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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


arstal said:
Kula's a good cheerful sidekick, even if she is in desperate need of a redesign.

You keep saying this, but I'm not sure as to why (she doesn't need a redesign any more than K', and it's not like she's going to get one if the stills from the intro are anything to go by). Given how other redesigns turned out (Iori's team in particular, with Elisabeth also standing out), I wouldn't count on much interesting coming of it if they did.
Maxima is the perfect counter point to K's bratty personality. I like his laid back attitude and his design is great. (His boots in his new sprite though are a bit awkward.)

He was one of the characters I was hoping of most and I'm really glad to see him back.

Ferrio said:
Oh come on, he's hilarious and also good character gameplay wise. I bet a HD makeover would make him badass looking.
I really wish they'd introduce Smart Chang into canon. I've always really liked that design and it would make for an interesting story for regular Chang instead of always being Kim's lackey. (Finding out where this much superior version of him came from.)

Korigama said:
Given how other redesigns turned out (Iori's team in particular, with Elisabeth also standing out), I wouldn't count on much interesting coming of it if they did.
I personally think Iori, Mature & Vice look much better now. (Mature especially.)


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
You know what? After seen this video, I'm starting to understand Maxima:

I think I like this one even better, mostly because of the "Dancing"...

Korigama said:
You keep saying this, but I'm not sure as to why (she doesn't need a redesign any more than K', and it's not like she's going to get one if the stills from the intro are anything to go by). Given how other redesigns turned out (Iori's team in particular, with Elisabeth also standing out), I wouldn't count on much interesting coming of it if they did.

One thing I've seen him mention is that he arstal doesn't think she needs assist.

I can't really agree with this. Watching how suprised Kula is when she does her back throw, which has Diana pop in to slash the opponenet away, is cute, and once again, she's suppose to be 14 years old. I think it says alot about her relationships that they'll actually look after and help her.

Most other characters with assist are either overpowered (Like that Guy in Samsho 5) or just weird about it (Like the twin maids in Melty Blood). Kula isn't ruined at all by having people help her, and I don't really see any real positives to animating her in such a way that she does it all herself. If anything, it's part of her charm as a character.

Of course, with her popping up in THIS game, I don't really know if they'd bother animating all the random help anywho. Awesome if they do, but if they decide to take her in a new direction... then so be it. I'd still hope to see someone show up in her Neomax anywho.

Lastly, on her outfit and look... I dunno what'd fit her. The only thing I think would be fitting is if she ripped off elements of the other people who are important to her, since she's always been like K', even if it's not actually by choice. Or maybe she'd take on an "Anti-Ash" costume! (this would be funny).

(And yes, I'm still one of those who wants Whip in game more than Kula... but doesn't mean I don't Like Kula too! People with Ice/Water elements are always among my favs.)


SAB CA said:
Lastly, on her outfit and look... I dunno what'd fit her. The only thing I think would be fitting is if she ripped off elements of the other people who are important to her, since she's always been like K', even if it's not actually by choice. Or maybe she'd take on an "Anti-Ash" costume! (this would be funny).
Put her in a goth loli costume.


SonicTempest from Cyberfanatix translated the lastest blog:

This week and next week, we'll be updating the KOF XIII site and blog on Friday.

Anyway, this week we'll be talking about the abilities and moves of the Elisabeth team. Continuing from last time we have the game design director, Mr Yamamoto and the art director Mr Yamaguchi with us.


Q: Please tell us about Elisabeth's special characteristics.

She has an excellent striking attack in her Coup de Veine (dp+P), a command throw in her Mistral (HCB,f+P) and a counter move in her Reverie Jure, making her a good all-rounder. Just like her personality, there's no fooling around or uselessness in her moves.

Q: Please tell us about the moves she's gained since KOF XII.

She gained Coup de Veine and Grand Rafale from KOF XI. Coup de Veine is a rush move, and there are significant differences between the weak and strong versions. Specifically, the weak version can be easily used in combos since it has fast startup, while the strong version has slow startup but can be used to counter fireballs since it has a lot of invincibility. Use the right version depending on the situation.

Grand Rafale is a powered-up version of Coup de Veine, and is fast enough to connect from pretty much anything. You can use it as a pursuit attack after the weak version of Coup de Veine, so if you're going to use it, that would be the best time.

In addition, she's gained a far D attack with long reach.

Q: What about her EX specials and DMs?

A lot of Elisabeth's EX moves are such that they allow followups that wouldn't be possible with the normal versions of the moves. For instance, the EX version of Reverie Jure causes the opponent to be stunned for a longer time after the counter activates. Similarly the EX version of Mistral allows you to follow up after throwing the opponent. If you want to do big damage, go for her EX attacks.

I also recommend Noble Blanche (QCFx2+P). The spheres of light in the EX version will move forward, towards your opponent. It's sort of like creating a wall, and then knocking it down; it fulfills the purpose of stopping and reversing the opponent's advance, while also acting as a projectile attack. Pretty convenient.

Q: Next, let's talk about Shen's special characteristics.

He's a power character who specializes in striking attacks. Since he's a character who can leave the opponent no counterattack window by continuing to attack relentlessly, and can cause guard crushes really easily, you can enjoy a 'bulldozer' style of play with him.

Conversely, he has poor anti-air so he's weak when forced on the defensive. If you get close to your opponent, don't allow them to counterattack.

Q: Does he have any moves that were added since KOF XII?

By popular demand from the location tests, we've re-added his Danken (Hajiki) (HCB,f+P). In KOF XI it was an anti-projectile move but in KOF XII it was a throw move. The KOF XIII version of this move has two variations - Danken (Hajiki) that serves as an anti-projectile move, and Danken which is still a throw move. Just like in KOF XI, Danken (Hajiki) has pretty potent capabilities - give it a shot and see what moves you can repel with it.

In addition, we've added a far D attack for him. It's a side kick with long range. Since he has very few normal moves with long range (just like Elisabeth) we think this should be a pretty valuable tool.

Q: What about the EX versions of his moves?

The EX version of Zetsu! Gekiken (aka SHEN WOO PUNCH) is a pretty useful move for counterattacks. Since it has a lot of invincibility while he moves forward, you can use it to pass through enemy fireballs if you time it correctly. It has enough invincibility to counter a Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi!

In addition, the EX version of Danken (his command throw) lets you follow up with more attacks afterwards.

Q: What's his NEOMAX DM like?

It's a charging attack with fast startup called 'Tenshou Bakushingeki'. It connects even in situations where other moves might not. Because of its speed, it's useful as both a counterattack move as well as a combo move.

It's a cool move that really fits the character.

Q: And finally, tell us about Duo Lon.

He's a powerful offensive character just like Shen, but the sense you get when playing him is completely different, shall we say. His having a lot of moves with low lag, and his ability to move quickly using his teleport makes him a speed character with the capability to startle his opponent.

To put it simply, KOF XIII's Duo Lon feels like the return of 2003's Duo Lon. After knocking the opponent down, you can follow up with his teleport and confuse the opponent with as to which way they have to block.

He also has the characteristic of being strong against fireballers. First off he can counter their fireballs with his Genmukyaku (dp+K), and recover fast enough to block in time, making the opponent's fireballs not very useful.

Q: Tell us about the new moves he's gained since KOF XII.

He's gained a slow fireball move called "Juon Shikon". You can do this move and teleport behind the opponent to sandwich them between your two moves. It's a move that really plays to Duo Lon's strengths of confusing the opponent's guard, so please use it.

Q: Tell us about the EX versions of his moves.

The most important one is his EX Juon Shikon. It becomes a multiple hit fireball, making it easier to play mind games with the opponent's guard. The EX version of his DM Hiden Genmubakkoshikon has long invincibility, making it good for defeating the opponent's projectile attacks. Also, this isn't just limited to Duo Lon, but since a lot of EX DMs have high priority, please use them to their greatest effectiveness.


Thank you very much.
Next week, we'll talk about the three members of the Japan team.


Sketchbook Picasso
Finaika said:
Put her in a goth loli costume.

Noooo, I avoided that idea for a reason! XD I enjoyed the look as an "another" possibility in Maximum Impact 2, but I wouldn't wanna see that become her default look. I'm personally quite aganist characters who are not so cliche'd, doing something to make them more so.

-DarKaoZ-: So funny, the whole "Duo Lon is more like 2k3 Duo!" commentary. "Ex allows combos!" seems to be a big point for Betty's Team.

I liked the way they actually noted their new normals, too. Not as exciting as new specials, sure, but my biggest problems with Betty and Mature in XII were their awkward normals...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Finaika said:
Put her in a goth loli costume.

Not goth loli, but maybe tights of some sort, but keeping her jacket, or even loose bellbottom pants, or something like what Luise wore in MI series.

I can see them dumping the assist stuff in XIII, as it would save on animation frames. I hope they do. Give her some new attacks if you have to. Also why does she have three low kicks- it's like they never fully finished her.
Full art for Maxima.


It's weird they still haven't released Hwa Jai's art, or the revised art for Athena & Yuri.


I'm meh about Maxima. I would've liked a different character or new character instead. Ralf, Clark, and Raiden are really all the big boys I need in my KoF games.

I'm just glad my dream team is in with K', King, and Joe H. Solid net code = the game that will put SSF4 to collect dust at my home. :D


Gunloc said:
Full art for Maxima.


It's weird they still haven't released Hwa Jai's art, or the revised art for Athena & Yuri.

What site is that pic off of? Isn't it like gamespot euro or asia or something like that? Found it a long time back, but can't remember.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
vgachi57 said:
still sad at the exclusion of yamasaki, but i'll still pick this up day one.

They gotta leave us wanting more for then KOFXIV comes out (provided this is successful)

My personal bummer is Billy Kane.

I like Yamazaki though. I loved his glitchy Sadomaso into Guillotine in KOF98.


Ikari Warriors Team] [
● Ralph Jones
street names: Wanmanami
signature line: "No brother came into radicular! you battle, so I'm dead?"


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
Is clark Air Throw single button now, or still AC in air? It looked like the Clark Player was going for it and whiffed it repeatedly.

We've seen Clark whiff what looked JUST like a Napalm Stretch start up in a previous Vid. My personal suspicion, from the speed of combo'd air throws, is that he has a Napalm Stretch like move, that ends not in the old spin animation, but in his KoF XII Air throw.

If not, well, going by Mai's Air throw (Classic "any direction but UP + C" from the move list flier), it should be a single button throw.

jett said:
Any K' vids yet?

Earliest to expect those is possibly Friday. That's when the blog is updated (last blog said they'd be late, and would update this friday), and the next Loke goes into effect on the same day. Potential reveal of last character + team playable at that time.


Sketchbook Picasso
Well, that Famitsu-streamed tourney from the other day has been uploaded by SNKP themselves onto their Youtube account. 480p Direct feed (yet not full screen) footage, great way to hear the sounds, and see some solid gameplay at the same time!

(5/3) KoF XIII Versus Festival!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK5MkdaQFB0

Tis the first vids link, there are a total of 7 on there, as of the time of this typing.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Those vids- Kyo may still be too good from KOFXII. Looks like hopkick is at worst neutral on block, and comboable into big damage. He was top tier in XII.

They probably should nerf that down some, at least to a -1 or -2. that Air Orochnagi fits in perfectly. I'm concerned Kyo hopkicks may be as spammable as SF4 sagat Tiger Knee, with more damage potential.

I don't get why the SRK folks are complaining about Raiden though. Maybe unfamiliarity with SNK grapplers.
All 7 V-1 Versus Vids Mirrored By Me. Why do I have to be such a nice guy for?


@SAB CA: Thanks for holding the fort down in my absence on here and SRK. Been a tad busy but I'm ready to go if it's not a drought and K' vids are abundant,


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
SAB CA said:
Well, that Famitsu-streamed tourney from the other day has been uploaded by SNKP themselves onto their Youtube account. 480p Direct feed (yet not full screen) footage, great way to hear the sounds, and see some solid gameplay at the same time!

(5/3) KoF XIII Versus Festival!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK5MkdaQFB0

Tis the first vids link, there are a total of 7 on there, as of the time of this typing.
And with that any chances of being productive today fades into the wind.



Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
Those vids- Kyo may still be too good from KOFXII. Looks like hopkick is at worst neutral on block, and comboable into big damage. He was top tier in XII.

They probably should nerf that down some, at least to a -1 or -2. that Air Orochnagi fits in perfectly. I'm concerned Kyo hopkicks may be as spammable as SF4 sagat Tiger Knee, with more damage potential.

I don't get why the SRK folks are complaining about Raiden though. Maybe unfamiliarity with SNK grapplers.

I don't think Kyo can combo as easily into hopkicks from normals now, though? And ducking at the right range makes him glide over you, which leave him nice and open for a moment. With Characters with Guard point moves like Raiden and (assumedly) Maxima, I think they'll nerf Kyo's rush potential well, and make him have to think twice in his agressive advances. Not to mention all the added invincibility on certain EX moves that didn't exist before.

I think part of what scared so many on SRK with Raiden, involved all the Guardpoint + insane over-landed throw. It's like those players were still thinking throws had weak priority, like in XII. Looks liek throws are right back to traditional KoF Standards now, which I'm happy with. Goro had a lot of guardpoints in XII too for his throws... so I figure he could be just as frightening in the right hands.

ReXXXSoprano said:
@SAB CA: Thanks for holding the fort down in my absence on here and SRK. Been a tad busy but I'm ready to go if it's not a drought and K' vids are abundant,

Not a problem! Lets hope we have a bunch to see in these next coming days... It's been a pretty quiet week XIII wise, so looking forward to it all.

Fersis said:
And with that any chances of being productive today fades into the wind.


I enjoyed getting to hear the announcer and sounds more. Fire sounds so strong when listening to the game on headphones. Also, that sounds that plays when you fill up a DM stock, never noticed that before now. Also, loved getting to hear ALL of Elisabeth team's theme. Now that I can play Beth agressively again, I really want to make her lead, just to hear that theme! Not to mention Duo is looking awesome, but more on that later...

Felt like new vids, seeing them in this clarity and strength of sound.

TreIII said:
Ooooooo, very nice.

Benimaru, an old stand-by of mine, looks very fun to play again. Please, do well, 13.

With Beni, I'm suprised I'm... really NOT missing Shinkukagetekoma(sp)... BENIMARU CORRIDOR!! always makes me want to play him. It's just so awesome... Hmmm... I wanna see EX CORRIDOR, too... wonder if it just does more damage, or if it also opens up combo possibilities...


I love the fact that this game feels like some of the combo-ability of KoF XI, minus the tagteam shenanigans, with a speed that feels more like XII/98. It has the SNK impact on certain moves, a decent "make your own Ranbu!" style system in Hyperdrive, Expensive EX moves feel just as worth using as Supers when used right... It all is shaping up to look quite pleasing.

Duo Lon's Rekka -> EX DM was very satisfying. His new fireball is going to be so great to set up very Dhalsim-like "Which way do I block!" traps, which is great. I've love what they've done with him since XII.

Why does everyone on KoF look so fun to play... -cheers!-



Hmm... her head is kinda big...

Well at least she doesn't look shubby like Athena :lol

EDIT: Oh yeah... Kim story is up... nothing important besides Kula Sprite. lol


I'm just surprised that her hands aren't moving or anything besides her hair.

Also having her forehead appearing is kinda weird, compared to her old sprite, also she needs a little bit more curves IMO.
I don't think her head looks big, she just has a small frame. Her lack of hand movement is a bit odd though, hopefully they'll fix that.


patrickthehedgehog said:
She's a damn bobble-head! Her hands not moving at all looks strange (lazy)

Yeah, I think they did a better job with both K and Maxima. Kula and King look kinda angry for what they are, Kula usually has a :l Smile, but now she looks >:l

If that makes any sense. :lol
-DarKaoZ- said:
Yeah, I think they did a better job with both K and Maxima. Kula and King look kinda angry for what they are, Kula usually has a :l Smile, but now she looks >:l

If that makes any sense. :lol

I know what you mean. I'd say she looks pretty evil. She's got a lollipop look, nice stick body and a big round head! Surely she'll look better in motion.


spindoc said:
Can someone post the Kula sprite gif here? I'm at work :(

Waiting for that as well, need the sprite already!

Gunloc said:
Barring any hidden surprises, the boss(es?) should be the next reveal. I'm looking forward to it.

You know what I'm expecting? A new team. I know it sounds exagerated, but that extra space after K team when you click in "SELECT TEAM" while looking at a team profile, has the enough space for the extra team.

Also The bosses can be added on top and bottom of Ash, if they really wanted to leave that space alone for Ash, they could just extended that box to cover all of the vertical space.

Maybe we will see that extra team in the console ver, I think they didn't want to add the extra 3 boxes in case they didn't finish the game on time. Well that is my assumption.
very nice...roster.........COMPLETE

I would love to read a translation on the kim team story.

I mean how in the world did he end up with raiden and hwa??


I took the liberty to do some SMALL changes to Kula Sprite and it does a huge difference IMO, here are the 2 things I just did:

1. Took 1 pixel out of her mouth (the last one to the right)
2. Eliminated a little bit of volume off her hair. Just a little bit.

And this is the result:
Top Bottom