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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


I decided to side with the Stormcloaks. Down with the Imperials! Damn I've been loving this game lately. I can't stop playing it. I got my enchanting to 100, so I can finally make some robes and clothes that are useful. I'm still playing a mage that only wears clothes, no armor. It's fun! I have sets now that will give me free destruction and conjuration, or free alteration and conjuration, and I will make more sets as I see fit. When I feel like screwing around with telekinesis, I just put my alteration outfit on and I have free MP.

I was going to buy the house in Riften, but I had already cleared out the bandit tower that the bounty asked me to clear out. So I can't get the Jarl's sidekick to let me buy a house. I'm sure it's just a setstage command away from getting past it, but I said screw it and went to Windhelm instead. I like that city better so hopefully I can buy a house there soon.


HOLY CRAP. Watch this video and pause at 2:02. Look who voiced Paarthurnax. Yeah... why wasn't this known before now?

For those who don't know, Charles Martinet is the voice of Mario.

Here's a video of Paarthurnax talking: link


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
No real quest fixes yet.

I can't wait for them. I'm saving up my second playthrough for the quest fixes.

And the glitches you ran into with a certain playthrough probably won't get fixed for that particular playthrough.

I'm not sure - I purposely didn't complete the quests that I know are glitched because I was hoping that my not completing them will still allow them to be fixed on my profile (if you don't complete them you would never know that they were glitched because the glitch is in completing them).
Those are probably not bugs.

1. Did you do any of the Dark Brotherhood missions beforehand? Because the woman you're supposed to get the key from is the mother of the woman you can choose to kill in Mourning Never Comes. And if you kill her, the mother will commit suicide and can be found in the bedroom of her mansion (with the key on her corpse).
2. If you talked to the guard he would've mentioned a blood trail leading from the grave. Finding the blood trail can be difficult, but it leads to Hjerim. It took me a while to figure this out as well.

No i knew about that Already. I went into the house looking for the body, but I saw an arrow pointing towards empty space.

I have never once, in any game, gotten a character creator to work the way I want it.

They should make a character creator where you directly modify the features by grabbing onto parts of the face, like that game in the first Mario Party only much much more refined, and have the sliders for fine tuning. My brain just can't handle slider-based character creation.
HOLY CRAP. Watch this video and pause at 2:02. Look who voiced Paarthurnax. Yeah... why wasn't this known before now?

For those who don't know, Charles Martinet is the voice of Mario.

Here's a video of Paarthurnax talking: link

Reason for me to never kill him. Fuck the Blades.

I have never once, in any game, gotten a character creator to work the way I want it.

They should make a character creator where you directly modify the features by grabbing onto parts of the face, like that game in the first Mario Party only much much more refined, and have the sliders for fine tuning. My brain just can't handle slider-based character creation.

I just modify the hair, skin tone, and war paint of the presets. Messing around with facial structure just leads to disappointment. I've played a lot of Mass Effect and Fallout to learn this.
Reason for me to never kill him. Fuck the Blades.

I just modify the hair, skin tone, and war paint of the presets. Messing around with facial structure just leads to disappointment. I've played a lot of Mass Effect and Fallout to learn this.

I think it's the "modify each detail in a vacuum" aspect that I can't handle. I don't really read faces as a mass of details. It's actually hard for me to describe faces from memory or picture a face from a description because I just don't process them in that manner. I feel like I'd be able to mold the face better if I could actually, well, mold it as opposed to dragging sliders non-intuitively back and forth. It's a clunky system that feels rather dated.

I'm not autistic


I have never once, in any game, gotten a character creator to work the way I want it.

They should make a character creator where you directly modify the features by grabbing onto parts of the face, like that game in the first Mario Party only much much more refined, and have the sliders for fine tuning. My brain just can't handle slider-based character creation.

gotta agree with you.
i spent a good hour or so googling for nice faces to use but to no avail
i'm at riverwood... i'm so lost between Sven and whoever


Really Really Exciting Member!
I played most of the game as a two handed/archer heavy armor melee warrior. What should my 2nd character be to have some fun? Dual wielding sneaky thief or a caster?


Just got through with a 15-minute battle between a Frost Dragon, a Draugr Scourge, a Draugr Wight Lord (which I didn't even know existed), and about a hajillion skeletons, all outside of Arcwind Point at dusk in a snowstorm.

Wow. Just holy freaking wow. Sometimes everything in the game clicks at once, and this was one of those times. The weather, the setting, the music, the archery mechanics....the theatrical and the detailed all just fell into place.

Talk about clash of the titans, none of my arrows (ebony bow, ebony arrows, 18-points fire damage, with poison when fired at the dragon) did more than the smallest of slivers. I was able to manage the battle pretty well, largely sitting back and whittling down the three main dudes so there was just a touch of mop-up when Frosty finally dropped. I think I fired 100 arrows. :lol

When this game is good, it really is one of the greatest goddamn things ever.

Hahah I wish I would've named myself The Batman instead.


I have a few questions regarding Enchanting and magic, whose answers will help me plan my future characters.

1) Can you enchant non-armor items? For example, cosmetic items (shoes, gloves, etc.) that aren't classified as Light/Heavy armor, but occupy an armor slot. I ask in particular because my third character will be one that is a heavy magic and One-Handed user, and I'm considering the use of the Mage Armor perk, where your armor spells are more effective if you wear no armor. So I'd ideally wear a robe and gloves/boots/hat that aren't considered armor, but are enchanted. If that's not possible, I'll just wear a robe and light armor in the rest of the slots, which will change my perk allocation.

2) I believe Fortify (magic school) enchants just reduce mana costs, but would Fortify One-Handed (for example) still increase my damage if it raises my skill past 100? Can I even raise my skill past 100 with enchants? I ask because I would have to choose between:

A) enchanting for better stats/damage while taking mana cost reduction perks, or
B) enchanting for mana cost reduction, and getting two schools of magic (with the two enchants/item perk) reduced to 0 mana cost while being limited to 100 (normal max level without enchants) for my One-Handed skill and missing out on Fortify Health/Mana/Stamina enchants.

The answer to this question would also determine where I would allocate my stat bonuses on level-up. I won't dump a ton into Mana if my two main schools of magic are going to be cost-free with enchants.

Fake edit: I also realize after writing this that I can enchant four pieces of equipment with the mana reduction enchants, and still have two pieces left over to boost stats and One-Handed. I guess the question still remains, however. Would it be more viable to boost my damage/stats as high as possible, while enchanting just enough to make magic usable? Or should I just enchant away mana costs and use the leftover slots for damage/stat boosts?

3) I noticed that a lot of Illusion spells have a level cap. Would I have to worry about this at high levels? I plan for this character to be played entirely on Master difficulty, and I want to min/max it as much as possible within the build I'm going to be choosing, since I plan to make this character the one that completes everything (and eventually hits max level) - the "perfect" character. If Illusion is a huge part of my survivability, am I just going to get smoked at high levels if enemies level-scale with me and eventually are not affected by Illusion spells? Or do they only scale until a certain point? If they stop level scaling eventually, do they stop within the range that allows them to still be affected by Illusion spells?

4) This is overall gist of my thought process:

The character I'm trying to model it after (Aizen in Bleach, for those who are familiar) wears a robe (i.e., no visible armor) and uses a one-handed sword. His special ability gives him the power to create illusions and control others' senses, which translates well enough to Illusion magic. He is also very well-versed in other types of magic and is a deadly physical fighter in all aspects, but the illusion ability and his swordsmanship are his strongest suits. This is why I planned to focus on Illusion and One-Handed while also investing in other magic schools (Destruction, Restoration, and Alteration mostly) to cover the rest of his abilities and also increase survivability.

Basically, my character would be a magic-user that is very deadly with a one-handed weapon while using (Illusion and secondarily Alteration) magic to avoid/reduce damage, since he's wearing a robe - and possibly no armor at all if I can enchant cosmetic items in the other slots. Would this be viable on Master difficulty throughout all level ranges and against all the game content if the character is built properly? I plan to get all necessary perks in Smithing (for my weapon and possible non-chest-slot armor) and Enchanting.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I'd really appreciate any help I can get with any of these issues. I just want to make this character the best it can be.


regarding 2)

I have 100 in archery incl. al the perks, and if i equip stuff with boost to archery the damage does go up quitte a bit. Base damage for my bow is 168, if i equip al my fortify archery gear, the damage is 293.
Is the autographed soundtrack still available?

Not that I know, it was only available 'til December 23. You can stil get the unautographed version, though.

I'm wondering, if they replace the busted packaging that appeared on my doorstep a week or two ago, if I'll be getting another autographed version or not. Probably not.

Just got through with a 15-minute battle between a Frost Dragon, a Draugr Scourge, a Draugr Wight Lord (which I didn't even know existed), and about a hajillion skeletons, all outside of Arcwind Point at dusk in a snowstorm.

Wow. Just holy freaking wow. Sometimes everything in the game clicks at once, and this was one of those times. The weather, the setting, the music, the archery mechanics....the theatrical and the detailed all just fell into place.

Talk about clash of the titans, none of my arrows (ebony bow, ebony arrows, 18-points fire damage, with poison when fired at the dragon) did more than the smallest of slivers. I was able to manage the battle pretty well, largely sitting back and whittling down the three main dudes so there was just a touch of mop-up when Frosty finally dropped. I think I fired 100 arrows. :lol

When this game is good, it really is one of the greatest goddamn things ever.

Arcwind Point is the greatest area in the game, imo. Just so epic.


This morning all 3 of the saves I load are seizing up on me, 360 freezes a few seconds after loading.

Welp, it was a good 93hrs. r(-_-)
This morning all 3 of the saves I load are seizing up on me, 360 freezes a few seconds after loading.

Welp, it was a good 93hrs. r(-_-)

Try restarting your console. If that doesn't work, try creating a new game and then loading your old saves from there. I heard that works sometimes.


Not that I know, it was only available 'til December 23. You can stil get the unautographed version, though.

I'm wondering, if they replace the busted packaging that appeared on my doorstep a week or two ago, if I'll be getting another autographed version or not. Probably not.

The site says that copies ordered will be autographed while stocks last. Guess they didn't get as many orders as they expected.


I have a few questions regarding Enchanting and magic, whose answers will help me plan my future characters.


Sorry for the wall of text, but I'd really appreciate any help I can get with any of these issues. I just want to make this character the best it can be.

1) Yes

2) With enchanting if you max it with perks you can put 2 enchantments on any item.
The Fortify "X" enchants allow you to get over 100 points in any given skills (that's how you can abuse Smithing/alchemy/Enchanting)

3) Take all the illusion perks, prioritize Illusion, and Dual-Cast every spell and you should be fine regarding levels.

Your character may have a hard time sometimes, but it can definitively be viable.
Only little drawback to what you described, would be choosing no chest armor VS no armor at all, because some points in the Alteration tree that increase the effectiveness of the armor spells only work if you wear no armor at all.

For weapon enchants one little advice, get some drain life effects as soon as you can if you play on master :p
he grabbed his staff
and now the quest to
enter Sovngarde
is borked. Thank heavens for auto-save.

Fought an Ancient Dragon last night that was kicking my ass for the longest time. I've gotten so use to wading through the lesser dragons quite easily that I didn't expect it to be much of a problem, but the damn thing really dealt out a lot of damage and if I wandered anywhere close to him, I got the one-shot Dragon-Munch death.

Oddly enough, he was also the first dragon I've come across that was able to resist Dragonrend. I hit him wit it straight on early in the fight, the bastard simply flew around above me, glowing blue for a bit before the effects wore off and he returned to kicking my ass.

It was a glorious feeling when i did finally defeat him though. :)
I'm only about 16 hours in but I haven't seen any dragons. I have a couple of shouts and I understand that I need souls to use them.

I've wandered around 70% of the map and haven't seen a single one....any tips?
I'm only about 16 hours in but I haven't seen any dragons. I have a couple of shouts and I understand that I need souls to use them.

I've wandered around 70% of the map and haven't seen a single one....any tips?

Have you done any of the main quest? You need to do a small part of it before the dragons show up.
Have you done any of the main quest? You need to do a small part of it before the dragons show up.


No, as soon as I was given freedom to explore I started doing side quests and haven't touched the main story yet. Thanks!

Will it become apparent once I have passed the "trigger" point where dragons will start randomly showing up?

No, as soon as I was given freedom to explore I started doing side quests and haven't touched the main story yet. Thanks!

Will it become apparent once I have passed the "trigger" point where dragons will start randomly showing up?

Yes. You'll need to do a few things in the main quest to advance stuff, but it doesn't take too long.

Also, how have you covered 70% of the map in just 16 hours? I'm 100+ in and still finding new areas to explore.
Yes. You'll need to do a few things in the main quest to advance stuff, but it doesn't take too long.

Also, how have you covered 70% of the map in just 16 hours? I'm 100+ in and still finding new areas to explore.

This is helpful, thank you! 70% is probably an exaggeration. I've walked across much of map, corners-to-corners. I'm sure that there are a ton of spots I haven't found though.

Another question:

Is there a danger to leveling your base stats too much based on a single spell? I know that you can cast soul trap on a dead animal to continually level it, but I don't want to do it if it'll bump me up a few levels and leave me unprepared. I remember this being a problem in Morrowind (didn't play Oblivion).


Arcwind Point is the greatest area in the game, imo. Just so epic.
Yeah, just a great environment.

I continued my game from that point this morning for a bit, and went up the long stairs only to run into a Draugr Death Overlord. Whoops. Dude chased me up and down the canyon. :lol

Then I find my way to the dragon wall, thinking the Frost Dragon I felled belonged to it. Wrong.gif. It's a Blood Dragon - and I killed all the other guys he could get distracted by. I had the most cowardly dragon battle ever, huddling up at the top of the tower. I'd land an arrow when he stopped, then pop Become Ethereal right as he attacked. Repeat for ten minutes. Hey, it worked.
This is helpful, thank you! 70% is probably an exaggeration. I've walked across much of map, corners-to-corners. I'm sure that there are a ton of spots I haven't found though.
Having done that myself, believe me. You've barely scratched the surface.

Another question:

Is there a danger to leveling your base stats too much based on a single spell? I know that you can cast soul trap on a dead animal to continually level it, but I don't want to do it if it'll bump me up a few levels and leave me unprepared. I remember this being a problem in Morrowind (didn't play Oblivion).
Skyrim is much better about this than Oblivion was (didn't play Morrowind). In general so long as you are not grinding your non-combat skills too heavily, you will be fine. My characters have had a healthy mix of non-combat support skills (with my current using Stealth, Alchemy, Smithing and Enchantment alongside Archery and Alteration) and I've never run into problems leveling too fast. But I only work on my secondary skills proportional to the questing I do, so they are about even.
Finished the main and all guild quest lines, and probably most everything else, got all the shouts, finally found my last two Stones of Barenziah - luckily I didn't have to go back through all 24 places, I came across them quickly. I might've missed a couple of side quests, but I can't imagine they're anything major, I always speak to everyone in towns and try and discover all locations.

I enjoyed the finale of the main quest much more than Oblivion, and the Dark Brotherhood's end few quests too
From stepping in the Night Mother's coffin onwards, which I thought was creepy/hilarious, and Astrid being the Black Sacrament herself, which genuinely surprised me!
. The Thieves Guild was disappointing, but the end run of quests wasn't bad. Companions was blah and Mages College seemed short/forgettable.

By the end, the stream of fetch quests was starting to grate quite a lot - mainly because it was more a series of loading screens more than anything. All the back and forth for the College library and Thieves guild side jobs - I don't know if they had an end or they went on indefinately, but I did dozens and no longer needed the rewards, so...

I really enjoyed the smith/enchanting/alchemy and took advantage of these much more than I did in Oblivion.

Final stats:
Race: Wood Elf
Level: 65
Playtime: 256 hours (I think I put about 150 hours each into 2 characters in Oblivion, so I'd say there was more to do in Skyrim?)
Locations discovered: 334
Gold: 704,421 (!) Seriously, gold and loot to sell is so plentiful, so are most items actually; never bought arrows or soul gems because I needed them, only for convenience a couple of times.

Current borked quests:
(hopefully I can come back and clean them up if they ever patch these things)
- Hard Answers - Get Calcemo's translation guide - This was gone and complete, but going back into the Dwemer museum seemed to trigger it back to active?!
- Repairing the Phail - The Forsworn Briarheart leader remains a corpse, I took his heart along with 29 others I was carrying, totally borked been back to his body a few times
- Liberation of Skyrim - Liberate the Reach - this borked when one of the characters I was supposed to speak to didn't have any dialogue options.
- Bring Dragon bones/scales to Esbern - I did it, but marker remains in quest log, but won't locate him on map
- Speak to Verlus About the Hall of the Dead - As above
- Kill Hagraven Petra - I killed her, marker remains on body and on map/log
- Find Pantea's Flute - I have all 3 Bards College musical instruments in my inventory, Pantea thanked me for recovering the flute, but won't go any further
- Collect Bounty from Skald - Nothing happens in dialogue with him, map won't locate him either
- Speak to Greta about Temple of Divines - Can't remember, map won't locate her

Overall I had a blast with Skyrim, I loved exploring the world, I think overall almost everything except the guild questlines were better done than in Oblivion. The element of exploration is why draws me back to Bethesda games despite all their problems and bugs, it's just such a treat to get dropped into this huge world and discover things at your own pace. Awesome game, despite the PS3 problems.


Junior Member
So if I understand correctly, Dragons don't appear in the game until you talk to the Jarl of Whiterun. My second character has completely ignored the main quest since Helgen and hasn't encountered a Dragon yet in roughly 10 hours.

Also, I think I need to slow down with this game. I've already accepted that I'll probably still be playing it in six months, so I'm trying to find a way to slow my play down to under an hour per sitting.
So if I understand correctly, Dragons don't appear in the game until you talk to the Jarl of Whiterun. My second character has completely ignored the main quest since Helgen and hasn't encountered a Dragon yet in roughly 10 hours.

You have to do the quest that takes you to one of the towers to the west of Whiterun. After that dragons will show up in the world.

So instead of four NPC voice actors, they used like six this time? smh

It seems that way because groups of NPCs (like guards and soldiers) all use the same voice actor.
So if I understand correctly, Dragons don't appear in the game until you talk to the Jarl of Whiterun. My second character has completely ignored the main quest since Helgen and hasn't encountered a Dragon yet in roughly 10 hours.

Also, I think I need to slow down with this game. I've already accepted that I'll probably still be playing it in six months, so I'm trying to find a way to slow my play down to under an hour per sitting.

I'm the exact opposite. If I only have an hour to play, I don't even start Skyrim. It is a game that NEEDS plenty of time in my opinion. I just don't feel like I accomplish anything in just an hour or less. I need 1.5-2 hours minimum.


Will QA for food.
I've been playing without quick traveling, or mostly walking on foot. I really enjoy exploring the world this way, and it gives it a real sense of scale. And of course, it helps you find materials and dungeons much more easily.


regarding 2)

I have 100 in archery incl. al the perks, and if i equip stuff with boost to archery the damage does go up quitte a bit. Base damage for my bow is 168, if i equip al my fortify archery gear, the damage is 293.

1) Yes

2) With enchanting if you max it with perks you can put 2 enchantments on any item.
The Fortify "X" enchants allow you to get over 100 points in any given skills (that's how you can abuse Smithing/alchemy/Enchanting)

3) Take all the illusion perks, prioritize Illusion, and Dual-Cast every spell and you should be fine regarding levels.

Your character may have a hard time sometimes, but it can definitively be viable.
Only little drawback to what you described, would be choosing no chest armor VS no armor at all, because some points in the Alteration tree that increase the effectiveness of the armor spells only work if you wear no armor at all.

For weapon enchants one little advice, get some drain life effects as soon as you can if you play on master :p

Thanks for the responses! I plan to avoid a lot of direct combat if I can. I'll try to abuse Fury and Calm as much as I can and just pick off stragglers with Destruction and my sword. For dragons and scripted encounters I'll just have to get a little creative :p


Junior Member
I'm the exact opposite. If I only have an hour to play, I don't even start Skyrim. It is a game that NEEDS plenty of time in my opinion. I just don't feel like I accomplish anything in just an hour or less. I need 1.5-2 hours minimum.

In an hour I can do a quest or clear a couple caves. I have other goddamn games to play, and it's not like this game is going anywhere.

Edvardelis said:
You have to do the quest that takes you to one of the towers to the west of Whiterun. After that dragons will show up in the world.

Just checking. I don't want to encounter Dragons yet. I'm not even acknowledging the fact that my character is the Dragonborn yet.


Thanks for the responses! I plan to avoid a lot of direct combat if I can. I'll try to abuse Fury and Calm as much as I can and just pick off stragglers with Destruction and my sword. For dragons and scripted encounters I'll just have to get a little creative :p

Calm/Fury spells are incredibly fun to play with. I cannot recommend it enough.

For dragons, just get good at luring them toward other creatures and toss in pain from afar.

Which reminds me. I had a pretty nasty fight with a Frost Dragon a couple days ago. On Master those things destroy me, so I was using Become Ethereal to flee like mad, until I ran into a snow bear. Those things also destory me, so I used Calm on the poor guy and lured Frosty such that he got caught in one of his arctic blasts. That set them upon one another, and I backed out the scene and began hurling arrows.

The two fought like mad for a very long time; I think snow bears are resistant to some degree to ice damage, as the dragon did very little damage to him. After well over 5 minutes which involved multiple chases all over the mountain, I finally felled the Frost Dragon. The bear was still alive, with a sliver of health, a short distance away.

I am role playing a character that only kills hostile creatures, and am smithing all my own stuff, and those pelts yield a lot of leather. So I go into sneak and ready an arrow....then put it away. Dude helped fell a Frost Dragon and lived to tell the tale. I head off, and see him lie down in the distance for a nap. Dude earned it.
I'm the exact opposite. If I only have an hour to play, I don't even start Skyrim. It is a game that NEEDS plenty of time in my opinion. I just don't feel like I accomplish anything in just an hour or less. I need 1.5-2 hours minimum.

Likewise. Because I'm an alchemist, I walk to most destinations and gather ingredients along the way, not to mention ore, and I'm hunting for Dragon Priests. That means I spend a lot of time on foot, exploring. I can barely do my post-questing clean up tasks in an hour, much less make any real progress. :lol


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I still love the game to death though and for that reason I am starting a new character. Going to be a stealth/backstab player this time around. First point of destination is Riften for Theives guild.

I would not join the Thieves Guild until your character's a higher level, as the
Thieves Guild armor and Nightingale armor are level scaled.
In an hour I can do a quest or clear a couple caves. I have other goddamn games to play, and it's not like this game is going anywhere.

You must be finding only small caves so far, as there are plenty of caves/dungeons that can't be cleared in an hour, let alone a couple of them in that time. I've spent multiple play sessions in some of the larger ones, and thats putting in several hours at a go.
My most memorable moments so far in the story and guild quests (I'm not yet finished) have been
Meeting Paarthunax in the early morning with the sun just rising and honestly being both surprised and excited when Farkas transforms into a werewolf while in the cell
I'm 100 hours in and the game just keeps on giving.
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