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The Expanse |S1| Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal. Like a couple of donkey balls.


Quick question. You can spoiler the answer if necessary, I haven't read the books so I wouldn't know.

Fred Johnson has obviously been linked with the OPA on the show, as has Anderson Dawes on Ceres. Both guys seem high up in the OPA organization, sort of like the "big wigs," so to speak. Who is higher up, though? Does Dawes answer to Johnson in the OPA, or does Johnson answer to Dawes?

Fred Johnson is in charge (de facto leader). And Tycho Station is basically the HQ.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
show's so fucking good.

I think I have a crush on Naomi, sweet lord what a gorgeous woman.


I'm confused over the names of some of the lesser known celestial bodies.

Phoebe = research base Anubis jacked (or was it by consent?) the blue stuff and now everyone on that base is dead from exposure.
Ceres = Belter asteroid base where 99% of Detective's scenes have been
Eros = space station everyone except UN woman is currently on and Julie's grave
Tycho = Belter (?) station under UN protectorate where Mormon ship is being built
One thing I don't get yet is why did the Anubis set the distress beacon on the Scopuli? If the plan was to destroy the Cant (or another Belter ship) to stoke a war, was it a plan they came up after encountering the Scopuli? They didn't plan to encounter it, so it couldn't have been a premeditated plan. Am I getting confused somewhere?


One thing I don't get yet is why did the Anubis set the distress beacon on the Scopuli? If the plan was to destroy the Cant (or another Belter ship) to stoke a war, was it a plan they came up after encountering the Scopuli? They didn't plan to encounter it, so it couldn't have been a premeditated plan. Am I getting confused somewhere?

So far it seems like the Scopuli was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was just convenient to lure the Cant out far enough for the ambush. Any ship that far out would have done the trick. Unless there's more to The Scopuli's importance than they've let on so far.

Fun fact. The Sirenum scopuli were three islands where the sirens lived in greek mythology. The sirens' song was hypnotic and led men to run their ships aground on the islands.
So far it seems like the Scopuli was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was just convenient to lure the Cant out far enough for the ambush. Any ship that far out would have done the trick. Unless there's more to The Scopuli's importance than they've let on so far.

Fun fact. The Sirenum scopuli were three islands where the sirens lived in greek mythology. The sirens' song was hypnotic and led men to run their ships aground on the islands.

But the Anubis was on it's way to Eros with the "weapon" they took from Phoebe right? So they're intercepted on the way by the Scopuli, win the fight (or whatever), and then enact the plan to lure the Cant (or another Belter ship)? That seems odd right? Priority number one would probably have been to get the weapon to Eros and that's why people are speculating it might have been a different stealth ship that nuked the Cant. But we know it was the Anubis that at least set the distress beacon. It seems like two separate missions (1. Retrieve the weapon from Phoebe /2. Destroy a Belter ship and frame Mars for it).


I'm confused over the names of some of the lesser known celestial bodies.

Phoebe = research base Anubis jacked (or was it by consent?) the blue stuff and now everyone on that base is dead from exposure.
Ceres = Belter asteroid base where 99% of Detective's scenes have been
Eros = space station everyone except UN woman is currently on and Julie's grave
Tycho = Belter (?) station under UN protectorate where Mormon ship is being built

As of now in the show, Phoebe is a ~mystery~. Ceres and Eros are colonies in the Belt, governed by Earth. Tycho Station is a mobile construction platform.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
so if I got that flashback right on episode 4? or 5? can't remember, Fred Johnson was part of the UN military force that ordered the execution of those belters and their kids, was that the tipping point for him to join (or form?) OPA?


so if I got that flashback right on episode 4? or 5? can't remember, Fred Johnson was part of the UN military force that ordered the execution of those belters and their kids, was that the tipping point for him to join (or form?) OPA?

it was not the reason for him to join the OPA, after all he was responsible for that massacre.
it's simply what he is known for the most


I'm confused over the names of some of the lesser known celestial bodies.

Phoebe = research base Anubis jacked (or was it by consent?) the blue stuff and now everyone on that base is dead from exposure.
Ceres = Belter asteroid base where 99% of Detective's scenes have been
Eros = space station everyone except UN woman is currently on and Julie's grave
Tycho = Belter (?) station under UN protectorate where Mormon ship is being built

Ceres is a bit more than an asteroid; classified as a Dwarf Planet.


Anyone else feel like they didn't really think through the inclusion of Adam Jensen? His eye/brain tech is kinda crazy for this universe and I'm pretty sure the books have nothing close to that. Plus, if this tech exists, why are there no other cyborgs running around? Loving the show and this episode was probably my favorite yet, but that detail feels really off to me.

My favorite detail in this episode was that the life monitors on the displays on the Roci, while they were inspecting the Anubis, said Burton, Nagata, Holden...and Canary.


just wanted to add the audiobooks from audible are great if anyone's curious about getting into the stories after this season ends

I first experienced Leviathan Wakes few years back in audiobook form. I got excited at the end of each chapter wanting to find out which charachter is up next [narrator announces it]. :)


Damn ... dat ending :eek:

They really did a good job faking us out with the intro, all the promo material, etc. Made it seem like she was an integral character we'd hook up with eventually.

Did not expect this ... at all.

Well, she really was integral no matter what we saw in last ep. She was driving force that totally consumed the mind of one of the main characters.

And by the way...Heavy book spoiler...
she will be featured more before upcoming mega shitstorm is concluded. :D


Anyone else feel like they didn't really think through the inclusion of Adam Jensen? His eye/brain tech is kinda crazy for this universe and I'm pretty sure the books have nothing close to that. Plus, if this tech exists, why are there no other cyborgs running around? Loving the show and this episode was probably my favorite yet, but that detail feels really off to me.

My favorite detail in this episode was that the life monitors on the displays on the Roci, while they were inspecting the Anubis, said Burton, Nagata, Holden...and Canary.

They touch briefly on that with the data broker that Miller finds. He had a bunch of augmented organs, etc. An ice miner had a machine rebuilding his hand in the first episode. Can't forget this is 200 years in the future, I'm sure bio-engineering got pretty good in that time. Canary's (hysterical Amos btw) eyes were a pretty big leap though, I was wondering if people would be questioning whether he was actually human or not.


I really liked the spy, good idea that worked well
don't forget that this is a solar system where even simple workers don't really mind losing a limb because it can be replaced easily. it's not impossible that spies could have that kind of tech.
that awkward 'commercial break' cut right after the fight though. :p

But yeah, the lack of music and all was sweet on this episode. Poor Julie. When was she actually infected though? I don't remember her touching it in the pilot. Also, realistically speaking, blowing up an infection is not a good idea at all.

Seeing the hallway from the pilot's first shot / scene on the Anubis / Scopuli right away was nice too. Guess we've now dealt with that, on to the season conclusion.


that awkward 'commercial break' cut right after the fight though. :p

But yeah, the lack of music and all was sweet on this episode. Poor Julie. When was she actually infected though? I don't remember her touching it in the pilot. Also, realistically speaking, blowing up an infection is not a good idea at all.

Seeing the hallway from the pilot's first shot / scene on the Anubis / Scopuli right away was nice too. Guess we've now dealt with that, on to the season conclusion.

Well if it acted like bacteria or a virus you'd figure the heat would kill it. And it's better than the ship being found. I would have me sure it was toasted though.


Great episode. Everything's coming together.

I really appreciate the world building. It's not often you get to see real world places like Ceres and Eros depicted on screen.

edit: OH SHIT! Detective meets the crew.

So fucked up. I didn't expect body horror.


that awkward 'commercial break' cut right after the fight though. :p

Not sure if its the Netflix/VOD age that I've gotten used to but this is the first show I've tried to watch live in maybe 5 years and god damn the pacing is broken up horribly by commercials. It actually ruined my enjoyment of a couple episodes because every 7 minutes I was interrupted by commercials for the show that I was currently watching featuring footage from the first 4 episodes while I was watching episode 6.

Edit: weird vent, didn't see your "commercial break" in quotes, not sure if you were actually talking about a commercial anymore :p
Yeah, I don't watch television live anymore for that reason. I can't stand ads in general, but the constant interruption is just the worst. The 'in-line' ads with Supernatural and the like are still annoying, but more tolerable than a full break.

But I watched it with the commercials removed (obviously) and that cut (fade to black) clearly showed regardless, which is usually avoided on shows. I guess they couldn't in this case, because it was a major event / cliffhanger.


Anyone else feel like they didn't really think through the inclusion of Adam Jensen?

nah. But what I found weird is that the UN doesn't have at least 1 spy on every single civilian outpost and needed to rope in a private one. Tycho must be crawling with them considering all the work crews that would need hiring to make the Mormon ship that everyone knows is going to have a convenient radiation leak to evac everyone and then disappear into OPA hands.


Hey book readers I have a question and I'm too lazy to use Google, anyway I read the first book a while ago and I forgot (MAJOR BOOK SPOILER)

Is the person on the bathroom floor really Julie? I can't remember if she was just some other person used to fake us out or if she was the real Julie. And, if she is the real Julie why then did she suddenly become like the heart/brain of the protomolecure later on?
Damn that was a fantastic episode.

As has been said, the world building is so damned awesome. And loved the moment where Miller and Holden's storylines converged too, him showing up mid-shootout was so good and then their first exchanges were great.

Also, Miller's "Not anymore" slayed me lol.
His joking around on the behind the scenes on the on demand version was great too where he was saying how his threatening lines rhymed lol.

I loved the mystery bits with the ship and their discoveries, it looked great and I loved the atmosphere.

The bits where Holden and Amos are on the same page now are amazing, the smirk Amos got a few times was great.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

Likewise. Good fakeout by the writers. Midway through the episode I was just thinking to myself, you know there hasn't been a random death that made noone feel safe like what happened to the 5 survivor's (not a certified) doctor. Then they found Lapanski 15 minutes later.


Considering the nature of her death I give noone good odds if they were near whatever that thing is. IMO I don't think it's a living organism or even a virus. It could be some type of new compound that has really adverse effects if not handled carefully.

Yeah they did a great job.


Hey book readers I have a question and I'm too lazy to use Google, anyway I read the first book a while ago and I forgot (MAJOR BOOK SPOILER)

Is the person on the bathroom floor really Julie? I can't remember if she was just some other person used to fake us out or if she was the real Julie. And, if she is the real Julie why then did she suddenly become like the heart/brain of the protomolecure later on?

Yup. It's her. It's never explained in the novel, but I think she became the heart/brain of the protomolecule because she was the host of the batch they used to kill Eros. She arrived infected but intact, so there was no coagulation of self with the crew of the Scopuli/Anubis to deal with. Hence why when they tried to ram it, it shouted "DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" in context of her previous assault for which she trained and became harder, stronger, and able to resist should anyone ever try to do that to her again.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
I basically only like hard scifi, will I like this show? If they keep techno babble to a minimum I guess it might be fine.


I basically only like hard scifi, will I like this show? If they keep techno babble to a minimum I guess it might be fine.

It depends on what you mean by Hard Sci-Fi. If you're looking for a series that is grounded, restricted to our solar system, where space travel is "slow" and difficult and attempts to use real world physics then yes the series is probably for you.
I basically only like hard scifi, will I like this show? If they keep techno babble to a minimum I guess it might be fine.

Yes.There is zero techno babble, so you should be good. I would argue it's probably the 'hardest' sci-fi show I'm aware of. I would love to hear examples from people who disagree with that, if those exist.


I basically only like hard scifi, will I like this show? If they keep techno babble to a minimum I guess it might be fine.

Absolutely. The shows science and technology is shown through the way it works, not diolauge. It's actually very subtle about it, like the high spin of Ceres being show by its effect on fluids.

It's also very realistic. No FTL travel, no rediculous weapons, or anything like that. The first episode shows the effect that the acceleration of changing course has. Give it a watch, it's an amazing show!


I really liked what I watched so far, but after episode 5 all episodes on syfy.com are locked and you need cable to watch them. Guess I'll just have to wait until they hit a streaming service, whenever that is.


I really liked what I watched so far, but after episode 5 all episodes on syfy.com are locked and you need cable to watch them. Guess I'll just have to wait until they hit a streaming service, whenever that is.

The whole season is on Amazon for really cheap, for $20. If you like what you've seen so far, you should really consider buying the whole thing. The best episodes are still ahead : )

Party Down forever


Hey book readers I have a question and I'm too lazy to use Google, anyway I read the first book a while ago and I forgot (MAJOR BOOK SPOILER)

Is the person on the bathroom floor really Julie? I can't remember if she was just some other person used to fake us out or if she was the real Julie. And, if she is the real Julie why then did she suddenly become like the heart/brain of the protomolecure later on?

Cibola Burns Spoiler:
I might be completely wrong because when I started reading cibola burns I realized that I forgot almost everything from the first three books, but I thought the protomolecule simply took the likeness of Julie because it wanted to be someone with a connection to Miller, similiar to how it tooks Miller appearance later when it communicates with Holden



Party Down forever

The reading of their Sci-fi book at the famous actors house slays me everytime. That actor plays basically the same character but is also fantastic in Silicon Valley.

But yeah the show is probably as realistic as you are going to get on TV right now for Sci-fi.


The whole season is on Amazon for really cheap, for $20. If you like what you've seen so far, you should really consider buying the whole thing. The best episodes are still ahead : )

Huh, so it is. I didn't even look honestly because I figured it might be kind of expensive.

Funky Papa

By the way, did anybody else notice that The Expanse's weapons have literally no recoil nor expel bullet casings?

Not that it should be shocking given that futuristic firearms should have moved far from current designs, but still.


I'm getting really excited for the finale. My buddy has Syfy on his tv so i'm going over with some Chinese to watch this live.

Funky Papa

Railguns maybe?

That would require absurd amounts of energy and they already made the point of LARGE ships having to divert power from their engines so they can fire theirs.

I'm guessing they are using caseless ammunition with some kind of recoil dampening system, Gauss guns (because Gauss guns are awesome) or just some random scifi magic.
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