I bought the Elder Scrolls novel last night. So far it has been a decent read.
You must be finding only small caves so far, as there are plenty of caves/dungeons that can't be cleared in an hour, let alone a couple of them in that time. I've spent multiple play sessions in some of the larger ones, and thats putting in several hours at a go.
How do you Wait in this game? Xbox version. I know how to pass the time sleeping, but how do you wait?
Back button.How do you Wait in this game? Xbox version. I know how to pass the time sleeping, but how do you wait?
So...turns out using 3 word stormcall in Whiterun is pretty entertaining. Shame the shout doesn't really have practical use.
Suddenly the Makarath guards are hostile (I'm inside the Dwemer caves) and my companion says we shouldn't be in here, so I can't finish the quest. I did not steal or kill anyone. This has also happened inside East Empire Company. What gives?
So...turns out using 3 word stormcall in Whiterun is pretty entertaining. Shame the shout doesn't really have practical use.
Seems I'm caught in the Markarth Guard bug. Is there a way out?
As far as I know I've been pretty slick.Wait, really? Some areas are off limits. Have you been playing through the Thieves Guild quests with no stealth whatsoever?
As far as I know I've been pretty slick.
In this case I have to stop an entire branch of quests. Thinking of re-rolling because of this, kinda frustrating as this was a turning point for my character. Want to just go thru and just kill and see what happens, and just let chips fall where they may before I start from scratch with a new perspective.
OK, so I found a black soul gem with a grand soul. I thought by dropping a soul gem would cause it to lose its soul, but no matter how many times I drop the black soul gem, it doesn't empty. Am I doing something wrong?
You can only empty a soul gem by using it, once it's filled, it's filled.
http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Gem_(Skyrim)If a soul of lowers quality is stored inside a bigger gem, simply drop it and re-pick it from the floor and it will be empty, this helps with having to waste black or grand gems filled with petty souls.
richiek, you have a grand soul gem filled with a grand soul, so you can't empty it.
I have a BLACK soul gem. I thought black soul gems can capture humanoid souls, which are larger than grand souls.
Finally got around to trying doing the Into the Mind of Madness quest just now, so fucking good...just so fucking good.
Somehow I never noticed that Whiterun's profile is a reflection of the Throat of the World and the mountains on either side of it. Even the small buildings on the right have the same profile as the three small mountain peaks behind it. I walked up to this view with my daughters watching and all three of us gasped at once.
Somehow I never noticed that Whiterun's profile is a reflection of the Throat of the World and the mountains on either side of it. Even the small buildings on the right have the same profile as the three small mountain peaks behind it. I walked up to this view with my daughters watching and all three of us gasped at once.
Somehow I never noticed that Whiterun's profile is a reflection of the Throat of the World and the mountains on either side of it. Even the small buildings on the right have the same profile as the three small mountain peaks behind it. I walked up to this view with my daughters watching and all three of us gasped at once.
Main plot question.After doing that nobody seems to acknowledged it. Is that the end game? The game seems to go on with theI killed Alduin in Sovngarde. I'm alittle confused. I though the main plot isWhitecloak vs. Imperial plot?killing Alduim
Further development: I reloaded an earlier save and the battle music was gone. The guy still wasnt helping me so went to Ulric Storkcloak who said I had to go buy a house in Windhelm but no quest thing ever popped up. Is that a requirement for this quest line?
Edit: an arrow marker appeared for that quest near the East Epire Company Warehouse so I went there to check it out. I get there, battle music starts playing (and never stops). Suddenly it gives me credit for having done part of that quest. What the hell.
I only have two saves, one before The battle of fort hraggstad, and one just after. Both seem to have the same glitches. I don't know what to do.
I've encountered a bug where textures and features in the world randomly appear purple and as flat geometric features, and after walking around for more than about 10 minutes the system (360) will hard lock. This is happening on all four of the most recent save files I have loaded.
Anybody else experienced this?
Gonna need a hi-res screenshot, stat. That would be an awesome desktop.
I got that a lot on pc before the latest patch (like this?), it usually meant a crash was soon to follow. Haven't heard of it happening on consoles though.
I've encountered a bug where textures and features in the world randomly appear purple and as flat geometric features, and after walking around for more than about 10 minutes the system (360) will hard lock. This is happening on all four of the most recent save files I have loaded.
Anybody else experienced this?
Umm, I just attempted installing the game for the first time. At 10% install I get a "can't read disc error." WTF?