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The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection |OT| Ueda *bow*


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
"it's not bad at all, I just hate it"

The heck... :/ Have you played it before? And have you played SotC? Are you planning on playing it soon?


So besides killing Colossi in SOTC, is there anything else to do that benefits your character? Just wondering if I am missing out on something here. Is it obvious or am I completely retarded? Take note I am on Colossus number 7.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Paches-EJ- said:
So besides killing Colossi in SOTC, is there anything else to do that benefits your character? Just wondering if I am missing out on something here. Is it obvious or am I completely retarded? Take not I am on Colossus number 7.
You don't even benefit anything by killing the colossi... murderer.

Go hunt silver-tailed lizards and apples on the (living) trees. That actually benefits your character as you'll gain more stamina and health.
Paches-EJ- said:
So besides killing Colossi in SOTC, is there anything else to do that benefits your character? Just wondering if I am missing out on something here. Is it obvious or am I completely retarded? Take note I am on Colossus number 7.

You can also hunt lizards (white / silver-coloured tail ones gives you grip stamina boost when you eat their tails), eat fruits (on and around any climbable tree, usually or always near a pond of water) to increase your HP, and grab onto birds (they can take you for a flight if you hang on ;p) an fishes.


Ok... shadow finished. Good grief, that was exceptional. Still need to do Ico, playing them in the order I experienced them a while back :p
whalleywhat said:
Earlier than you'd think. There's very little time between when it depresses and shoots up, and you want to jump right near the start of that depression. Once you're past that you can figure out the timing on the water wheel. ;D

Thanks. I was able to get it
for some reason I had no problem with the water wheel
I could never get into Ico. I might give it another go here, but I'm in this for SOTC. I appreciate what Ico does artistically as much as I do SOTC(which is to say a fucking lot), but it feels like 'just a puzzle game', except with un-videogame-like subtlety. SOTC is something more entirely, largely unprecedented in both structure and presentation.

Few more things regarding SOTC:

-Said before that I don't think I'll get the emotional draw from SOTC like I did when I was younger. Fuck that, I'm all in now. Like so many have said, it's the little things...the way the boy says 'Agro' quietly when he's close, the way the horse screeches to a halt before he runs off cliffs, the way you can jump off temples on to the horse if you do it right and you're lucky. The way you can see temples from light years away. The way there's no music(this one is actually kind of huge), but you always hear the wind. The way the boy never rests and has no concern for his well being. And most significantly, the way the character's frustration and single-minded focus is expressed in the gameplay. Etc. etc.. It is powerful stuff in its own subtle way. The indie/art game scene - largely non-existent at the time this game was released - has tried endlessly to master somber minimalism, but none of those games do it as well as this game.

-It is even more unbelievable today that something like this was made. How did this team get so much money - and, clearly, so much raw technical talent - thrown at them to make something so unmarketable? It goes against the very tenets of capitalism. It is an anomaly in a world of carefully budgeted games. What are the chances that one of the industry's most notable artistic achievements would also be one of its most jaw-dropping technical achievements? I guess you could argue that Valve carries the same combination of artistic vision and technical wizardry...but I don't think they reach quite the heights on either count.

-How the fuck does this game look so good? I wish these guys would teach the modern industry how to use that so called 'fake' HDR. Throw away the real shit, it sucks. How is the LOD 100 times better - and practically farther - than Oblivion's? Some of the textures are blurry - but some of them are great! Have you guys seen the textures on the bridge posts?

-Just realized that SOTC invented(correct me?) over-the-shoulder camera before RE4.

-Getting on to Agro is pretty difficult.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Conciliator said:
-Just realized that SOTC invented(correct me?) over-the-shoulder camera before RE4.
It's not over-the-shoulder camera.
Conciliator said:
-Getting on to Agro is pretty difficult.
While jumping (hold down triangle), hold R1 and aim for Agros back. It's easy once you learn the trick.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
vazel said:
Welp my copy came from newegg and the game case is broken. :(
Oh fuck me... same thing happened with another GAFer :/ Same game...


Yoshichan said:
Oh fuck me... same thing happened with another GAFer :/ Same game...
Yea I saw that post. Doesn't surprise me my case is shattered. The game was shipped in a flimsy bag from one end of the country to the other... by UPS.

Bah this has put me in such a horrible mood I can't even play the game. I'll wait on the replacement/refund. Never again newegg.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Conciliator said:
You know what I mean, unless you're really that dense.
wat wat wat

I'm not trying to be an asshole... over the shoulder was something that was standardized in RE4. In SotC, you barely go into that view o.o. Like, ever.
KingK said:
I always thought the horse's name was Argo, not Agro.
Haha, long debates over this one back in the days... but yeah it's Agro.


Finished up Ico for the first time in about 9-10 years (and maybe 3rd or 4th time overall). Every minute was just as good as the first time I played it. Still one of the best games I've ever played.

The pacing is simply perfection and the way the story unfolds and wraps up down in and out the castle and how in the end everything comes back to the start is just amazing presentation. The puzzles were all good and the platforming is pretty damn solid. I did notice that the jumping sometimes lagged a bit and it got me killed a few times and made the WATER WHEEL JUMP fairly tough. Otherwise it controlled great.

I still will never understand the anti-combat crowd. None of the fights in the game took more than 20-40 seconds max. About half of them you can run to the next load area or green totem and avoid. And once you get the
things die in a combo. And even if Yorda EVER gets grabbed (which is rare), the game gives you plenty of time to pull her out. And for killing shadows you just sit with your back turned toward Yorda and wait for them to land next to her and go for the grab and then you swat them. Easy stuff. And Yorda should never get attacked while you are in a different screen. The game never makes you go more than 1 load screen away from her, and when it DOES make you go 1 load screen away (which is maybe 3 times in the game), you are only gone for a brief minute max before returning. The only times Yorda will get attacked offscreen is if you get lost or miss something to bring Yorda with you.

Another complaint I never get is the Yorda pathfinding. If you spend the whole game always holding her hand and taking her with you, she never needs to pathfind outside climbing a ladder maybe 5-10 times total in the game and that shouldn't be a problem if you hold her hand to the ladder, climb, and call her up. Seems like a non-issue and I can only imagine it's people who don't hold her hand and simply call her to follow them wherever they are.

The scale of the castle is still insane and the 3d effects bolster than incredibly. I started to play SoTC and the 3d isn't that noticeable, like in most videogames; ICO's visual theme of GIGANTIC architecture/vistas/heights are like the perfect objects for 3d effects.

Also I love the final fight. It just flows so well.

Anyhow, on to SotC next!


More impressions..

I just finished the 7th colossus and I am still in love with then game...but then something happened...I found out that you can search for Lizards and Fruit....and the sidetracking began...I am addicted to this big time.

Love Love Love this game. By the way the 5th colossus was amazing!!!!


Bebpo said:
Another complaint I never get is the Yorda pathfinding. If you spend the whole game always holding her hand and taking her with you, she never needs to pathfind outside climbing a ladder maybe 5-10 times total in the game and that shouldn't be a problem if you hold her hand to the ladder, climb, and call her up. Seems like a non-issue and I can only imagine it's people who don't hold her hand and simply call her to follow them wherever they are.
I spent the whole time holding her hand so as to not let the pathfinding botch it. Most of the time when I had to call for her it worked but on one ladder she walked around the corner and just started walking into the wall. I had to climb down and drag her back in front and then climb back up.
Yoshichan said:
wat wat wat

I'm not trying to be an asshole... over the shoulder was something that was standardized in RE4. In SotC, you barely go into that view o.o. Like, ever.

OK sorry, didn't mean to jump the gun. I mean, I did, but I misread your tone.

Anyway, point being that SOTC uses a third-person, behind the back camera that doesn't keep the character in the middle of the screen(while on the horse, anyway). This is important because it lets you see the 'action' directly while still controlling the character clearly, and that's the combination of elements that made that innovation so significant.



I haven't started yet, I'm still playing Xenoblade, but is the two player mode in ICO unlocked after you finish the game once, or is it available right off the bat?


anddo0 said:
My disk was loose... Never again.
Meh, that happens. I've gotten games and BD movies with loose disks but they still work.
demosthenes said:
Same, mine is only a crack, but still annoying.
If the cover were still intact I would've just swapped it out for one of my other PS3 cases. But the cover is ripped. :(
vazel said:
Meh, that happens. I've gotten games and BD movies with loose disks but they still work.
If the cover were still intact I would've just swapped it out for one of my other PS3 cases. But the cover is ripped. :(

Ah, that really sucks. Mine just happened to be on the side of the case that doesn't show when on a shelf.
Finished ICO tonight. First time playing it. It was certainly great, but definitely a product of its time.

The art is fantastic, but the gameplay is standard puzzle/action adventure fare. It never really goes beyond that, gameplay wise.
Beautiful, beautiful game though. A true minimalistic marvel. The animation is stellar, especially for 2001. You can absolutely tell that it inspired a boatload of games from the newer Zeldas to Prince of Persia to Uncharted. A treat of a game.

And so now that that's done, I just started SOTC tonight for the first time...


I knew it was going to be good. But I was not prepared.


Only just beat collosus 3, And this game has changed me.

People. PEOPLE...

civilstrife said:
Finished ICO tonight. First time playing it. It was certainly great, but definitely a product of its time.

The art is fantastic, but the gameplay is standard puzzle/action adventure fare. It never really goes beyond that, gameplay wise.
Beautiful, beautiful game though. A true minimalistic marvel. The animation is stellar, especially for 2001. You can absolutely tell that it inspired a boatload of games from the newer Zeldas to Prince of Persia to Uncharted. A treat of a game.

And so now that that's done, I just started SOTC tonight for the first time...


I knew it was going to be good. But I was not prepared.


Only just beat collosus 3, And this game has changed me.

People. PEOPLE...


Yes, it's really not butter. Really though, I'm glad you like it, I felt the same way when I first fired it up, and that was the ps2 version......

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Played 30 minutes of Ico for the first time and appreciated it, but wasn't into the whole thing about protecting the girl.

Played an hour of SotC for the first time and am having much more fun. Beat the second colossus. Only complaint is the wonky horse controls and a few player control issues. Otherwise it's fun so far.

Edit: I also got mine from NewEgg, nothing was broken but the disc was loose. No scratches though.


Played a little more of Ico, passed the Windmill now. I'm kind of shocked how great it still looks, besides some spotty textures when they're close to the camera, and some questionable transparencies on enemies, it's still a sight to behold.


Finally got my copy today from my buddy (picked it up while in the US so I could get the reversible cover).

Starting with SOTC. Oh my god. =( I wish I was playing this for the first time again. It's beautiful. I was not prepared for how good this game looks in motion. Jesus.

I also forgot how rage-inducing the 3rd colossus is.


Okay, I am sure there is something different with the Grip in SotC. I beat TA HARD and got the White Horse on PS2. I cannot beat TA Normal. I have 4 left and they NEVER let you raise the sword. Ugh.


Got my copy in from newegg. Put about 45 min into ICO, its my first time playing it and I'm loving it so far. I played quite a bit of SOTC on the ps2 but never finished it, looking forward to finishing these excellent games.
I'm one of those trophy guys and when I love a game as much as I love SotC, I want to get the platinum. That isn't happening though... NTA is hard as nails, can't even imagine the difficulty of HTA. And I don't know that I have the stomach to
hunt the lizards again or collect all the fruit again; I did it all on play through 1... but one or two of the lizards must've only had their tails severed and I didn't have enough stamina to get to the forbidden garden (the stamina diagonal jump exploit, from what I read about it, no longer seems to work for climbing to the top of the main temple).

So speaking of, is there some way to get a colossus to writhe/wiggle less? I can't beat #3 in NTA. :(
Is it possible to Max out health and stamina on a single playthrough? If not, I think I'll stop going out of my way to find fruit and lizard for now and just finish the game.


I've played thru Ico five or six times, and I've never had any trouble getting up the water wheel, I've sometimes had issues jumping on the mechanism in the room before, but I was surprised to see GAF mention the wheel as an issue because it hadn't been for me. This time I did the mechanism first try, and the water wheel took like twenty attempts, and filled me with a white hot rage a game hasn't for a really long time. Fuck that shit.


Junior Member
I got my copy one day early (there's something so satisfactory about this) - and I started by trying SoTC, the game I know. I beat the first Colossus, and while that "Yay, you beat the boss, but we're still not cheering" music was playing, and I'm fully in the moment of just having beat a huge-ass thing, being hit by black stuff, and wondering what comes next (beat the game before, but I'm in the moment, damnit!). Just as I'm enjoying it

Drrrrrlng - Trophy Unlocked "YOU DID SOME THING"

Talk about ejection out of immersion. This crap has got to go. Stop padding my games with arbitrary 'achievements' of silliness, and stop rewarding me for just following the story! I'm not a dog that needs positive reinforcement!

And I can't turn off only those notifications? Fantastic


Septimius said:
And I can't turn off only those notifications? Fantastic
I actually think you can, but don't hold me to it. I know you can disable notifications, I'm just not sure if trophy notifications are included in that.

I'm sure Wario would know. He seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't want to be alerted when he gets a trophy.


Septimius said:
I got my copy one day early (there's something so satisfactory about this) - and I started by trying SoTC, the game I know. I beat the first Colossus, and while that "Yay, you beat the boss, but we're still not cheering" music was playing, and I'm fully in the moment of just having beat a huge-ass thing, being hit by black stuff, and wondering what comes next (beat the game before, but I'm in the moment, damnit!). Just as I'm enjoying it

Drrrrrlng - Trophy Unlocked "YOU DID SOME THING"

Talk about ejection out of immersion. This crap has got to go. Stop padding my games with arbitrary 'achievements' of silliness, and stop rewarding me for just following the story! I'm not a dog that needs positive reinforcement!

And I can't turn off only those notifications? Fantastic

I completely agree. If I could I would turn off these random pop-ups I get while playing my games.


Junior Member
MrCookiepants said:
The trophies appear in the loading screen that takes you back to the temple. It's not a big deal. It's really not a deal at all.

I hear people say this all the time. "Oh, why do you care". I care. That's why. It is a deal. Maybe not big to you, but it certainly isn't a big deal to let me turn off those notifications. Trophies can be in my game, and maybe I'll do one or two, but I think the "you progressed in the game" trophies can go fall off a cliff. They're stupid and add nothing.

In most games, yeah, sure, they're just there. But SoTC is not your typical game experience. You're in a world void of anything but yourself and Agro. You're supposed to feel alone, cut off, lonely, but determined. It is a wonderful feeling. It is why I enjoy playing the game. So when I'm reflecting on what Wanderer is really going through for this girl, and the emotions he must be powered by to not care about the sacrifices Dormin tells him about, as that sort of "oh, we did something huge, but we're really only doing this for that girl. What are we really doi - DRRRLNG"

It catapulted me out of the great feeling I had. Suddenly I was playing a PS3 game.

Can't wait for SH2 HD to completely ruin the first sight of Pyramid Head by popping up a "Meet Pyramid Head" trophy when I see him down the hall.
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