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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The motion blur while the Hyper Drive is better than Uncharted 2!!!!



So Hyped after seeing the vids! Looks like it's running a lot faster than KOF12. So the sousai and critical combo system is gone too? Didn't see any of that in the vid. 10 seconds into the video of part 1, it looked like there would have been a clash there, but the hits traded instead.


Wow, that Mai footage already looks a lot better than XII. It's amazing what zooming the camera out a little bit will do.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Stuff ive noticed :
New animation frames.
New FXs.
Kyo fire attacks set the enemy on fire now.
New DM spark effect. (Was awful in XII)
The motion blur effect is pretty kickass.
No more floaty jumps! (KOFXII)
No zoom in.
New moves.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
NumSkull- said:
Sooo Billy Kane confirmed??

if so SOLD!!

Hope so, that's going to be Billy or Hwa Jai most likely, and no one wants Hwa Jai.
Raiden at least had some fans.

If it's Billy, for the first time since 03 I'd have a KOF where I can play my true team.


Fersis said:
Stuff ive noticed :
New animation frames
New FXs
Kyo fire attacks set the enemy on fire now.
New DM spark effect. (Was awful in XII)
The motion blur effect is pretty kickass.
No more floaty jumps! (KOFXII)
get back to work


Looks hot! Seems they have a finished game this time, I feel it!

*watches video*

Holy shit, mid-air orochinagi!? Why don't make Kyo a final boss now that they are on it :p

But wait, Vice and Mature? It´s another Dream Fight? :(

Anyway, looks fantastic, zooming it out a bit it´s a great idea.
The new FXs look great ,
The blur looks much better and suits style of the game.
Jumping and moving about looks better than 12 .

So far everything looking great , I wish there were more than 10 new chars but still so far i am happy with how 13 looks.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
CcrooK said:
I laughed, but...what? :lol
Check the videos, there's some kind of 'motion blur' while hyper drive mode.

The Take Out Bandit said:
I feeeel it, in my pants!

This game is GORGEOUS! :D
Better animation than XII, and they removed the floaty jumps.


Sketchbook Picasso
Man, I liked the weightness of XII; things look somewhat quicker, and lighter here, like KoF XI or something. This isn't a horrible thing, but I always end up enjoying more classic KoFs more than the newer, combo-heavy breed. That's what I loved about CC's, Old school KOF before the CC, New SKEWLZ KoF after the CC! CDs look like they might be back to their old stubborn selves, instead of serving as comboable attacks like they did in KoF XII... but that's hard to judge off such limited playtime.

Feels a bit weird seeing Kyo do his DM in the Air... same with Kings fireballs. Liked what I saw of Mai's corner game, hope she has some new moves we didn't see. Love hearing the classic voices for the characters, too. Though I believe Mai said something different for her folding fan throw...


Now THIS is gonna be awesome.

Give me a proper netcode (anything above or at the level of SCIV/SFIV is more than passable for me), and this one will have its place amongst the gods in my fighting game shelf :D
I'm really hoping Arc System Works and SNK work together on netcode for this shit.

ASW is the standard bearer for SOLID netcode. All others prostrate themselves at the feet of ASW and beg forgiveness and enlightenment!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Professor from MMCafe said:
-Game is slated for arcades this summer
-Female fighters team: Mai, Yuri, King is in the game
-Also slots for 6 other characters
-Character select seems to have multiple palette selections like Blazblue

-Characters can do new "EX" specials and supers by using up their power meter. EX versions of the moves can have various effects ranging from multiple hits, invincibility, hit detection after move hits, and in cases of some projectiles- faster speed, penetration.
-New "drive cancel" system allows for players to cancel a special or super into another one. Requires the use of the "drive meter". EX moves can be used.
-New "Hyper Drive" mode. When the drive meter is at MAX, you can go into Hyper Drive mode, which lets you cancel all normal moves, direction moves (like f+P), and also lets you do infinite drive cancels for a limited time.

-4 New stages: Bus Terminal (United Kingdom), Sumo ring in fall season, Jungle in the sunshine, Maharaja.

-Additional Stuff (some unconfirmed):
Terry has his Buster Wolf
Kyo can do an aerial Orochinagi

Also, the game will be included in the next Tougeki battle tournament.

Ok,ive updated the OP with some of the videos.
As soon as i get home ill do a proper update.


Are clark and ralf back to their old designs? I saw in that animation sheet, they were looking better, but haven't seen them in-game yet.

I really need confirmation of a story mode/endings/boss though.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Swittcher said:
Are clark and ralf back to their old designs? I saw in that animation sheet, they were looking better, but haven't seen them in-game yet.

I really need confirmation of a story mode/endings/boss though.
According to some websites they've shown a little trailer with a long black haired ... ASH!

rvy said:
All I needed was K', insta-buy!
No K' for now, but there's always the console characters!


ahaha no more crazy zoom-in, snkp probably realized it made their sprites look like butt.


wait, what is this? Are these how the sprites gonna look now? They are less detailed than in KOF12, if so.


There's a lot of good and a lot of bad I'm feeling from this KoF13 info pouring out.

1) King? Hells yes!...but not her awesome look from CvsSnk2 with a jacket? Ugh....best milk more cash from me with DLC down the road...I'll pay for her coat damn it!

2) Only 4 new stages? Really? Come the hell on! I hope when console rolls around they add like 3 more on top of the KoF12 and KoF13 arcade stages.

3) This game needs K' and Rock Howard damn it. Add either one and I am effing sold---more leaning towards Rock Howard to purchase WITHOUT knowing about net code once console hits.

I just hope they go meaty on the console content. I need a story mode, some time time attack, some survival, some other modes, and for all that is holy talk to someone who can get you a net code not made in Iraq by a guy with a tin can and a piece of string. :lol

I'm slightly upset they didn't tweak more of the characters from 12's looks, but I am glad Kyo got his white coat this time around. :D

I want this to not suck and the inclusion of King is awesome since she's a tie for favorite with Rock Howard from SNK's fighting games, but please god let there be more characters. 30+ or gtfo. :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
*wakes up* OMG! THIS IS AWESOME!!! :D
IT IS!!!

New FXs!
New Stages!
New Characters!
New Moves!
No more floaty jumps!
New Systems!


jett said:
wait, what is this? Are these how the sprites gonna look now? They are less detailed than in KOF12, if so.

Those are the early KOF XII sprites, before they decided to go with KOF-style shading. They look exactly like Rumblefish sprites, those. Would've saved them a LOT of time, but yeah, they look cheap.

zlatko said:
please god let there be more characters. 30+ or gtfo. :lol

Select screen has 31 characters.
jett said:
ahaha no more crazy zoom-in, snkp probably realized it made their sprites look like butt.

wait, what is this? Are these how the sprites gonna look now? They are less detailed than in KOF12, if so.

Ralf, Clark, and Athena no longer are proportioned like freaks, you mean.
zlatko said:
There's a lot of good and a lot of bad I'm feeling from this KoF13 info pouring out.

1) King? Hells yes!...but not her awesome look from CvsSnk2 with a jacket? Ugh....best milk more cash from me with DLC down the road...I'll pay for her coat damn it!

2) Only 4 new stages? Really? Come the hell on! I hope when console rolls around they add like 3 more on top of the KoF12 and KoF13 arcade stages.

3) This game needs K' and Rock Howard damn it. Add either one and I am effing sold---more leaning towards Rock Howard to purchase WITHOUT knowing about net code once console hits.

I just hope they go meaty on the console content. I need a story mode, some time time attack, some survival, some other modes, and for all that is holy talk to someone who can get you a net code not made in Iraq by a guy with a tin can and a piece of string. :lol

I'm slightly upset they didn't tweak more of the characters from 12's looks, but I am glad Kyo got his white coat this time around. :D

I want this to not suck and the inclusion of King is awesome since she's a tie for favorite with Rock Howard from SNK's fighting games, but please god let there be more characters. 30+ or gtfo. :lol

My heart says there's no reason we wont see several new stages by the time the console release rolls around. My brain says it didn't happen last time so why would it now? Anyway, HYYYYPPPEEEEE!


Aerial Orochinagi is awesome.

I also agree with the requests for K' and Rock Howard! We need some Raging Storm up in here.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, is the custom combo bullshit out? Good.

They're on the right track but I hope they have more to reveal. Such as more stages. Only four? As weak as SSF4's stage additions.

When it comes console release time, I wonder if they will even bother bringing it out to the US after the debacle of KOF XII. If the netcode isn't rock solid with beefy online modes and more characters at a $39.99 price point, they can go fuck themselves. They need to match what SSF4 is bringing to make up for KOF XII.

More to see you guys have more faith then I do though. Which is a shame because I used to love SNK. =/


Kof is back =, )

The only thing I feel is weird is how far the screen is. Feels like arcana hearts or some shit :lol

Still looks good though.


Mikhal said:
So Hyped after seeing the vids! Looks like it's running a lot faster than KOF12. So the sousai and critical combo system is gone too? Didn't see any of that in the vid. 10 seconds into the video of part 1, it looked like there would have been a clash there, but the hits traded instead.

I would be sad if there is no more clash system.

The game looks funny without zooming! Looks kinda like XI-2. I hear that it looks little "waightless" compared to XII. Seems like the big stun animations are gone.

That "motion blur" Fersis is talking about is looking like hundrets of orange and white shadows. Looks amazing!



i am sooooooooooooo excited but sooooooooooo angry

did they take the zoom feature out? fuck all those pixel haters. It was spectacular.
Only 4 new stages is low, hope it is just because this is the first time the game is shown.
Great new characters :)
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