werewolf
in order to continue. Will I have option to undo my decision? I want to complete all missions for this guild, but not if I'm stuck with my choice.
So I think I've been trolled by Ghaleon. ;) Earlier, he shared an article on twitter about how foxes will lead you to secrets if you follow them.

Well tonight, I followed 2 foxes.
- The first lead me in two big loops over the fields north of Dragonsreach, including upstream and then downstream the same stretch of river before a mud crab murdered him.
- The second fox took me all the way up the West side of the Throat of the World, so far up that I couldn't walk up anymore before he turned around and trotted down the mountain. I shot him when we reached the bottom.

Later, a fox, glowing green with enchanted rage, sprang out of the nowhere and attacked me.

So nobody won. :p


Apologies, as it's very likely this has been asked several times previously.

I'm at the point in the Companions quest line where I have to agree to
become a werewolf
in order to continue. Will I have option to undo my decision? I want to complete all missions for this guild, but not if I'm stuck with my choice.

You will have the option to
undo it
, but that will require another quest, I believe.


So I think I've been trolled by Ghaleon. ;) Earlier, he shared an article on twitter about how foxes will lead you to secrets if you follow them.

Well tonight, I followed 2 foxes.
- The first lead me in two big loops over the fields north of Dragonsreach, including upstream and then downstream the same stretch of river before a mud crab murdered him.
- The second fox took me all the way up the West side of the Throat of the World, so far up that I couldn't walk up anymore before he turned around and trotted down the mountain. I shot him when we reached the bottom.

Later, a fox, glowing green with enchanted rage, sprang out of the nowhere and attacked me.

So nobody won. :p

I wandered with a few today that did loops like that. I think they were having issues doing pathfinding. I had an encounter earlier today where I was following one, and we bumped into a second fox and they both ran together until we got to a fort. I figure, the odds of them running together like that is small unless they were going somewhere specific. But who knows, maybe they simply wander and when they bump into places I choose to think they led me there. :lol

Still pretty neat wandering with them.

I went back though Hag's End for the Dark Brotherhood bonus today
the dead ancient assassin with his uber-gear, which rocks once upgraded. I was annoyed the entire dungeon had repopulated, right down to the Hagraven I chase through and then kill at the end (with her Frost Wraiths). I understand dungeons repopulating with some creatures, but the entire boss and her scripting? Lame.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Alright, a noob question so please bear with me a moment: for a Mage Build: in Destruction school, is it better to just focus the perk allocations to just one element (like Lightning or Fire or Ice) or should I spread the perks around? What is the benefit of focusing on several elements instead of one? From the looks of things, the double cast effect only applies if the hero cast the same spell from his/her left and right hand.

Seeing that the effect of Fire/Ice/Lightning is about the same, am I wrong to say that it is just a waste of perks to spread your elemental focus around?

Quoting myself from the last page; hopefully someone knowledgeable can answer.

I have what I consider to be a huge problem (well, not really but alas) when playing this game:
- So many things to consider I feel very overwhelmed, hahaha. What skills to choose? How can I do this? How can I do that? What good will this item do? Can I sell this? What is this thing called soul bound? What is this, what is that? I don't know even know where to begin with my questions!
- I am roleplaying as a "totally good" kind of guy since I always do this in RPGs. But I feel like I'm missing out a lot of things by playing like this... no stealing, no doing bad stuff, no killing unless absolutely necessary.... It feels like there's a huge experience available in the game locked away from me if I keep roleplaying like this. Hmmm.....


Quick questions about your friends/companions and a very minor spoiler about joining the dark brotherhood:

So, I get the note from the dark brotherhood via courier and having played Oblivion and Morrowind I know exactly what to do, find the nearest inn and go to sleep. I still have Lidya tagging along so I make her wait outside the room, everything goes fine except this time, as you're all very well aware, you're kidnapped away.
The problem is that I'm now almost as far removed from the friend I've ordered to wait as you possibly can be and I don't plan on returning to her anytime soon. I just walked by a random arrow stuck in the ground that's still there after someone shot it at me about 8 hours ago, so I'm not too worried, but I thought it was worth asking the question. Is she gonna be there if/when I eventually make my way back to Riften? What if I join up with someone else along the way before I get to her?


Quoting myself from the last page; hopefully someone knowledgeable can answer.

I have what I consider to be a huge problem (well, not really but alas) when playing this game:
- So many things to consider I feel very overwhelmed, hahaha. What skills to choose? How can I do this? How can I do that? What good will this item do? Can I sell this? What is this thing called soul bound? What is this, what is that? I don't know even know where to begin with my questions!
- I am roleplaying as a "totally good" kind of guy since I always do this in RPGs. But I feel like I'm missing out a lot of things by playing like this... no stealing, no doing bad stuff, no killing unless absolutely necessary.... It feels like there's a huge experience available in the game locked away from me if I keep roleplaying like this. Hmmm.....
You're probably playing the game the way many people wish they could play. Just enjoy yourself and if the enemies start getting a bit too hard then worry about things you could miss out on. You can learn about most anything in elder scrolls games by reading books, btw. Save the bad stuff for another playthrough.
Is she gonna be there if/when I eventually make my way back to Riften?
They start walking 'home' after a few days. A lot of people who say their companions have disappeared will probably find them stuck walking against some graphical glitch in the wilderness somewhere.


And this, right here, is the fatal flaw with these types of games. When you get to a certain point of this "be anything, do anything" game, the game does not compensate for the fact that you become so powerful, it stops making sense (this happens very early too). It's exactly as you say. Nothing can harm you. Now the lack of choices in quests or in the game itself stand out like sore thumbs in a world you literally rule. Anything the game throws at you is completely trivial. Everything is a pussy, but you're forced to play by the rules that make no sense to you and your progression.

Also, the "Radiant" quest whatever is complete bullshit.

This. The game felt so "alive" for the first 30-40 or so hours, but now as I approach level 50 I'm kind of like Neo at the end of The Matrix. I'm basically untouchable to everything except Ancient Dragons (and that's only because my resistance is fucked up due to the patch), and therefore suddenly everything is meaningless.

I still love exploring, but the game becomes a lot less fun once loot, money, and stat progression no longer matter. I'm basically just the fucking Grim Reaper now.

Kinda wish they would throw in some optional "super bosses" kind of like the Weapons in the FF series for the hardcore players to have something to look forward to. Hell, make it a duel with some of the actual Daedric Gods. If I want to challenge Molag Bal to a fight, I should damn well be able to do it.
And this, right here, is the fatal flaw with these types of games. When you get to a certain point of this "be anything, do anything" game, the game does not compensate for the fact that you become so powerful, it stops making sense (this happens very early too). It's exactly as you say. Nothing can harm you. Now the lack of choices in quests or in the game itself stand out like sore thumbs in a world you literally rule. Anything the game throws at you is completely trivial. Everything is a pussy, but you're forced to play by the rules that make no sense to you and your progression.

Yeah, this kind of thing makes me wish they skipped the full voice acting and instead had about 10x the dialog, so NPCs could respond more appropriately a wider variety of situations. As it is now, the game aims to be a comprehensive fantasy simulation, but the NPCs fail so often and in such absurd ways that it's hard to take the world seriously at times. It's hard to care about the morality of stealing or killing when the actors in the world are so obviously mindless automatons.

I also think a lot of the "become a god" problem could be solved by fixing the smithing/enchanting/alchemy exploits so your gear has to improve at a more reasonable rate. They could keep some reward for players who want to focus on those trees, but it's kind of ridiculous that grinding is such a viable (and even optimal) strategy for maxing those trees, and that it's so easy to make insane equipment so early in the game.


They start walking 'home' after a few days. A lot of people who say their companions have disappeared will probably find them stuck walking against some graphical glitch in the wilderness somewhere.

That sucks, where's home for her? She's not carrying anything too valuable, but that's still annoying.
Quick questions about your friends/companions and a very minor spoiler about joining the dark brotherhood:

So, I get the note from the dark brotherhood via courier and having played Oblivion and Morrowind I know exactly what to do, find the nearest inn and go to sleep. I still have Lidya tagging along so I make her wait outside the room, everything goes fine except this time, as you're all very well aware, you're kidnapped away.
The problem is that I'm now almost as far removed from the friend I've ordered to wait as you possibly can be and I don't plan on returning to her anytime soon. I just walked by a random arrow stuck in the ground that's still there after someone shot it at me about 8 hours ago, so I'm not too worried, but I thought it was worth asking the question. Is she gonna be there if/when I eventually make my way back to Riften? What if I join up with someone else along the way before I get to her?

You can go back and find her or you can just wait it out and eventually she will go back to your house or dragonsreach (it will show you a message when this happens). Either way you're fine.


If you're on PC you can always warp to her using the console if it's bothering you that much
player.moveto a2c94
or move her to you.
a2c94.moveto player


You can go back and find her or you can just wait it out and eventually she will go back to your house or dragonsreach (it will show you a message when this happens). Either way you're fine.

If you're on PC you can always warp to her using the console if it's bothering you that much
player.moveto a2c94
or move her to you.
a2c94.moveto player

It's not a big deal, I just wanted to know how it works. All I'm losing are a bunch of dragon bones and some other random shit.

Another question: who are these Thalmor Judiciar assholes? Kind of cryptic, if you're gonna put an order out to execute me, an explanation would be nice.
What happens at level 50? Does it get significantly more difficult to level up?

I played a thief/archer most of the game and now I wanna play as a sword/shield/heavy armour dude. I've already got smithing, sneaking and conjuration at 100, level 45.

Am I gonna hit a roadblock getting those skills up?

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
If anyone wants to see what my Dragon fights are like, now that the game has just completely shit itself:


I like how the dragon disappears off into space at the end lol



Damn I forgot to bookmark that amazing alchemy chart a gaffer made and I can't for the love of me find it in my history, can anyone link me to it? I'd be grateful.


It's not a big deal, I just wanted to know how it works. All I'm losing are a bunch of dragon bones and some other random shit.

Another question: who are these Thalmor Judiciar assholes? Kind of cryptic, if you're gonna put an order out to execute me, an explanation would be nice.

Well considering your local shopkeeper might do the same to you for stealing a 1 septim book I'm not sure if there are any good guys in Skyrim at all. Certainly a land of harsh extremes is reflected in the people who currently inhabit it.


I just did Alduin's Bane.

Most epic boss fight ever!!!!! Fuck that was awesome.
And my PS3 was purring quite well...no stuttering at all. 65 hours, 8.2mb save.
I'm still shaking.

Mr YuYu

What can one do when i can't see/find my follower anymore? Lydia seems to have vanished and everytime I ask a new person to be my companion they say that can't join untill i get rid of Lydia.

I also agreed to marry somebody i don't want to marry. Now a new quest has started...
Can i still ask somebody else to marry me? Or am I stuck with her?


I am at the beginning of the end and I don't want to be here at all. I've never really been an RPG fan but this one has got me by the balls. I'm not sure what to do after I finish the main quest line though...
When turning quickly or up to down is it normal for the image to be darker and then lighten fairly drastically? I'm playing installed on 360. I bought a new led tv and hadn't played it on my old lcd, so I wasn't sure if it was the tv or game issue. I returned the tv for other reasons but have the same problem with the plasma I ended up with. Sorry if this is a common issue but I didn't know exactly what to search for.
I am at the beginning of the end and I don't want to be here at all. I've never really been an RPG fan but this one has got me by the balls. I'm not sure what to do after I finish the main quest line though...

Explore. Do the Guild questlines. Do a shitload of miscellaneous quests.

When turning quickly or up to down is it normal for the image to be darker and then lighten fairly drastically? I'm playing installed on 360. I bought a new led tv and hadn't played it on my old lcd, so I wasn't sure if it was the tv or game issue. I returned the tv for other reasons but have the same problem with the plasma I ended up with. Sorry if this is a common issue but I didn't know exactly what to search for.
It doesn't always happen when I turn, but usually when I've been staring at an in-game light source for a while. The effect is kinda obnoxious sometimes, though.

Anyone have an idea if it's possible to fix some slight burn-in on a Plasma TV? I can vaguely see the outline of the menu on my screen every time I look at something light-colored. :(


When turning quickly or up to down is it normal for the image to be darker and then lighten fairly drastically? I'm playing installed on 360. I bought a new led tv and hadn't played it on my old lcd, so I wasn't sure if it was the tv or game issue. I returned the tv for other reasons but have the same problem with the plasma I ended up with. Sorry if this is a common issue but I didn't know exactly what to search for.

Yea I think that's the terrible HDR effect, gives the effect where your eyes "adjust" to the extreme brightness/darkness or something.


Anyone have an idea if it's possible to fix some slight burn-in on a Plasma TV? I can vaguely see the outline of the menu on my screen every time I look at something light-colored. :(

Gray screen for a long time. At least that's what i've heard of fixing plasma burn-ins. Also heard that plasma TVs suck for gaming due this.

Any idea when the patch is coming?
Explore. Do the Guild questlines. Do a shitload of miscellaneous quests.

It doesn't always happen when I turn, but usually when I've been staring at an in-game light source for a while. The effect is kinda obnoxious sometimes, though.

Anyone have an idea if it's possible to fix some slight burn-in on a Plasma TV? I can vaguely see the outline of the menu on my screen every time I look at something light-colored. :(

Some tvs, like Panasonic, have an image retention wipe mode that will run a bar across the screen to help get rid of image retention (I'd assume it's IR as opposed to actual burn-in).

Yea I think that's the terrible HDR effect, gives the effect where your eyes "adjust" to the extreme brightness/darkness or something.

Thanks to both of you for quick answers. That would explain why when I tested Fallout 3 and Rage for it the same thing effect happened.
Gray screen for a long time. At least that's what i've heard of fixing plasma burn-ins. Also heard that plasma TVs suck for gaming due this.

Any idea when the patch is coming?

Aye, so have I. It's a relatively old TV, though, one my parents didn't need anymore, so I happily took it for my gaming. I'll have to try that grey screen sometime.

Some tvs, like Panasonic, have an image retention wipe mode that will run a bar across the screen to help get rid of image retention (I'd assume it's IR as opposed to actual burn-in).
Yeah, that's probably what it is. It's a Philips TV, though, so I dunno if it has that. I'll have to check.
Aye, so have I. It's a relatively old TV, though, one my parents didn't need anymore, so I happily took it for my gaming. I'll have to try that grey screen sometime.

Yeah, that's probably what it is. It's a Philips TV, though, so I dunno if it has that. I'll have to check.

Google plasma image retention washer and you should be able to make a DVD of one. I think of the first links has one.


Worships the porcelain goddess
What happens at level 50? Does it get significantly more difficult to level up?

I played a thief/archer most of the game and now I wanna play as a sword/shield/heavy armour dude. I've already got smithing, sneaking and conjuration at 100, level 45.

Am I gonna hit a roadblock getting those skills up?

Takes quite a long time to level up post 50. So, basically, whatever you were before then, that's what you are. Transforming into a Heavy armor/shield guy if you've leveled as a Thief/Archer is going to take a shit load of time.


If they die, a courier will bring you a letter.

Speaking of couriers, I offed one on the road last night for the heck of it and was rewarded with a letter he was carrying (but sadly will not deliver) talking about some great treasure, and received a new map marker. How can I be expected to go straight when the game keeps rewarding my homicidal tendencies like this?!


So turns out that depleting a dragons health simply wont kill it, there are scripts and junk attatched to it that need to be triggered. I managed to reduce one of my bugged Dragons health to nothing with fireballs, but it was still flying, without a healthbar. Sucks because one of them has a quest for the jarl on it :(

Some dragon fights are normal, but there are at least 2 that refuse to land, but engage in combat, fly backwards through mountains and are unkillable, and Dragons around Riften are super buggy. And some just don't engage in combat at all. And I have a corpse following me.

So turns out that depleting a dragons health simply wont kill it, there are scripts and junk attatched to it that need to be triggered. I managed to reduce one of my bugged Dragons health to nothing with fireballs, but it was still flying, without a healthbar. Sucks because one of them has a quest for the jarl on it :(

Some dragon fights are normal, but there are at least 2 that refuse to land, but engage in combat, fly backwards through mountains and are unkillable, and Dragons around Riften are super buggy. And some just don't engage in combat at all. And I have a corpse following me.


Man, I'm glad my playthrough with Sul has been dragon-free. I haven't even done the quest where you fight Mirmulmir yet, just went straight to Riften for the Thieves Guild.


So turns out that depleting a dragons health simply wont kill it, there are scripts and junk attatched to it that need to be triggered. I managed to reduce one of my bugged Dragons health to nothing with fireballs, but it was still flying, without a healthbar. Sucks because one of them has a quest for the jarl on it :(

Some dragon fights are normal, but there are at least 2 that refuse to land, but engage in combat, fly backwards through mountains and are unkillable, and Dragons around Riften are super buggy. And some just don't engage in combat at all. And I have a corpse following me.


I've encountered the same. I have a dragon to slay for a quest, and he won't die...he's bugged to hell. I cannot approach him, he flies backwards away from me, then suddenly like a wound up toy he shoots through his flying cycle at ludicrous speed turning plaid in the process.


I was doing a quest for the civil war last night in Dawnstar.
bring forged documents to the stormcloak commander
When i come out of a house, i see 2 Imperial soldiers attacking the town, the whole city just completly masacred them. I just stood there and watched to maintain my cover.
Was this scripted?
I was doing a quest for the civil war last night in Dawnstar.
bring forged documents to the stormcloak commander
When i come out of a house, i see 2 Imperial soldiers attacking the town, the whole city just completly masacred them. I just stood there and watched to maintain my cover.
Was this scripted?



Ran into my second jump out of a crypt to protect the dragon word rune... thing. I killed the first one simply because he fell off a cliff so I could pepper him with arrows all day, there's not much of a cliff this time around. These guys must be at least 5 times more powerful than the next hardest enemy I've faced. Any reason to deplete my resources to battle it out with this guy or can I just move on? I already learned the word. I'd rather face 3 dragons at once than one of these guys.

edit: well, there go all of my good arrows.


This is the most bizarre complaint I've heard about this game so far...

"It was a really poor design decision allowing enemies to kill you?" What about the execution moves specifically fucked you over more than you'd have been without them?

Don't let your health get low?
Execution moves do far more damage than a regular hit does. I'd say as much as 3-4 times more. Being a stealth character I tend to have pretty poor defence, so when I face an opponent 1 on 1 I have to keep replenishing my health with potions.

The game gives you no warning if the enemy is about to pull off an execution move, so I will instantly suffer the equivalent of 4 hits in a row with no chance to use potions or to flee in retreat. In other words I always face the random chance of being insta-killed, which is a horrible design choice.
my poor horse got killed by two summoned daedra thugs. i wanted to prevent that, but there were no stables for my horse...

never used it anyway. poor frost.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Execution moves do far more damage than a regular hit does. I'd say as much as 3-4 times more. Being a stealth character I tend to have pretty poor defence, so when I face an opponent 1 on 1 I have to keep replenishing my health with potions.

The game gives you no warning if the enemy is about to pull off an execution move, so I will instantly suffer the equivalent of 4 hits in a row with no chance to use potions or to flee in retreat. In other words I always face the random chance of being insta-killed, which is a horrible design choice.

if you're a stealth character why are you letting yourself be seen? :)

Put some perks into your stealth rating, snipe and retreat if you have to.

You know the windhelm companion quest where you have to invade a giant camp? I took out the mammosks and giant on the outside of the camp with nothing but iron/steel equipment at like level 15 by hitting them with bow sneak attacks and retreating. Was able to do the same hting with the giant inside the cave although it required someclever maneuvering and non-sneak attacks/retreating from the cave... and a few attack dodges.

felt like a badass hiding against a cliff while two mammosks and a giant were walking right above me on the cliff edge looking for me, hearing the footsteps and seeing the ground shake from the mammoths, knowing htat if I was spotted, I was dead. :)

The only perks I had enabled PERIOD on my character were the +20% sneak perk and the bows do 3x damage on sneak attack perk. And I took out two mammoths and two giants. With iron and steel equipment. no potions or anything.

Ifthere's a group of enemies you're fighting, try to fire off an arrow to catch their attention, and only one of their attentions. Then you can lure it away from the group and take it out, and rinse and repeat.

Yeah it'll require lots of reloading, but you can do it


So turns out that depleting a dragons health simply wont kill it, there are scripts and junk attatched to it that need to be triggered. I managed to reduce one of my bugged Dragons health to nothing with fireballs, but it was still flying, without a healthbar. Sucks because one of them has a quest for the jarl on it :(

Some dragon fights are normal, but there are at least 2 that refuse to land, but engage in combat, fly backwards through mountains and are unkillable, and Dragons around Riften are super buggy. And some just don't engage in combat at all. And I have a corpse following me.


Ya it would be cool to kill a Dragon while in the air and see it crash land.
Bethesda sure humped the bunk on that patch. Makes me glad my 360 is offline.

Also...what the eff Aela;
I finished clearing a Silverhand base and went outside with her. We were to return to the Companions base, so I decided to change into wolf form to check out the run speed. As soon as I transformed, she aggros on me and back-stabs me to death.
I've encountered the same. I have a dragon to slay for a quest, and he won't die...he's bugged to hell. I cannot approach him, he flies backwards away from me, then suddenly like a wound up toy he shoots through his flying cycle at ludicrous speed turning plaid in the process.

LOL I saw this exact thing happen yesterday, Dragon flying backwards at supersonic speeds and then got trapped in a dense forest area.
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