Otherwise, I usually travel on foot.
Oooo. Where do you get that helmet?
Also, Forester, why is your tag telling us that Pierre is a brown fish/a fish with brown hair?
Otherwise, I usually travel on foot.
Time to reload! You want to try to avoid townfolk dying since could bork quests and stop you from ever even getting them.
Also ran into some crazed dude, and after I killed him got the prompt to find some other Daedric Prince's cult. I ran into it up there, but didn't investigate since I'm saving the Daedric quests for another (!!!) character.
I wish more of the unique weapons were actually unique, instead of just a regular model with a different name. Most of them don't even have unique or useful enchantments. It's especially annoying with weapons like the Red Eagle swords that have quests and everything attached to them, when they are just regular ancient Nord swords with enchantments.
Also, why on earth doeshave such a low value? You'd think such an important weapon lore-wise would be worth a bit more.Keening
I havnt looked at enchanting at all, could i disenchant some robes of that give me magicka regenerates 75% faster and enchant that onto daedric armor for instance?
it is a possibility, but the game does not allow all weird and wonderful matches and applications...try it out, but be prepared for disappointment.
That sounds fairly ordinary, the only stuff you can't disenchant are unique items, like the dragon priest masks. Just don't expect your own enchantment to be as strong as some of the best items found in the game world, you need to level up enchanting just like anything else for that and an appropriate soul gem. There are also some weird limitations like you can't enchant your boots to give you an archery boost, but those are few and far in between.
Anyway, even if you have no enchanting skill, the fact that you can enchant a lot of shit with the same spell and those effects will stack means you can get a really big boost in any particular area if you want.
Yeah, I don't need armor perks that boost the armor rating, you easily hit the cap with good smithing.thanks, this is similar to what i am intending to do.
not so sure if i want to put any perks into Magicka though.
do you avoid Heavy Armor Perk as well? e.g. Juggernaut.
I thought Paralyzing Strike and Critical Charge seemed rather useless.
was planning to get the final Perk for Sneak as well.. seems pretty badass
So. What started out tonight as a search for a Dragon Priest on the way back from Septimus's outpost ended up at Frostflow Lighthouse. What a wonderfully detailed, sad and even touching tale.
The Falmer war axe and the telltale charus clicking told the tale of their fate as soon as I walked in. The details are what really made the place; the journals telling everyone's perspective; the key in the mother's favorite antique urn; the way the Falmer used all the stuff they'd stolen down below. The brooms as totems was an especially nice touch. I was saddened by the discovery of the bloody note; what a horrible, wonderful detail.
I had gone up to the lighthouse before finding all the journals, so I knew you could climb the ladder for the fire itself, but not why. The moment I found Habd's remains I understood.
I put his remains in the lighthouse fire, so he could forever watch the glaciers drift by, as he had once asked his slain wife to do. Enjoy the view, buddy.
I was genuinely moved by that detail, more so than any I came across in Oblivion and all of Skyrim so far. Wonderful story telling, Bethesda.
@Morokh: why would you want to avoid 1-hand? It has the dual wielding perk which speeds up every attack as long as you wear 2 weapons.
I talked about that quest in this thread before, so well done, one of my favorite small quests i did in Skyrim.
Oooo. Where do you get that helmet?
Yeah, I don't need armor perks that boost the armor rating, you easily hit the cap with good smithing.
The best one handed perks for dual wielding are at the base, not near the top. Those are indeed pretty useless.
So I went and purchased a dog at the Markarth stables. Figured it'd be a nice companion to tag along with me while I do miscellaneous quests here and there that dont require stealth since little bastard barks all of the time. I trek back to Winterhold and drop him off at house. Less than a half hour later Im pillaging a fort when I recieve the message: "Your dog is heading back to his home." The mutt headed right back to the Markarth stables to its original owner. I head right back over there thinking Ill be able to have the dog follow me back to Breezehome. Nope, instead I get the offer to rebuy him for another 500 gold.
Finished the main quest last night.
Was wondering about something though -during the truce quest leading up to capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach (ignored the civil war quests) or maybe shortly after it, The Blades asked me to kill Paarthurnax? But I ignored this and killed out Alduin. Now when I look in my log, the quest to kill Paarthurnax seems to have disappeared. Is this intentional?
Can I add additional enhancements to weapons Ive already enhanced? For example, Ive got an ebony bow enhanced with flames, so can I disassemble a weapon with paralysis attributes and add that onto my flame bow? Being paralyzed and on fire wouldn't be a pleasant experience.
To give an item two enchantments (flame and paralysis) you have to take a certain perk (I forget the name.) That perk requires you to have a 100 Enchantment.
And, don't worry, you'll have ebony bow's coming out of your ears before long, so you can double enchant as many as you like.![]()
Are the Peerless Archery items random spawns? im looking for one to disenchant.
Random and leveled. You need to wait until level 40 before you have a chance of seeing them.
Also, you would get the same enchantment from an item of minor archery, disenchanting only gets you the type of enchantment, not the magnitude of it.
I have a question about the Thieves Guild quest line:
So, Mercer killed Gallus because he and Karliah figured out that Mercer was stealing from the guild. Karliah goes into hiding. 25 years later the Dragonborn learns this and eventually bring Karliah back to the guild in Riften. There she asks the guild members to open the vault so they will see that Mercer has been stealing from them. The vault is empty. The guild is coloured surprised. Didn't anyone bother to check the vault for 25 years?!
When I first unlocked Stormcall, I went to complete a quest for the Companions to hunt some Giants at one of their camps. I decided to use the shout and it worked well at first. The Giants were taking some damage while I was waiting for them to come to me. After the battle, I noticed my horse had ran off after taking a few hits from one of the Giants. The only problem was that the lighting still continued to attack my horse, and it was a matter of seconds before the lightning had stricken him down.Note to newbies with the Storm Call shout: Dont use it in towns. I just pissed off the citizens of Solitude and earned myself a fine of 5400 gold. Had to lay low for a day or two before I went and paid it off.
I have a question about the Thieves Guild quest line:
So, Mercer killed Gallus because he and Karliah figured out that Mercer was stealing from the guild. Karliah goes into hiding. 25 years later the Dragonborn learns this and eventually bring Karliah back to the guild in Riften. There she asks the guild members to open the vault so they will see that Mercer has been stealing from them. The vault is empty. The guild is coloured surprised. Didn't anyone bother to check the vault for 25 years?!
Ohh so how do you level the enchantment? I have not even touched enchanting yet.
Ohh so how do you level the enchantment? I have not even touched enchanting yet.
Oh my god I ran into my first blood dragon on a mountaintop and burned every damn potion on the thing, finally downed it and as I'm licking my wounds this friggin dragonpriestpops out and starts wailing on me. Apparently too much of a bitch to engage me in a fair fight and hides in his tomb until the dragon softened me up, not cool! Needless to say I did the sensible thing and ran away, currently regrouping in Windhelm then heading back there for payback (or a futile death). Wish me luck!Krosis
Worth it. Go back and make him pay. Reap the rewards.
I got to around skill 80 by a trainer. I would gain a skill level, then pickpocket the money back. I leveled pickpocketing to 100 by doing this. I also did this trick for destruction.
Agreed! That was an awesome "Oh shit!" moment for me after defeating that dragon as well. One of my first encounters with a Dragon Priest, but oh so satisfying.