Ancient Dragons>>>> everything.
I've tried really hard to get them killed from all sorts of area of effect attacks. If this was the case, any high level Fire Mage (i.e., Fire Cloak, Fireballs everywhere) would dominate a companion quickly. I've trailed dragon breaths onto them and forced basically every attack I can think of onto them (either by taking the blow alongside them or using them as a bottleneck where enemies keep attacking). Hell, I've had a Giant launch them skyhigh and they still landed, got back up, and continued trucking. The only direct attacks that I have seen kill them were Falmer ... who inflict Lingering damage with Poisons. Oddly, I don't think I've seen Fire Lingering Damage kill them yet though.
However, I can kill them when they're kneeling just by breathing hard in their general vicinity :/
Not to say I didn't overlook something since it's entirely possible but, damn, I've tried just about everything for it.
###: how dare you cheat on skyrim sir
Do I ever get a housecarl other than Lydia?
She sounds like a total bitch when I ask her to trade items.
Do I ever get a housecarl other than Lydia?
She sounds like a total bitch when I ask her to trade items.
Hm, maybe it was poison in my case. But I also think I've seen them die when they run into battle while I'm still stealthed. I may have to test that out.
A new one with every house.
Last achievement to get: Daedric Artifacts.
8/15 done. God help me.
Most are short, and pretty much all of them are entertaining, so I'm not seeing the problem
Didn't get one for Riften. Or if I have I don't know where they are.
You have to be named Thane of the hold before you're given a housecarl.
Damn, the Thalmor are a serious problem.
I'm just getting around to doing themission where you have torescue Grey-Mane. I get there for the first time at level 47 and all the Thalmor are decked out in full sets of Glass armor with Glass Swords, Axes and Shields, they're probably using some crazy magic too. Shit. Fuck the Imperials and Stormcloaks, these guys could storm Skyrim and take it over right now. No wonder everyone is so scared of a guy from the Thalmor Prison
Just to try and gauge how powerful they were, I did a sneak shot from a distance with my enchanted ebony bow that usually one shots everything but the strongest enemies and it barely took off 1/4th of the guards life bar.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to legitimately get inside the building without killing anyone, but I'm not seeing any other alternative, so I'm gonna take a break for tonight and just do a full on assault next time I pick up the game, should be fun. These guys seem like the only legit challenge me and my crew of decked out companions will have had in a long time, so it'll be a good test of how strong they really are.
Seeing this makes me wish that you could join the Thalmor instead of the Imperials or Stormcloaks >_>. I'm hoping we get some DLC where they actually do launch an assault or something.
I think Blackreach just gave me explorer's fatigue. Too big! So beautiful though.
Damn, the Thalmor are a serious problem.
I'm just getting around to doing themission where you have torescue Grey-Mane. I get there for the first time at level 47 and all the Thalmor are decked out in full sets of Glass armor with Glass Swords, Axes and Shields, they're probably using some crazy magic too. Shit. Fuck the Imperials and Stormcloaks, these guys could storm Skyrim and take it over right now. No wonder everyone is so scared of a guy from the Thalmor Prison
Just to try and gauge how powerful they were, I did a sneak shot from a distance with my enchanted ebony bow that usually one shots everything but the strongest enemies and it barely took off 1/4th of the guards life bar.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to legitimately get inside the building without killing anyone, but I'm not seeing any other alternative, so I'm gonna take a break for tonight and just do a full on assault next time I pick up the game, should be fun. These guys seem like the only legit challenge me and my crew of decked out companions will have had in a long time, so it'll be a good test of how strong they really are.
Seeing this makes me wish that you could join the Thalmor instead of the Imperials or Stormcloaks >_>. I'm hoping we get some DLC where they actually do launch an assault or something.
I started that by killing everyone, made my way inside, but then stopped and loaded an older save thinking I could somehow befriend the Thalmor several hundred hours down the road.
Is there even a diplomatic solution for that quest?
I just did the one with the. Took at least three hours. Couldn't find the gem or the Vampire Dust for a long time, then needed to trek through a dungeon that I can confidently say is the longest one I've experienced in the game thus far. Then what? A "good job" with no real explanation other than "stay tuned" and a shield.disease price
The game gives the impression that there is but I have yet to find it. I think you were supposed to go to the Thalmor headquarters in Solitude and probably complete a speech check or something but the building is empty. Unless that building comes into play at some point in the main storyline (I haven't even gone to the Embassy yet but I've done nearly all the side stuff), I think it's safe to assume that it was intended for that quest and is just incomplete.Is there even a diplomatic solution for that quest?
It's bogus I can't get to Chillrend without being in the thieves guild.I know where it is, I know how to get into the house, but apparently shooting that mechanism doesn't do anything without Vex telling you about it in the quest. So it looks like I can forget about that sword, because my current character is a knight, and I like to RP my characters.
I don't think so, actually. Really feels like an omission. I thoughtIs there even a diplomatic solution for that quest?
Damn, the Thalmor are a serious problem.
I'm just getting around to doing themission where you have torescue Grey-Mane. I get there for the first time at level 47 and all the Thalmor are decked out in full sets of Glass armor with Glass Swords, Axes and Shields, they're probably using some crazy magic too. Shit. Fuck the Imperials and Stormcloaks, these guys could storm Skyrim and take it over right now. No wonder everyone is so scared of a guy from the Thalmor Prison
Just to try and gauge how powerful they were, I did a sneak shot from a distance with my enchanted ebony bow that usually one shots everything but the strongest enemies and it barely took off 1/4th of the guards life bar.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to legitimately get inside the building without killing anyone, but I'm not seeing any other alternative, so I'm gonna take a break for tonight and just do a full on assault next time I pick up the game, should be fun. These guys seem like the only legit challenge me and my crew of decked out companions will have had in a long time, so it'll be a good test of how strong they really are.
Is there even a diplomatic solution for that quest?
There has to be a way to do it because if you start a fight you fail the first objectibve, I'm thinking stealth infiltration might work, but I kind of want to just go in and kill them all.
Nope, death is the only solution.
The game gives the impression that there is but I have yet to find it. I think it's safe to assume that it was intended for that quest and is just incomplete.
I don't think so, actually. Really feels like an omission. [/spoiler]
Were you playing something else? That's probably what they meant, like you were cheating on a girlfriend.Just got this message to me on steam...
What the heck is he referring to? What is going on? I haven't cheated at ALL!
These been posted?
Skyrim vocal cover
Dragonborn Comes ( Bard Song )
fast travel has fucked up for me, with the new patch or new mods i added.. not that im complain walking is the only way.
If you want to do this without bloodshed,. and just walk right in.get an imperial commander's uniform (the works - armor boots helm weapons etc).
Daedric Quests make you feel like a jerk, especially if you want the item (or more accurately the achievement). Especially Boethiah's and Vaermina's![]()
It's not just you, the thread has slowed way down.Shit, I'm not used to the thread moving so slow, it seems. :lol
So my first unscripted dragon encounter was indeed flying backwards and not really doing anything but that so I just moved on. =/
Yep, same for me. I have at least three quests that can't be finished because they're bugged. Also too many quest items have weight and I'm stuck carrying them. Annoying.The game was relatively bug free for about the first 120 hours, but since then it seems like every other quest is bugged and can't be finished. Bethesda have their work cut out for them.