Nothing more fun than getting 3 of them at once and all casting FUSRODAH at you. Gotta love seeing my character's ragdoll in all sort of awkward positions.
Eventually you out-level them and their shouts have no effect
Nothing more fun than getting 3 of them at once and all casting FUSRODAH at you. Gotta love seeing my character's ragdoll in all sort of awkward positions.
Question about companions: are they supposed to die really easily?
Lydia lasted for a while, but she eventually died. Every other companion I've had since her has died within minutes of tagging along with me. I bring them to a dungeon and before I leave the first area, they've been killed by a swarm of enemies that I have no trouble killing on my own. Is this a bug, or are they just really, really weak?
Yes, everyone's. Is fixed with the 1.3 patch (already out on PC, coming soon for consoles.)
Question about companions: are they supposed to die really easily?
Lydia lasted for a while, but she eventually died. Every other companion I've had since her has died within minutes of tagging along with me. I bring them to a dungeon and before I leave the first area, they've been killed by a swarm of enemies that I have no trouble killing on my own. Is this a bug, or are they just really, really weak?
I found some random place called Arcwind Point...and my god, what the fuck.I had to fight an Elder dragon, two Dragur Deathlords, a bunch of skeletons, and climbed a decently large tower to get my well deserved reward! Which was...a book on a podium....that gave me a point in restoration. What.
Vampire question:
Are there actually vampires that live under the ice in east Skyrim? I read about it in a book and looked at the map. It looks like there is actually icebergs there.
I just had to clear a whole dungeon full of them, it was damn tough. On a positive note, they did all have ebony greatswords so I now have 220,000 goldalthough nothing to spend it on :/
I encountered some, yes. The northeastern cost is really beautiful at night.
Oh god everything is fucking me up. I need more healing potions...
Why am I so bad at this game?
FUccccccccccccck might have to rerent this tonight.
Stop killing them. They only die to friendly fire and damage over time effects.
I spend 140 hours and my follower never died in any of my saves. Melee user. I'm confident that they never die. I've seen them do the immortal kneel in front of dragon breaths (while I stand behind them). They can't die unless you kill them yourself.Welp, ran into my first game-breaking bug last night. I guess the main quest can bug out if you're doing some Stormcloak quests at the same time. It looks like I can console my way through it, but it's still disappointing.
I don't think that's completely true. Enemies will stop focusing on them when they kneel down to heal, but I think they can still get killed by AOE or other attacks that hit them while they're down.
I am scared to play this game more, 4 hours in and 2 crashes, PC is only 0.5 years old. Not much has impressed me beyond the beautifully crafted environments and hugely improved dungeon design so far. Is there any way to decrease crash chances? I would like to see more before I permanently ditch this.
You have a crash phobia?
Whenever I try to free an NPC prisoner from his guard escorts, he ends up getting mauled by a bear after running no more than 100 meters. It happens EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
Part of me wants to laugh my ass off and the other part of me wonders if I just missed some sort of sidequest or reward. -_-
The place where you go transcribe a lexicon:WTF kind of dungeon is this? I've been in there for countless hours now.
I was sent there by a mad man, but I must be careful not to be driven off the edge myself by these seemingly infinite ruins of secrets and mysteries. I could see myself building a new life here... protecting the treasures and wonders of this sacred place against vulgar robbers passing off as "adventurers".
Damn. It's starting to get to me.
I found some random place called Arcwind Point...and my god, what the fuck.I had to fight an Elder dragon, two Dragur Deathlords, a bunch of skeletons, and climbed a decently large tower to get my well deserved reward! Which was...a book on a podium....that gave me a point in restoration. What.
Better yet, lure them into a Stormcloak camp.
Another big question is why the fuck they aren't sorted alphabetically. Seriously, Bethesda, that's basic game design you managed to throw out the window.
I don't think that's completely true. Enemies will stop focusing on them when they kneel down to heal, but I think they can still get killed by AOE or other attacks that hit them while they're down.
Master difficulty is fucking dumb. Fair enough I can get killed in one or two hits but at least let it be same for those half naked fucking bandits.
Worst of all, on a few occasions I've snuck up on run of the mill bandit leaders and hit them with my Blade of Woe that has 57 base damage and absorbs 10 HP WITH A 30x FUCKING MULTIPLIER AND THEY'RE STILL ALIVE.
I'm the leader of the Thieves Guild, The Dark Brotherhood and a god damn Nightingale. I should be able to eviscerate a silly bum hiding out in a cave before he even catches a whiff of my scent.
No human should have more than 500 health.
Castle Dour
Is the name of the castle Dour or did they mean door?
I was luring the blood dragon from the dragon lair nearby, when shit went bad.
Blood Dragon
Elder Dragon
6 Dragur Deathlords
2 Frost Trolls
Half a dozen Skeletons
The most epic fight ever.
Horses >>>> Dragons
Horses >>>> Dragons
Shadowmere is immortal right?