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The iPad Mini

The Real Abed

I have no problem with scuffgate. I just think the black back looks so nice. Makes my decision hard. Hopefully both will be on display when I go to get one.

Don't know why but ever since the mini was announced, my 10" iPad 2 just seems so damn huge. I didn't realize I wanted a smaller iPad until the rumors started going around. For what I use it for, the smaller model seems to fit for me. And I'm willing to forego the extra power and resolution of the full sized model for the compact weightless portability of the mini. I barely notice the pixels on my 2 as it is. They'll be even smaller on the mini anyway so it doesn't bother me. Can't wait to see it in person.



The Real Abed

really need someone to properly test the display. in that cnet review, he says the mini's screen has similar colors and vibrancy to the ipad2, which wouldn't actually be that great considering the large leap apple made with the wider gamut and better accuracy of the retina ipad and iphone 5
I never really noticed a problem with the display in my 2. But then again, I have nothing to compare it to.
People in my house had an ipad 2 and ipad 3 at the same time so I got to see both right next to each other. The 3 is crazy better but the 2 looks good. I can see how staring at a retina display for so long then going to something non-retina can be a bit jarring until you get used to it. But it's still good.


People in my house had an ipad 2 and ipad 3 at the same time so I got to see both right next to each other. The 3 is crazy better but the 2 looks good. I can see how staring at a retina display for so long then going to something non-retina can be a bit jarring until you get used to it. But it's still good.

And the mini is going to look better then the iPad 2 because the screen is smaller with the same resolution. Not retina density, but better than the iPad 1 and 2.

My smart cover arrived today according to my wife, but my actual mini order on Apples site still claims "Preparing for Shipment". A little worried about that.


It's killing me trying to not buy the Mini, but I know Retina is coming (probably next gen) and I need that. I already have the iPad 2 from work to hold me over.

However, it's also annoying that I am probably going to be buying my parents a Nexus 7 for Christmas. Yes, it will suit them fine as a first tablet that will most likely be all web browsing and some small games, but I still consider the iPad so much better for them. The price is just too much.


It's killing me trying to not buy the Mini, but I know Retina is coming (probably next gen) and I need that. I already have the iPad 2 from work to hold me over.

However, it's also annoying that I am probably going to be buying my parents a Nexus 7 for Christmas. Yes, it will suit them fine as a first tablet that will most likely be all web browsing and some small games, but I still consider the iPad so much better for them. The price is just too much.

I feel like this retina issue with the mini is crazy and overblown. Yes, it has worse DPI than comparable 7 inch tablets but it also is better than the iPad 1 or 2. The difference might be slightly noticeable but it isn't like you're going back in time and buying a 320x240 display or anything.

For the mini to have a retina display you're looking at some weird 1024x768 based resolution that is neither going to look great with non retina apps or be able to run full scale retina iPad applications without simply cramming the entire iPad 3/4 resolution into the frame of the iPad mini. That sounds horrible for battery life and cost.

If we get some weird in between resolution you'll have to go through another period of waiting for applications to get updated to support it while having really weird looking applications because of pixel scaling.
I love Apple's ability to make a current product look so old hat next to the new one every time.

The thing that you were perfectly happy with yesterday looks so last gen in comparison.

Seeing the mini next to the iPad makes it seem so modern.

Same with each new iPhone / iMac / evolution of MacBook Pro to Air to Retina.
try bestbuy for the ipad mini's no one shops there so better luck of getting one.
"Hi, I'd like to buy an iPad mini."
"What's that?"
"It's the new smaller iPad, it came out today."
"I don't think we have that."
"Can you check?"
"Sure... turns out we do have them. Here you are."
"No, that's the regular iPad. I want the mini."
"What's that?"
"Look, I can see it right there! It's there behind you."
"Oh, I think those are reserved."
"Can you find out? I have money right here."
"Uh, hold on... I think the manager is on lunch."
(continues until I kill myself)
Whitta you should just start your own Apple Blog, soon you will be on the Friends of Apple list and invited to all the product keynotes and get free iThings for "review".
I feel like this retina issue with the mini is crazy and overblown.

I don't think it's being overblown at all. Apple coined the term Resolutionary for a reason. Now whenever a new tablet gets announced by anyone, one of the immediate questions is about the PPI. It's lame that Apple's stepping backwards while everyone else is moving forward (when it comes to PPI).

That worked great for iPhone 5, huh?

Except for the fact that there's never been an issue picking up an iPad on launch day. I got the first and 2nd on launch day from Best Buy without hassle. The third came from Target. Again no hassle.
How did you find this out?

Might impulsively buy one right now if the Walmart by my office has one... :(

Some guy on another forum posted his receipt and pictures of the mini. Not sure if he knew the employee that sold it to him or not, but he claims all he was doing was returning the Nexus 7 and the employee offered him a Mini if he wanted to return the device for it instead (plus pay the difference).


Some guy on another forum posted his receipt and pictures of the mini. Not sure if he knew the employee that sold it to him or not, but he claims all he was doing was returning the Nexus 7 and the employee offered him a Mini if he wanted to return the device for it instead (plus pay the difference).
No dice for me. Calling another one just in case... damn impulse purchases.
I pre-ordered one for myself. FML. Delivery by nov15th it says. I wonder if I can just walk in and get one at the store on friday. I hate busy apple stores though, world war 3.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Apple did split my order and the iPad Mini is back to delivery on Friday again.

I do like Apple's customer service :)
I don't think it's being overblown at all. Apple coined the term Resolutionary for a reason. Now whenever a new tablet gets announced by anyone, one of the immediate questions is about the PPI. It's lame that Apple's stepping backwards while everyone else is moving forward (when it comes to PPI).
But if you consider their position, it was the only way to do it. The app selection is where they are furthest ahead, so they didn't want to do a middle-ground resolution to maintain app compatibility, so it needed to be 1024 or 2048. 2048 would not only be overkill against other small tablets, it would beat their own full size tablet too. It would be obscenely high PPI, would require at least the A5X chip, a bigger battery, etc, etc. It wouldn't be as thin or as light as they achieved, and it would be more expensive than the full-sized iPad.

They aren't stepping backwards. They're offering a smaller iPad 2, a device that is still on sale, and still a great product. Nobody else can offer a small iPad 2. It also happens to be the thinnest and lightest against 'similar' products of this size.

Yes, there's no escaping the fact that it has a lower PPI than other tablets, but doing it this way it has resulted in a compelling product for different reasons. They made the decision to stick with 1024, and used that to their advantage (i.e. lower power requirements resulting in thinness and lightness). Could they have done a 1280xsomething screen in the same package? Maybe, maybe not. But it would have certainly made for some disgusting scaling on all apps, and lots of work for developers, making the platform far less attractive.


But if you consider their position, it was the only way to do it. The app selection is where they are furthest ahead, so they didn't want to do a middle-ground resolution to maintain app compatibility, so it needed to be 1024 or 2048. 2048 would not only be overkill against other small tablets, it would beat their own full size tablet too. It would be obscenely high PPI, would require at least the A5X chip, a bigger battery, etc, etc. It wouldn't be as thin or as light as they achieved, and it would be more expensive than the full-sized iPad.

They aren't stepping backwards. They're offering a smaller iPad 2, a device that is still on sale, and still a great product. Nobody else can offer a small iPad 2. It also happens to be the thinnest and lightest against 'similar' products of this size.

Yes, there's no escaping the fact that it has a lower PPI than other tablets, but doing it this way it has resulted in a compelling product for different reasons. They made the decision to stick with 1024, and used that to their advantage (i.e. lower power requirements resulting in thinness and lightness). Could they have done a 1280xsomething screen in the same package? Maybe, maybe not. But it would have certainly made for some disgusting scaling on all apps, and lots of work for developers, making the platform far less attractive.

This guy gets it.
man even if i don't like apple that much there is no denying their products usually are very good but the ipad mini, man i don't get it.


But if you consider their position, it was the only way to do it. The app selection is where they are furthest ahead, so they didn't want to do a middle-ground resolution to maintain app compatibility, so it needed to be 1024 or 2048. 2048 would not only be overkill against other small tablets, it would beat their own full size tablet too. It would be obscenely high PPI, would require at least the A5X chip, a bigger battery, etc, etc. It wouldn't be as thin or as light as they achieved, and it would be more expensive than the full-sized iPad.

They aren't stepping backwards. They're offering a smaller iPad 2, a device that is still on sale, and still a great product. Nobody else can offer a small iPad 2. It also happens to be the thinnest and lightest against 'similar' products of this size.

Yes, there's no escaping the fact that it has a lower PPI than other tablets, but doing it this way it has resulted in a compelling product for different reasons. They made the decision to stick with 1024, and used that to their advantage (i.e. lower power requirements resulting in thinness and lightness). Could they have done a 1280xsomething screen in the same package? Maybe, maybe not. But it would have certainly made for some disgusting scaling on all apps, and lots of work for developers, making the platform far less attractive.
Eh, my main problem is that it has only 512mb of ram. No reason why they couldn't have put 1gb.

Or the 300/400 dollar iPod Touch.

They aren't stepping backwards. They're offering a smaller iPad 2, a device that is still on sale, and still a great product. Nobody else can offer a small iPad 2. It also happens to be the thinnest and lightest against 'similar' products of this size.

I disagree. This is a step backwards, not forwards or sideways.

Eh, my main problem is that it has only 512mb of ram. No reason why they couldn't have put 1gb.

Confirmed via teardown yet?


So I am thinking that kid was trying to tell me they had it, without really saying it ya know? Maybe I should just show and say someone told me they had em already.
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