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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

I can't decide if I want to join the Stormcloaks, or the Empire. After visiting Windhelm I'm drawn towards the Empire because of how they treat Dark Elves and... well, pretty much anyone who isn't a Nord. There should be a guy outside the city playing a banjo.

Do I have to choose a side eventually, or can I just go through the game never having to worry about it (or more importantly, am I going to miss any cool missions).

On another Windhelm related note, I've just arrived at the city and everyone is talking about
a series of murders in the town. I'm guessing this relates to a quest but I can't seem to find a starting point.

A certain mission in the main quest will not happen if you finish the civil war beforehand. You don't have to pick a side in the conflict, and the only cool missions the civil war offers are the battles for

And I want DLC for that banjo guy. Hilarious.


The Atronach Stone is way more useful than I thought it would be..great for me as a heavy restoration user. Good for dragons and magic users.

And I've decided I just dont want to do the companions on this character..they just bore me >_<
So I came up with a small profile for my latest character.

My Bosmer is a freedom fighter who doesn't want to do anything with the Altmer and the Aldmeri Dominion. She was part of a group of an organization who opposed the Thalmor but a traitor sold them out and she has been on the run ever since. She eventually hears about the Stormcloak rebellion in Skyrim and decides that is where she can continue her fight.

I'm not sure if I should make her join the Empire or the Stormcloaks though. A smarter character who sees the big picture would know that the Empire is simply licking its wounds before it can take up arms against the Aldmeri Dominion and civil war is the last thing it needs but a not as bright character who is hell bent on revenge would back the Stormcloaks because they aren't waiting and they're openly defying the Thalmor now.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Wow, I think I just came across the easiest and quickest way to level up one's Smithing.

Basically, every time I go out on missions and explore the world, I save the pelts of every wolf and bear I kill. Usually I have quite a few by the time I return to Whiterun since I don't fast travel, so I'm always encountering some wild animal or creature along my way.

Anyway, I buy all the leather I can from Warmaiden's and the female smith outside the door. Then, if I already have a bunch of leather strips, I convert some of the leather on a tanning rack into enough leather strips so that my leather strips/leather ratio is at least 2:1. Then I proceed to make a shit-ton of Leather Bracers, which require one leather and two leather strips. It's easy to make about 50 at a time, leveling up crazy fast, all without feeling like a grind at all since I only do it after long trips out into the wilderness.
Wow, I think I just came across the easiest and quickest way to level up one's Smithing.

Basically, every time I go out on missions and explore the world, I save the pelts of every wolf and bear I kill. Usually I have quite a few by the time I return to Whiterun since I don't fast travel, so I'm always encountering some wild animal or creature along my way.

Anyway, I buy all the leather I can from Warmaiden's and the female smith outside the door. Then, if I already have a bunch of leather strips, I convert some of the leather on a tanning rack into enough leather strips so that my leather strips/leather ratio is at least 2:1. Then I proceed to make a shit-ton of Leather Bracers, which require one leather and two leather strips. It's easy to make about 50 at a time, leveling up crazy fast, all without feeling like a grind at all since I only do it after long trips out into the wilderness.

Yep, create leather armour for easy XP, then sell them back to Warmaiden's for a bit of cash, head off to find more wolves/foxes/bears etc. Repeat ad nauseum. :)

You'd think that there would be diminishing returns on XP for creating the same piece over and over, but I guess Bethesda missed that one.


There is one female that sells them in the college, but I can't remember her name. Also if you go to the pub in Winterholm, there are two mages also selling the tomes.


sweet deal bro...thanks for the info...ill check it out. I got a staff last night that has "an unknown effect" when used....anyone else get it?
Can you just tell her to "go there"?

But yeah I hate when they block doors, I've mashed buttons too in frustration.
You can tell Lydia to go somewhere by talking to her. You can also tell her to go home so she will move out of the way.
Dax01 said:
I tried to make Lydia move, but no luck.
I've been seeing your posts for weeks and I noticed that you miss functionalities in this game all the time, and try to blame it on the game.
Such as? I'm a new player, and if I'm missing functions in this game, it's because the game isn't telling me they're there.


thats the first place i went....im already part of the college...maybe i havent found the right person yet.
You need to be at the correct level in the school of magic for which you're buying your spells, or they won't be available for sale.

For Destruction (not necessarily the same for the other schools):
0-24 -- Novice
25-49 -- Apprentice
50-74 -- Adept
75-99 -- Expert
100 -- Master

If you want the spell of Fireball, I'm pretty sure you need to be Adept. If you just want a non-Flames fire spell, Apprentice should suffice. Check your Destruction skill level. The person you want, Faralda, usually hangs out in the Hall of Countenance. If you are facing the huge doors to the Hall of Elements and just go clockwise around the interior of the courtyard, you'll arrive at that door. She's generally in a room on the first floor. If she's not there, wait until it's night time and try again.

Note that the master level spells in all schools require a bit more work than just purchasing a tome.

Such as? I'm a new player, and if I'm missing functions in this game, it's because the game isn't telling me they're there.

There's an in-game manual, too, I think. This isn't a game that holds your hand all the way through, and I'm grateful for it.

And you can also get companions to move by just holding down the A-button when looking at them. At least, I think that's how it works. Better than having to talk to them every time.

^ There's also the firebolt-spell, for Apprentice levels.
Would someone be so kind as to give me a good perk setup for a dual wielding dagger sneaky assassin? So far all I did was a point into one handed, a point into sneaking and a point into the 6x backstab.

Also, i take it I should join the thieves guild/dark brotherhood? When and where should i do that? Should I go right away or do a lot of story first?

Thanks in advance


Would someone be so kind as to give me a good perk setup for a dual wielding dagger sneaky assassin? So far all I did was a point into one handed, a point into sneaking and a point into the 6x backstab.

Also, i take it I should join the thieves guild/dark brotherhood? When and where should i do that? Should I go right away or do a lot of story first?

Thanks in advance

If you want to be back stabbing assasin you'll want them dark brotherhood gloves, trust me. To join, ask for rumors or head to the orphanege in Riften.


Thank you Sharp...thats exactly what i needed....il go talk to her and see if im high enough to get there...i know im pretty high on the destruction level....but ill check none the less. Looks like i got some stuff to do tonight. Also looking for sneaking shoes if anyone knows where to get those?(if they exist :-\)

lil smoke

could anyone please tell me the best place to buy new spells...i want the fireball....not flames

I was disappointed with the fireball once I got it, and stick with flame. But then my companion one shot killed a moving (but weakened) ice wraith from a long distance with one fireball, and I'm like holy crap sweet!

It's kinda hard to aim, but damn it has distance. It's almost like playing quarterback throwing a long bomb to a WR.


I wanted this for ps3 but since it had lots of issues I put off selling my 360(it had as much play time as my wii did before Skyward sword) and got it on 360. God damn this game is so amazing!! I played all week and (main questwise) I'm at the one right after you meet the
where the hell did my vacation go lol. I'm level 30 and I got into smithing to make some cash... I ended up maxing it out and i'm strutting arround wearing this full set of Daedric Armor, dual wealding Daedric Swords and Daedric Bow. My Thane is decked out in full dragon armor set. I might have gone overboard as bears and dragons die after a few swings. Once I unlock the armor weighs nothing perk I'll probably breeze through the rest of the game. So far GOTY for me.
edit-oh yeah I'm the thane, the girl is decked out in dragon armor... I think its Lydia or something.
Also WTF at the stormcloaks vs the empire. Hmmm should I join the murdering/rich snobs or the racist nord supremacists.


Maybe it's because I was somewhat sick but I couldn't pass up the sale for Skyrim on Steam even though I had told myself I wouldn't be getting the game. It was up for $40 so knowing that I'm not paying full price sort of helps with me buying it in the end. It came down between it and Anno 2070 (drm included). How Bethesda has handled the PS3 version really bothers me as that was the console version I was going to get originally but had to hold off. However on the PC side I guess things should be okay. So far they have been fine. I've killed my first dragon and have been messing around in the area now that I have a horse to see what is around. Like Fallout I don't think I'll be taking a companion with me just yet. I didn't bother with one in Fallout 3 until I got Fawkes (after a while I just parted ways with him) and in New Vegas I only ever really used Veronica and Rex once I got him. I forgot I also had the dog in Fallout 3 but I told him to wait at Megaton a lot I think because I didn't want him dying on me.

I've been doing back and forth from using the keyboard/mouse and the xbox controller. If I could just get turn/rotate left and right on the keyboard I'll be set control wise. I don't like turning to much with the mouse. Maybe if I had a trackball mouse. With the xbox controller it's a lot smoother but that's the only advantage it has for me as I'm used to everything else with the keyboard now that I've been taking advantage of the favorites menu. Is there a way to add turn/rotate left and right to the keyboard controls?

I've noticed I have to play this with a headset as the volume even maxed seems low. The game looks great even with me turning the shadows down. The game decided to set everything to ultra but shadows in games always give me trouble so I've just taken to dropping that setting no matter what. I think I put in 8 hours yesterday into the game (that includes me letting it sit as I did other things). I'm enjoying it well enough but not crazy about it. I think it will be put on the back burner for a while though while I finish up Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword as I'm finally past a part that was annoying me.

I'm still not sure how to level up my character. The Fallout games were more straight forward when it came to picking perks and I think the user interface had a lot to do with that. The UI for Skyrim while I can deal with it is bad and really annoying. Even with the xbox controller I didn't like it that much so I'm glad in the end I went with the PC version. At least then I can use different interfaces if they become available in the future. My biggest issue is with the skill constellation menu. I should be able to pick what I want, see the descriptions and the be on my way without any bit of frustration.

Also I have to stop holding onto armor. Wish there was a place I could store some things. If I can get npcs to interact with me different depending on what I'm wearing it would be nice to have certain pieces on standby but don't see a way to yet.


I was disappointed with the fireball once I got it, and stick with flame. But then my companion one shot killed a moving (but weakened) ice wraith from a long distance with one fireball, and I'm like holy crap sweet!

It's kinda hard to aim, but damn it has distance. It's almost like playing quarterback throwing a long bomb to a WR.

thats what im talking about...power can take a backseat for distance...i have flames...so im mastering that....but i need a distance magick just in case (god forbid) i run out of arrows.


Effect....you know that you can store things at your house right....or if you join like the mages school you can store things in your dorm room....i assume the other groups you join would provide storage
I've been doing back and forth from using the keyboard/mouse and the xbox controller. If I could just get turn/rotate left and right on the keyboard I'll be set control wise. I don't like turning to much with the mouse. Maybe if I had a trackball mouse. With the xbox controller it's a lot smoother but that's the only advantage it has for me as I'm used to everything else with the keyboard now that I've been taking advantage of the favorites menu. Is there a way to add turn/rotate left and right to the keyboard controls?
Sounds like you're just not really into keyboard/mouse controls at all. I'm assuming you're asking if there's a way to make A and D turn left and right instead of strafing left and right but I don't think there is and I'm not sure if you're realizing how awkward that would be. Your WASD keys are the equivalent to the left stick while the mouse is equivalent to the right stick - it's actually a very straight forward conversion. In your case I would recommend getting used to the controller. The favorite menu works wonders with the controller and you can map the D-Pad buttons to your favorites like you can with the number keys on the keyboard.

I'm still not sure how to level up my character. The Fallout games were more straight forward when it came to picking perks and I think the user interface had a lot to do with that. The UI for Skyrim while I can deal with it is bad and really annoying. Even with the xbox controller I didn't like it that much so I'm glad in the end I went with the PC version. At least then I can use different interfaces if they become available in the future. My biggest issue is with the skill constellation menu. I should be able to pick what I want, see the descriptions and the be on my way without any bit of frustration.
You should basically stick to maybe four different trees - there are 251 perks and you'll probably beat the game with no more than 50 or so points so it's possible to spread yourself too thin. My guy was Archery/Illusion/Alteration/Alchemy with a random few points in Restoration. A lot of people enjoy 1-Hand/Restoration/Heavy Armor/Blocking with points in Enchanting or Smithing.

Also I have to stop holding onto armor. Wish there was a place I could store some things. If I can get npcs to interact with me different depending on what I'm wearing it would be nice to have certain pieces on standby but don't see a way to yet.
Continue with the main quest a bit and do some stuff around Whiterun, you'll be granted a companion named Lydia and the opportunity to buy a house (house cost like 5,000). If you need a place to store stuff before you buy a house then talk to your companion, tell her to follow you, then talk to her again and ask to trade. Simply give her all the shit you don't want to carry and then, if you want to go solo, tell her that you should part ways. She'll hang out at Dragon Reach (the castle at the top of Whiterun) until you buy the house, then she'll just hang there in your bedroom.

Also, a popular choice is to join the Mage's College and just keep stuff in your dorm room. I never trusted leaving my valuables there but, then again, a lot of people seem to have done that early on.


Sounds like you're just not really into keyboard/mouse controls at all. I'm assuming you're asking if there's a way to make A and D turn left and right instead of strafing left and right but I don't think there is and I'm not sure if you're realizing how awkward that would be. Your WASD keys are the equivalent to the left stick while the mouse is equivalent to the right stick - it's actually a very straight forward conversion. In your case I would recommend getting used to the controller. The favorite menu works wonders with the controller and you can map the D-Pad buttons to your favorites like you can with the number keys on the keyboard.

I like keyboard/mouse controls. Even with MMORPGs I just like being able to turn with the A and D keys for some reason. I guess, thinking about it, it's because I usually map my hotkeys to the numpad so I have both hands on the keyboard. Now turning with the mouse is normally not a problem in FPS but some reason it feels off to me in Skyrim which is why I wanted the option to put it on the keyboard. If that's not possible though I might try to get used to the Xbox controller. I played Fallout 3 on the 360 and New Vegas on the PS3. I just haven't really used my Xbox controller with my PC in my PC chair. That might be what takes getting used to more. Like I said I was also sick so maybe that had something to do with it and I should give it another try and see if it's still a problem now that I'm feeling better. Will do that for a few minutes when I get home tonight.

Focusing on just a few skill trees does seem like it would be more manageable. Thanks.

I know I can store things in a home in these games but don't have that option yet. Wasn't sure if things stayed in chest out in the world if you stored them there.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm not even sure if the chests are needed to store things... i mean, i remember leaving a dozen of petty gems on the ground in Dragonreach. I came back days later and they were still there. Same with a bunch of useless potions i left near an alchemy table in a shop.

balimund i know that was a very scary thief who ran away but you might want to rethink your hiding spot
Haven't even touched the civil war questline yet, and I have a question. I'm playing as a khajiit mercenary who has no particular loyalty to either side - he's just interested in payment and being in the thick of battle. Being able to live his life on the battlefield is his greatest wish. Which side do you think has the greater potential for joining up as a merc? For example, are there dialogue options that reflect your mercenary disposition, or do you actually have to buy into their cause to advance the plot?


Yep, create leather armour for easy XP, then sell them back to Warmaiden's for a bit of cash, head off to find more wolves/foxes/bears etc. Repeat ad nauseum. :)

You'd think that there would be diminishing returns on XP for creating the same piece over and over, but I guess Bethesda missed that one.

If they did that, you would never reach level 100 and all dragon bones would be practically useless

Jeff Chen


Such as? I'm a new player, and if I'm missing functions in this game, it's because the game isn't telling me they're there.

Well, I have to agree with you. The two TES games I've played (Oblivion and this one) were doing very poorly in making ppl understand their complicated system. Skyrim has a less-complicated system so I managed to comprehend most of it. But Oblivion... I'm not even gonna try...

But still, intead of getting pissed off instantly, you can always post here to ask... Guys with no life, like me, are more than willing to offer our experience as a help ;P


So almost level 40 and just got to Blackreach, wow dat place. So cool.

Spellbreaker is the most amazing shield in the game, especially when you have the 50% damage from spells perk in blocking, nothing hurts me lol.


You know, I think I would like Elder Scrolls games way more if magic stuff didn't all have charges. That just causes me to never use my magic weapons ever.
can someone explain what i need to enchant my eleven bow?

A soul gem, an enchanter's table, and a weapon enchantment to put on it gained from disenchanting another item. That's it.

You know, I think I would like Elder Scrolls games way more if magic stuff didn't all have charges. That just causes me to never use my magic weapons ever.
Used to have that attitude, but soul gems to recharge them are pretty common. It's not like it'll be useful forever - use it while it still is.


so i could just take the attribute i have off one weapon...and put it on another? wow....can that enchantment be enhanced...like strengthened?
If they did that, you would never reach level 100 and all dragon bones would be practically useless

Actually that reminds me, what are Dragon Bones used for? I've been keeping all the ones I've collected in my stash in the hope that they might be useful later in the game.

so i could just take the attribute i have off one weapon...and put it on another? wow....can that enchantment be enhanced...like strengthened?

Go to enchanters table, disenchant the weapon/armour with the attribute you want. The item is destroyed, but you can then use that attribute for enchanting in the future.

To make enchantments better, use bigger soul gems in their creation, level up in the enchantment perk, use enchantment potions etc.


Actually that reminds me, what are Dragon Bones used for? I've been keeping all the ones I've collected in my stash in the hope that they might be useful later in the game.

Go to enchanters table, disenchant the weapon/armour with the attribute you want. The item is destroyed, but you can then use that attribute for enchanting in the future.

To make enchantments better, use bigger soul gems in their creation, level up in the enchantment perk, use enchantment potions etc.

AWESOME thanks....im totally going to town tonight with that....so the greater the soul gem...the better the enchantment will be.....
AWESOME thanks....im totally going to town tonight with that....so the greater the soul gem...the better the enchantment will be.....

Yeah. For example, earlier I was enchanting my boots so I could carry more stuff. Using a Petty soul gem would've given me the ability to carry an extra 1 unit of weight. using a Grand Sould Gem allowed me to carry 18 units more.

I find if you are going to be enchanting your weapons then spell/weapon that soul trap will be invaluable. Of course you could just buy the soul gems, but they are pricey when full.

No, the greater the SOUL, the better enchantement it will be. If you use a grand soul gem with a petty soul in it, you still get the petty effect. Keep that in mind.

True that, should've clarified.

Jeff Chen

AWESOME thanks....im totally going to town tonight with that....so the greater the soul gem...the better the enchantment will be.....

No, the greater the SOUL, the better enchantement it will be. If you use a grand soul gem with a petty soul in it, you still get the petty effect. Keep that in mind.
I forged ahead and completed the Civil War quest line today. In summary? It was okay. I guess my main problem with it is that it's highly repetitive: take this fort, take that fort... I guess the pace the game allows you to complete the quest makes it feel like there isn't really a war going on. I mean, outside the things you have to do in the quest, you never see anything about the war. No squads of Stormcloaks or Imperials patrolling the lands of Skyrim, no random battles between the two groups, you can still visit the cities that are on different sides despite your commitment to one side, etc.


thanks guys...more info that i could have asked for....appreciated....i have a fire enchantment i wanna put on my other bow....so i should be able to transfer...its a lower level bow so i doubt it will be difficult to obtain a gem that will do the trick.
the box for Skyrim says GFW

...what part of the game uses GFW? It registered on Steam, and has Steam achievements and doesn't seem to ever prompt any sort of GFW implementation.


I forged ahead and completed the Civil War quest line today. In summary? It was okay. I guess my main problem with it is that it's highly repetitive: take this fort, take that fort... I guess the pace the game allows you to complete the quest makes it feel like there isn't really a war going on. I mean, outside the things you have to do in the quest, you never see anything about the war. No squads of Stormcloaks or Imperials patrolling the lands of Skyrim, no random battles between the two groups, you can still visit the cities that are on different sides despite your commitment to one side, etc.

I agree with your take, in particular the bolded points. There were a few missions that mixed things up on the Stormcloak side - ambushing a wagon of supplies, using blackmail to gain intelligence on the enemy, freeing prisoners, etc. - but there were too many forts to capture. The city battles were better, as there were sub-goals woven into them, but for #3 plays out a whole lot like fort #1.

The lack of consequence to picking a side was my biggest beef. I should not be the Stormcloak war hero and be able to waltz down the streets of Solitude to buy arrows from their fletcher for use in taking the next Imperial fort. In addition to being silly, it prevents my actions from having any real meaning, and from making me feel like the word is taking note of me.

Skyrim uses dialog from people that makes note of different events I've driven (so and so was assassinated, the College of Winterhold found something, etc.), but that is not an effective substitute for actual consequence. The state of the world after the war is pretty much the same as it was during the war.

Find I enjoy Skyrim the most when I'm not focusing on one quest line, but nudging it along as I fold other tasks and questing into the mix. That way any repetition on things like forts or assasinations is dilluted.

On an unrelated note, tonight my hunt for Dragon Priests begins in earnest. I've hit level 21 and am now potent in archery, sneaking, Illusion, smithing, enchanting and alchemy, which are the core skills for my character. All are in the 40-60 range.

I'm taking great pleasure in being a hunter/scavenger. I only forge and enchant weapons and armor from materials I have mined or harvested myself on my travels (one exception, I needed a bit of moonstone to cap off my suit of Elven armor - naturally I find a bunch right after). It feels great to head back into town with 100 lbs of furs and ore in tow, then smith, improve and enchant them, for money and use.

I've found a half dozen dungeons new to me on this romp, and they were all great. I cleared out two huge ones deep in the south, which had some great loot and design touches.

Also got a new side quest. All I can say is I wasn't expecting much from a Guardian Mud Crab, but boy was I surprised. :lol
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