Does the game tell you how much real time you've spent on a character. I can use Steam's hours but I have 2 characters so it doesn't really help.
At least on the 360 it does. It's right in the middle of your save file, like "106.23.41".
Does the game tell you how much real time you've spent on a character. I can use Steam's hours but I have 2 characters so it doesn't really help.
At least on the 360 it does. It's right in the middle of your save file, like "106.23.41".
Clear cache and play offlineSo I just upgraded to a 360 Slim and now it's forcing me to download the patch before I can load my game.
Am I just screwed here? Is there any way around this? I want to be able to actually kill dragons, not just watch them fly backwards everywhere.
My companions who used to be stronger than I am, who are both wearing better armor than I am, are dying in 1-2 hits of my sword. These are high level companions fully decked out one in Ebony and one in Dragonscale armor. One of them I walk up to and it does the one hit KO head chop animation immediately.
This is seriously pissing me off, I spent hours crafting their gear and finding the weapons for them to use, now they're weaker than common bandits. WTF.
Guys give your companion a staff that revives the dead along with their usual weapons. They'll switch to it quickly to revive dead people to help to fight. Works really well.
My Lydia is often switching from two-handed sword to the staff at the best time to revive minions, then goes right back to two-handed and kills stuff![]()
Clear cache and play offline
What I wouldn't give for the ability to lasso dragons to the ground.
What I wouldn't give for the ability to lasso dragons to the ground.
Does anyone who's put in over 50 hours in this game really think it deserves GOTY? I love the game and think it offers some pretty awesome experiences, but there are just so many damn problems that become more and more apparent the more you play. I know award shows like the VGAs are based 100% on hype levels, but damn, what a stretch.
It does. Unless the patch is a file in your storage, in which case you'll just have to manually delete it.Does this still work if I already downloaded it?
Anyone know why this thread is being moved but games that came out earlier like Batman and Uncharted 3 remain? Just wondering how the decision is made...
It does. Unless the patch is a file in your storage, in which case you'll just have to manually delete it.
Fuck you Alvor. Charging an Ancient Dragon in your fucking pyjamas. You deserve to die
Why in the hell don't people run when a dragon appears? It's really pisses me off when I finally down a dragon that refuses to land only to find the smith is dead so I have to reload and do it again. Takes the wind out of my sails like a son of a bitch.
You might say, "Well, you have to live with the consequences." Fuck that. If the civilians made even the slightest effort to preserve their lives I wouldn't feel so bad. With the way they act now and the frequency of dragon appearances in certain towns it's absolutely unacceptable.
Are you trying to tell me I should stop doing sidequests at level 78 and put a little time into the main quest line? MADNESS I SAY, MADNESS
I'm 95 hours in and just joined my first guild - the Thieves Guild!
I didn't realize so many NPCs could die.
I still haven't had a dragon show up in a town. I always find them in the middle of nowhere.
Does using the staff level up the magic school its associated with or does it level up one handed weapons?
Level 42 and working on the Thieves Guild quests
. Can't wait to finish this.Just after the part where you are betrayed by Mercer
Neither - if you have a high level in the school of magic the staff is related to, you'll get more use out of it.
One-hand skill only relates to daggers/one-handed swords/mace/axes
That's poor design. At the very least they should level up the corresponding school of magic. I'll be sure to avoid.
another question, do companions effect experience gajned?
It's good stuff. You get a pretty cool thingee once you get some revenge; I'm putting the rest of the quest line on hold for a while and just chilling with it.
Where is Eola? She was in front of the cave telling me to clear it. I did. Now I don't know where she is. I want to kill the cannibal and her friends.
Also, don't kill Eola.I brought her through the cave with me and she just stood around in the last room to give me the next part of the quest. Maybe check there? I dunno where else she would go if you left her outside the cave.
-When using the X Weapon of Souls, how do I make it so it fills a gem? Does this happen automatically, or do I have to equip a type of gem to it?
Beautiful shot. I just joined the Thieve's Guild, and while they're total assholes, I'm having a lot of fun with the quests. :-DJust finished my 69th dungeon and am still only about 5 missions into the main quest, 3 missions into the Theives Guild and 1 mission into the Dark Brotherhood. 110hrs in, level 36 and the environments still never fail to impress me.
Hi guys, quick question before I start this up. Has the texture streaming bug on 360 been fixed? Can I install the game without problems?