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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
Good thing Red Dex said K, Kula, Vanessa and Yamazaki.

I would had added Momoko, Whip and Oswald too, Momoko and Oswald because I love their gameplay and Momoko is cute and funny as hell. :lol

Damn it... I just want to see K and Kula in this new sprites! :D

I found Momoko.. interesting, but the whole "Oppai-ya! Oppai-ya!" and Peach-Bomber butt bash stuff just went a bit too far for me, lol. If Momo' would grow a few years, and become a bit more subtle, I'd enjoy her character more.

Oswald IS the man, however, and he really does need another chance to shine. I'd rather see Malin replaced by KoF MI2's Nagase, however... A nerfy gamer girl with a superiority complex who likes macho me > Another young female who once again was presented way too cutely.

Whip is fantastic, and any game that lets me team her up with Leona is awesome. Plus I'd love to see how she'd look with the re-designed team Ikari. (There's a fan art out there that does a good jub of that, too...) Reeling people in and stomping on their heads is so frustrating to your opponents, too...

I swear there are too many awesome playstyles and characters in KoF....


SAB CA said:
Anyone else hoping the "What chara would you want to see?" Request might be towards getting the most requested into the home version? Oh how I hope so. THAT would guarentee some sales from some appreciative fans!

I hope there's a lot of Japanese people who voted K' and Rock Howard. :D Either of them two making it in would fill out my team for Joe, King, and K/Rock Howard, but as of right now that third slot is open until sexiness of some sort arrives.

Also, I wonder if a lot of people in those surveys are mentioning the dreaded net code even though that has to do with the console release and not the arcade version they are currently busy with... I just really want this games online to work this time.

The day the previews start rolling out about online being totally ironed out compared to KoF12 is when I pull a Joe in my computer room:

*drops to knees, raise hands, and yells..." HYSHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (At least that's what it's always sounded like he yells all these years :lol )
Really noobish question I know but bear with me. I've recently gone through a fighting game resurgence but have never played a King of Fighter's game. I was interested in picking up KOF XII but all the negative impressions scared me off.

Anyway, in general terms if you were to compare KOF XII / XIII to lets say SF4 or Blazblue with regards to gameplay (the two most recent 2D fighters), what would I need to know? For example, is it pure rush down / crazy combo strings ala Blazblue? Lot more footsie / zoning oriented ala SF4? Somewhere in the middle? Execution heavy or not so much? Either way game is looking really awesome, thanks in advance.


i hope the zoom option is included for console versions .

It seems the game is going the right way, people seem to like and have hopes for it. Keep this way SNKP, and remember, outside Japan gaming is described in one word: netcode


SAB CA said:

Great write up. That guy should be a journo. Or maybe bettor not, lol.

Character request? Hmm. Maybe rather then bring everyone back maybe SNKP should dig into their franchises and ip's?

Rocky in full robot form from Robo Army.
Clown from Fighters History.

Do they have Power Instinct IP? That granny was awesome.

What about Double Dragon?

I want Omega Rugal too. Every kof boss after him sucked. RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Sir Garbageman said:
Really noobish question I know but bear with me. I've recently gone through a fighting game resurgence but have never played a King of Fighter's game. I was interested in picking up KOF XII but all the negative impressions scared me off.

Anyway, in general terms if you were to compare KOF XII / XIII to lets say SF4 or Blazblue with regards to gameplay (the two most recent 2D fighters), what would I need to know? For example, is it pure rush down / crazy combo strings ala Blazblue? Lot more footsie / zoning oriented ala SF4? Somewhere in the middle? Execution heavy or not so much? Either way game is looking really awesome, thanks in advance.

The game is more offensive then SF, though it is possible to play a poking/runaway game.
Most people play rushdown , but I did quite well playing a very zoning heavy style.

Dandy J has a good KOF tutorial on youtube that explains the differences between KOF and SF.

I wouldn't compare it to GG at all.

The big differences to me is air defense and how it's done, jumping, and the basic combo system which is normal/command normal/special.

Executionwise- I'd say it's tougher then SF2, not as tough as SF4. You don't see many stupid 1f links, you can have to buffer into double half-circles some. XIII with those drive cancels may have a little tougher execution, but nothing SF4 stupid.

This is for KOFXIII.

KOFXII is its own game. It doesn't play like any other 2d fighter in recent memory. Just a weird game all around.

As for who I'd want in KOFXIII, see my AV, even if it would make absolutely zero sense (different SNK series)
I know this sounds like a broken record but if anyone from snk or ignition is watching this thread, please please put shingo and saisyu in the console version of the game.

It's not fair that useless k' and kula are in it whereas Kyo's father and his protege are not even mentioned


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
Executionwise- I'd say it's tougher then SF2, not as tough as SF4. You don't see many stupid 1f links, you can have to buffer into double half-circles some. XIII with those drive cancels may have a little tougher execution, but nothing SF4 stupid.

QFT - 100% I think you feel the same way about SFIV at the end of that day, that I do. I'm getting better at accepting it, but I still think it's a stupid design choice.

As for who I'd want in KOFXIII, see my AV, even if it would make absolutely zero sense (different SNK series)

I've always had a hard time reading your Avatar. But now that you mention this.. Amakusa? Sure, just twist the story a bit, Samsho's evils where all manipulated by a sect of Orochi belief, Amakusa fought bravely aganist it after turning good, but was consumed, and sealed within that oddball dimension Magaki pulls Shion into. Hence, when Shion escapes, Amakusa comes with.

No more convoluted than MI's storyline!


Sir Garbageman said:
Really noobish question I know but bear with me. I've recently gone through a fighting game resurgence but have never played a King of Fighter's game. I was interested in picking up KOF XII but all the negative impressions scared me off.

Anyway, in general terms if you were to compare KOF XII / XIII to lets say SF4 or Blazblue with regards to gameplay (the two most recent 2D fighters), what would I need to know? For example, is it pure rush down / crazy combo strings ala Blazblue? Lot more footsie / zoning oriented ala SF4? Somewhere in the middle? Execution heavy or not so much? Either way game is looking really awesome, thanks in advance.

I know I'm probably going to get shot down for saying this but King of Fighters for ME is like a mix of Street Fighter and Blazblue. It takes a lot of the best aspects of each and then adds an extra layer of awesome on its own.

The combos and such are a lot like Street Fighters, but the sprites/animation and the overall speed is leaning more towards Blazblue.

No insane air juggling in KoF games like Blazblue which is really my least favorite thing about Blazblue. I like being able to trade back and forth between opponents but Blazblue is like first person to get the start hit can loop you for most of the match as long as they don't drop the combo.

While KoF12 is def. NOT worth a buy it is worth at least the 6 bucks to rent it. KoF13 will play VERY differently, but at least KoF12 will give you a solid look at how characters perform combo wise and such. You could also get GGPO on your computer and try out most KoF games for free through roms. If you don't want to do that then both PSN and Xbox Live have a King of Fighters game to download for about 10 bucks. While older it's again a solid look at how the characters feel to play.

Really though you won't miss out on much if you haven't played any KoF games when 13 hits since most will be learning the ins and outs of the game as it is when it releases. Hope that helps a bit. :)
panda21 said:
isn't that the rumoured 'racist' background that was cut from XII? (not because of that, they just didnt put it in the final version) :lol I'm pretty sure there was some drama on here about it.

holy shit that background!

japan, japan, japan...


zlatko said:
I know I'm probably going to get shot down for saying this but King of Fighters for ME is like a mix of Street Fighter and Blazblue. It takes a lot of the best aspects of each and then adds an extra layer of awesome on its own.

The combos and such are a lot like Street Fighters, but the sprites/animation and the overall speed is leaning more towards Blazblue.

No insane air juggling in KoF games like Blazblue which is really my least favorite thing about Blazblue. I like being able to trade back and forth between opponents but Blazblue is like first person to get the start hit can loop you for most of the match as long as they don't drop the combo.

While KoF12 is def. NOT worth a buy it is worth at least the 6 bucks to rent it. KoF13 will play VERY differently, but at least KoF12 will give you a solid look at how characters perform combo wise and such. You could also get GGPO on your computer and try out most KoF games for free through roms. If you don't want to do that then both PSN and Xbox Live have a King of Fighters game to download for about 10 bucks. While older it's again a solid look at how the characters feel to play.

Really though you won't miss out on much if you haven't played any KoF games when 13 hits since most will be learning the ins and outs of the game as it is when it releases. Hope that helps a bit. :)

Erm... There's a difference of 14 years between kof and blazblue series. Hmm.

And from reports KOF13 is mostly like 2k2 so yeah, kof veterans will wipe the floor with newcomers, sorry. If it was about 12 then I would agree as it's very different but 13 is back to what people know and like the most.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
KOF style is learnable though. It's tougher to learn how to use moves then SF, where things are spoonfed somewhat. One example, though I use this in SF4 some, sometimes it's better to use a low B for air defense, into low A, into combo, then a DP. Or standing jab instead of DP due to safety. The SF2 equivalent would be Sim sliding as air d.

With increased mobility it's a lot easier to punished a whiffed DP then it is in SF (not counting ultra)

Supers- most supers have startup, so they're mostly used in combos, not to beat out moves. EX specials may change this dynamic some though.

The way I learned KOF is through GGPO and Kaillera- and facing the chinatown NYC players plenty online, and other good players. Just remember Mexicans are often your flowchart Kens online.

Eventually I got decent enough that the Chinese folks asked where in Korea I was from- apparently I use a Korean style with my poking.
I'm sorry, but what is so offensive about that stage RexxSoprano posted?

And the impressions sound great. It's more of the same, but I liked 2K2 (haven't played 2K2UM).

I don't like the blue box that appears on the screen when it says Round #, it kind of gets in the way.


arstal said:
KOF style is learnable though. It's tougher to learn how to use moves then SF, where things are spoonfed somewhat. One example, though I use this in SF4 some, sometimes it's better to use a low B for air defense, into low A, into combo, then a DP. Or standing jab instead of DP due to safety. The SF2 equivalent would be Sim sliding as air d.

With increased mobility it's a lot easier to punished a whiffed DP then it is in SF (not counting ultra)

Supers- most supers have startup, so they're mostly used in combos, not to beat out moves. EX specials may change this dynamic some though.

Yeah that's one of the key things people coming from sf will need to learn. DP is not the best anti air option. I think the drive cancel will make it easier to play. Earlier you had to learn what you can or can't cancel. With drive cancel happening automaticaly (without mode activation) and making all specials cancelable it should be less complicatedd

Btw. The guy who wrote that good impresions on SRK posted once again about suckyness of hyper drive now. I got the same impresion watching the videos. It's not too good now. But it's beta test, snkp will most likely fix it by next test.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
GrayFoxPL said:
Great write up. That guy should be a journo. Or maybe bettor not, lol.

Character request? Hmm. Maybe rather then bring everyone back maybe SNKP should dig into their franchises and ip's?

Rocky in full robot form from Robo Army.
Clown from Fighters History.

Do they have Power Instinct IP? That granny was awesome.

What about Double Dragon?

I want Omega Rugal too. Every kof boss after him sucked. RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL RUGAL!

Power Instinct is Atlus IP I believe. Maybe now owned by Noise Factory. SNK does have some rights to Data East stuff such as Fighters History- which they've used twice- once in KOFMI2RA, and once in a cell phone game.

Double Dragon IP is in limbo I believe as the company went bankrupt.

I'm a little worried about the drive ending up too good, depends on damage scaling, on how effect it is at bailouts/allowing dumb offensive decisions. I can see Mai hcf+K into squirrel dive if it's blocked stuff. Might allow people to spam stuff they shouldn't. I can also see guard crush traps being possible with chars like Iori/Kyo/Andy/Ralf, but that might mean keep a meter for CD counter, so if meter counters meter, especially since most of this won't be round 1 stuff (the drive meter increases on your later chars) it might end up working decently.
Wait wait wait, have I lost it or are they seriously fighting in a fucking pygmy village?!?!? Are you kidding me? There's already no cool (none?) black people in the game and now this. I hate when I have to deject games on principle.
(And this is coming from someone that had no problem with RE5 etc.)

Oh well...woulda been fun
Bay Maximus said:
Wait wait wait, have I lost it or are they seriously fighting in a fucking pygmy village?!?!? Are you kidding me? There's already no cool (none?) black people in the game and now this. I hate when I have to deject games on principle.
(And this is coming from someone that had no problem with RE5 etc.)

Oh well...woulda been fun

They pretty much look like the people in the Japan level. So far all the background characters have been in that style.
Bay Maximus said:
Wait wait wait, have I lost it or are they seriously fighting in a fucking pygmy village?!?!? Are you kidding me? There's already no cool (none?) black people in the game and now this. I hate when I have to deject games on principle.
(And this is coming from someone that had no problem with RE5 etc.)

Oh well...woulda been fun

uh....don't take fighting games serious.

everything looks ridiculous.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Spiderjericho said:
Wait, KOFXIII only has the backgrounds that were featured at the press conference/announcements? I thought they simply remixed them.

There are new stages (4 announced) and KOF12 remixed stages.
They said theres more than the ones on the loketest.
Spiderjericho said:
Wait, KOFXIII only has the backgrounds that were featured at the press conference/announcements? I thought they simply remixed them.

UK, cave, sumos, elephants, paris remix, temple remix and the japan market remix are all I've seen so far. I just hope the old ones are included. The stadium day/night will probably be included for sure.
Bay Maximus said:
Wait wait wait, have I lost it or are they seriously fighting in a fucking pygmy village?!?!? Are you kidding me? There's already no cool (none?) black people in the game and now this. I hate when I have to deject games on principle.
(And this is coming from someone that had no problem with RE5 etc.)

Oh well...woulda been fun

Did you play Street Fighter II? Blanka's level in Brazil was just as damn prejudiced and stereotypical. Speaking as a Liverpudlian and therefore someone who's used to negative stereotyping I've got to say, mate it's a fighting game...Why so serious? :D


Sketchbook Picasso
Spiderjericho said:
Wait, KOFXIII only has the backgrounds that were featured at the press conference/announcements? I thought they simply remixed them.

So far we have seen the 4 new stages, Remixed France, and Remixed Egypt. Haven't seen any of the Battle Stadium background from XII, or the Russian stage.

With the Remixes, Egypt has at least 3 versions, that change between rounds. I haven't noticed this happening with any other stages yet, if any one else has, please note it!

It would be great to have the old backgrounds in, they should zoom out pretty well. And I, for one, liked the shadows in the corners of the stages. It was a nice effect, and it never gave me a single problem.

patrickthehedgehog: Hmm? I don't remember seeing a Market Remix. Got a link?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Spiderjericho said:
So there's about seven stages? Hopefully, they can get a stadium remix and maybe throw in three more or so. Please!!
The stadium remix was shown as part of the trailer.
Spiderjericho said:
I'm so hyped I'm going to go play KOF XII, even though I know I'm going to be disappointed.

Eh, I'm doing that right now and I'm still having fun. I can't get over how great it looks. The people who can't see the worth in this graphic style are trash.


Sketchbook Picasso
patrickthehedgehog said:

Ahh! That's why I didn't remember, it was one of those "Stop walking in front of the screen!" videos, lol.

Thanks for finding it!

Also has a good shot at what I assume is the "Kensou as Duo Lon" color. You can also see just a bit of him throwing his normal fireball, in between all the people walking by.
patrickthehedgehog said:
Eh, I'm doing that right now and I'm still having fun. I can't get over how great it looks. The people who can't see the worth in this graphic style are trash.

Errr, I had a copy for PS3 (as well as 360) and am having to install the patch. It's 772MB, jeez louise. Guess, it'll be a minute before I can get hyped.

I liked the gameplay in KOFXII. Like most have said, it's just the bare bones nature of the game (story, moves, bgs, characters).


Spiderjericho said:
I'm so hyped I'm going to go play KOF XII, even though I know I'm going to be disappointed.
i am doing this right now, game is really awesome, it is a pitty it lacked content and netcode is so so XD
Im kinda disappointed that they are got rid of the system features of 12. Im glad the graphics style is still the same. KOF12 is beautiful, they really need to release 13 with a good netcode. KOF12 would of had much better sales if the netcode was as good as the patch (360 version) on release day.

Rapid, KOF12 is only worth it on 360 for $25. The netcode patch did wonders but it was just a bit too late. The community is dead. I still own it on 360, im always up for some games. Hit me up anyone, gamertag: projectjustice.


Sketchbook Picasso
RapidCancel said:
^ Is Kof XII worth...$25 bucks brand new from amazon? Debating if I wanna get it or not.

Surely. Especially if you have a local friend to play it with. If you like Leona, she's awesome in the game, too ^_^ Moon Slasher, when it hits at the right points, is stupid strong.

I should also add that I'm up for KoF XII play on 360, whenever I'm there.
Gamertag is SAB CA - but friendlist is quite full -_-; So just drop a message. Location: East Coast NC.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
RapidCancel said:
^ Is Kof XII worth...$25 bucks brand new from amazon? Debating if I wanna get it or not.

Don't bother. Seriously. Just wait for XIII and play '98 UM and/or 2002 UM in the mean time.


Loves Robotech S1
Anyone at the loketest with a chance to fill out the survey better put NEW FONT all over the page. In blood.
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