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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
After playing a dual-wield melee character up to 30 and then restarting as a pure magic user and getting him up to level 19, I have to say that melee combat in heavy armor certainly seems to be the path of least resistance. I'm playing on Expert difficulty in both games, but the the dual-wield melee guy just tears ass and obliterates foes in an instant, while my Mage barely does any damage with his spells and gets rocked hard in most combat situations.

With that said, I am having more fun with the Mage (focused on Destruction and Restoration magic), since it makes me be resourceful and provides much more of a challenge, but it's too bad that magic seems to be so weak in this game. Maybe once I get my Master-level spells it will change? Also, the in-combat mana regeneration rate is way too slow. Assuming item effects stack, I have +250% mana regeneration speed, but it's still way too slow.
After playing a dual-wield melee character up to 30 and then restarting as a pure magic user and getting him up to level 19, I have to say that melee combat in heavy armor certainly seems to be the path of least resistance. I'm playing on Expert difficulty in both games, but the the dual-wield melee guy just tears ass and obliterates foes in an instant, while my Mage barely does any damage with his spells and gets rocked hard in most combat situations.

With that said, I am having more fun with the Mage (focused on Destruction and Restoration magic), since it makes me be resourceful and provides much more of a challenge, but it's too bad that magic seems to be so weak in this game. Maybe once I get my Master-level spells it will change? Also, the in-combat mana regeneration rate is way too slow. Assuming item effects stack, I have +250% mana regeneration speed, but it's still way too slow.

If you get your enchanting high enough you can create items where the school of magic you use cost 100% less. So free spells.


Large Address Aware patch and modification for ugrids to enhance cell loading. If you don't have the PC version and didn't fuck with your game you don't have anything to worry about.

I have the PC version but with ini changes only to change minor things like mouse/fov etc. I'm safe right.


Man, just looked this up at UESP and ... ya.

"If you take Vegetable soup or any food item that regenerates stamina over 720 seconds you can shield bash or power bash an unlimited amount of times, resulting in your target being stun locked and unable to attack you. This will slowly kill them and level your Block very quickly without you taking any damage. If you're looking to level Block quickly, do not take the Deadly Bash perk, as even on Master Difficulty you will quickly kill bosses spammed with Shield Bash."


I dispute the 'quickly kill bosses on master' part; I'd change it to 'eventually'. Also easily done with an absorb stamina weapon/shield as well. The disarm perk is actually pretty ridiculous as well. It's actually going to take a lot of work to mod actual balance into the combat system; stagger is going to need reworked quite a bit to make things like liches actually dangerous.

Fixing Draugr so they're actually undead might help too. Paralyze is already plenty strong enough.


So all the guards solitude are after me, how do I stop them from attacking me?. I tried putting weapons away as you usually do but that's not helping they still try kill me. help.

Double D

So, if I kill random npcs without being seen, are there any repercussions? Aside from potentially screwing myself out of quests.


Who do I talk to to get hitched?

Theres a priest in the temple of mara in Riften. Talk to him about the temple then marriage. He'll give you an amulet that if you wear, and talk to someone who you're able to marry, you can initiate the wedding then.


What are cells? and then what is this LAA patch?

Large Address Aware patch and modification for ugrids to enhance cell loading. If you don't have the PC version and didn't fuck with your game you don't have anything to worry about.

Cells are what the game uses to build environments, has nothing to with whether or not you increase the ugrids from defaults.
People with unmodified games are reporting crashes.
So, if I kill random npcs without being seen, are there any repercussions? Aside from potentially screwing myself out of quests.
I stole some stuff without being seen but the victim still sent hired thugs to beat me up in retribution, so just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't known...

Double D

I stole some stuff without being seen but the victim still sent hired thugs to beat me up in retribution, so just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't known...

Well, I ask because I can't figure out how to get into the dark brotherhood, so I figured I'd murder some folks to maybe get an invite.


I noticed this female khajit following me around in Riften. Everytime i talk to her, she tells me to be quiet. She just runs up to me and looks at me. Wtf is her problem?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's impossible for me to take any of the political storyline seriously. A "war" when cities have 15-40 people? lol no. Sorry, but my imagination can't turn these tiny ass settler towns into kingdoms of their own. If there is a supposed empire trying to control this place, they obviously just want the magic shit and Dwemer tech because there is nothing else worth ruling here and they sure aren't helping anyone. They can all fuck off.

Now, Dragonborn legend, saving the people from beasts? Yes. Dwemer ruins of mystery? Hell yes. Freaky Deadra shit? Yes. Everything else has become pretty stupid to me as I've become familiar with the not-so-grand locations. If they aren't going to make the social side more expansive, they should stick to a magical/mythical focus.


Diplomatic Immunity quest question:
Are there any repercussions to killing all of the Thalmor when you are getting the evidence papers?
I am probably going to kill them anyways because that's how my mage works.

Buying a horse was a terrible decision. If I fast travel anywhere odds are he's going to start a fight with something. I should just let him die, but I always save him.

There are now too many dead dragons in my mage courtyard. The dragons can't land anymore so they attack from the roof. Luckily they now end up as ash piles. Is anyone else getting attacked almost every time they visit the mage college?


Well, I ask because I can't figure out how to get into the dark brotherhood, so I figured I'd murder some folks to maybe get an invite.

I'm pretty sure you could murder entire villages and this won't do anything. The questline starts with
the quest about the boy trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood in Windhelm. ASk any Innkeep about rumors until you get it. Alternatively, just show up and talk to him


So, if I kill random npcs without being seen, are there any repercussions? Aside from potentially screwing myself out of quests.

There's a weird thing, if you kill someone silently and unseen, the guards will still go nuts the first time they see you until a few days have passed.

It's pretty strange given that you don't get a bounty, bu tthey still assume you deserve the death penalty despite not being attached to the crime at all.
Diplomatic Immunity quest question:
Are there any repercussions to killing all of the Thalmor when you are getting the evidence papers?
I am probably going to kill them anyways because that's how my mage works.

Nope, you can brute force the quest with no repercussions.
You only need to be quiet until you get in the back rooms.
Hey guys, I've been playing Skyrim on PC and am now up to level 12 (after 21 hours of play), and I have a bug that I can't seem to find any info on or anyone else having.

My guy is mute.

I can't hear him say the whole FUS RO DAH thing, when I swing and don't hit anyone, my swings are mute, however when I hit someone I can hear the blade clashing, my kill animations are also completely silent.

How can I fix this? It's getting kind of annoying.

Edit: On Steam.


Does anyone else feel like the world is just too big for it's own good or design? Most of this is based on my play styles, but I still think things could be designed differently.

These games for me always start with an amazing 4 - 8 hours of exploring, collecting stuff, venturing into unknown caves and ruins, and all of this on the trip from the beginning to the first city. After that the quests are designed to take you across the map even from the start, so I'm left just fast traveling non stop till the end of the quest(s). Once this pattern of fast traveling starts I just never return to the amazing experience of exploration. Sure, I could just not use any fast travel methods, but I know I wouldn't last long and certainly would never finish the damn game.


Hey guys, I've been playing Skyrim on PC and am now up to level 12 (after 21 hours of play), and I have a bug that I can't seem to find any info on or anyone else having.

My guy is mute.

I can't hear him say the whole FUS RO DAH thing, when I swing and don't hit anyone, my swings are mute, however when I hit someone I can hear the blade clashing, my kill animations are also completely silent.

How can I fix this? It's getting kind of annoying.

I'm sorry, but you're a psychic.


My favorite dragon encounter so far was a random blood dragon who attacked me. He proceeded to fly off a ways and start breathing fire on something else. I ran over to a cliff and saw he had aggro'd a giant and 2 mammoths. Summoned my atronach and started throwing fireballs at everything. Really fun fight and incredibly entertaining.
May be utter coincidence but my completely vanilla game is now completely unplayable.

Yep it broke me again as well.
I had thought my original overclock of my CPU might have been the culprit, I lowered it to stock, and I applied the LAA patch, no crashes since.
Steam updates the exe today, and I cant go for more than 5 minutes.

This is just pitiful. I really hope that this was a Valve thing, but honestly, at this point, I will never buy another game from Beth at release. I have spent more time trying to fix this game than playing it, and I paid full price for a game that was obviously designed and tested around an xbox 360. So to sum it all up, the priority is to patch only what will stop pirates, not what is keeping your actual customers playing your games.


So I save the frightened woman from a group of bandits and point her in the direction of the nearest town. She says she can make it there on her own. The conversation ends and she takes a few steps and triggers a bear trap. :(

She should have let me take her home.
Ugh, my Thieves Guild quest is bugged. This isn't really a spoiler, but if you consider anything to do with the Thieves Guild a spoiler, well then don't read beyond this point.

Anyway, when asked to Shadow Gulum-Ei, it tells me to go right outside of Solitude by the Harbor, but when I go out there my quest marker tells me to go back into Solitude! I can't seem to find Gulum-Ei anywhere. Anyone know where he may be?

Quoting myself for new page. I would seriously like some help with this.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
After playing a dual-wield melee character up to 30 and then restarting as a pure magic user and getting him up to level 19, I have to say that melee combat in heavy armor certainly seems to be the path of least resistance. I'm playing on Expert difficulty in both games, but the the dual-wield melee guy just tears ass and obliterates foes in an instant, while my Mage barely does any damage with his spells and gets rocked hard in most combat situations.

I noticed this when comparing how my game was going as a mage compared to how Greg Kasavin's game during the Giant bomb video went. He was an orc specializing in two handed swords and was tearing through people by level 6. It took me until level 20 as a mage to be able to handle bandits in one hit.


I did that too. Turns out you have to ask innkeepers about Rumors. They'll point you in the right direction.

I'm turning to the DB in a few days, but I too tried the Oblivion approach. So many hobos and farmhands fell to my attempts to attract the attention of the Brotherhood. I did stumble upon their entryway, though. That voice was unmistakable.

I regret nothing.
Quoting myself for new page. I would seriously like some help with this.

Try waiting a few hours, or a full day cycle. I had that issue with a previous quest and waiting a bit solved it.


Those things can't kill companions. If they died it was because they had a DOT effect or you hit them with something accidentally.

Pretty sure it was because they were already down from a large amount of high level draugrs that then hit that trap, murdering her.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If you get your enchanting high enough you can create items where the school of magic you use cost 100% less. So free spells.

Any further info about this? How how do I need to have my Enchanting skill/what items are required?


I stole some stuff without being seen but the victim still sent hired thugs to beat me up in retribution, so just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't known...

This happens when killing people too, while it's not as bad as Oblivion it still sucks.


Pretty sure it was because they were already down from a large amount of high level draugrs that then hit that trap, murdering her.

I've had a kneeling companion literally pushed around by traps before (I had one trying to get down some stairs with whirly blades on them) and they were fine once i could get them around the trap.

Dave Long

RE: Food... that it lets you just quaff down soup in the middle of a fight is really the problem there. You should have to camp or something in order to eat. Drakensang would not allow this sort of loosey goosey interpretation of "life" in a fantasy world!



I don't have Lydia yet (I'll probably kill her), but I did have those two buddies for the end of the Thieves Guild questline.

Me: Hmmm. There are clearly nozzles of some sort on the walls, and pressure plates on the floor. I'd better not step on those plates....

*begins to tip toe around them*

*gets set on fire by gouts of flame shooting from the walls as my companions step on the pressure plates behind me*

This is why I work alone. Now that I'm rolling in coin, I might just start hiring companions so that I can execute them discretely and save other adventurers the trouble.
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