I'm struggling with money. I feel like I'm incredibly counter productive going into a dungeon, loading up on about 5 dead fiends and have to backtrack, fast travel to sell it and go back in... even when I pack-mule my follower. I also am confused that I go to the cities to sell my wares.... when I pick them up, they'll say for instance 650g value but when I bring up the sale dialog, they'll only give me 80g... so, I'm trekking all that way for a mere 80g per piece?
I'm level 18 and really getting tired of getting my ass handed to me when I wander into a dungeon. I want to be able to craft some godly gear so I can feel like a real threat to things standing in my way but cant find the funds to do it. I can smith iron daggers no problem, but enchanting... I only find petty and lesser soul gems which do shit for enchants and I cant afford to keep grabbing grands.... the most I've ever had on my person at one time before trying to buff myself up is about 5200g. I'm not playing a thief type and am trying to play the game without any bounty or law breaking.
How are you guys getting so rich so quickly?
Done the 6 major questlines, DB isn't as cool as Oblivion, but I still liked it. Seemed a bit too muchat least for both thief and DB."this guild is almost gone, a shadow of its former self"
Main quest was best, liked all of the others, mage the least, imperial not at all.
I'm struggling with money. I feel like I'm incredibly counter productive going into a dungeon, loading up on about 5 dead fiends and have to backtrack, fast travel to sell it and go back in... even when I pack-mule my follower. I also am confused that I go to the cities to sell my wares.... when I pick them up, they'll say for instance 650g value but when I bring up the sale dialog, they'll only give me 80g... so, I'm trekking all that way for a mere 80g per piece?
I'm level 18 and really getting tired of getting my ass handed to me when I wander into a dungeon. I want to be able to craft some godly gear so I can feel like a real threat to things standing in my way but cant find the funds to do it. I can smith iron daggers no problem, but enchanting... I only find petty and lesser soul gems which do shit for enchants and I cant afford to keep grabbing grands.... the most I've ever had on my person at one time before trying to buff myself up is about 5200g. I'm not playing a thief type and am trying to play the game without any bounty or law breaking.
How are you guys getting so rich so quickly?
How are you guys getting so rich so quickly?
Hmm, so this means there is really no point in my investing in alteration (oak skin, etc.) if I'm going with heavy armor--correct?
Did a major side quest in Solitude hoping to be able to buy the house. Nothing. And the guy won't give me a second quest (if there is one) so what do I do?
Can't you just find a nice big house and just murder everyone while they sleep?
Knowing this game, half of the NPCs inside will be immortals.
Way too many immortals in Skyrim.
Black Star by far because every black soul (Bandit/Necromancer/etc.) is grand whereas only a few creatures have a grand soul
Rather get it the nice way. I'm a nice Redguard after all.Can't you just find a nice big house and just murder everyone while they sleep?
There's a basic economy system in the game so just because something says worth 600 it doesn't mean you'll get that. You have to find the right vendor who will offer the most. Leveling speech also helps quite a bit.
You'll make a lot of money just by questing and picking up jewels and other things to sell. The key is not bothering too much with armor and weapons that weigh a ton unless they have a really high value, like 800-1000 or more. Jewels and trinkets are a great way to make money as there are a ton of them and the heaviest one only weights like 0.5 pounds.
I made 100,000 gold rather easily. I mean it took like 50 hours but it just came over time, in fact there's really not that much to buy with all that money.
Well, it can help you in the short run, but in the long run, that's correct.
With 100 in Heavy Armor and Smithing, 5*Juggernaut, Well Fitted and Matching Set you reach the cap with Steel Plate armor. You don't even need the shield.
EDIT: you will also need the appropriate Smithing perk.
I always pick up the amethyst, garnets, rubys and such, but assumed they'd be needed for crafting. I'm safe to sell those? I have a ton.
How do you get the house in Markhant (sp?)? I've done pretty much all the quests there, yet the Jarl doesn't have the option to talk about the house purchase.
CHEEZMO™;32885134 said:How would I go about contacting the DB?
I always pick up the amethyst, garnets, rubys and such, but assumed they'd be needed for crafting. I'm safe to sell those? I have a ton.
CHEEZMO;32885134 said:I think I might keep the Thieve's Guild for another character.
How would I go about contacting the DB?
Talk to bar owners, there is a misc quest of a kid trying to contact the DB. Complete that quest, kill the kids target. Bingo
My Black Star and one of my Black Soul Gems have Lesser Souls in them. That's impossible, right?!
From my understanding, the gem is the container.
You can put a grain of rice into a bucket, it's just an inefficient use of space. You can also put a petty soul into a Grand Soul Gem. You have to be careful when you're trapping souls, because you can really screw over your containers.
You know why Vvardenfell is in the game files?
Because you can see it from in-game, I think. I'm at the northern edge of the map, in the ocean, and I can see it in the distance to the east.
Hrm, the Jarl just gave me a misc sidequest. Maybe I'll get house after that.
Same with Imperial City's tower in Cyrodil?
For context,in Arvel's journal that you find along with the Golden Claw, he writes: "The legend says there is a test that the Nords put in place to keep the unworthy away, but that "when you have the golden claw, the solution is in the palm of your hands." That is what they meant by that. It's not guaranteed that the Golden Claw is the first one you'll find, but that's what they were going for.
Wait a minute... they nerf'd Chameleon!? I don't see it under UESP's list of Illusion spells.![]()
They didn't just nerf if, they removed it from the game.
I always pick up the amethyst, garnets, rubys and such, but assumed they'd be needed for crafting. I'm safe to sell those? I have a ton.
I hate how every guild or clan in this game are total assholes in some way. I thought I could roll with the theives guild, but they're just greedy, sketchy bastards. I was hoping for some rad Robin Hood types. I haven't done any quests for them cause they want me to steal from some random schmuck. I want to steal from the rich and give to the poor, dammit.
The Companions would be alright if they had some ethics. It seems like they're careless sellswords, though. I can't allign myself with that.
It still exists as an invisibility potion, though thoroughly nerfed.
I haven't been to that city yet, but I know in Whiterun it was the Jarl's assistant and not the Jarl himself who offered the house. Not sure if its the same situation there though, just saying.
Did anybody watch ''The Making of Skyrim'' included with the CE?
Is it good?
My Black Star and one of my Black Soul Gems have Lesser Souls in them. That's impossible, right?!
I've gone through all of the guild quests and they were all a let down in multiple ways.
I've probably only searched 30% of the map, if that. But I'm at level 25. Half way to the point where I stop receiving perks. Half way to the soft level cap.