I don't think this ever got answered yesterday, so I'll ask again. Has anyone noticed that equipment enchantments don't seem to do anything for your followers? I had enchanted fortify carry weight on the pieces that would allow it so that I could turn Lydia into my pack mule, but when I went to actually give her loot, she couldn't carry any more than she previously could. Even without any augmentation from potions during the enchanting, the equipment should have given her a total of 148 extra weight. I don't really care about giving her any combat related enchantments since she's pretty much useless and I end up having to worry more about not accidentally killing her myself when she runs in front of me while I'm trying to sneak attack with my bow, but maybe it's just that one enchantment?
Well, I know fortify armor and fortify one or two-handed works for sure.
I put fortify carry weight on my followers boots, but it didn't seem like he could carry anymore, so I guess carry weight doesn't work.
It kind of sucks, but I enchanted some very light equipment with carry weight if I ever need them. Boots, gloves, rings and pendants. I just equip one as needed, and it doesn't hamper my combat too badly, as I dual enchant them and add fortify archery as well.
Edit: Actually, I could be wrong about the fortify armor and attack enchantments working. The reason it seems they do is because my companions take very little damage (even on Master) and dish out quite a bit, but that could be due to their armor just being Legendary (at the complete max using fortify smithing equipment and potions), and the same for their weapons. Apparently the armor cap is 580 or so, and anything above that is just wasted. Armor reaches that cap with smithing alone (using fortify smithing equipment and/or potions). I made armor with fortify light armor and such, and got the rating pretty high, but it seems like I just wasted enchantments on them, when I could have used it to fortify some magic, or put some magic resist on my armor instead.