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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Sketchbook Picasso
jett said:
And why they went for SD-resolution sprites I guess budgetary issues obviously. :p I guess they didn't have the staff required or the money to make something with SF4-caliber graphics either.

I think they could have made something with SF IV styled graphics easily (or easier, anywho). Remember, they made the stages and character designs in 3D before using those models as "sketchwork" for their pixel art. What they actually DID do is add on a stupid extra step over what SFIV achieved.

If this game was done in 3D, we'd have something that probably had more characters and stages, more moves, everything. 3D animation data could have been shared between all characters, it woulda been easy to create a large cast that was a little less well developed than SFIV guys, especially since they had an engine to work off of from the Maximum Impact games.

These 2 latest KoF's are one of the few instances in modern gaming where you can say "the company made it's choice on style, NOT because it was the most cost effective. They chose it because THAT is what THEY wanted!"

orioto said:
I get that but in the end, it's not "pure" pixel art neither, cause they used models to do it and they had to filter it. And especially, if they wanted something that pleased retro people, they should have stay low res. But the spent an huge amount of time to do something that is dated since the beginning..

In the end it's not totally the pixel artist paradise (for me it will stay Third Strike or Mark of the Wolves), but it's still absolutely not what would need the mainstream market to accept the game, so.....

I never understand why the "models to do it" thing ever comes up. That's like saying Street Fighter II's artwork isn't pure pixel, because they traced sketches with pixels to make it. Shinkuro at one point used 3D models to lay out his photoshop works (probably still does) and the SFIV character portraits are 3D models traced over as guides, until they fit the artist handdrawn style. That doesn't make the work not of the artist.

They might have used models, at most, for the "big color fills", but for the fine details that actually define pixel work, like the animation, clothing wrinkles, hair movement, faces, transitions, and the like, that was all hand-created, and checked by (what they say was) a single artist, to maintain style unity. All they did was think of a more efficient way to produce a mass of sketches in a shorter amount of time.

I don't think there is a single commericial company out there right now who is willing to hire the manpower to make SFIII/MOTW style animation, dot by dot, at 720/1080p. Why even try when vector or cel-shades would get the job done for cheaper and easier?

SNKP would try, but they'd also go bankrupt 6 times over while doing it! XD

I'll always think that, at it's core, frame per frame, comparable animation to comparable animation, XII is a true successor to MOTW, graphic wise. Ash in KoF XII is one of the most overly-animated characters ever. It's missing some extra stuff (like taunts and intro animations) but the acutal moves of the characters are just as good... When one considers the jump in sprite size, they might even be better.

Just watching all the light-sourcing tricks, and intriciate cloth and hair animations they put into these character, I feel it was their personal mission to say "Lets show them how far this old style can go!"


SAB CA said:
I think they could have made something with SF IV styled graphics easily (or easier, anywho). Remember, they made the stages and character designs in 3D before using those models as "sketchwork" for their pixel art. What they actually DID do is add on a stupid extra step over what SFIV achieved.

If this game was done in 3D, we'd have something that probably had more characters and stages, more moves, everything. 3D animation data could have been shared between all characters, it woulda been easy to create a large cast that was a little less well developed than SFIV guys, especially since they had an engine to work off of from the Maximum Impact games.

These 2 latest KoF's are one of the few instances in modern gaming where you can say "the company made it's choice on style, NOT because it was the most cost effective. They chose it because THAT is what THEY wanted!"

They probably also thought, eventually, that all the people who hated seeing SFIV in 3D would flock to the "Real next gen 2D!" offering as well, but probably underestimated people's repulsion of "sharp" pixel blocks...

Well who knows what was the graphical quality of those 3D models.
I lol'd at Kotaku (shocking I know!) first comments on KoFXIII screens thread: "Why isn't it 720p? It looks like shit! Come one SNK make an effort!" and "XII looked shit, this is worse! Why can't they just make look as good as Blazblue?!" I know I know...lol Kotaku...but they are only saying what many 'mainstream' (if that's really the right word) core gamers will say looking at the game right now.


SAB CA said:
I... don't understand, lol. How would they make the game look like old school, shaded KOF without using pixel work? Do you think they could have gotten the look they wanted with vector art?

You can tell with the dot gallery, how much they love the pixel art form, and that bringing THAT style of art into the next gen (or near it! heh) was one of their purposes. It's a stupid labor of love, they actually WANT to do that kind of art, it's NOT the cheapest, the smartest, or the most efficient, but as artist, they wanted it.

As I've mentioned before, SNK is made out of a bunch of dorky fanboys of oldschool stuff. It's throughout all their decisions; character names, moves, game themes, the liscenses they worked with back in the day, everything. Using pixel art is their way of saying "we don't care what the world thinks, this is what WE want!". Using filtering and upscaling is their small way of conceeding "but we still have to make money, so lets find a medium between our style, and the publics desires!"

On the issue of why they went with 480p sprites, Nona said it took them 4 times more to do one sprite in 480p than one in 240p. If they tried in 720p, they would be finishing the first team of XII by now.

They could've pulled an ArcS and skimped on animation and shading to get things finished fast, but while the casual gamer would've liked that, we, and most importantly, them, wouldn't be happy about it.

Even their first attempt...


Looks flat without the shading.

But i guess some people prefer those simply because Athena and Clark are skinnier.

jett said:
Well who knows what was the graphical quality of those 3D models.

I have an issue of Arcadia with them. It's a small photo, but you get the idea.


Left middle.

Their limbs are pretty close to the XII sprites. But they have no face or detail.


Loves Robotech S1
I've always found it incredible seeing how the XII sprites are actually affected by the subtle lighting conditions and shadows in each stage.

Does anyone know if the original versions of the stages are coming back with the tweaked ones? I loved the french cafe stage and the amazingly animated orcas and vibrant colors. The new version looks great, but I prefer the old one.


Sketchbook Picasso
Frankfurt said:
On the issue of why they went with 480p sprites, Nona said it took them 4 times more to do one sprite in 480p than one in 240p. If they tried in 720p, they would be finishing the first team of XII by now.

They could've pulled an ArcS and skimped on animation and shading to get things finished fast, but while the casual gamer would've liked that, we, and most importantly, them, wouldn't be happy about it.

It's so funny, I remember us having these discussions last year, lol. You and I tried pretty hard on the Shoryuken & Ignition forums to get people to appreciate these sprite works. I remember reading the dot gallery updates, waiting for translations on the blogs, seeing Kotaku's explination that first fueled the "tracing 3d models" situations... eesh.

ANd even after all that, doesn't seem like SNKP is any closer to winning people over with their highly developed, cost-moronic style, heh. Though I think the change in gameplay resolution will help over time. Man, if we had backgrounds as sharp and colorful and animated as KoF XII and XIII's back in the 90s, I think people to this day would be naming their first born children after those amazing, supernatural artist that where able to make art so much better than what any other system could even begin to dream of, at the time.

Lets not even think of how many people would have named their children "Ash", had a sprite of his XII calibur been presented back in the SD TV days. :lol

Quite a shame, really.

luka said:
I've always found it incredible seeing how the XII sprites are actually affected by the subtle lighting conditions and shadows in each stage.



Good Art™
Frankfurt said:
On the issue of why they went with 480p sprites, Nona said it took them 4 times more to do one sprite in 480p than one in 240p. If they tried in 720p, they would be finishing the first team of XII by now.

I agree with all of you actually, but i'm just mumbling like an old fool.

Basically, it's like some guys need a boat to reach the other coast, but they can't afford the big boat they would need, so they spend 2 years and all their economy to do a smaller handcrafted boat. They then all decide to jump on it, despite it will probably sink half the way...

That's KOFXII for me.


I got pretty angry at the whole thing back then, SAB. There's a huge part of me that wishes SNK had just died in 2001, despite me liking 2002, Neowave, Tenka. But then again, i would've given up on gaming entirelly if that had happened.

orioto said:
I agree with all of you actually, but i'm just mumbling like an old fool.

Basically, it's like some guys need a boat to reach the other coast, but they can't afford the big boat they would need, so they spend 2 years and all their economy to do a smaller handcrafted boat. They then all decide to jump on it, despite it will probably sink half the way...

That's KOFXII for me.

I hear ya.

They're like a kid who learns a new, awesome magic trick, but the audience found out how it's done 5 years ago. You appplaud his passion and skill, but he's too far behind the times.

KOF XII's production was started on 2005... Back then, GG was at its aphex, and 480p sprites were still fine.

The funny thing is, even if XIII isn't a flop, where do they go from here? Make a 10-character fighter? Unless it's a new series, people will complain about the roster anyway, be it FF, AOF, or even the old, rumored LB vs SS game.

Plaguefox said:
Hey guys! You want to hear something unreasonable?

I absolutely am not convinced "we modeled it all in 3D and then traced over it" statement was anything more than pure PR bullshit.

Not only Arcadia had pics of the models, but ArcS was asked about it on Gamasutra (yes, about KOF XII) and they said it's true.


Sketchbook Picasso
orioto said:
I agree with all of you actually, but i'm just mumbling like an old fool.

Basically, it's like some guys need a boat to reach the other coast, but they can't afford the big boat they would need, so they spend 2 years and all their economy to do a smaller handcrafted boat. They then all decide to jump on it, despite it will probably sink half the way...

That's KOFXII for me.

Even if they sink, at least they sunk on their own terms! :lol

It's fine to mutter like an old fool in this convo, though. One old fool screaming "Make a better, bigger boat, ya COTTON-PICK'N MORONS!!" and the others screaming back "Boats were crap after 1998! Who needs jet pro-whatchamakallit and stupid things like Navigational systems? WE HAVE ORES AND COMPASSES, AND WE LIKE IT, DAG-GUMMIT!"

Plaguefox said:
Hey guys! You want to hear something unreasonable?

I absolutely am not convinced "we modeled it all in 3D and then traced over it" statement was anything more than pure PR bullshit.

Nothing in the art conveys that notion at all. Sure, you might say that the lighting and linework wouldn't look like 3D because it was all redrawn, but nothing in the animation gives me any impression that it was at one point animated in a 3D space.

It's just too good for it. I am not meaning to suggest that 3D animation can't be good, but it just feels different versus traditionally animated spritework. And here in King of Fighters "HD", it feels like sprite animation.

Has anyone questioned that statement before? It never jibed with me, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else scrutinize the claim. Everyone just takes it at face value and I'm not even sure if it was anything worth bragging about in the first place—I would generally expect traced 3D models to end up poorer than what we got.

LoL, I agree with ya. The only remnant of 3D in the work is that the shape consistancy is WAY too good to just be "hashing out the animation". Which is a GOOD thing! They didn't render any of those awkward over-animating, "rotoscoping" looking elements that normally give away traced works.

Which is why I hate hearing it talked down. It's such a high end of quality for what it is, it's like getting a bar of gold, and then complaining "Well why ain't this a triangle?"

Frankfurt said:
I got pretty angry at the whole thing back then, SAB. There's a huge part of me that wishes SNK had just died in 2001. But then again, i would've given up on gaming entirelly if that had happened.

But if they died back then, EVERYTHING WOULD BE BLASTED VECTORS! :lol I still really think they should figure out a way to become the KINGS of the online downloadable space, with pixel artwork like these on smaller characters. A Metal Slug with XII animation with 6 stages at 10/15 dollars would probably set the world on fire.

Heck, if KoF XIII became the first 30 dollar Downloadable fighter (really, we have 1 gig DLable games now...), it'd probably be a huge success. Of COURSE I feel it's worth 60 bucks, (I'll play it more than I ever played, say, Fable 2 or Halo) but it would really help penetrate the market.

Nippon Ichi Edit: FINALLY A FREAKIN' MEMBER! Just took a KoF reveal to have a game I cared about enough to wanna post on... :lol


Good Art™
bloodforge said:

Explains how they did it, I don't see why they would make that shit up.

What i don't get in the pixel art choice is that it was slow and painful to have something unimpressive for 90% of the people but...

For the part where they went from the model to the pixel art, at this point... how was it longer to actually do it with vectors OR even with traditional tools, and to scan it ? It would have looked impressive.

But i get the thing, they love pixel art ok... Let' say i'm even more old school cause i only like little pixel art, really dense, KOF neogeo style, at 240p. With bigger sprites, like Guilty Gear or KOF XII, you have to deal with big color space and it looks like a windows paint drawing to me, well at least in Guilty Gear.


Plaguefox said:
I'd love to see the Arcadia model images Frankfurt mentioned, though; all I've seen is the gallery you linked.

Besides the arms-open Athena model like Terry on the site, they show the sprite on her winning pose. It matches the 2D pose exactly, it just doesn't have small detail. See tiny image i linked previously. The 3 Athenas side by side, the first is a 3D model.

SAB CA said:
Heck, if KoF XIII became the first 30 dollar Downloadable fighter (really, we have 1 gig DLable games now...), it'd probably be a huge success. Of COURSE I feel it's worth 60 bucks, (I'll play it more than I ever played, say, Fable 2 or Halo) but it would really help penetrate the market.

I agree with this 100%. Most people would've been fine paying 30 bucks for XII.

But it seems they see the downloadable games as a lesser, cheap option for Sky Stages of the world.

Also, are your sprites for a game? iPhone or something like that? Is there a site for the game/project?
I have been thinking for a while that with the work they did on 98 UM and 02 UM it would be interesting to see if they kept those assets and developed an downloadable KoF dream match game with online play and the roster of both of those games put together. They could even expand it to have the 03 and XI characters making it have all the characters from KoF 94 to XI. It would need a lot to balance something that massive, but I could see something like that selling great as a XBLA/PSN title and it shouldn't be anywhere near as expensive as trying to make KoF XIV a year or so after XIII comes out to compete with whatever Capcom and ArcSys come out with by then. Just a random fools idea tho, pay me no mind :lol


Sketchbook Picasso
orioto said:
What i don't get in the pixel art choice is that it was slow and painful to have something unimpressive for 90% of the people but...

For the part where they went from the model to the pixel art, at this point... how was it longer to actually do it with vectors OR even with traditional tools, and to scan it ? It would have looked impressive.

But i get the thing, they love pixel art ok... Let' say i'm even more old school cause i only like little pixel art, really dense, KOF neogeo style, at 240p. With bigger sprites, like Guilty Gear or KOF XII, you have to deal with big color space and it looks like a windows paint drawing to me, well at least in Guilty Gear.

Have you ever seen XII on an SDTV? It's like looking at Metal Slug or something for the first time... but it's like 10 times sharper, lol.

For Me, KoF XII looks like beyond Anime or even Disney quality character rendering, but, y'know, playable. It's very rare to have anything in motion with that many hand-drawn laters of shadows, highlights, and details. KoF XII at it's best, reminds me of things like Akira, Macross Plus, Beauty and the Beast, or Lilo and Stitch; I could watch the tiny details move and flow over and over, amazed that some designer feels personally connected enough with his creations to even WANT to do micro-animations of such detail.

Heck, when I see Ralph, Clark, Raiden, and Goro in motion, I think back to all the times in arcades when Boss creatures where HUGE... but never had good animation. It feels like I'm finally seeing those massive beings actually MOVE; like the first time seeing Earthquake in Samurai Shodown, except he now moves just as much as the smaller cast.

When I see Blazblue, I spend the play session wondering why everything but standing animations (which are excellent) looks crappier than my 1996 games. I go through my head, thinking of how many sprite games did little details, like clothing, victory poses, seperate upper/lower body movement, etc, so much better. I love the fine linework, that's always been a hallmark of quality for me, but it reminds me of, say, the drop of animation from an animated movie, to a weekly series, or maybe even from the canon of a weekly series, to it's filler episodes. Very serviceable, but no where near as awesome as those movie and OVA series. The heart and passion leave, and even the exaggerated bits look off, like the replacement artist just don't care about the characters as much as the expensive studio, who'se hard at work pumping out the next real episodes.

I just never understand why other gamers don't feel that ways, lol. I still can't get hyped for Gear of War's art, since all I see are characters with the same silhouettes, with high density detail that has no extra meaning. Upgraded sprite art is an upgrade to the art that made Sega Master System games look more detailed than NES games. It's why low-color Genesis ports had a rough, gritty look that sometimes surpassed the more colorful, powerful SNES sprites. It's why Valkyrie Profile's chibi characters look so much better, now, than Final Fantasy VII's in-battle models. It's why Symphony of the Night STILL has been unmatched by any attempts at 3D Castle(Metroid)vania!

...I'ma stop ranting for now, lol.

Frankfurt said:
Also, are your sprites for a game? iPhone or something like that? Is there a site for the game/project?

Not as of yet XD All the games I've done any assets for end up belly up after a few months, so far. (-_-;;) I'd love to work on such things, though, just haven't gotten the right chance yet...


If anyone wants their hype avatar, feel free. I'll do other characters if people want. If not, I was just doing something about my boredom. :lol

Damn, all gone. Guess I'll make some of the other characters once I finish making my Claw avatar of madness.

Edit: And be sure to rehost!


Loves Robotech S1
SAB CA said:
I just never understand why other gamers don't feel that ways, lol. I still can't get hyped for Gear of War's art, since all I see are characters with the same silhouettes, with high density detail that has no extra meaning. Upgraded sprite art is an upgrade to the art that made Sega Master System games look more detailed than NES games. It's why low-color Genesis ports had a rough, gritty look that sometimes surpassed the more colorful, powerful SNES sprites. It's why Valkyrie Profile's chibi characters look so much better, now, than Final Fantasy VII's in-battle models. It's why Symphony of the Night STILL has been unmatched by any attempts at 3D Castle(Metroid)vania!

I couldn't have said any of that better myself. You are probably my new favorite poster. I desire to bear your children.


CcrooK said:
If anyone wants their hype avatar, feel free. I'll do other characters if people want. If not, I was just doing something about my boredom. :lol

Taken... thanks!


Sketchbook Picasso
luka said:
I couldn't have said any of that better myself. You are probably my new favorite poster. I desire to bear your children.

I... have no words...! I can only say I am happy to find one who shares in such views! A nice, warm feeling... thank you for this! :D


While I'm here, 2 Vids From SRK forums, via ReXXXSoprano:


Of note in the second video, the stage actually changes look each round, staring out dark and dull, sparking up a bit in round 2, and then getting a whole new tint in round 3, as well as the temple in the background getting some funky active lighting.

Such a feature that I loved in older KoFs, that was missing from... heck, more than just XII, it's been missing from quite a few entries in the series. So it's great to see it back! Reminds me of the silly things that happened in Fatal Fury special, if you managed to get to the 4th and true final rounds, after 1 double KO...


CcrooK said:
If anyone wants their hype avatar, feel free. I'll do other characters if people want. If not, I was just doing something about my boredom. :lol


Edit: And be sure to rehost!


Thanks mang.


CcrooK said:
If anyone wants their hype avatar, feel free. I'll do other characters if people want. If not, I was just doing something about my boredom. :lol


Edit: And be sure to rehost!
Thanks a bunch.

I can't imagine Yuri without her upper, that better not be final.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Yeah, it's gonna kill me, as this is the fighter I'm hyped up about now. At least the games will get better after SSFIV. I know I"m going to enjoy BBCS more then SFIV, and this more then BBCS.

Noticing that the cancel meter maximum length increases on your 2nd and 3rd char, though you have to "earn" the meter.

Wondering how that will work.
SAB CA said:
I... have no words...! I can only say I am happy to find one who shares in such views! A nice, warm feeling... thank you for this! :D


While I'm here, 2 Vids From SRK forums, via ReXXXSoprano:


Of note in the second video, the stage actually changes look each round, staring out dark and dull, sparking up a bit in round 2, and then getting a whole new tint in round 3, as well as the temple in the background getting some funky active lighting.

Such a feature that I loved in older KoFs, that was missing from... heck, more than just XII, it's been missing from quite a few entries in the series. So it's great to see it back! Reminds me of the silly things that happened in Fatal Fury special, if you managed to get to the 4th and true final rounds, after 1 double KO...

Damn that elephant stage looks AMAZING. Love the Japan stage with the Tengu mask too. Can't wait to see some direct feed footage!


Frankfurt said:
The funny thing is, even if XIII isn't a flop, where do they go from here? Make a 10-character fighter? Unless it's a new series, people will complain about the roster anyway, be it FF, AOF, or even the old, rumored LB vs SS game.

I'd like to think that the UM team could still have it in them to do another "remix" of another game in them. If they really wanted to, they could go ahead with making a NGBC and/or XI revamp. That would certainly be a way to keep on going with what the other 2 UMs started, and make some easy arcade money.

Otherwise, I think they may have to seriously consider doing something to help expand their options. Capcom wasn't above hitting up ASW for help with Sengoku BASARA X, why couldn't SNK do the same for possibly a new IP? Or maybe get Dimps or 8ing's help for the sake of making a decent 3D entrant for something like the proposed LB vs. SS game?

Capcom's had to change their focus and planning over the years, and really, the times demand that SNK do likewise.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Joule said:
Thanks a bunch.

I can't imagine Yuri without her upper, that better not be final.

Saiha looks to be better for air d, as it usually is.

The Uppers were better for combos, but she'll be ok there with slap, which usually does about the same.


Loves Robotech S1
Frankfurt said:
The funny thing is, even if XIII isn't a flop, where do they go from here? Make a 10-character fighter? Unless it's a new series, people will complain about the roster anyway, be it FF, AOF, or even the old, rumored LB vs SS game.

Metal Slug. :D

Hell it's just wishful thinking, but I would love to see them do another Sengoku Denshou or something similar. The traditional side-scrolling beat-em-up needs to make a comeback and SNK seem like the guys to do it.


Alrighty. More hype avatars. Still got the rest of the cast to do but here's what I got so far. Take what you want. Rehost please!



Loves Robotech S1
I want love to use one, but my hype for the just-annouced mirai nikki anime pilot conflicts with my hype for kof. :(
Nu! Andy ava has been taken already and Leona had dibs called on her already. Guess I'll just have to hope Maxima gets in the game and wait for that then lol.
So what are all the costume variations that have been confirmed so far?

I've heard of shirtless Benimaru & Raiden and I just saw a video where it seems like there are outfits for Yuri without the tights.
Well they are not costume variations per se, just recolorings to look like variations lol. But yeah I have only heard / seen those you mentioned. I am really hoping for a color edit in this tho, I can envision tons of fun with that, :lol .


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Frankfurt said:
The funny thing is, even if XIII isn't a flop, where do they go from here? Make a 10-character fighter? Unless it's a new series, people will complain about the roster anyway, be it FF, AOF, or even the old, rumored LB vs SS game.


KOF XIV? There's still plenty of chars left to mine.
AdawgDaFAB said:
Well they are not costume variations per se, just recolorings to look like variations lol. But yeah I have only heard / seen those you mentioned. I am really hoping for a color edit in this tho, I can envision tons of fun with that, :lol .

Well so far it's only been shown on items of clothing that are skin tight, but I was hoping there are some more substantial ones waiting to be discovered. It would be cool to see King with her jacket or Clark without the vest for example. I guess we'll see.


Loves Robotech S1
Gunloc said:
So what are all the costume variations that have been confirmed so far?

I've heard of shirtless Benimaru & Raiden and I just saw a video where it seems like there are outfits for Yuri without the tights.

Probably just a color swap. With the amount of work involved for each sprite, having even 2 costumes per character is probably too much to ask.
luka said:
Probably just a color swap. With the amount of work involved for each sprite, having even 2 costumes per character is probably too much to ask.
So far yes, but they do change the outfit.

Check out this video of someone scrolling through Yuri's palette, (starts 13 seconds in) you can see they change the length of her tights or is some cases, remove them entirely. It's only been implemented on skin tight clothing so far, but it will be interesting to see if they take it any further.

I'm not really expecting 2 new outfits, but they could probably continue doing small alterations without too much effort.
Gunloc said:
So what are all the costume variations that have been confirmed so far?

I've heard of shirtless Benimaru & Raiden and I just saw a video where it seems like there are outfits for Yuri without the tights.

I hope they sneak in a Franziska von Karma scheme for Elizabeth
Gunloc said:
Well so far it's only been shown on items of clothing that are skin tight, but I was hoping there are some more substantial ones waiting to be discovered. It would be cool to see King with her jacket or Clark without the vest for example. I guess we'll see.

They'd have to redraw the sprites to remove/add jackets/vests, theres just no way to remove them with color swap.
bloodforge said:
They'd have to redraw the sprites to remove/add jackets/vests, theres just no way to remove them with color swap.
I know, though they wouldn't have to redo the whole character. It's just an idea I think would be cool.
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