Best house besides the Solitude one?
Haven't tried Markath but Riften's is better than the one in Solitude.
Best house besides the Solitude one?
How the hell do you get this? The Jarl doesn't have an option to buy the house like the other ones did for me.
So my handcrafted quest/map thing is going along swimmingly. I got COMPLETELY lost for like 2 hours last night. Not like lost like I couldn't find my way. But lost like I was inside the game. Stop using the HUD right now. Stop using the menu maps right now. The game becomes something completely different. It was like a dream, looking back on it. The pace is so much slower. Navigating becomes this methodical practice. It becomes real. I'm not quite done making it yet, but most of the pieces are complete. Enough so that I actually played with it last night. It was incredible. Go from landmark to landmark and try to gauge which direction you need to go in. It was sooo much fun. I've also started only playing at night. And I wear this giant wool hood scarf thing, too.
I'm in deep.
Its not perfect. I'm regretful I'm not playing the PC version. Because surely there will be some mods that help facilitate this style of hardcore roleplaying. Not having a HUD can cause significant issues with combat, mainly with the bow. BUT, I've gotten pretty used to it. After two days of play without a cross hair I'm pretty accurate again. Dungeons become a pretty giant undertaking without a map. Its much scarier and intense. And takes probably twice as long, since I'm forced to check every place instead of just barreling through.
I'm also reading a ton of the in game books too. Which are kinda cool. I read a cook book that had a recipe for a souffle, its taking every ounce of willpower not to try and make a sunrise souffle in real life. But I think the recipe is pretty bunk, or at the very least not geared towards modern cooking.
Needless to say, I'm super into Skyrim now.
Assuming you have done a few quests for the Jarl, you must talk to his Steward to buy the house and all of it's additions.
Haha, thats radical. Yeah, I don't really have room for the giant map. Which is unfortunate. Its kind of neat having everything already "discovered." Because with all the HUD stuff turned off you don't even see the "discovered: riverwood" dialogue. You just hear the drumroll sound. The reason I split the map up into segments was so I could fold it all into a nice small inobtrusive package.Very cool, man. Very cool.
Once my exams are done in January, I have two weeks of free time. I'm doing this. I'm gonna one-up you, I'm only going to use the physical map that came with the game, assuming I haven't framed it by then (still looking for a large enough frame). Gonna play this shit like it's Morrowind: I used the physical map for that one a lot.
yeah! It makes the game a thousand times better.Thinking I'm going to do something similar to this for when I start a new character for DLC. On PC you can disable Quest and enemy markers on the compass and HUD, so I would be able to retain the healthbars and directions.
I really botched my first playthrough with excessive fast traveling.
So my handcrafted quest/map thing is going along swimmingly. I got COMPLETELY lost for like 2 hours last night. Not like lost like I couldn't find my way. But lost like I was inside the game. Stop using the HUD right now. Stop using the menu maps right now. The game becomes something completely different. It was like a dream, looking back on it. The pace is so much slower. Navigating becomes this methodical practice. It becomes real. I'm not quite done making it yet, but most of the pieces are complete. Enough so that I actually played with it last night. It was incredible. Go from landmark to landmark and try to gauge which direction you need to go in. It was sooo much fun. I've also started only playing at night. And I wear this giant wool hood scarf thing, too.
I'm in deep.
Its not perfect. I'm regretful I'm not playing the PC version. Because surely there will be some mods that help facilitate this style of hardcore roleplaying. Not having a HUD can cause significant issues with combat, mainly with the bow. BUT, I've gotten pretty used to it. After two days of play without a cross hair I'm pretty accurate again. Dungeons become a pretty giant undertaking without a map. Its much scarier and intense. And takes probably twice as long, since I'm forced to check every place instead of just barreling through.
I'm also reading a ton of the in game books too. Which are kinda cool. I read a cook book that had a recipe for a souffle, its taking every ounce of willpower not to try and make a sunrise souffle in real life. But I think the recipe is pretty bunk, or at the very least not geared towards modern cooking.
Needless to say, I'm super into Skyrim now.
Stop using the HUD right now. Stop using the menu maps right now. The game becomes something completely different.
The steward keeps sending me on forsworn bounties, I've gone to the exact same dungeons twice now. I hope it isn't bugged.![]()
Nice, I'm gonna try this too. The map has completely spoiled any kind of immersion for me. And that damn compass.
Do you perhaps have a source for the map you are using? (So I can print it out)
Yeah, not having that stuff was really annoying at first. I really wish there were a ton of gradient options for what the game tells you and what it doesn't. I got really accustomed to it though. Everything just takes twice as long to do. Which is ok by me because I'm no rush to do anything. I'll just play for like 3 hours and not even accomplish anything. The in-game map with markers turned off doesn't really detract from the experience, but I'm stupid so I decided I should have my own map so I never have to pause the game and look in the menu. I can just look down in my lap at a real map.
The exploration part of the game feels very much like an adventure game without the on screen information. You have to judge what arrows you're using by the actual model itself, rather than the display. Its really quite cool. I think Bethesda should try and go for a HUDless experience next game. It'd probably require insanely high texture resolution so you could put information on normal ingame objects, but man that would rule so hard.
Yup! Right here!
Making the maps is insanely simple. I discovered that computer printer ink bakes off when you soak paper in tea/coffee and then cook it. So I just too the maps available online, scaled them to the size of my "journal" and turned them black and white. And then printed them out, drew over them in pen. And then did the baking process. And it produces the badass aged/handdrawn look. I was really quite content with my discovery.
Markarth dude. In my opinion, it's better than the Solitude house. And it's only 8,000 Gold (before upgrades).
I turned off the floating icons from the get go, and only use wagons for fast travel, the rest is by horseback or on foot. It's a sort of self-enforced hardcore mode, but I'd have liked to have seen a real one. I have yet to weary of exploring and traversing Skyrim.
I'd like the icons on the compass that show undiscovered locations to be togglable, I'd prefer to play with them off. They show new places from so far away, it's almost ridiculous.
For the dark elf i just went to whiterun hired janeesa the bounty hunter and fast travel to the throat of the world. Lets just say Janeesa wont be missed.....
Coming in to check the patch update. How's the 360 patches coming along? I"m still 1.1 and playing offline. Have they fixed the last patch? Have they made it worse? I've been kind of out of the loop for a while.
Fuck level scaling items, though. Beth did it right for the most part, but then they decide to throw in a few just to fuck with us, apparently.
yeah, so I think you could just enter this in the console and you should get it:
SetStage TG03 10
So is the install texture issue on 360 fixed correctly in 1.2? Getting the game saturday and I usually install all my games.
I have the game installed with the 1.2 patch and I haven't ran into a single texture issue. Put about 15 hours in since updating to the most recent patch.
If I level the enchanter perk to 5/5 my enchants are max strength correct?
I don't want to spend unnecessary points if I don't have to.
Melee is so boring in this game. Bethseda needs to get together with Tecmo and make an Elder Scrolls game that fights like Ninja Gaiden.
Yeah, whenever the game snaps into the first person overkill things I'm always like "damn, if only all the combat could look as brutal as this" I hear dead island has a great melee combat system, would love to play that game.
Melee is so boring in this game. Bethseda needs to get together with Tecmo and make an Elder Scrolls game that fights like Ninja Gaiden.
Melee is so boring in this game. Bethseda needs to get together with Tecmo and make an Elder Scrolls game that fights like Ninja Gaiden.
If I level the enchanter perk to 5/5 my enchants are max strength correct? Don't want to touch anything else in the enchanting tree.
And I don't want to spend unnecessary points if I don't have to.
I've recently learned how much fun bound bow is. It costs 0 arrows, has a low mana cost and I have the auto soul tap perk. I've gotten to lvl 41 mainly focusing on conjuring, some destruction and nearly max enchanting and smithing. Is it possible for spells to cost 0 mana with the right enchants or would I be wasting nice gems trying to make that? I also feel like I have no clue how far into the story I am. I just received the Diplomatic quest. Anyone know how far in I am?
What world do you people live in?Had such a long day, so I didn't get much game time sadly. Always makes me sad. Still managed to get an hour or two.
For full strength enchants eg. Fortify Destruction at 25% you need enchanting 100, 5/5 boost and the 25% bonus perk. That's without using Fortify Enchanting potions, if you can make good ones of those then you might be able to reach it without the 25% perk, i can only make shitty ones right now.
totally doable, as long as you can hit 25% on a single clothing enchant as per above, with the two enchants perk you can get two schools of magic essentially for free. you'll need 100 enchanting and i think 8 perks spent if you want the double enchantments.