Well he isan Orc, they aren't very bright at the best of times.
thats racist
Well he isan Orc, they aren't very bright at the best of times.
They are as strong as Daedric weapons without any enchantments or smithing upgrades.
I ordered mine when it was available for pre-order, a few weeks before Skyrim came out. It arrived this week. Jeremy Soule is signing all of them shipped until just before Christmas, and shipping seems to take a while.
Quick question about joining the legion/stormcloaks. If I take the oath for one, is it one of those things where everyone in the world is instantly aware and the other quest line is cut off? Or is it like Morrowind, where I can play for both sides until the inevitable battle?
Two questions:
1) Should I get this on 360 this Christmas? (my PC is crap)
2) Is playing in 3rd-person still a wonky mess? (like Oblivion)
So I'm trying to figure out why my Thieves guild quest is glitched,so I set out to find the NPC I'm supposed to go talk to. His name is Erikur and he lives in Solitude. He wasn't in his house, so I decided to use the console command to travel to his location. When I did that, it took me here:
He was dead there along with a bunch of other people. is this like some sort of collection of NPCs that I have killed? If I have killed him, does that mean there's no way for me to finish the thieves guild? what do I do I'm scared gaf
LOL that is creepy. Some inter-dimensional room where named npcs are sent after they die or something?
LOL that is creepy. Some inter-dimensional room where named npcs are sent after they die or something?
Once you join one, there's no way back. The first quest pretty much immediately pits you against the other side.Quick question about joining the legion/stormcloaks. If I take the oath for one, is it one of those things where everyone in the world is instantly aware and the other quest line is cut off? Or is it like Morrowind, where I can play for both sides until the inevitable battle?
damn it, thieves guild still borked though...
Spoiler tag if you need to, but why do you need him for the Thieves Guild again? I've been going through and haven't encountered him so far, and I'm at "Darkness Returns" right now.
I remember why I killed him, at least.
Even though I've got him physically back in this world, the game still counts him as dead. Am I the first one to run into this? They should have flagged this guy as important to a quest and not let me kill him! Now I'm screwed...
Did you use the RefID to summon him or the baseID? One summons the real character and one spawns a copy.
You guys know if there are any Dark Elf female companions?
I used Base. Ref didn't work. maybe that's my problem. I'm going to try to go to the "real sovengard" where he is dead and try to resurrect him.
Yea always use RefID on NPCs and BaseID on objects. Your newly spawned dude with BaseID will go about his daily activities but because he is a copy he will have a new BaseID and therefore wont respond to scripted events like in quests. Youre best bet is to disable the copy you made and resurrect the real Erikur and then use his RefID to spawn him near you. Then wait 3 game days and try again.
Edit: good to hear ^.
That girl from the wizard guild.
Once you join one, there's no way back. The first quest pretty much immediately pits you against the other side.
I need to finish finals badly so I can start vegging out on this shit again.
Oh yea, forgot about her.
Magic users can be troublesome though...
EDIT: Nevermind! Got one of the Dark Brotherhood initiates to follow me.
Looks like you can have 2 followers if one is from a guild.
Yea, sometimes on pc.Sometimes when I hold down the RB button it doesn't shout.
I keep tapping is desperately trying to unrelenting force some dudes but it does nothing.
Does this happen to anyone else?
I only got this game Monday, and I'm freaking loving it. The atmosphere, the music, the people of Skyrim. Every city and town feel like they have their own identity or something.
One question about Giants however: is it true that oncethe Giants do not attack you anymore? One was even defending me. I was walking at night somewhere, when these bandits jump me, then all of a sudden this giant barges in and smacks the bandits to death. Also a skeever tried to attack me and the giant is now running after it, trying to kill it. It would be awesome if it was true. Before, Giants would warn me if I got too close to them, now I can just walk right beside this Giant. It was so awesome.the Greybeards have officially named you a Dragonborn
Edit: Hmm. No guess not. Just walked to Sleeping Tree camp, and that giant owned me.![]()
Yep, good thing I saved right before joining up with the Legion, it immediately fails the Strormcloak stuff.
Which quest line is generally considered more fun? I don't really care which brand of assholes I choose to join up with, any advice on what's more interesting?
Since the 1.2 patch for 360 what are people's experience with installing to HD?
I installed it lastnight but still textures were buggy - taking a while to load, spinning around quickly and they would suddenly load a second later. Tested in the ruins of Fort Greenwall. Was pretty bad.
Think I'll go back to disc.
Since the 1.2 patch for 360 what are people's experience with installing to HD?
I installed it lastnight but still textures were buggy - taking a while to load, spinning around quickly and they would suddenly load a second later. Tested in the ruins of Fort Greenwall. Was pretty bad.
Think I'll go back to disc.
It's working perfectly fine for me. All my textures load up properly now and have been ever since 1.2.
lol pretty creepy, I would like to try the abyss.![]()
There are two coffins too. One is empty, one has Thalmor boots and gloves. The black doors are entrances into the abyss, where you fall forever.
I tried to do the modav health 100 console command on the dude but he remains dead...![]()
Wow. Just got theShout, the first word.Ethereal
How ever they are going to top Skyrim? The powers that go with some shouts are just amazing! I can't even choose which one to use in combat!![]()
Well, my (PS3) save file hit over 7GB last night