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The Expanse |S1| Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal. Like a couple of donkey balls.


Damn, I was really holding out hope for Julie.

Likewise. Good fakeout by the writers. Midway through the episode I was just thinking to myself, you know there hasn't been a random death that made noone feel safe like what happened to the 5 survivor's (not a certified) doctor. Then they found Lapanski 15 minutes later.


Considering the nature of her death I give noone good odds if they were near whatever that thing is. IMO I don't think it's a living organism or even a virus. It could be some type of new compound that has really adverse effects if not handled carefully.


Did something change over at SyFy?

They want in on that Breaking Bad/Mad Men/Game of Thrones money. Long running show that starts off as something with not many views, but turns into a cultural phenomenon.

And I'm doing everything possible to make that happen. Introducing it to all my friends, talking about it on the internet, and all that good stuff, cause holy fuck this show has potential.


They want in on that Breaking Bad/Mad Men/Game of Thrones money. Long running show that starts off as something with not many views, but turns into a cultural phenomenon.

And I'm doing everything possible to make that happen. Introducing it to all my friends, talking about it on the internet, and all that good stuff, cause holy fuck this show has potential.

Been doing the same it's so good seriously. havent had better sci fi on tv since BSG


Yeah, it'd be nice to see another ~nerdy~ series/show hit the mainstream like GoT did. The Expanse seems to have the most potential.


It feeds on energy and appears to be sentient. Is that what you mean?. I guess it "fed" off her because she was the only source of energy in the room (and why the stuff on the reactor was absorbing people on the ship)

I think ti was feeding off the ship or any power source really. Not sure if it feeds off people as well, but all the lights were off in the room. I take it that they were just on long enough to do whatever to Julie.


I think ti was feeding off the ship or any power source really. Not sure if it feeds off people as well, but all the lights were off in the room. I take it that they were just on long enough to do whatever to Julie.

I think Miller noted that she had smashed all electronics in the room, but obviously too late
Awesome episode this week. Love how everything came together with the meeting of the detective and the Cant gang. That lobby scene was pretty tense, especially with that dorky muzak in the background. The shot of Julie was some real nightmare fuel though....damn. :(

So stoked to hear that next week will show eps 9&10 because every time I'm done with an episode I always want to see more. As someone who had never read any of the books I'm excited to see where all this goes. It's refreshing to have a good sci fi show to watch again!

It's funny. It kind of felt like a crossover since their worlds and stories have been so separate up until now. Really excited to see how these guys interact with each other if they stick together or if they go their separate ways.


I guess I'm supposed to be confused what killed Julie at this point as it hasn't been explained in the show. The bits and pieces we do know isn't enough to form a conclusion. Or I'm missing something entirely.

Spoiler from the promo for next week's double episode:

The youtube description says: "A flashback to Julie's origin story reveals her trajectory. " So we will probably be seeing what happens to her before she ends up in that bathroom, and hopefully what happened to The Anubis.

This show has been terrific so far. It has even filled in a few holes that we not described well in the book.

I am really looking forward to next season.
They picked a really good spot to break the seasons. I've mentioned before, but I thought the book was going to end at this point. I was surprised that the audiobook had like 8 hours left.


Cool Smoke Luke
Amos is my favorite Character from the Books..he's just awesome, i was worried the actor playing him didn't have the charisma or presence to portray him well at first..but he's coming together well.
Well him and Bobbie, She's great too
Amos is my favorite Character from the Books..he's just awesome, i was worried the actor playing him didn't have the charisma or presence to portray him well at first..but he's coming together well.
Well him and Bobbie, She's great too

I haven't read the books but Amos was coming off as background furniture for a while. He's come into his own though and I am starting to like him.

He seems like such a nice, well-adjusted lad.


having read the books, I'm very interested to see how these last 2 episodes play out

seems like Millar and Holden had more time to form a friendship/bond in the books than they will have in the series
I just picked up on this show, and I'm glad that I did. I really enjoy the series so far. I never read the books, but I might just look into it.


Amos is my favorite Character from the Books..he's just awesome, i was worried the actor playing him didn't have the charisma or presence to portray him well at first..but he's coming together well.
Well him and Bobbie, She's great too

Mine too and I felt the same way. Show Amos is tough, but he's missing that sense of pure menace and badassary he is supposed to exude (although they did a good job with him picking up the shooting before it happened) Other characters react to his threat, but I don't feel it directly from the actor. Maybe it's easier to convey when reading it.


Amos is also my favorite character in the book, and I'm pretty happy with the actor so far.

The expression on Amos' face when Miller warned Holden was great. haha


Cool Smoke Luke
I haven't read the books but Amos was coming off as background furniture for a while. He's come into his own though and I am starting to like him.

I think I like him cuz he's justs a deeply flawed person..but not a bad person,he's aware a part of him is broken.
He grew up in such an abusive, survival trumps all, environment its skewed his perspective of what is right and wrong, so much so he doesn't trust his own judgment, basically he's a sociopath by necessity. He admires and trusts Naomi for her morality and knows if he follows her lead..he'll be a good person,she's become his external conscience.

I don't think the show makes it clear that is their relationship..the reason Naomi didn't tell Amos it was Holden wasn't cus she was scared of him..she was scared Amos would just arbitrarily end Holden when she wasn't there to keep him from doing it.

edit: sorry added spoiler tags in case , thx suzu :)
Slightly book spoilery question about Amos (I haven't read the books but came into this knowledge otherwise, so please be limited in response):

Doesn't his character have some form of psychopathy? Causing his attachment to Naomi as a moral compass of sorts?


Slightly book spoilery question about Amos (I haven't read the books but came into this knowledge otherwise, so please be limited in response):

Doesn't his character have some form of psychopathy? Causing his attachment to Naomi as a moral compass of sorts?

that is true and it's basically what bloodydrake wrote 2 posts above yours

Funky Papa

Anyone have any pics of Julie's body? I couldn't see it very well.


What the fuck happened to Julie?! Goddamn!

I actually had to watch that part twice (the protrusions looked like crabs to me... even if that didn't make a lick of sense), but it looks like the grey goo or whatever that thing is dies out if she doesn't get enough energy. I hope for the shake of the gang the one on Julie is deactivated, so to speak.

Donnager looks good. Shame we only got some partials.


Yup. All the ships look great. But the thing that surprises me the most about them is that they are not GARGANTUAN as in other shows and films.

It's a large ship, but if you look at the relative size of the Roci, it's not nearly in the same class as an Imperial Destroyer or anything like that. Hell, if you exclude the hangars and the engineering bay it's probably even cramped.


He seems like such a nice, well-adjusted lad.
He's like the murderous, long lost brother of Firefly's Jayne. Bless him.


Haven't read the books(heard good things), but really enjoying this show. Hits a lot of the right notes for me, so hopefully the ratings pick up some steam.


The Anubis captures the Scopuli crew. Then they set the Scopuli to send out a distress signal, which the Canterbury picks up.

but we saw julie in the very first scene of the show. was that on the scopuli or the anubis? because it was empty, and I doubt julie shot the canterbury.
I read the books but I don't remember the timeline.


What happened to the members of The Anubis? Is the secret weapon that living organism the sucks up energy?

in the very first scene of the show, julie sees people being sucked up by that organism. but I am not sure if that was the scopuli or the anubis.


but we saw julie in the very first scene of the show. was that on the scopuli or the anubis? because it was empty, and I doubt julie shot the canterbury.
I read the books but I don't remember the timeline.

She was captured on Scopuli and imprisoned on Anubis.
She was left intentionally with just enough resources to reach Eros where bosses of Anubis crew are preparing for a grand experiment. They facilitated the highly unstable political state of the Belt by blowing few ships up, so when experiment starts nobody will be quick to intervene.


She was captured on Scopuli and imprisoned on Anubis

yes, that's clear.
but is that the very first scene we see in the show? where she sees people eaten by the organism? is she already on the anubis there? does that mean she is on board when the anubis shoots the canterbury?


How about, Anubis never attacked the Cant? Anubis has been where it's been since they raided the Scopuli, some other stealth ship attacked the Cant, and yet other stealth ships attacked the Donnager.

I think the dialog about "this being the ship that killed the Cant", was just added to give more tension to the scene, not that it actually was the ship that Destroyed the Cant, just that Holden and crew, wanted to get closure/revenge, and just assumed it was.

Speaking of Anubis, and the constant "An-you-bis? Anubis?", I'm wondering if it's not a slight tip of the hat towards book-readers. As in, we have our own "head-canon" way of pronouncing some names, not necessarily Anubis, but for instance hearing "Donnager" in the show, caught me off-guard, as that wasn't at all how I read it.
I read the first book but have only seen a couple episodes. I am not sure how some stuff is going to make it onto a cable tv show. I want to ask if some things have happened yet but I don't want to risk spoilers.


How about, Anubis never attacked the Cant? Anubis has been where it's been since they raided the Scopuli, some other stealth ship attacked the Cant, and yet other stealth ships attacked the Donnager.

I think the dialog about "this being the ship that killed the Cant", was just added to give more tension to the scene, not that it actually was the ship that Destroyed the Cant, just that Holden and crew, wanted to get closure/revenge, and just assumed it was.
hmm, it didn't sound like a case of unreliable narrator to me. but it's possible and would be an explanation, it did confuse me, though.
but the whole point of the story is that the scopuli accidentally stumbled on the anubis (or where even looking for it), isn't that the whole point? at least miller made it sound like that when he found that out.

I read the first book but have only seen a couple episodes. I am not sure how some stuff is going to make it onto a cable tv show. I want to ask if some things have happened yet but I don't want to risk spoilers.

Leviathan Wakes spoilers
int the last episode, the found julie, and the season finale is next week so the first season will very likely end with the eros incident


hmm, it didn't sound like a case of unreliable narrator to me. but it's possible and would be an explanation, it did confuse me, though.
but the whole point of the story is that the scopuli accidentally stumbled on the anubis (or where even looking for it), isn't that the whole point? at least miller made it sound like that when he found that out.[/SPOILER]

My interpretation is, Anubis and Scopuli are connected, Scopuli and Cant are connected (distress call). Anubis and Cant are not connected (other than through Scopuli).

Another way to explain it is to say that the cold open with Julie happened after the Cant attack, but was shown before, due to it fitting better there as a cold open
(though, that's also how the book starts)


Another way to explain it is to say that the cold open with Julie happened after the Cant attack, but was shown before, due to it fitting better there as a cold open
(though, that's also how the book starts)

that was my original guess as well


Cool Smoke Luke
just wanted to add the audiobooks from audible are great if anyone's curious about getting into the stories after this season ends

And I think Juli was on the Anubus when they blew up the Cant..she was locked up in that room for quite a while before she got out and realized it was a ghost ship. What she see's in the first episode was on the Anubus and at somepoint she steals a shuttle and uses it to get to EROS..how she actually got infected tho not sure if it was ever explained.


So not worth it
just wanted to add the audiobooks from audible are great if anyone's curious about getting into the stories after this season ends[/SPOILER]

Except for book 4, which is narrated by Erik Davies instead of Jefferson Mays and who is a godawful narrator compared to anyone, let alone Mays (who is great).
yes, that's clear.
but is that the very first scene we see in the show? where she sees people eaten by the organism? is she already on the anubis there? does that mean she is on board when the anubis shoots the canterbury?

I rewatched the beginning of the first episode last night and it's the Anubis. When Julie escapes, she sees the same blood smears on the walls that the Roci crew find when they board the Anubis. The holding area of the energy thing looks the same as well.
So were they even people on The Anubis when people from The Scopuli got on board or were they killed off by that life sucking alien organism?


So were they even people on The Anubis when people from The Scopuli got on board or were they killed off by that life sucking alien organism?

I'm kind of confused. Did the Scopuli crew get captured by the crew of the Anubis? It seems like Julie was almost in a holding cell in the beginning. I suppose the organism could have just killed off the Anubis crew, leaving her alone once she broke out?


I'm kind of confused. Did the Scopuli crew get captured by the crew of the Anubis? It seems like Julie was almost in a holding cell in the beginning. I suppose the organism could have just killed off the Anubis crew, leaving her alone once she broke out?

The book was even more confusing, but the show seems to have confirmed a few things that book readers have to assume.

- Anubis leaves Phoebe, heading to Eros
- Scopuli leaves Eros and attempts to intercept Anubis
- Scopuli is intercepted instead, crew (including Julie) moved to Anubis
- Scopuli is used as bait for the Cant
- Anubis (or Other Stealth) kills the Cant, and then Stealth Ships (maybe Anubis) kill the Donnager
- Anubis resumes course to Eros
- "something" happens, and eventually Julie is by herself and we have the opening scene of the show.
- Julie parks Anubis at that rock, takes shuttle to Eros, holes up in that hotel where she is found by the gang.

On the show we have Fred saying he sent the Scopuli after the Anubis, knowing it had something important on it from Phoebe. Miller confirms the flight paths of the Scopuli and Anubis for us.

I am not sure I believe that the Anubis killed the Cant, or that it was involved with the Donnager.
It's cargo would have made it too important to involve in those fights.

One odd thing, in the first episode we have Holden listening to the Scopuli distress call. He hears what sounds like a woman's voice. Is that supposed to be Julie?

Next week Promo spoiler:
Much of this will probably be cleared up in the first hour, as it looks like we are getting a flashback to Julie's time on the Anubis. Maybe it'll even have some information that was not in the book

Book 1 (and I guess book 2) spoiler, talking about what happened to Julie:
The show mentions that Julie was on anti-cancer drugs, something not mentioned in the book. But we know from book 2 that some drugs can slow the proto-molecule. Maybe those drugs are what let her live for so long? Dresden on Thoth does say something that implies that Julie making it to Eros was a happy accident and not part of the plan


They will probably show how it all went down next week.

The Canterbury gets blown up after Julie and her crew get captured, as seen by her being locked up on the Anubis. The ship gets spaced at some point, probably by someone on the Anubis crew. Julie flees to Eros sometime after.

As for the pronunciation of Anubis, apparently it was included as a joke because everyone on the production staff were saying it differently. lol


The book was even more confusing, but the show seems to have confirmed a few things that book readers have to assume.

- Anubis leaves Phoebe, heading to Eros
- Scopuli leaves Eros and attempts to intercept Anubis
- Scopuli is intercepted instead, crew (including Julie) moved to Anubis
- Scopuli is used as bait for the Cant
- Anubis (or Other Stealth) kills the Cant, and then Stealth Ships (maybe Anubis) kill the Donnager
- Anubis resumes course to Eros
- "something" happens, and eventually Julie is by herself and we have the opening scene of the show.
- Julie parks Anubis at that rock, takes shuttle to Eros, holes up in that hotel where she is found by the gang.

On the show we have Fred saying he sent the Scopuli after the Anubis, knowing it had something important on it from Phoebe. Miller confirms the flight paths of the Scopuli and Anubis for us.

I am not sure I believe that the Anubis killed the Cant, or that it was involved with the Donnager.
It's cargo would have made it too important to involve in those fights.

One odd thing, in the first episode we have Holden listening to the Scopuli distress call. He hears what sounds like a woman's voice. Is that supposed to be Julie?

Next week Promo spoiler:
Much of this will probably be cleared up in the first hour, as it looks like we are getting a flashback to Julie's time on the Anubis. Maybe it'll even have some information that was not in the book

Book 1 (and I guess book 2) spoiler, talking about what happened to Julie:
The show mentions that Julie was on anti-cancer drugs, something not mentioned in the book. But we know from book 2 that some drugs can slow the proto-molecule. Maybe those drugs are what let her live for so long? Dresden on Thoth does say something that implies that Julie making it to Eros was a happy accident and not part of the plan

Thanks! This at least gives me a general idea on the timeline of events. I imagine next week's episodes will tie up these loose ends
The book was even more confusing, but the show seems to have confirmed a few things that book readers have to assume.

- Anubis leaves Phoebe, heading to Eros
- Scopuli leaves Eros and attempts to intercept Anubis
- Scopuli is intercepted instead, crew (including Julie) moved to Anubis
- Scopuli is used as bait for the Cant
- Anubis (or Other Stealth) kills the Cant, and then Stealth Ships (maybe Anubis) kill the Donnager
- Anubis resumes course to Eros
- "something" happens, and eventually Julie is by herself and we have the opening scene of the show.
- Julie parks Anubis at that rock, takes shuttle to Eros, holes up in that hotel where she is found by the gang.

On the show we have Fred saying he sent the Scopuli after the Anubis, knowing it had something important on it from Phoebe. Miller confirms the flight paths of the Scopuli and Anubis for us.
That sounds about right. I went through the timeline/recap on SyFy's site, and that's how they lay it out.
On the show we have Fred saying he sent the Scopuli after the Anubis, knowing it had something important on it from Phoebe. Miller confirms the flight paths of the Scopuli and Anubis for us.

Quick question. You can spoiler the answer if necessary, I haven't read the books so I wouldn't know.

Fred Johnson has obviously been linked with the OPA on the show, as has Anderson Dawes on Ceres. Both guys seem high up in the OPA organization, sort of like the "big wigs," so to speak. Who is higher up, though? Does Dawes answer to Johnson in the OPA, or does Johnson answer to Dawes?


Post Count: 9999
Damn ... dat ending :eek:

They really did a good job faking us out with the intro, all the promo material, etc. Made it seem like she was an integral character we'd hook up with eventually.

Did not expect this ... at all.
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