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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


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Not only a palette swap, the backround changed.


Santa May Claus
Fersis said:
Check Clark movelist.
By the way, once again SNKP puts an incomplete move list. (ie.there's no Terry Crack Shoot or Iori's QCB+K)
There's more than that.

Yuri is the new KOF cute girl
-Also on that video you can see the 'remixed' KOFXII Egypt stage. (Pretty awesome if you ask me)
-There's a flash FX when you win a round with a DM. (I love those!)

Nice footage
-Looks like there's more than 10 colors?

Awesome. Hope we get a ton of gameplay vids from the loketest!

At first I thought they cut Yuri's legging's, but it may just be one of the optional colors.


Thanks for the 3 new videos. Really liking everything I keep seeing with King. I'm def. using her, Joe, and my third will remain undecided until we have a full character list for a console release, but those two are confirmed.

Also is anyone else having weird problems with youtube past 2 days? I thought it was just me, but I was at a friends house today earlier and it was the same crap for him. The vids seem to get pixelated and unwatchable on the bottom half. It's hard to explain. I also had another weird problem earlier where youtube made all my videos I watched like 3000 feet long in width and 100 feet in height. I couldn't fix it either on Mozilla so I downloaded Google Chrome and it got rid of that weird ratio problem, but now the pixel jacking up bluriness eff up is happening on it too.

(Sorry for the off topic there, but it's really bugging me)


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Frankfurt said:
Look at Mature's movelist.

Also Joe, Liz, Raiden, Kensou...
Clark got his Gattling punch back. And Ralf his air bomb punch. (Or whatever is called :D )
We always made our own names on the arcades!


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arstal said:
My team will likely be Ash/Mai/Billy if he's in, Joe if not.

Clark had his Gatling punch in XII.
I mean the move thats hold b,f + P.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
K.Sabot said:
My interest in this game depends completely on if Mature gets her projectile and uppercut back.

Looking at the movelist- I saw at least the projectile back, but maybe not the dp. She got her rushing slash back though. Mature's uppercut usually sucks though, so it's no big loss.

Hoping Iori gets a 2nd super, and Duo Lon has 2 as well.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
It looks like every KOFXII has been remixed. The French cafe is all kind of awesome.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
The more I"m seeing , the more questions I have (like is the combo into CD into juggle still there?), but the more optimistic I am.

A KOF with at least upper midtier-gameplay+ higher quality graphics is really all I want right now in terms of engine.

I have higher expectations for this then SSFIV right now, and similar expectations with BBCS.

Gotta remember when I say something is dead to me, it's comic book dead.

Don't underestimate the importance of the SBO slot. That can make or break a new fighting game. I think at a minimum this game does well in Japan, maybe SFIV "well". doubt it overtakes BB or Tekken though. US I have doubts on, but I think it will have regional success in the usual SNK hotspots (TX, CA, NC)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
The more I"m seeing , the more questions I have (like is the combo into CD into juggle still there?), but the more optimistic I am.

A KOF with at least upper midtier-gameplay+ higher quality graphics is really all I want right now in terms of engine.

I have higher expectations for this then SSFIV right now, and similar expectations with BBCS.

Gotta remember when I say something is dead to me, it's comic book dead.

Don't underestimate the importance of the SBO slot. That can make or break a new fighting game. I think at a minimum this game does well in Japan, maybe SFIV "well". doubt it overtakes BB or Tekken though. US I have doubts on, but I think it will have regional success in the usual SNK hotspots (TX, CA, NC)
:lol What does that means? (I dont read comics)
Im really really liking what im seeing right now.
The game mechanics feel like KOF, the movement and jumps feel like KOF. So happy.
31 characters is a KOF worthy size so i dont think thats going to be a problem this time, and you're right the SBO slot is going to help a lot.


Fersis said:
:lol What does that means? (I dont read comics)
Im really really liking what im seeing right now.
The game mechanics feel like KOF, the movement and jumps feel like KOF. So happy.

Comic books heroes are never "dead" (the popular ones at least), they just kill them for dramatic effect, only to be "resurrected" someway after X time.

I'm in heaven, really, and as guy that don't play fighters online and that kinda enjoyed KOF XII, XIII looks simply perfect, it has almost everything I wanted so far, including an story mode.

I'm a bit puzzled about seeing Mature alive, but meh, whatever, she will probably be a clone or something like that, it´s not the first time SNK uses that trick. I'm just curious about why decided to bring her back, never thought she was popular (I liked her, especially one of her winning poses when she starts howling).


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
They went completely loli retarded with Yuri, yikes. Athena all over again.

I'm liking everything else. Also kinda glad they kept the Egypt stage, even if it's remixed now. That was one of the cooler backgrounds I've seen in ages.


GuiltybyAssociation said:
They went completely loli retarded with Yuri, yikes. Athena all over again.

I'm liking everything else. Also kinda glad they kept the Egypt stage, even if it's remixed now. That was one of the cooler backgrounds I've seen in ages.

Yeah, I'm not hot on Yuri portray, but I can bear with it. At least with Athena they have a pass because she is the poster girl for cuteness, but it doesn't suit Yuri at all.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Acosta said:
Comic books heroes are never "dead" (the popular ones at least), they just kill them for dramatic effect, only to be "resurrected" someway after X time.

I'm in heaven, really, and as guy that don't play fighters online and that kinda enjoyed KOF XII, XIII looks simply perfect, it has almost everything I wanted so far, including an story mode.

I'm a bit puzzled about seeing Mature alive, but meh, whatever, she will probably be a clone or something like that, it´s not the first time SNK uses that trick. I'm just curious about why decided to bring her back, never thought she was popular (I liked her, especially one of her winning poses when she starts howling).

Vice and MAture were pretty popular. Not A-list popular, but definitely above the Sports Heroes, Choi and Chang, Bao, and Kasumi.

Fatal Fury chars and main chars tend to be the most popular though.


Santa May Claus
Shadow780 said:
Looks like the overall game speed has been slowed compare to XII.

Me love you long time if someone can make a Mai.gif~:D

I want a Mai gif! I might make a few once we actually have some screen capture footage.


GuardianE said:
I want a Mai gif! I might make a few once we actually have some screen capture footage.



The characters I hope are in, and characters it most likely will be

Kim - Raiden - ? (I'm hoping Billy Kane, but I bet it's Yamazaki)
Ryo - Robert - ? (I hope for Eiji or Lee Pai Long as we have enough Kyogen's, but it's obviously Takuma)
Iori - Mature - ? (I hope it's not Vice but it obviously will be)
? - ? - ? (Hopefully K", Maxima and Whip, but I bet it will be Kula instead of Whip)

Anyways how many new characters all together now, I have counted 8 (am I wrong). Also how many new stages are their going to be.


KAL2006 said:
Anyways how many new characters all together now, I have counted 8 (am I wrong). Also how many new stages are their going to be.

I think there's 9 new characters and 4 new stages (for now).

Looks like there's no way Gato or Adelheid are gonna make it. :(
Well, at least I can hope for K' to be in the game.
i don't like what they did to mai, she looks like a total slut now. the juggle is fine and well, but they went too far with the focus to her tits, the pose is just wrong.


Santa May Claus
Augemitbutter said:
i don't like what they did to mai, she looks like a total slut now. the juggle is fine and well, but they went too far with the focus to her tits, the pose is just wrong.

She's always had a slight bend to her pose, it's just a bit more pronounced and stylized here. Quite frankly, after seeing what they did with Athena I was worried they'd try to cover her up. I think they struck a nice enough balance. They didn't keep the ass jiggle HK sweep. :lol


game is looking nice :)

Well, XII's was good only lacked polish. I am still angry because of some decisions, i hope if console version is released they can add some options like activating zoom.

As for stages, it would be so easy to just 'redraw' some KOF classic ones instead new ones.

pd. yuri looks small compared to most male characters :/


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jett said:
They're using some ugly filter on the sprites. Fail SNK!
They got a lot of complains about the sprites being too 'pixelated'....

Damn these kids with their fancy 3D and AA!!


Fersis said:
They got a lot of complains about the sprites being too 'pixelated'....

Damn these kids with their fancy 3D and AA!!
yeah fuck pixel haters :D

it may be the optional softening filter that is available on KOFXII too.


jett said:
They're using some ugly filter on the sprites. Fail SNK!

XI had a filter in the arcade version (May have been NGBC? Can't remember), but the console had the option of no filter. So, it's cool.


Sketchbook Picasso
(List of impressions as watching vids)

WooT! Leona has her close Double Knees back.

Mai already looks pretty solid, she seems to work well with the games system.

Yuri's Look and sound go well enough together. And I love the way they've worked her old tights. instead of just leggings, you can either have her with more of a bikini-like body outfit with leggings that are seperate, or without leggings, like Sakura in SFIV's alt outfit. So she has her "Saiban!" shield-thing, cool.

Mai and Yuri both have air throws. Since Clark was the only one with one before (Raiden's didn't count! it was a command special), this is a fairly big deal. Especially if they let you counter-hit into them like in XII.

WooT! King has trapshot, visual conformation. Hmm, Yuri has some form of dive kick... has she had one before?

So there are at least 2 special KO effects so far, a pretty burst for death by DM, and the screen going all red/gray when final team mate falls, just like Oldschool KoF.

The stage Remixes are gorgeous. So in Egypt, you can either have all the followers in the BG stay bowed the whole time, and then in another round, they'll spring to life and movement again. One variation has lower lights. The other is light enough to see the Pyramid in the background.

Characters seem to have better animation frames when falling to the ground compared to XII. They actually come to a rest, rather than just landing flat. This was a point of annoyance in XII, so glad to see it more fleshed out. Even falling from a weak punch at round end has been fixed up, they don't bounce as awkwardly after the fall on chest, it's a much more traditional final fall.

There also seem to be multiple victory screen artwork per character. I've seen at least 2 for King. This is good to see!

Terry still throws his hat into space in his victory pose, lol. (It never comes back down... not yet anyhow.)

Glad to see such overall refinement in the game; Making new characters up to the level of XII would be one thing, but actually going back and filling out sloppy animations shows that they're looking into not only the surface work, but also the fine details. It's really going to end up looking much more like a traditional KoF, and then some!

jett said:
They're using some ugly filter on the sprites. Fail SNK!


What filter are you seeing on these sprites? A smear filter would remove the fine stair-step outlining of the characters. Kim's blurred foot is drawn in motion blur. There is gradient shading on his outfit. All of these things suggest no filter; they suggest that the sprites are displayed at the actual resolution they are created at, with no adjustments.


Neithan, from SRK, responds:

Hey guys.
The locktest will continue until sunday. About the fact that kof could die, they did not announce it this way but the man that was there for me knows well japanese industry and producers, he also worked for several mags. He explained to me that kof XII was this way cause it cost a lot of money to do and that they needed easy and fast money, they needed to sell something. So kof XII get out this way on consoles very early. They putted kof 2002 um in arcades so the game sold correctly in asia (china, corea, thailand) and even did things like... Kof Sky Stage.

Now let's see what options they already explored :

- Kof 98 and 2002 remakes (the favorites) : done and is ok
- Kof in 3D : done and fail
- Kof in other genres : partially done and fail/gave something correct (kof sky stage and kof online)
- Putting games on xboxlive (correct conversation but bad online)

You see ? They used all they can use to make games and sell them and it's correct/failure most of the time. Now what can they do ? Kof XI UM ? Maybe yeah but seriously ? They only can do Kof XIII the way they wanted it from the beginning and that's all. And why do they have to succed with kof XIII ?

- It cost A LOT of money to do
- It cost A LOT of time (5 years !!)
- They cannot do a remix/revamp of another kof because it's already done or the people behind the old kof (shinkiro, coders, sprites designers) are gone for years to other companies
- They can't afford another one if this one does not sell a bit, it will mean they is no public for kof

And what are the goals ?

- They want to find new players that begun with SFIV (ex moves in a kof ? never seen before !)
- They have to make players slide from old kofs to this one (kof 2002 system, guard cancel, old camera)
- They need to convince arcade owners to buy this kof so SNKP can make money (no console ports announced)
- The need to sell a lot of kof after the arcade version on the consoles with a good online

The thing that we have to understand is that SNKP is in a critical situation because of their fans : they always want new things, but if it's not the exact same as the previous game, it's no good, if there is not THE character they love, it's no good, if there is only 9 stages it's no good. You can't satisfy old kof fans even when you try to be kind with a gameplay they know, they will say the design is not their taste. Even with 35 characters, there will be one they wanted. Kof fans aren't watching the actual game but wishing for their personnal game to come.
SNKP have to make a kof that will convince everyone like capcom did with SFIV (or almost did) to switch or begin but they do not have the same people to do the game (the director of dimps, who is the company that did SFIV, is the man behind SFI ! But all the people behind all kofs are gone so you can't copycat them) and it's taking a risk, they are in the same situation Arcsys was when losing guilty gear rights : asking players to switch, or it's the end.

All these reasons, are hintches that gave us this conclusion : SNKP is putting their balls on the table, but at the opposite side, they are doing a lot to gain success :

- The graphics will convince most of the people now that the zoom is over (for hardcore gamers) and the pixelisation gone (for newbies and game reviewers)
- The system is well knowned of the players and can be learned easily by begginers because it has less options than kof XII.
- They are doing a bit the same thing that capcom did with SF3 : give us chun-li ! Here they are giving Mai and other characters the fan really wanted and it counts a lot
- The game will be first in arcades for months, so arcades can buy it and be sure they will make money with it -> the game will have a life
- The game will have a tournament on the tougeki
- The home port will have more time to be done, same for netcode
- They are putting an end for the Ash arc (seven years after the first game !) and giving what fans want and if it works, they will be able to run a totally new arc
- Come back of bosses, storyline

Two more vids:



I like how the camera is zoomed out more.

Stages still look pretty stupid. The characters just don't feel like they're part of the environment around them. Basically it looks like they're standing in front of a green screen.


Sketchbook Picasso
tzare said:
is Kim charging its power bar (like original KOF 94) ?

Naa, that seems to be the activation pose for going into the Hyper mode. Yuri also does such in one of the videos. The cool thing is that they seem to have unique animation/stances for this, so it's much like the startup of V-ISM modes in the Street Fighter Alpha series.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I agree 100% with that guy from SRK.
Im kind of depressed to know that this could be the last KOF, but it looks like SNKP is putting all their effort on XIII.
If this is the last KOF, it will be KOF's swan song.
Really everything they've shown is everything i wanted KOF XII to be.
And theres more to be revealed !

By the way: The india stage is the best stage of all time!


Fersis said:
I agree 100% with that guy from SRK.
Im kind of depressed to know that this could be the last KOF, but it looks like SNKP is putting all their effort on XIII.
If this is the last KOF, it will be KOF's swan song.
Really everything they've shown is everything i wanted KOF XII to be.
And theres more to be revealed !

By the way: The india stage is the best stage of all time!

well i think that if it was true, it would be the las SNK developed KOF but sure not the last. Maybe ASW o Capcom could license the IP or some characters. Afterall SNK actual staff is probably not the same that developed old games.


SAB CA said:
(List of impressions as watching vids)


What filter are you seeing on these sprites? A smear filter would remove the fine stair-step outlining of the characters. Kim's blurred foot is drawn in motion blur. There is gradient shading on his outfit. All of these things suggest no filter; they suggest that the sprites are displayed at the actual resolution they are created at, with no adjustments.

Naw man, there's a slight blur filter on sprites. Maybe you need a new screen. :p Compare the edges on Kim to the edges on the HUD.

And btw the actual size/resolution of the sprites is much lower than what is shown in gameplay(they're indeed blown up just a bit).


This is this their native resolution
They took away yuri uppercut damn .
Still liking what i am seeing so far .
SNK has to hope that XIII does good in the arcade.

The problem is over the years they add so many characters that people like and when a new KOF comes around they take them away .

I have friend that only play 98um and 2002 um because he plays all the members of the Orochi Team and unless there back in XIII he won't be play it .
Which sucks for SNK but that's how it is. SNK need to kept the character the fans really wanted while add news one.

35 characters is not allot when coming from playing 98um and 2002um.
People are not going to move on if they don't have the character they want to play.
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