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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Holy crap I just found an ebony armor in some random forsworn chest that wasn't even locked. Nice!:)

edit: Why won't Lydia equip the armor I give her? Same as the one she has (steel armor) but with some stat boost.

If I'm not mistaken, they wont use enchanted armor... or at least dont recongize enchanted or improved gear as better than what they have on. I believe that followers look at base stats of things you give them and decide to equip or not.
Curious if there are any other loners out there. All this talk of companions seems foreign since I never use them. Since I'm a stealth character, they would just get in the way, so I never use them. In fact I got so annoyed with the dude in my house in Markarth that last night I escorted him out of the city and executed him in private, tossing his body (and sword) over a waterfall. The lady in Solutude is next, once I figure out how to sneak in since I'm
wanted for attempting to kill the Emperor and all.

I work alone.

I'm lost in a blizzard, high up in the mountains. While peering over the edge of a steep cliff to gather my bearings, I notice someone darting through the courtyard of the ancient stone building far below. Wondering who this person could be (an assassin, a bandit, something else?) I climb down to investigate.

As I near the ruins, I hear footsteps quickly crunching the snow behind me. Certain that I'm headed for battle, I draw my mace in my right hand and ready a spell in the left. Before I can turn however, my pursuer reveals themselves from behind the column next to me...

Turns out it was Lydia, who I had lost like 8 hours prior outside of a mountain pass or barrow or something. Honestly, I didn't even remember who she was as the last time she was with me was a session several days ago.

Since then, I've let her follow me for a while and carry my dragon bones/scales, etc. I mean, with that kind of gumption, I felt bad telling her to wait for me on the side of that mountain. It was tempting though.
^not skyrim spoilers, just my story spoilers


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I finally bought my 2nd house in Markarth (not 2nd in the city, 2nd in the game) and all I have to say...... I LAUGH at the peasant quarters offered in Whiterun. They dont hold a candle to my towering monolith of magic that I just purchased. Such an awesome house.
So, this shall be my base of operations after I become a master assassin.
House in Windhelm>>>>
Or, hmmm.


Just killed an ancient dragon in Dawnstar. Guard is running around like an idiot and says 'what is it, dragons?' Got a chuckle out of me.
I was just spelunking and I came across a female mage who was hanging out in her own personal nook in the cave. I disposed of her and then looked around her little nook which had her bed, a chest and a shelf. What was on the shelf? Boots. Lots of boots. About a dozen pair of them. It's these little attentions to detail that make this game so spectacular...

Oh, and somebody needs to create a holiday-themed video montage of unrelenting force shouts set to the tune of "Feliz Navidad": Feliz Fus Ro Dah, da da da da daaaaaaaa! Feliz Fus Ro Dah, da da da da daaaaaaa! Feliz Fus Ro Dah, you piss me off, so I Fus Ro Dah!


So wait, I had the Septimus Lexicon and then I used it to level up 5 points in several skills. Does that mean I am already screwed out of getting the achievement?

No. What he means is that there's some Daedric Quests that lets you defy them. If you do, you get no special item and can't get the achievement. Just side with them every time and you're good to go.

Jeff Chen

So I'm trying to figure out why my Thieves guild quest is glitched,so I set out to find the NPC I'm supposed to go talk to. His name is Erikur and he lives in Solitude. He wasn't in his house, so I decided to use the console command to travel to his location. When I did that, it took me here:


He was dead there along with a bunch of other people. is this like some sort of collection of NPCs that I have killed? If I have killed him, does that mean there's no way for me to finish the thieves guild? what do I do I'm scared gaf

OMG, so this is the REAL Sovngarde!!! The one ppl have been dreaming for is a lie!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Okay, help me out. Never worn any jewelry yet, but I'm looking for a little magicka boost.

What can you enchant, what can you wear at the same time?

Does it matter at all what kind of jewelry you wear to get the effects of the enchantment?


I killed the elf dude (Faendal I think) who was after Camilla Valerius (now my ingame waifu) in Riverwood. He kept going in my home in Whiterun which angered me so I got Marcurio and Lydia to kill him but everytime I visit my home his dead body is always there :(

How can I get rid of his body? o_O

Did this elf have any more important quests? I already did the one where he was exchanging letters and competing with another dude for Camilla's love.


Okay, help me out. Never worn any jewelry yet, but I'm looking for a little magicka boost.

What can you enchant, what can you wear at the same time?

Does it matter at all what kind of jewelry you wear to get the effects of the enchantment?

I haven't seen that other jewelry does anything different, so gold, silver, otherwise.. have a ball... but I could be wrong.

I have been able to equip a ring, an amulet and a circlet if I dont go with my bitchin mask.


I killed the elf dude (Faendal I think) who was after Camilla Valerius (now my ingame waifu) in Riverwood. He kept going in my home in Whiterun which angered me so I got Marcurio and Lydia to kill him but everytime I visit my home his dead body is always there :(

How can I get rid of his body? o_O

Did this elf have any more important quests? I already did the one where he was exchanging letters and competing with another dude for Camilla's love.

I somehow did that first quest wrong, thinking I was helping the other dude, but became stoked when I saw the option to add Faendal as a companion. I used him for the first 60 hours of Gameplay, until he got in the way, went solo for a while and then got Omnund from the Mage's guild, who's awesome.

I actually lost Faendal, which started my solo-ing and my most preferred option of exploration, but after finding a new companion and checking out Riverwood again, I scoped out Faendal's house and found everything I gave him decorating his house. He even had the sabre pelt on the floor.
Goddammit, trying to get Vex and Delvin to give me Thieving missions in a particular city is doing my head in. I've already done the special requests in Whiterun, Windhelm and Solitude, I need Markarath you bastards.
I killed the elf dude (Faendal I think) who was after Camilla Valerius (now my ingame waifu) in Riverwood. He kept going in my home in Whiterun which angered me so I got Marcurio and Lydia to kill him but everytime I visit my home his dead body is always there :(

How can I get rid of his body? o_O

Did this elf have any more important quests? I already did the one where he was exchanging letters and competing with another dude for Camilla's love.

So weird. Is Faendal visiting your house a bug or is it scripted?
Hey guys:

I've been travelling a lot with Jenassa, the Dunmer merc out of Whiterun. One day, I got a message from her saying I would no longer have to pay for her services. Afterwards, I let her go to do my own thing, but when I came back she was 500g again. Anyone know what's up with this? Was it just a one-time thing with mercs?
Okay, help me out. Never worn any jewelry yet, but I'm looking for a little magicka boost.

What can you enchant, what can you wear at the same time?

Does it matter at all what kind of jewelry you wear to get the effects of the enchantment?

I don't think there are any enchants that upgrade damage. You can get upgrades that reduce costs of casting by up to 25% @ 100 enchanting(specific to each school of magic), magic regeneration and increased base magica. As for the jewelry, you can wear 1 ring and 1 necklace and there are some limitations as to what enchantments can be placed on it based upon the type. I don't remember what is what off the top of my head
This link explains it well :D


Yo Gotti

Decking out companions is so much fun. I barely even have to fight anymore I've set them up with such good equipment.

I've got a female Dark Elf Dark Brotherhood Initiate wearing full Dragonscale Armor enchanted with +50 1H bonus. Spellbreaker(?) Shield and a Legendary Chillrend, she paralyzes guys WAY more often than I ever did with that weapon, I tried fighting her and she just paralyzed me over and over and beat my ass into the dirt.

Then I've got Jordis from the Solitude house who I just gave the Ebony Mail, probably my favorite piece of Armor in the game, she's basically walking death with it on, whenever she gets into combat mode the armor does its magical thing where it goes all black and poisons everything around her. She's using an Ebony Sword of Blaze and the Shield of Solitude that ups magic resistance 30% and Blocking 35%. She kicks my ass in a one on one melee fight.

All three of us are wearing upgraded Dragon Priest masks, looking like a mob of Dragon Slayers. Dremora Lords don't have shit on my squad.

This game is just too awesome. I love how when you get bored of playing one way, make a few adjustments to your playstyle and it's like a brand new game.
Decking out companions is so much fun. I barely even have to fight anymore I've set them up with such good equipment.

I've got a female Dark Elf Dark Brotherhood Initiate wearing full Dragonscale Armor enchanted with +50 1H bonus. Spellbreaker(?) Shield and a Legendary Chillrend, she paralyzes guys WAY more often than I ever did with that weapon, I tried fighting her and she just paralyzed me over and over and beat my ass into the dirt.

Then I've got Jordis from the Solitude house who I just gave the Ebony Mail, probably my favorite piece of Armor in the game, she's basically walking death with it on, whenever she gets into combat mode the armor does its magical thing where it goes all black and poisons everything around her. She's using an Ebony Sword of Blaze and the Shield of Solitude that ups magic resistance 30% and Blocking 35%. She kicks my ass in a one on one melee fight.

All three of us are wearing upgraded Dragon Priest masks, looking like a mob of Dragon Slayers. Dremora Lords don't have shit on my squad.

This game is just too awesome. I love how when you get bored of playing one way, make a few adjustments to your playstyle and it's like a brand new game.

Is Chillrend a pre-made item, or did you enchant it yourself?


Some thoughts on the Hail Sithis! quest and overall Dark Brotherhood quest line.

The later Dark Brotherhood quests have been quite enjoyable, namely the assassination at the wedding, offing the cooks, and then going after the fake Emperor. A nice change of pace from the early part of the quest line.

I knew I was in hot water from my successful kill of the decoy Emperor, but I took a wagon ride to Solitude anyways so I didn't have to hoof it there from Dawnstar. Right away some guards from a ways up the road shout and start closing in, but I'm able to lose them by sprinting around the corner, going into sneak and rolling behind some rocks.

From there I swim to the end of the docks and get a bead on my secondary target, the head of the guard, from ultra-long range. Dude is smaller than my reticule on screen. Crouched behind a barrel on the dock, I swap to my cache of glass arrows, poison them, and take down the two guards around him before landing on the target (I couldn't tell which was which from that range). I one-shot all of them.

Successful, I hit the water again and swim toward the Emperor's boat, and take to shore on the rocks behind and to the right of it. From there I similarly snipe two guards that are up on the highest part of the outside of the ship. This is the longest range sniping I've done in the game, and it's incredibly satisfying. They have no idea where they got shot from - I'm barely visible from behind a rock a good 100 yards away.

I swim across the water and to the shore, giving the ship a wide birth, to get a view on anyone else. Climbing the rock spire I see a few other guards. My first shots miss, but they are attracted to the noise and I finish off all four of them quickly. Again, no one knows where the shots came from, I'm too far away. I feel like a badass.

The interior went in simlar fashion. No one landed a blow on me, and only a couple even got a chance to stand up. One manage to draw their sword. I looted the place, sharpened their swords (gotta work on smithing while I can), tossed them aside and moved in for the final kill.

Great writing and setup for the encounter with the Emperor. It did not go at all like I expected it to. I let him air out his last request, and honored it. ("But we had...a...deal....*sputter*) I was disappointed one of those 24 rare gems was not in his room; I'm still at 7 of 24. Heading to the surface of the ship, I find the six guys I took down and loot them. Two of the six got shot in the face. Huge grin.

The contrast to the rest of the DB missions are stark. Like the Thieves Guild side missions, all the assassinations feel like an after thought. Go here, kill this guy. Oblivion knew that the real pleasure came from the circumstances, methods, and promise for additional reward. Skyrim did that exactly ONCE with the wedding kill. This is hugely disappointing, because every kill should have been as satisfying as those.

Likewise, the Thieves Guild theft missions were very plain, and the main story barely dealt with the subject (that would be, theft). It was a combat-heavy revenge tale; it should have climaxed in a grand heist the same way the Dark Brotherhood climaxed in a grand assassination. That is my recollection of the questline for Oblivion. I'm glad I at least got a few good missions out of Dark Brotherhood this time around.

Fun times, and the payment got me the 100k gold Achievement. I just wish I had something to blow it all on now.

Yo Gotti

Some thoughts on the Hail Sithis! quest and overall Dark Brotherhood quest line.

The later Dark Brotherhood quests have been quite enjoyable, namely the assassination at the wedding, offing the cooks, and then going after the fake Emperor. A nice change of pace from the early part of the quest line.

I knew I was in hot water from my successful kill of the decoy Emperor, but I took a wagon ride to Solitude anyways so I didn't have to hoof it there from Dawnstar. Right away some guards from a ways up the road shout and start closing in, but I'm able to lose them by sprinting around the corner, going into sneak and rolling behind some rocks.

From there I swim to the end of the docks and get a bead on my secondary target, the head of the guard, from ultra-long range. Dude is smaller than my reticule on screen. Crouched behind a barrel on the dock, I swap to my cache of glass arrows, poison them, and take down the two guards around him before landing on the target (I couldn't tell which was which from that range). I one-shot all of them.

Successful, I hit the water again and swim toward the Emperor's boat, and take to shore on the rocks behind and to the right of it. From there I similarly snipe two guards that are up on the highest part of the outside of the ship. This is the longest range sniping I've done in the game, and it's incredibly satisfying. They have no idea where they got shot from - I'm barely visible from behind a rock a good 100 yards away.

I swim across the water and to the shore, giving the ship a wide birth, to get a view on anyone else. Climbing the rock spire I see a few other guards. My first shots miss, but they are attracted to the noise and I finish off all four of them quickly. Again, no one knows where the shots came from, I'm too far away. I feel like a badass.

The interior went in simlar fashion. No one landed a blow on me, and only a couple even got a chance to stand up. One manage to draw their sword. I looted the place, sharpened their swords (gotta work on smithing while I can), tossed them aside and moved in for the final kill.

Great writing and setup for the encounter with the Emperor. It did not go at all like I expected it to. I let him air out his last request, and honored it. ("But we had...a...deal....*sputter*) I was disappointed one of those 24 rare gems was not in his room; I'm still at 7 of 24. Heading to the surface of the ship, I find the six guys I took down and loot them. Two of the six got shot in the face. Huge grin.

The contrast to the rest of the DB missions are stark. Like the Thieves Guild side missions, all the assassinations feel like an after thought. Go here, kill this guy. Oblivion knew that the real pleasure came from the circumstances, methods, and promise for additional reward. Skyrim did that exactly ONCE with the wedding kill. This is hugely disappointing, because every kill should have been as satisfying as those.

Likewise, the Thieves Guild theft missions were very plain, and the main story barely dealth with the subject. It was a combat-heavy revenge tale; it should have climaxed in a grand heist the same way the Dark Brotherhood climaxed in a grand assassination. That is my recollection of the questline for Oblivion. I'm glad I at least got a few good missions out of Dark Brotherhood this time around.

Fun times, and the payment got me the 100k gold Achievement. I just wish I had something to blow it all on now.

I agree with all of this. It seems like they didn't try as hard this time with the questlines. Or maybe they spent so much time improving the technology that they just couldn't. Either way I still enjoyed them, I just wish there were some better rewards.

It seems like the real reward for the DB is
Companion Cyssero
, the
blade you get from Astrid is decent but it's no better than the Nightingale Blade
. What happened to loot like the Black Hands dagger from Morrowind? Blind enemies AND absorb their health. That was a deadly and fun weapon.


I need to get some smithing done - I have tons of dragon scales/bones.. My smith skill is very low as I haven't concentrated on it after nearly 50 hours of gameplay. Are there any NPC's that will forge for me or what is another way I can accomplish this without actually doing it myself?

You could make iron daggers or leather bracers. I found leather bracers to be most convenient as I usually had a lot of pelts lying around for leather and didn't go and actively seek iron ore.

I think I had 100 smithing by the time I was level 28 or so. As I obtained the pelts, I just turned them into leather and leather into leather bracers.

If you just want to do it as fast as possible, then Iron ore is easier to harvest and thus iron daggers would be your best bet.
Hey guys:

I've been travelling a lot with Jenassa, the Dunmer merc out of Whiterun. One day, I got a message from her saying I would no longer have to pay for her services. Afterwards, I let her go to do my own thing, but when I came back she was 500g again. Anyone know what's up with this? Was it just a one-time thing with mercs?
I think she only gives her services free if you are an elf yourself (any elf race).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Despite them being broken or exploitable, I sort of love the enchanting, smithing, and alchemy systems when you make the best of them. I guess a lot of the game is what you make of it, but I feel like I haven't really broken my game, and nothing forces you to do so. I did powerlevel smithing to 90 to be able to make my daggers, but I didn't make a fortify-smithing or enchanting armor set or anything so the daggers don't feel overpowered to me on Master difficulty. I haven't leveled enchanting at all except when legitimately enchanting stuff, and magic a fortify illusion amulet and +magic ring so I could cast invisibility just felt cool. Like it's not my forte, but I got the job done to accomplish one thing that makes me more effective. When I raise my Illusion skill enough and base magic enough that I don't need them to cast it any more, I'll be able to switch to more useful stuff. It's just fun.


After 160 hours in Skyrim... my steam playtime for the past 2 weeks is at a scary 141.7 hours. This is after averaging 4-10 hour every 2 weeks on Steam since 2008.


So I think I fucked up and made the wrong decision when I sided with the Stormcloaks. My character is a Nord, so I figured I would side with my kinsmen, and after all, I wasn't gonna run off and fight for the Empire after they tried to chop my head off. Also when I left Helgen in the beginning of the game it was with the Stormcloak dude and he said I should go hit the Stormcloaks up. Especially after seeing how the Thalmor were giant douches and the Empire being the Dominion's puppet.

But the more and more I play I feel like I should've sided with the Empire, especially after reading (Thalmor embassy spoilers)
Ulfric's Dossier and finding out he was an informant, and that Skyrim separating from the empire would weaken the empire making it easier for the Dominion to crush them all
and hearing the things some people are saying about Ulfric.

Wish there was some way to switch sides (go Turncloak instead of Stormcloak :p) because I'm really starting to question whether I picked the right side.

I guess I'll just have to keep on going with the direction I've chosen :(
Goddammit, trying to get Vex and Delvin to give me Thieving missions in a particular city is doing my head in. I've already done the special requests in Whiterun, Windhelm and Solitude, I need Markarath you bastards.

Talk to Tonila, you need to do her special mission first and then they will start offering up Markarth.
So I think I fucked up and made the wrong decision when I sided with the Stormcloaks. My character is a Nord, so I figured I would side with my kinsmen, and after all, I wasn't gonna run off and fight for the Empire after they tried to chop my head off. Also when I left Helgen in the beginning of the game it was with the Stormcloak dude and he said I should go hit the Stormcloaks up. Especially after seeing how the Thalmor were giant douches and the Empire being the Dominion's puppet.

But the more and more I play I feel like I should've sided with the Empire, especially after reading (Thalmor embassy spoilers)
Ulfric's Dossier and finding out he was an informant, and that Skyrim separating from the empire would weaken the empire making it easier for the Dominion to crush them all
and hearing the things some people are saying about Ulfric.

Wish there was some way to switch sides (go Turncloak instead of Stormcloak :p) because I'm really starting to question whether I picked the right side.

I guess I'll just have to keep on going with the direction I've chosen :(

Another point for the Empire is that they only created a pact with the Thalmor to essentially save the whole of Tamriel. Try and find the (in-game) book The Great War, it details it all. I really can't stand Ulfric, its pretty awesome that a game can make me feel so strongly about a character.


Alright guys, question: what's the deal with Nirnroot?

It's rare, it's got its own sound effect, there's even a place in the "General Stats" menu saying how much of it you've found. But I can't tell how it's special. Does it make potions more effective or something?

I did the "A Return to your Roots" quest hoping that I'd find something out. I was rewarded with a book with some flavor but no actual information. That said, I also got an apparently permanent magical effect:
25% chance to make two potions when using alchemy.
; are there any other quests that give out permanent buffs? Just the name and where to find it, please; spoiler-tag the buff, if you don't mind.

EDIT: So, I just saw this video, which is cool (an exploit to get unbounded power). But there's one thing I don't understand: how can he equip a circlet and a helmet at the same time? Can anyone recognize what model helmet he has?
So I was doing the
a blade in the dark quest
and for some reason when I get to the
dragon burial site, delphine
is there and she is hostile towards me and putting my weapons away doesn't stop her. I can't finish the quest without talking to her at the end and I don't know what to do :(
any time i've tried to use companions they've charged straight into my fireballs and died.

EDIT: So, I just saw this video, which is cool (an exploit to get unbounded power). But there's one thing I don't understand: how can he equip a circlet and a helmet at the same time? Can anyone recognize what model helmet he has?

i believe you can equip a falmer helm and a circlet at the same time. (didn't watch the video in case it had spoils)
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