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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

So I just upgraded to a 360 Slim and now it's forcing me to download the patch before I can load my game.

Am I just screwed here? Is there any way around this? I want to be able to actually kill dragons, not just watch them fly backwards everywhere.

Yo Gotti

This companions glitch is really pissing me off, has anyone else encountered this and found a way to fix it? Besides getting new companions of course.

EDIT: I'm talking about this.

My companions who used to be stronger than I am, who are both wearing better armor than I am, are dying in 1-2 hits of my sword. These are high level companions fully decked out one in Ebony and one in Dragonscale armor. One of them I walk up to and it does the one hit KO head chop animation immediately.

This is seriously pissing me off, I spent hours crafting their gear and finding the weapons for them to use, now they're weaker than common bandits. WTF.

Basically, strong companions are now weaker than shit. No armor ratings or resistances appear to be registering for them.


Guys give your companion a staff that revives the dead along with their usual weapons. They'll switch to it quickly to revive dead people to help to fight. Works really well.

My Lydia is often switching from two-handed sword to the staff at the best time to revive minions, then goes right back to two-handed and kills stuff:p


I'm currently being attacked on sight by the guards in the Blue Palace, even though I don't have a bounty. Has anyone run into/fixed this issue? I'm on PC and willing to the use the console to cheat my way out of this.

Yo Gotti

Guys give your companion a staff that revives the dead along with their usual weapons. They'll switch to it quickly to revive dead people to help to fight. Works really well.

My Lydia is often switching from two-handed sword to the staff at the best time to revive minions, then goes right back to two-handed and kills stuff:p

That's a great idea. I'm gonna do this in the future, once I figure out why their armor ratings seem to be completely broken. Until then they're useless. -_-


What I wouldn't give for the ability to lasso dragons to the ground.

Level 78 apparently I only have 3 left to pick up. Leveling weapon skills is a PITA


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I gotta say that Bethesda should consider making actual cutscenes for important plot points instead of using the in-game engine. Listening to long stretches of dialogue with the same static medium shot of the character gets pretty boring after awhile.

Also, I was ROFL when
I was watching the flashback of the battle with Alduin after reading the Elder Scroll. Seeing human warriors getting hit with fire breath and dragon fangs and not even flinching was fucking hilarious.


Anyone know why this thread is being moved but games that came out earlier like Batman and Uncharted 3 remain? Just wondering how the decision is made...


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
I'm 95 hours in and just joined my first guild - the Thieves Guild! The first official mission infiltrating the mansion was super fun. The city of Riften is likely to become my main home for my Khajit. I love the rift forests and the location right on the water, plus there is some good racial diversity so I think he will fit right in. He was living in Markarth but he never felt like he belonged.

Overall I've explored maybe half of the map. I haven't been to any of the cities north of Whiterun. This game wins GOTY from me easily. Of course there are some issues, but I am so emotionally invested in my character and the adventure he is having that I can easily look past them. There really is no other game experience quite like the one I've had with Skyrim.


Does anyone who's put in over 50 hours in this game really think it deserves GOTY? I love the game and think it offers some pretty awesome experiences, but there are just so many damn problems that become more and more apparent the more you play. I know award shows like the VGAs are based 100% on hype levels, but damn, what a stretch.

About 60 hours so far on my Nord warrior.

About 15 hours so far on my khajiit assassin/thief.

I still fuckin love this game, and it is by far my game of the year for 2011. The number of things this game does right far outweighs the number of things this game does wrong.

And I still plan to make a dark elf Mage next.


Anyone know why this thread is being moved but games that came out earlier like Batman and Uncharted 3 remain? Just wondering how the decision is made...

Popular games get thrown in the dungeon.
Fuck you Alvor. Charging an Ancient Dragon in your fucking pyjamas. You deserve to die

Why in the hell don't people run when a dragon appears? It's really pisses me off when I finally down a dragon that refuses to land only to find the smith is dead so I have to reload and do it again. Takes the wind out of my sails like a son of a bitch.

You might say, "Well, you have to live with the consequences." Fuck that. If the civilians made even the slightest effort to preserve their lives I wouldn't feel so bad. With the way they act now and the frequency of dragon appearances in certain towns it's absolutely unacceptable.


Where is Eola? She was in front of the cave telling me to clear it. I did. Now I don't know where she is. I want to kill the cannibal and her friends.
Fuck you Alvor. Charging an Ancient Dragon in your fucking pyjamas. You deserve to die

Why in the hell don't people run when a dragon appears? It's really pisses me off when I finally down a dragon that refuses to land only to find the smith is dead so I have to reload and do it again. Takes the wind out of my sails like a son of a bitch.

You might say, "Well, you have to live with the consequences." Fuck that. If the civilians made even the slightest effort to preserve their lives I wouldn't feel so bad. With the way they act now and the frequency of dragon appearances in certain towns it's absolutely unacceptable.

I didn't realize so many NPCs could die.

I still haven't had a dragon show up in a town. I always find them in the middle of nowhere.


Are you trying to tell me I should stop doing sidequests at level 78 and put a little time into the main quest line? MADNESS I SAY, MADNESS

I know, I know. But stick with me for a moment. There's like this quest, right? Except it's not just any quest. It's the main quest. I can see you're confused, so let me explain it a little more clearly. See, this quest is, in the developer's mind, the main story focal point of the game. I know, let it sink in. And during this quest, you like, get these things called shou-...I can tell you're lost.

But seriously, yeah, you should do it. You get some awesome shouts from the main quest. :p


Gold Member
Level 42 and working on the Thieves Guild quests
Just after the part where you are betrayed by Mercer
. Can't wait to finish this.


I'm 95 hours in and just joined my first guild - the Thieves Guild!

That's crazy! I'm at level 21 and all I've been doing is joining guilds/opening quest lines and I still feel like I'm taking too long. I'm in thieves, champions, on the brink of legion/stormcloak, dark brotherhood and I finally made it to the Mage college. I've read here that there's some Deadra thing too, but I haven't come across it yet. I'm surprised at how long it's taken me just to get initiated in all of these. I get distracted by all the random quests and caves along the roads, but still, it's not like I'm wondering off to some edge of the map without a reason. I really don't remember Oblivion taking this long just to get your bearings. This is more along the lines of Morrowind in terms of pacing.

Yo Gotti

Well, with my magic resistances broken and now my companions broken, it looks like I'm finally glitched out of having a good time with this game. So funny how quickly shit can go sour.

Magic resistances will be fixed soon but I haven't heard of them even talking about the companions glitch so hopefully that gets fixed too, if not then the thing that was keeping me looking for new adventures and loot just got ruined.


Does using the staff level up the magic school its associated with or does it level up one handed weapons?

Neither - if you have a high level in the school of magic the staff is related to, you'll get more use out of it.

One-hand skill only relates to daggers/one-handed swords/mace/axes


I love this game, but once I finish up with this character (and I mean finish EVERYTHING), I think I'm going to take a break from the game for about a year or so and let the modders get to work.

It's basically what I did with Oblivion and it worked out wonderfully. I put around 60-70 hours in vanilla, then lost interest for over a year only to come back and play OOO 1.3 and pour another 100 hours into it.

Got plenty of games to distract me in the meantime!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Level 42 and working on the Thieves Guild quests
Just after the part where you are betrayed by Mercer
. Can't wait to finish this.

It's good stuff. You get a pretty cool thingee once you get some revenge; I'm putting the rest of the quest line on hold for a while and just chilling with it.
Neither - if you have a high level in the school of magic the staff is related to, you'll get more use out of it.

One-hand skill only relates to daggers/one-handed swords/mace/axes

That's poor design. At the very least they should level up the corresponding school of magic. I'll be sure to avoid.

another question, do companions effect experience gajned?


That's poor design. At the very least they should level up the corresponding school of magic. I'll be sure to avoid.

another question, do companions effect experience gajned?

I think only in the sense that the enemies they kill do not count towards your XP. But summoned creature kills do. Conjuration is a good skill tree for a mage


It's good stuff. You get a pretty cool thingee once you get some revenge; I'm putting the rest of the quest line on hold for a while and just chilling with it.

I just found the standing stone way up on the northern coast that
opens all but Master locks automatically (Expert on down). Yowza. I carry ~300 lockpicks on me at all times, but that sure would have been handy early on! It's almost as good as the skeleton key.
Holy fuck is that overpowered. I made a dagger steals 900 health and 1000 stamina. Pretty much guarantees that I can fight an endless wave of enemies provided I don't get 1HKOed
Where is Eola? She was in front of the cave telling me to clear it. I did. Now I don't know where she is. I want to kill the cannibal and her friends.

I brought her through the cave with me and she just stood around in the last room to give me the next part of the quest. Maybe check there? I dunno where else she would go if you left her outside the cave.
I take it it's not possible to complete the
Diplomatic Immunity/Party Crasher
quest without
Malborn or whatever the snotty Elf guy's name was being found out
? Do you have to pull it off it without ever being detected, maybe? I know I sure as hell can't do this (my character's not sneaky at all) but it also seems sorta impossible due to the enemy placement.

By the way, I completed the Mage's Guild questline the other day and while the finale seemed a bit over the top to me, I must say the gear I got out of it is making me feel suitably badass. It must say completing it was no easy feat due to my very own stupidity: I decided to hold on the Dragon scales and bones and didn't realize you can just sell them for a nice cash boost. As a result, I was way too broke to buy any decent spells, which made the game quite difficult at times. :p
I brought her through the cave with me and she just stood around in the last room to give me the next part of the quest. Maybe check there? I dunno where else she would go if you left her outside the cave.
Also, don't kill Eola.

Coolest companion in the game?
Leads a cannibal coven, reanimates the dead, wears heavy armor, orders you to trap and eat a greedy priest, and she's all sexy lookin' to boot.
Coolest companion by far

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Just finished my 69th dungeon and am still only about 5 missions into the main quest, 3 missions into the Theives Guild and 1 mission into the Dark Brotherhood. 110hrs in, level 36 and the environments still never fail to impress me.



So, a few questions.

-Are Scrolls totally useless (since I can't learn them permanently afaik)? Like since they're one time only I should probably off them for cash, right?

-When using the X Weapon of Souls, how do I make it so it fills a gem? Does this happen automatically, or do I have to equip a type of gem to it?

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
-When using the X Weapon of Souls, how do I make it so it fills a gem? Does this happen automatically, or do I have to equip a type of gem to it?

Empty soul gems are filled automatically when using a weapon that captures souls. However, the more powerful the person you're killing, the larger the gem you need. You can't fill a petty gem with a powerful soul.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished my 69th dungeon and am still only about 5 missions into the main quest, 3 missions into the Theives Guild and 1 mission into the Dark Brotherhood. 110hrs in, level 36 and the environments still never fail to impress me.

Beautiful shot. I just joined the Thieve's Guild, and while they're total assholes, I'm having a lot of fun with the quests. :-D


Just got this game yesterday and finally started playing an hour or two ago. I'm more or less new to these sorts of games and already have a problem:

I was invited into Hadvar's home and thoughtlessly tried to steal from him. His daughter saw and the wife came at me with a knife. Now I know I'll be fine without that relationship, but I'd really rather undue what just happened. Of course.... I haven't saved yet. So is the only way to undo what's happened to start all over again?
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