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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Sapiens said:
I really, really want this game, but if I hear the netcode isn't good, I will not buy it, ever.

I don't care how good the game is, a fighting game is only really great when you're playing a real person.

I won't be burned again.


I was so dissapointed to find out both XBLA versions of Garou and KOF98UM had bad netcode.


SAB CA said:
Translation of Exaustive Changelist from Japan.
Original Source: http://kakuge.info/d/t/kof13.htm
Translation Source: http://orochinagi.com/2010/03/kof-xiii-report-japan

Kinda sad about Kensou myself, but probably not bad in the long run ^_^ Good to see his fireball+ air dive back, of course. Love what I hear of Elizabeth, she regains one of my fav things about here from XI.

As far as my feelings on the "Quick Console Release"... I'm conflicted. It's needed for America, since we have no arcade version in reach, but in Japan, I really think it should do the SBO thing, recieve fan feedback, get time to make adjustments that'll raise it's popularity, and then should get 2 or 3 console exclusive chara's, much like they did with Blue Mary's team back in KoF 97, was it?

The greedy side of me will of COURSE want to get to play it as soon as possible, but I also want the port to be done right. SNKP isn't know for being masters of doing quick turnaround "right", either, heh...

Thanks for the list.
Am I the only one that is sad that all the systems from XII are gone? I mean, ok CC was controversial take it out if you want, but sousai, guard attack? That shit worked and was a breath of fresh air. Now it looks like it's 2002 plus copycat ex moves. Cool if it'll help the game sell more, but it looks bit archaic. They're playing it too safe.

Also why on the list the guy mentions: "far C", "far D" etc? From what I saw in all videos, there aren't any "close/far" moves, just one version like XII. That maybe made sense in XII system, but now when they made the game 2002X2?

I need confirmation that the game is coming out on consoles not long after release. 1up is not good enough. I'd be happy if it's a reality.

jett said:
No Power Dunk no sale!

Power Dunk is unsafe and rarely used in a serious match.

Power Charge would be better, but Terry is too good anyway. He always has the best moves. Did Terry ever sucked in KOF?

Dandy J

GrayFoxPL said:
Thanks for the list.
Am I the only one that is sad that all the systems from XII are gone?
I actually am a bit bummed that CC is gone completely but I can't say I didn't expect it. You have to realize that every single system mechanic or feature in kof12 was made in such a way as to not require development time spent coding stuff or drawing more frames of animation. On one hand you could say they had some new ideas and scrapped them, but it also could be that SNK just made those systems out of necessity and were never attached to them.

Either way someone mentioned the whole situation reminds them of Tekken 4 -> Tekken 5 and I gotta agree lol.

GrayFoxPL said:
Power Dunk is unsafe and rarely used in a serious match.
Depends on the game, it's a totally invincible reversal in some games, with awesome wakeups cause you can't tech roll it.
zlatko said:
Story mode confirmed. At least 4 new stages shown and all the KoF12 ones are remixed.

Weren't there stage backgrounds that were shown in beta footage and then removed in the final? Could be a chance those cut stages will show back up in XIII. A lot of cut XII content might be showing up in XIII :lol

Cut XII Footage
riceandbeans said:
Weren't there stage backgrounds that were shown in beta footage and then removed in the final? Could be a chance those cut stages will show back up in XIII. A lot of cut XII content might be showing up in XIII :lol

Cut XII Footage

you'll see most of that hacked info in XIII, the stage is already confirmed.


Sketchbook Picasso
GrayFoxPL said:
Thanks for the list.
Am I the only one that is sad that all the systems from XII are gone? I mean, ok CC was controversial take it out if you want, but sousai, guard attack? That shit worked and was a breath of fresh air. Now it looks like it's 2002 plus copycat ex moves. Cool if it'll help the game sell more, but it looks bit archaic. They're playing it too safe.

Welcome ^_^ And Naaa, I severely loved XII's systems, especially the ability to combo into CDs. You have no idea, lol. But I think, to a degree, that with all the systems added now, keeping XII's system as they where would be too hard to balance, all together. I think, in the end, Critical Counter and CD combos will be their replacements in the world of XIII.

I don't think it looks Archaic, because really, it's almost all the same thing. Hyperdrive is just a CC you can do with a new meter; Counterhits don't have the same animation, but leave similiar openings. EX Desperation Moves are just CC + Desperation from XII. If putting a different name on the same principles brings in more people, with slightly different execution, I'm all for it.

And I like the idea of EX Desperations. Kinda SDM, Kinda "Here's KoF supers with SF like properties!" I always kinda missed the ability to adjust super power like in the Alpha Games, so I appreciate an SNKP spin on the idea. I like the fact you can buff it with invincibility, or might be able to make a previously uncomboable super now combo. Sounds like it returns some of the depth people thought XII lacked.

Also why on the list the guy mentions: "far C", "far D" etc? From what I saw in all videos, there aren't any "close/far" moves, just one version like XII. That maybe made sense in XII system, but now when they made the game 2002X2?

Most characters had far and close C or D in 2, you just did far moves by pressing forward along with the button. I am glad to see the return of some close normals (Leona has double knee hit close D again, and it even looks like it MIGHT take her off the ground while doing it, WooT!), but I really don't care about a diffrentiation between close and far weak attacks. Too many times in SFIV, for example, for no reason, I've been at a distance where my far normal SHOULD go off, but for some reason, close one does instead, and I miss my combo because of it, putting a stupid hole in my blockstring. If universal weak normals keep that kinda crap from happening (which it did in XII), I'm fine with it, as well. It really doesn't look all that weird to me, either. I actually grew to like it.

I need confirmation that the game is coming out on consoles not long after release. 1up is not good enough. I'd be happy if it's a reality.

Yeah, won't believe anything about consoles till I hear it from an SNKP rep or press release.

Power Dunk is unsafe and rarely used in a serious match.

Power Charge would be better, but Terry is too good anyway. He always has the best moves. Did Terry ever sucked in KOF?

I liked PD in 2 instances. 1: MOTW. 2: Whenever Terry DIDN'T have a rising tackle or anything to combo with on the ground. Other than in those situations, I agree... it alwas felt like the fancy move that got Terry killed more often than not, heh.

Dandy J said:
I actually am a bit bummed that CC is gone completely but I can't say I didn't expect it. You have to realize that every single system mechanic or feature in kof12 was made in such a way as to not require development time spent coding stuff or drawing more frames of animation. On one hand you could say they had some new ideas and scrapped them, but it also could be that SNK just made those systems out of necessity and were never attached to them.

Yeah, XII was a great way of getting the most out of what was there. I still personally like that philosophy, but it's still being carried on in spirit by the new systems. All the complaints I heard about CD, I never understood. You could do the same crap overpowered stuff in like... every KoF, XII just forced you to put yourself in a highly counterable situation in order to do it.

In all my battles of XII, I never felt like the strength of CCs was the REAL deciding factor, since I had 3 characters. They did LOADS of damage, sure, but that's the same punishment you get for opening youself up for Ultras or SDMs in any other game.

I kinda hope that a successful XIII will lead some people to appreciating and playing some more XII, though I doubt it, lol. There were some nice systems in the game, and I'll continue to think they make the game a decent diversion from other fighters out there.


Frankfurt said:
I don't think you're even reading the thread.

Well-established games don't die down because of a console release down the line. Arcade owners don't buy boards if they know a console version is close by. Why spend thousands on a board for a game that is being released for 60 bucks in 3 months? Why even support such a slap in the face?

3S was a flop in its arcade release. It was still released in consoles two years later - also a flop. Evo brought it back years after the console release, and now the game shows up in top lists when it's announced for SBO, just like 2002 UM. Evo and the following apperance in SBO, established the game.

2002 was released in consoles LONG after the arcade release, long after the arcade scene had time to develop and pay itself. Your example, the cheap 2002UM update, was released in arcades first in China. Those players are why the game was even in SBO. Since the game was announced for SBO, Japan then released an arcade port, knowing japanese players would practice for the tourney and make the board pay itself.

Tekken 6 was released in consoles two years after the arcade version. That's a lot longer wait than normal. Why? Because Namco's T5 arcade+console release was despised by arcade owners.

SFIV was released in consoles seven months after arcades, after it had paid itself and established itself with arcade players.

you seem to know a lot ! Any idea on what percentage of money would SNK do comparing arcade and console revenue? Because this is not MVS times and arcade board is made by taito so i guess profit is split for every arcade unit sold.
arstal said:
The question is- will my locals be hype? 98UM I did drive them to sleep with my style- I'm about as vanilla as Daniel Bryan.

Ha that made me laugh. Also any other SNK fan who is also fan of the type of wrestling American Dragon does gets a thumbs up in my book ^__^.


Dandy J said:
I actually am a bit bummed that CC is gone completely but I can't say I didn't expect it. You have to realize that every single system mechanic or feature in kof12 was made in such a way as to not require development time spent coding stuff or drawing more frames of animation. On one hand you could say they had some new ideas and scrapped them, but it also could be that SNK just made those systems out of necessity and were never attached to them.

But that's the point, XII was build around them. I feel those weren't made out of necessity and lack of material to work with. It's just a type of system - mostly a set of rules. Did 2002 needed any new frames to be made? It's all red and yellow flashes, rolls, CD, cancels, explosions. XIII only proves that they scrapped their original concept of the series. I mean there still are no far/close normals even when now system went back to 2002. Some characters like Ryo still have their slow and short range normals, because it worked in XII with big stuns and other stuff, but now? They added new/old supers and 1-2 specials but what does it really have to do with the system used that it's all about cancels? Even EX moves use the same frames.

Yeah, it's the same story as always. When fighting game devs make some risks, big changes and try to push game in new directions and something fails then rather to work on it and fix it they play it safe and take few steps back.

I understand, I love to have a fun game, but I always liked inovation better then regression. If you don't go forward, you go back. Change is needed. I mean if they want to copy the most popular kof now 2k2um, then mimicing it will drive players to comparsions and then XIII will lose as um has more of everything. What's the point of "Rebirth" if you're chickening out and going back? Fighting game developers do go forward but at snail pace.

I'll take Joe!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
GrayFoxPL said:
Thanks for the list.
Am I the only one that is sad that all the systems from XII are gone? I mean, ok CC was controversial take it out if you want, but sousai, guard attack? That shit worked and was a breath of fresh air. Now it looks like it's 2002 plus copycat ex moves. Cool if it'll help the game sell more, but it looks bit archaic. They're playing it too safe.

Power Charge would be better, but Terry is too good anyway. He always has the best moves. Did Terry ever sucked in KOF?

You aren't the only guy. One dude was serious businessly pissed off at it in local meetup today. Accused me of wanting to destroy SNK fandom out of it.

I just left after that rant. The dude is one of those dumbasses who uses big words without knowing when to use them.

AdawgDaFAB said:
Ha that made me laugh. Also any other SNK fan who is also fan of the type of wrestling American Dragon does gets a thumbs up in my book ^__^.

I'll take Wagner and Zorro over him any day of the week though. People really complained in 98UM tourney when I'd pick Billy- and my first wall of gameplay was vertical jump A, vertical jump A- you not gonna be able to jump that, how you gonna get in now?
Oh Roll, vertical jump C, close C, shock jolt, taunt. Eventually they either get in, or start chucking, so I then try to take advantage of their frustration. Or they picked Krauser and tierwhored me. ^_^


arstal said:
You aren't the only guy. One dude was serious businessly pissed off at it in local meetup today. Accused me of wanting to destroy SNK fandom out of it.

I just left after that rant. The dude is one of those dumbasses who uses big words without knowing when to use them.

Don't compare me to that guy pls.

I respect difference of opinions.

I found new love for kof 94 today. USA team ftw.


Oh, quick jump-in and out:

KOF2002UM was a flop (despite being in SBO and the quick SBO-based spot in the top 10), too - Neichan:

When I asked SNKP whether were not likely/likely consider a game system like kof 2002UM, they simply answered that kof 2002um did not bring back good money and that SNKP really tried (more or less they pushed it all forward), and if this Kof does not do well, there will be no more Kof, it's spot in SBO this summer will be it's last appearance.



Worships the porcelain goddess


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I refuse to believe 2k2UM was a flop in arcades. Maybe in console sales.

Are arcade profits becoming that irrelevant in Japan though?


arstal said:
I refuse to believe 2k2UM was a flop in arcades. Maybe in console sales.

Are arcade profits becoming that irrelevant in Japan though?

Yeah I believe they are talking about the console version too, but then again, Arcades aren't doing that good in Japan atm IIRC.


Loves Robotech S1
arstal said:
I really think if KOFXII had MOTW or other FF chars and was branded as a FF game, it would have done a lot better.

As good as MOTW was it lost what made Garou unique (plane switching, not to mention nearly the entire original roster) and seems a little redundant to keep the series going. It's pretty much just KOF with a smaller cast now.

A new SS or TLB would be great, but I'd see no point in making another Garou.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SS or LB aren't popular enough to make as a 2d sprite game.

Samsho never was as popular in Japan as it was over here, and LB isn't a serious series at all- game was always horribly broken.

A LB remix game might work as a cheap project though.


Loves Robotech S1
Yeah, I didn't really mean they'd be worthwhile considering the cost and effort, I just meant they're unique enough conceptually to warrant it. FF/Garou has sort of amalgamated with KoF and the only thing it's really got is brand recognition.


ReXXXSoprano said:

I've been F5ing your youtube account every few hours this weekend. :lol

The hype train is roaring at OVER 9000 miles per hour in my head right now. It seems all my hype I had for SSF4 has redirected its focus to KoF13. A year ago around say August if you had asked me out of Blazblue, SF4, and KoF which sequel I'm most hyped for it would've been Blazblue, but right now the order of hype is KoF13, SSF4, and barely any for Blazblue to be honest.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I dont want to freak you out guys but it looks like XIII has a new version of Arashi No Saxophone....(Or at least a very saxophone heavy theme ) @___@

Game of the Forever confirmed.

luka said:

Fersis said:

He is so hot right now.

Thanks for the videos buddy, i put a link on the OP to your youtube account.

Gr1mLock said:

zlatko said:
I've been F5ing your youtube account every few hours this weekend. :lol

The hype train is roaring at OVER 9000 miles per hour in my head right now. It seems all my hype I had for SSF4 has redirected its focus to KoF13. A year ago around say August if you had asked me out of Blazblue, SF4, and KoF which sequel I'm most hyped for it would've been Blazblue, but right now the order of hype is KoF13, SSF4, and barely any for Blazblue to be honest.

hipgnosis said:
Holy shit that is smooth! Getting pretty hyped!

Please please please have a good netcode. SNK don't fuck this up!

Comments like these are the reasons I do what I do and throw myself into doing it. And I know everybody else wants to see this stuff as much as I do so taking time out of my non-busy schedule is nothing compared to the joy and hype that's gathering for XIII right now. If I spot anything I'll be sure to post it.

EDIT: New Exclusive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfG7DrObRnA


Sad that Yuri lost her uppercut, that was a great anti-air and combo move, what can she combo with dB*(n) dA now?

I was going with my all girl team with Mai/Mature/Yuri and now maybe I have to switch to someone else.

Mature looks greatly improved, and SC from qcb+P strings is delicious.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Shadow780 said:
Sad that Yuri lost her uppercut, that was a great anti-air and combo move, what can she combo with dB*(n) dA now?

I was going with my all girl team with Mai/Mature/Yuri and now maybe I have to switch to someone else.

Mature looks greatly improved, and SC from qcb+P strings is delicious.
She has an anti air fireball.

EDIT: Elizabeth is the cutest girl ive seen on a fighting game. :3


TheCardPlayer said:
XII may have sucked on my man teats, but this...is awesome. Bring it on, SNK! Fuck yea

Yeah, pretty much this. Good that I past on KOFXII, but this is the real deal baby!
The KOF cycle has begun!

But seriously, glad to see characters getting back to their original selves. Joe Higashi FTW. Any word yet on the netcode?
Looking GREAT I'd say my only complaint is the single winpose for all characters might get old fast. If they did something like TvC and maybe have the same animation but different voice clips would be an easy fix. But that's just a small gripe.


Sketchbook Picasso
ReXXXSoprano said:

"The Best part of waking up, Is KoF in your Cup!"
Man, did Mature run over that team. Her Rekkas look perfect, the little you could see of her fireball looks very cool, too. You can tell these guys played her in XII, when they do the extra slash after her wall-crush super. Worked there, doesn't appear to work here ^_^

Also note that here, we get to see the return of Duo Lon's teleporting after finishing Rekkas. No drive required, either, which is odd, because the big change report yesterday hinted towards otherwise.

ReXXXSoprano said:
Comments like these are the reasons I do what I do and throw myself into doing it. And I know everybody else wants to see this stuff as much as I do so taking time out of my non-busy schedule is nothing compared to the joy and hype that's gathering for XIII right now. If I spot anything I'll be sure to post it.

EDIT: New Exclusive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfG7DrObRnA

Much appreciation from me, too! Love this music in this vid as well. Love seeing Elizabeth's new/old uppercut here. And hearing it has upper body invincibiity on at least one form of it... perfect.

Have to grin a bit at Mai's "weak attack collapse" animation. Her "acting talents" really like to show off any time they get to... :lol

Fersis said:
I dont want to freak you out guys but it looks like XIII has a new version of Arashi No Saxophone....(Or at least a very saxophone heavy theme ) @___@

Game of the Forever confirmed.


Yeah, I hear moments that remind me of good ole Stormy Saxaphone too... if that's a remix, it's an incredibly good one!

True fact: Playing of "Arashi no Saxaphone" would increase Iori play bu 300%! ...Well, to me, anyway.

Now bring back Blue Mary, so I can have a chance to hear her Blues again...and she and Iori would be 2/3rds of a "Sexy Music Trio!" Add a Psycho soldier team member (Chin personaly) if their theme sounded like the "concert" for the KoF '95 credits on PS1...:D

Update! Play Impressions from Rex Dart on SRK Forums:

According to the flyer, the game is 70% complete.

Here're some gameplay observations for the curious!

- Kim got his d+K follow-up to his d charge, u + K move.
- Terry's EX Power Geyser creates two geysers, but the animation is the same.
- Terry's EX Rising Tackle is crazy. I saw it do 15 hits against one opponent, and 20 against another. Earlier reports said 25, which I don't doubt. But I can't figure out why there's so much difference between them.
- Joe can TNT Punch (P repeatedly) -> Drive Cancel -> qcf,hcb + P DM. It hurts!
- Kensou's EX Psycho Ball is crazy fast and goes through any other projectiles. Looks useful!
- Earlier reports said Kensou lost his qcb+A/C moves from XII, but that's incorrect. He's got 'em.
- Kensou: crB -> crB -> qcb+A -> qcb + C -> (qcbx2)+P = 54 HITS OMGWTF STOPPUNCHINGME He does his "tired" animation afterward, however. But he's safe as long as the super connects.
- Iori's new df+C looks a lot like Yashiro's f+A.
- Mature can cancel out of her (qcb+P) x 3 rekka after the second attack with Despair (dp+P).
- Mature's EX Ebony Tears hits three times.
- Ralf's EX Ralf punch (ground pound, qcb+P) hits three times as well.
- Clark's gatling punch, looks just like the 2000 version. Didn't see it connect, though.
- Leona has a new close D. It resembles her classic KOF one (the two knee strikes) but it looks like it leaves her airborne?
- Leona's EX X-calibur is the classic version of the move (i.e. the close-range air projectile).
- Mai can still jump off the stage walls, although it looked a bit strange. As if she was jumping off the space right in front of the corner, rather than the corner proper. Not sure if it was a glitch or what.
- King can Drive Cancel her tornado kick into her aerial Venom Strike. Useful for the extra damage or to keep you safe if the tornado kick was blocked.
- In the corner, Kyo can do qcf + K -> rpd + D (after two hits) -> Drive Cancel -> aerial orochinagi. This combo hurts a lot. The home version should come bundled with a cyanide pill for when Kyo gets you in a corner. (Or SNK could just tone him down. Either way is good.)

Of course I also encountered a few glitches. It wouldn't be a loke test without glitches!
- Mature attempted to throw Yuri in the corner, but Yuri broke the throw. However, the animation wasn't interrupted and still hit Yuri.
- Joe KO'd Leona while she was doing her X-Calibur, and her body was left floating in the air. Joe didn't seem to mind.
- Ryo's f,b,f+P move usually sucks the opponent into it if it connects, but in one instance the opponent remained a step or two away from him. Just a graphical problem, though.

Some other impressions:
- London stage looks really impressive. I tried in vain to see if I could spot any spectators that were copies of each other, but had no luck. I'm sure they're there, but they've been hidden very well. Every single onlooker I saw was very detailed and unique. Bravo.
- The revamped Egyptian stage is crazy-go-awesome! When the guys in front of the fire start doing the wave, they cast eerie shadows against the back wall of the temple. Looks very creepy and quite cool. Amazing atmosphere.
- The special effect when you KO someone with a DM seems very excessive, but also extremely cool.
- In general, one-hit DMs (like Haoh Sho Koken, Power Geyser, V-Slasher) seemed to do very small damage. I assume this will be fixed in the final version, because, currently, I think some EX moves do more damage than the DMs.
- No one I saw had figured out how to use Hyperdrive mode effectively. Invariably what would happen is: they'd activate it, their opponent would go into defensive mode, they'd do some moves, and their opponent would hit them out of HD mode as soon as they had an opening (which usually didn't take long). I assume you can activate it mid-combo somehow, but it seemed no one had learned how yet.
- Also in general, SDMs seem to have the same animation as their DM counterparts. That's probably why some people have taken to calling them EX DMs.
- I think Kyo and Kensou might be a bit over powered. Just my impression.
- Of the three leading ladies, I think Yuri feels the strangest. Playing her without her uppercut takes some getting used to. I think her biggest problem is her lack of anti-air options. Her Saiha (qcb+P) is the best one, but it's a bit slow. It is safe, though.
- XIII King is the greatest fighting game character to ever happen to me. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I really like her. The combination of her normal venom strike, aerial venom strike, and double venom strike DM is excellent for keeping opponents out. When they do get in, she has her surprise rose, tornado kick and slide to deal with them. As has been said elsewhere, the surprise rose is surprisingly safe, and it can cross-up. (If it connects with an air-borne opponent who is too high, however, the rest of the move won't hit.) Tornado kick goes through blocking opponents, so, (if used at close range) you can stay out of trouble. The slide is more vulnerable, but its range is quite good. While I generally don't play zoning characters in KOF, I had an absolute blast with King.

Fun with color edits!
- Lots of crazy color options. Truth be told, I think a few too many crazy options. Just my opinion, though. Here are some memorable ones...
- Bluegreen-skinned Goro.
- Zombie Joe.
- Kyo has a Rock-outfit, and an evil version with red eyes. Also a flamboyant one with pink hair and a bright purple jacket.
- Red-skinned Ryo.
- All-blue Raiden. With red teeth? Why, SNK, why?
- Kensou has a Duolon outfit. Pretty cool looking.
- King has a Kula outfit.
- Terry and Robert's color swap is really impressive. When Robert has Terry colors, he looks almost identical to Terry minus the hat. Mark my words, someone is eventually going to see Terry-colored Robert or Robert-colored Terry and comment "OMG! Terry got a ranbu!!" or "OMG! Robert learned Buster Wolf!!!" Mark my words.

Concluding stuff...
- KOF XIII essentially plays pretty close to 2002UM, but with much better graphics. I loved it, even though it wasn't what I was expecting / hoping for from the sequel to XII. It seems like an extremely solid system presented in a beautiful package. I just hope they nail the balance.
- The producer, Masaaki Kukino, was there watching the loke test. Guy looked exhausted. Understandable I suppose, since he'd apparently been standing in an arcade for almost three-days straight watching people play KOF. That's a long-ass time to be watching people play KOF. He was quite friendly when I asked him a question, though. His English isn't bad either.
- After playing, you were given a survey to fill out about your impressions of the game. I made only two (rather small) criticisms.
- I asked for XII's camera zoom be included as an option, since I liked it. Screw you, pixel-haters!
- I asked for Terry to say "ARE YOU OKAY!?" before the Buster Wolf. If that gets added (which is probably won't) I expect full credit!
- And in the section where they asked what characters you wanted to see, I said K', Kula, Yamazaki and Vanessa (in that order). I chose them partly based I see them requested by fans more than most other characters. Since I know a lot of KOF fans outside of Japan can't go to the location test, I did my best to make sure your requests were (indirectly) heard.
... Thinking back, I should have just requested Ryuhaku Todo, Duck King, and Heavy D!.

Anyone else hoping the "What chara would you want to see?" Request might be towards getting the most requested into the home version? Oh how I hope so. THAT would guarantee some sales from some appreciative fans!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
That requestage worked in KOF97.

The top 5 picks were all FF chars

Duck was 4th and I think Bear was 5th.


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
That requestage worked in KOF97.

The top 5 picks were all FF chars

Duck was 4th and I think Bear was 5th.

Ok, 97, kept trying to decide in my mind which year it was, lol.
That's where our beloved Yamazaki, Mary, Billy team came from, no? And it's always been cool to see Duck and Bear make it in eventually, even if loads of US fans seem to question "Raiden"s place in XII.

panda21 said:
isn't that the rumoured 'racist' background that was cut from XII? (not because of that, they just didnt put it in the final version) :lol I'm pretty sure there was some drama on here about it.

Yeah. I've never considered it Racist, and my dad is African, for crying out loud. China and France get the same treatment, too, and as odd as these charicatures may look... I like them. I think they could all be extras in a Metal Slug!


Good thing Red Dex said K, Kula, Vanessa and Yamazaki.

I would had added Momoko, Whip and Oswald too, Momoko and Oswald because I love their gameplay and Momoko is cute and funny as hell. :lol

Damn it... I just want to see K and Kula in this new sprites! :D
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