I think only the Thieves Guild armor and rewards scale, the rest of the quest rewards don't.
But what does it mean exactly? That i should wait until im like lvl 50 before doing their quests? Kinda sucks since i made sneaky character... Guess i could still go with the Dark Brotherhood first.
There's an alternate ending to the quest. Instead of killing and eating the guy you've lured there, you can kill the cannibals. That will clear it.
I know what to do, but I'm stuck between becoming aor having an unfinished quest that will remind me for the rest of the gameplay.cannibal
That's true, but there's something else to keep in mind. To get the Oblivion Walker achievement, you need 15 of the 16 items given upon completion of these quests. The only reason there's room for 1 "error" is because of a quest where you can acquire 2 items, even though it's presented as an either/or. Some of these quests have alternate endings, but if you want a shot at the achievement, you should pick the right ending, the one where you get the item.
The item in this case isn't all that great(), but a lot of times they are. So, I would recommend trying both paths in most cases, who cares about a few innocent NPC's?some enchanted ring if I remember correctly, gives you an extra boost when eating human meat or something
Any good way to get up to the persuasion perk without power leveling!
Can somebody point me to a good guide for enchanting my gear? I'm trying to focus on Destruction (fire) and understand that I should try to cut the cost of my spells. I'm a bit lost when it comes to what I need to do to enchant items.
Does anyone know where I can buy cloth armor (head, feet, hands) to enchant for the mage armor perk in alteration?
There's no cloth armor, per se, just clothes - robes, etc. Try Radiant Raiment in Solitude, just inside the entrance.
"GhaleonEB is online and wants friends to play Skyrim."
Bethesda should give you money for advertising, Ghal. Hopefully you convince some of the heathens who haven't bought it yet. :lol
There's basically three "armor" types in the game: Light, Heavy, and No Armor. No Armor means wearing regular clothes and/or a robe which is probably what you want to do. It's really easy to find clothes in people's drawers - I have a few different sets of fancy clothes in my Wardrobes.Does anyone know where I can buy cloth armor (head, feet, hands) to enchant for the mage armor perk in alteration?
Heh. A lot of my friends have that beacon set up, and it amused me enough that I did likewise. I also want my friends to play Skyrim! :lol
Gloves are annoyingly hard to come by though... the only reliable source I've found of them is Thalmor.
That's odd, because I've seen gloves regularly just wandering around dungeons. I have no need for them, so I just let 'em be, but they are definitely around.
Just been chasing the headless horseman ghost for ages, is it just an easter egg of is there more to it?
He guards a graveyard, but during the night he'll randomly spawn in the wilderness and then ride toward it (leading the player there if you follow him) there's no quest or anything associated with him as far as I know. I followed him there once... still see him around sometimes though.Just been chasing the headless horseman ghost for ages, is it just an easter egg of is there more to it?
I think I'm having Skyrim withdrawal symptoms after finishing the game![]()
There's no cloth armor, per se, just clothes - robes, etc. Try Radiant Raiment in Solitude, just inside the entrance.
When does enchanting get "good?" My character is level 39, enchanting 47, alchemy 55, and all of my options are the pissy base numbers. The best Fortify Enchanting potion I can make is 9%. Why does it still suck?
Some thoughts after completing the civil war quest:I hope in the DLC or expansion you get to go to war with the Thalmor
A good friend of mine @AcidCrashX has designed this shirt with a mixture of Ace Attorney and Skyrim. Just wondered what you guys think of it. Thought it was quite original mash up
I don't understand why there is no depth in the letters R, D & A. And it's a bit bland, but the idea is cool.
Anyway, I just did the quest whereand now Balgruuf and that dark elf chick keep attacking me. Is that a glitch?I defended Whiterun against the Stormcloaks
Did you accidentally attack one of them? :lol
Can anyone tell me who the guy held up at the bottom of theis....i found him a while ago and he wont let me into the little room he is in.rataway
Part of the main quest.
Fuck, I just realized that after about 40hrs of playing, I've yet to ride a horse.
I have a bunch of loose gems and stones.....should i store them and hang on to them for a future need or sell them all and take the gold?
Your not missing anything. They're terrible.
Your not missing anything. They're terrible.
They do speed up travel a little bit, but yeah, horses should be way more useful than they are.Your not missing anything. They're terrible.
Use them to make jewellery and sell them, if you need the gold.I have a bunch of loose gems and stones.....should i store them and hang on to them for a future need or sell them all and take the gold?
Well I finished the Azura's Shrine quest and what a disappointment.. Such an anticlimactic ending. Oh well, at least I got a nice artifact out of it.My soul is transferred into Azura's Star and immediately I'm confronted by the evil mage soul, who I kill easily, and boom, it's over.
Use them to make jewellery and sell them, if you need the gold.