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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

Well this is interesting.

I'm on the way back from the fetch portion of A Daedra's Best Friend (hilarious quest) when I decide to nudge the main quest along a bit on the way. I swing by Riverwood and talk to Delphine, with Barbas in tow, and head to Kynesgrove to kill the dragon there. I like to travel with guys and snag ingredients on the way, so the three of us start hoofing it. On the way, we run into some Stormcloaks.

I'm Imperial, and I don't let Stormcloaks saunter on by on my watch. I start taking them out - they don't last long - and then turn to find my two companions at one another's throat. Barbas and Delphine are really going after each other. Amusingly, Barbas was winning.

Leaving them to their squabble, I and head to the dragon burial mound. After my target has emerged, we engage - I'm quite formidable now, though I still have to watch it around dragons. Part way through the fight I get tagged by an arrow. I turn around and Delphine is targeting me! And good ol' Barbas is attacking her from behind. Good dog.

I lock her in a case of ice for a while and focus on the dragon, eventually felling it. Now I've got its soul, and Delphine is still after my ass. :lol

Unfortunately, I can't talk to her and Calm isn't strong enough to chill her out. I'm going to leave her and Barbas to their little spat and hope that Delphine chills out after I take a wagon ride or two.

My speculation is that Delphine attacked me when I turned on the Stormcloaks, and since Barbas is assigned to me as a companion, he sprung to my defense. But they're both invincible, so their rivalry might never end.

If this turns out to have broken the main quest, I'll just reload from when we left Riverwood and send Barbas on his way. What a weird situation...

Yeah, I think you may have to. I usually attack any Stormcloaks I find, too, (except the overabundance of farmers that want to join 'em), but in cases like that I tend to leave 'em be. :p

That's no special. Pc should have that on day one. What should be special is a fucking patch that prevent glitch shit from happening. No more npc refuse to act with you. No more key item Mia.

A game this size, that would take years. There's always stuff the developers can't test or reproduce when they're playing the game, because everyone plays it differently. Skyrim on the whole has been a lot less buggy than previous Bethesda titles, at least for me. If you're on the PC, just use the console to progress the quest if you're really stuck.
Hello, guys!

Just got my NeoGAF account activated! Happy to finally stop lurking!

Anyways, I got Skyrim on Steam back in November.

Played for like a 100hours just doing sidequests. Barely got into the mainquest.

At that point, it got so overwhelming that I became afraid to talk to people and get even more quests! :D

Another thing, I was playing as a mage and it fely kinda of underpowered compared to guys with their 100 Smithing and enchanting getting awesome weapons and gear!

Also, I got a bug on the mainquest and that drove me to stop playing it for awhile!

Now, question time:

1) has there been more patches to fix the game?
2) Any great mods for mages out there (I had a destruction/conjuration mage)?

Thanks for the help. Finally being able to be part of the discussion is good. :)
Hello, guys!

Just got my NeoGAF account activated! Happy to finally stop lurking!

Anyways, I got Skyrim on Steam back in November.

Played for like a 100hours just doing sidequests. Barely got into the mainquest.

At that point, it got so overwhelming that I became afraid to talk to people and get even more quests! :D

Another thing, I was playing as a mage and it fely kinda of underpowered compared to guys with their 100 Smithing and enchanting getting awesome weapons and gear!

Also, I got a bug on the mainquest and that drove me to stop playing it for awhile!

Now, question time:

1) has there been more patches to fix the game?
2) Any great mods for mages out there (I had a destruction/conjuration mage)?

Thanks for the help. Finally being able to be part of the discussion is good. :)

For the first question, check the OP. I have links to all the patch notes in there.

For the second, you may want to check out TES Nexus.

Thanks, BlueNinja!

I had been lurking GAF for awhile and your posts really hyped Skyrim for me!

So really, this is your fault! :D

I plead guilty.


A game this size, that would take years. There's always stuff the developers can't test or reproduce when they're playing the game, because everyone plays it differently. Skyrim on the whole has been a lot less buggy than previous Bethesda titles, at least for me. If you're on the PC, just use the console to progress the quest if you're really stuck.

i see what you trynna say, you trynna say fuck em console gamers, that's not cool.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
Yes! The 1.4 patch will fix several broken quests that I've encountered. Are we to assume that our current saves will be fixed with the patch? I'm guessing I'll need to start a new character.

I'm up to 10.5 clones of Louis Letrush. I wonder what the record is.


Yeah, I think you may have to. I usually attack any Stormcloaks I find, too, (except the overabundance of farmers that want to join 'em), but in cases like that I tend to leave 'em be. :p

I un-broke it. :D

I decided to try removing the two things that might have been causing her to be hostile toward me: Barbas, and my bounty (2,040 gold). Since she was serving as a witness, and had turned hostile toward me, I was hoping that meant removing it would neuter her. I just found that it did.

I'm glad, because I had to pay off the bounty in Whiterun, and that meant moving the Civil War story through the battle that took place there. That battle was a lot of fun; the mix of playing a totally different character (melee brawler rather than archer) and being on the other side of the fight made it feel very fresh. I also killed two more dragons going from and then to where Delphine is. Woulda sucked to have lost it.

After getting bitten by many quests and tasks that became glitched out (I currently have a stuck misc. task telling me to visit my new home in Solitude, the one I've been in a dozen times), this feels like a victory. I outsmarted the system. w00t


So the console patch is coming out this week? I've bought the game day one but played only for a couple hours, so I'm thinking about starting over when the new patch comes out


So, my first glitched out quest. I have to return to Eltrys once I've completed "The Forsworn Conspiracy" yet when I go to him, there are 3 imperials standing around his body. They then ask me if I want to join the imperials....GAH
So the console patch is coming out this week? I've bought the game day one but played only for a couple hours, so I'm thinking about starting over when the new patch comes out

It should be, yeah. It's up to Microsoft and Sony, though.

Re-finished the main quest today. Heck, I kinda ruined the final battle for myself by replaying it about four times
because I wanted to find out if you could loot Alduin when the "Search Alduin"-text appeared on-screen. You can't. :(

Playing on Master, I'm level 50 now, clad in Dragonplate armor named after the dragons of whose bones it was wrought. My smithed-up and enchanted Akaviri katana can destroy most things in just a couple of hits. Spellbreaker keeps pesky mages at bay, and serves as an excellent battering ram when charging head-first into combat. I slew seven Draugr Deathlords, an Elder Dragon and a Frost Dragon in a matter of minutes during the final dungeon, I'm just that badass. Right now, I'm trying to find the last few shouts that are out there in the wild (without having to do any of the guild questlines). Then I'm finishing up the Imperial questline and retiring in Windhelm. I had planned on doing the Companions questline with this character, as I still haven't touched that one yet, but I ultimately decided to create a new one for that purpose. Maybe an Imperial or a Redguard. Not sure if I'll do that before or after I start my final runthrough of Mass Effect 1/2 though...

Also, I don't suppose anyone has high-res cover art of Morrowind/Oblivion and Skyrim? I'm looking for the cover art, so no logo's (except perhaps the game logo, but no console/pc logo's, no developer logo's, nothing. I want my boxes to have a bit of a 'book' feel to them.


formerly "chigiri"
So, my first glitched out quest. I have to return to Eltrys once I've completed "The Forsworn Conspiracy" yet when I go to him, there are 3 imperials standing around his body. They then ask me if I want to join the imperials....GAH

Wait 8-10 hours then a third guard should spawn and trigger the next quest. Alternatively wait outside or try and catch the guard running out of the room and talk to him.
I am at the end of the Thieves Guild quest and have run into a character that never dies, and allows me to pummel them with destruction magic.

Am I safe to grind it out here? The character is
The spirit of Gallus
and I don't want to do it if I will bork the quest.

Quoting myself, but for what it's worth it looks like this is working. I've gone from Destruction level 65 - 76 and the character still talks to me with no problem. It's definitely not a whole lot of fun though, so if anybody has a better place to grind destruction please let me know!

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Quoting myself, but for what it's worth it looks like this is working. I've gone from Destruction level 65 - 76 and the character still talks to me with no problem. It's definitely not a whole lot of fun though, so if anybody has a better place to grind destruction please let me know!


If the steps are the same then I'll just keep at it with this character. The trick here is:

  1. Down the character with a low-level destruction spell
  2. Keep casting while the character is on a bended knee
  3. Down the character again when they rise with full health
  4. "Sheath" your hands before they rise again

The character will go back to the original position and you can start over. If you don't sheath your hands then the character will incessantly attack you and the loop appears to be broken.

I'm just wondering if there is a way to do it faster than this. It takes a few minutes to raise a single level.
holy fuck is this quest Waking The Nightmare buggy as shit. I give up for now.

I think I just finished that one. What's buggy about it? I finished it three times with no trouble, I think.

On an unrelated note, just came upon a location I hadn't found yet: The Chill. It's unmarked, and apparently it serves as Winterhold's prison. I stumbled in there and the Frost Atronarch warden didn't mind me... And suddenly goes berserk on me when my back is turned. :lol

And you can see Red Mountain really well way north from Winterhold. Better than you can see it closerby.
186hrs and I think I might be done with skyrim. Quest done, took skyrim for the imperils, completed college and companion quests, got all the dragon priest masks, got married and generally kicked ass.

Think it time to quit whilst I still enjoy it, mass effect 2 run through, mass effect 3, then hopefully dlc will be out. I'll be gutted if it doesn't involve
chasing the Thalmor out of skyrim, with an army of dragons behind you. I also want a rideable dragon. Oh, and for the love of God, arrange stuff in my personal chests into categories would you?


I figured I should ask this before I pump tons of time/points into the destruction route.

Does dual wielding destruction magic ever pay off? It seems, 10 hours in, that magic is kind of underpowered compared to a sneak/bow combo or straight up melee. Just making sure so I don't feel like I have to re-roll 50 hours in.
Just one more Dragon Priest Mask to go. I'm in the dungeon that contains it. With any luck I'll claim the final one tonight and had back to Labyrinthian to claim the
bonus mask


Might wanna tag that last bit of the post, Jedi. I had no idea what the bonus was - I was actually expecting
the door inside the room to open and lead to some kind of treasure. The bonus mask was a total surprise.
Not sure how twitchy anyone else is about it, but I enjoyed the surprise. :)

I loved the Dragon Priest informal quest. It was nice to have it not be a formal quest or even a task - just something out there in the world for us to stumble upon and then chase down on our own. I'd welcome more things like that (the jewels of Barenziah should have been also).

It was so fun I've actually started my own little collection quests, this time around the books. I realized I hadn't read any of the long series of books because I didn't want to read them until I had'em all. So for this character, I picked a list of five series I'm collecting, tracking which ones I have in a spreadsheet. Each series has its own shelf at my house, correctly organized. My reward for finding the complete set of a each series will be to read them in order.
It was so fun I've actually started my own little collection quests, this time around the books. I realized I hadn't read any of the long series of books because I didn't want to read them until I had'em all. So for this character, I picked a list of five series I'm collecting, tracking which ones I have in a spreadsheet. Each series has its own shelf at my house, correctly organized. My reward for finding the complete set of a each series will be to read them in order.

I'm collecting books like there's no tomorrow. If I don't remember owning it already, it's coming with me. Certain books in the "Last Year of the First Era"-series are still evading me, and I only just found the last book in the "Argonian Account" today, too.

Finally got the Muffle and Water Breath enchantments, too. Going to enchant my previously-smithed up set of Imperial armor to do the final few Legion quests. Currently on my way towards my final Shout location, the rest are quest-related.


I'm collecting books like there's no tomorrow. If I don't remember owning it already, it's coming with me. Certain books in the "Last Year of the First Era"-series are still evading me, and I only just found the last book in the "Argonian Account" today, too.

Finally got the Muffle and Water Breath enchantments, too. Going to enchant my previously-smithed up set of Imperial armor to do the final few Legion quests. Currently on my way towards my final Shout location, the rest are quest-related.

My first character collected books like no tomorrow, but I didn't really get organized about chasing down specific sets until now. In hindsight it would have been neat to pick a few series to have each character collect.

I think I just finished that one. What's buggy about it? I finished it three times with no trouble, I think.

On an unrelated note, just came upon a location I hadn't found yet: The Chill. It's unmarked, and apparently it serves as Winterhold's prison. I stumbled in there and the Frost Atronarch warden didn't mind me... And suddenly goes berserk on me when my back is turned. :lol

And you can see Red Mountain really well way north from Winterhold. Better than you can see it closerby.

Did you try killing it?
When I did, I walked out to find three more Atronochs waiting for me. It took forever to kill the first one so I just ran away. I nealry jumped out of my seat when I saw them there.
I think I just finished that one. What's buggy about it? I finished it three times with no trouble, I think.

On an unrelated note, just came upon a location I hadn't found yet: The Chill. It's unmarked, and apparently it serves as Winterhold's prison. I stumbled in there and the Frost Atronarch warden didn't mind me... And suddenly goes berserk on me when my back is turned. :lol

And you can see Red Mountain really well way north from Winterhold. Better than you can see it closerby.

The NPC will just stop pathing for no reason. It's apparently a common issue.
The NPC will just stop pathing for no reason. It's apparently a common issue.

In my game I had the opposite problems. When you first enter the place, he teleported to the end and left
that statue he is supposed to magic away there
. Had to reload the game and enter the place before he did.

Also after I finished
the dream part
he started running towards the end really fast and fought all the enemies along the way before I was anywhere near them.
In my game I had the opposite problems. When you first enter the place, he teleported to the end and left
that statue he is supposed to magic away there
. Had to reload the game and enter the place before he did.

Also after I finished
the dream part
he started running towards the end really fast and fought all the enemies along the way before I was anywhere near them.

I also had him not even appear when he entered the
Hehe, awesome. Just claimed the last shout I could grab in the wild: the final word of Storm Call. As I stepped outside of
, I snuck to eavesdrop on the conversation the 'Captain' was having with a Stormcloak soldier... Right as a Blood Dragon swooped down and burned them alive. I really kicked things off by unleashing the fully-leveled Storm Call shout on them. The lightning made short work of the fleeing Stormcloak, while the captain quickly met his end at the hands of my blade. The dragon, which had been dive-bombing us the entire time, eventually landed right-smack in the middle of the courtyard, where I proceeded to kick its ass straight to the end times.

Main quest and Imperial Legion questlines done, after about 30 hours pf play. I must say, the main quest was quite epic, more so than either Oblivion or Morrowind and I enjoyed it a lot. On the other hand, the rewards were pretty bad compared to Oblivion and especially Morrowind (Sunder, anyone), but still, from a purely gameplay perspective, it was better designed and more enjoyable.

On the other hand, the Imperial Legion quests were boring. Clearing out 7 or 8 forts is tedious. It had a lot of potential, but they decided to simply recycle content and create a quest line with strong idea and weak execution.

After 30 hours, I still have to startnplaying the Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood and College of Winterhold, since the starting quest for Bard's College glitched (do NOT use Dawnbreaker in the dungeon, it moves the book to an uncreachable position),which is incredible considering that I beat Fallout 3 completely with most side quests done in the same time frame. Comparing Skyrim to Morrowind is like comparing a dessert to a huge capital city. Skyrim is so filled with content it's ridicoulos. Not for a one single momment did I wonder through the world doing nothing. And even after 35 hours I have 3 entire questlines to complete, which I haven't even touched. And then there are the expansions that wll come in the near future. Bethesda nailed this so hard. Best TES by far.
So, I maxed out my smithing and nearly maxed out my enchanting at level 33, I could basically just hack away at a dragon priest till he died with my armor and ax setup. Only needing one potion due to his chain lightning staff. Did I just break the game? Will the difficulty scale up to reach where I am at?


So, I maxed out my smithing and nearly maxed out my enchanting at level 33, I could basically just hack away at a dragon priest till he died with my armor and ax setup. Only needing one potion due to his chain lightning staff. Did I just break the game? Will the difficulty scale up to reach where I am at?

Nope, you're pretty much a god now. Suggest master difficulty.
Does the Shield Wall perk pertain to blocking with a 2H weapon as well? The name wouldn't suggest so, but the description just says "blocking", which you can do with a weapon too.


GAF parliamentarian
The blocking tree looks pretty fun, I might alter my playstyle and go for more blocks with my 2H Khajiit, and bump the difficulty up a bit. I'm trying to create obstacles for myself so I don't end up with an immortal character that can easy bypass or barge through most encounters like my 360 Argonian.

Sneaking hampered by Heavy Armor.
No Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration or Illusion spells (I won't be able to resist Alteration for Transmuting and Detect).

I'm also hoping for a mod that severely slows down skill progression gains after level 25.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Oh for fuck sake.

How come I just discover the save ---> smack the vendor ----> reload thing only after innumerable amount of hours already spent boringly hopping from one shop to another?

When you do it vendor will re-roll his/her inventory and his/her money will be reset. Very useful so you don't have to hop around or waiting for 48 hours game-time to look for things that you want.

Gah, so much time wasted.


Can anyone tell me if clearing my cache on my xbox360 will delete my saves ? I have manual saves not auto saves.I have the game installed to the hard drive and I'm experiencing loads of freezing issues.The main story quest diplomatic immunity has frozen and I cannot progress in the game.I appreciate any help.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Can anyone tell me if clearing my cache on my xbox360 will delete my saves ? I have manual saves not auto saves.I have the game installed to the hard drive and I'm experiencing loads of freezing issues.The main story quest diplomatic immunity has frozen and I cannot progress in the game.I appreciate any help.

As far as I know clearing caches affects game updates and such, but not DLC or hard saves.
Is the
headless horseman
supposed to be able to fly?

It looks really weird cause it's not animating when he does, and it's in random directions.

He kept flying away when I'd get close, ended up over the wall and landing inside Whiterun.


Is the
headless horseman
supposed to be able to fly?

It looks really weird cause it's not animating when he does, and it's in random directions.

He kept flying away when I'd get close, ended up over the wall and landing inside Whiterun.

No lol

He's supposed to be on a ghost horse using the roads, travelling to a ruin in Whiterun.
No lol

He's supposed to be on a ghost horse using the roads, travelling to a ruin in Whiterun.

Well he was on a horse. They'd just float up into the air and dart off in a random direction if I approached.

I think horses are fucked up in my game. I've had horses teleport away from me when I dismount them a bunch of times. They wouldn't fly though...
So, I maxed out my smithing and nearly maxed out my enchanting at level 33, I could basically just hack away at a dragon priest till he died with my armor and ax setup. Only needing one potion due to his chain lightning staff. Did I just break the game? Will the difficulty scale up to reach where I am at?

I killed the Dragon Priest in the main quest in around 1 second with Elemental Fury + Dual Wield and can kill virtually anything in a few seconds with this setup (the last boss was a joke) at level 23, so I think this shout breaks the game completely at Adept difficulty as the DPS becomes insane.


Oh for fuck sake.

How come I just discover the save ---> smack the vendor ----> reload thing only after innumerable amount of hours already spent boringly hopping from one shop to another?

When you do it vendor will re-roll his/her inventory and his/her money will be reset. Very useful so you don't have to hop around or waiting for 48 hours game-time to look for things that you want.

Gah, so much time wasted.

It is useful, but I hate using it. It kind of feels like cheating when I'm really into RPing a character. I really wish the console versions could get realism mods that make you rest when tired, eat when hungry, etc.
I think I may have delayed "The Curse Tribe" a bit too long. I just arrived there with the ingredients needed, and discovered everyone except the Chief and the wise woman were already dead. When the quest ended, and Malacath appointed a new Chief, he appointed a dead body lying on the ramparts.

So now, Largashbur's the home of just one weak old wise woman. :lol
Oh for fuck sake.

How come I just discover the save ---> smack the vendor ----> reload thing only after innumerable amount of hours already spent boringly hopping from one shop to another?

When you do it vendor will re-roll his/her inventory and his/her money will be reset. Very useful so you don't have to hop around or waiting for 48 hours game-time to look for things that you want.

Gah, so much time wasted.

I didn't know about this. So if you save, smack a vendor, then reload they will have their money again?


I didn't know about this. So if you save, smack a vendor, then reload they will have their money again?

I found that saving, damaging, and reloading changed their inventory but didn't restock their gold. Killing them and reloading did though, so try that if the first method doesn't work.
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