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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Frankfurt said:
The mook doesn't have Adel. There are however, flat, Rumblefish-like sprites of two unused characters (same way we saw Rumblefish-style sprites for everyone from XII in the Encyclopedia), both really cool.

One is a Yagami-team member that has a Vice-esque stance (her other stance) and haircut. He looks kind like K9999 dressed in a long suit (not him, though - he has a "Yakuza crossed with a J-Rocker" feel) and the other is a Magaki/Saiki-looking boss in a wedding-gown-like outfit. They're both very angular, pure Nona. Lots of personality.

This adds up to five characters that got into early spriting that got scrapped.

The original version of Kula has a flatter chest, sharper angles and her hair is bulkier/cuter. From waist up looks definetly better than what we got. Legs are exactly the same, though. Mai looks more agressive (sharper angles, asian eyes, same pose but leaning more to the enemy), and you see more of her breasts. She looks like she means business, not friendly like the final version.

Wow... awesome info, I really wish I could see the book. I love all this small stuff, I wonder if there will be any chance we get any of those characters for the console version of KOFXIII.
Got to go to Arcade UFO tonight to check out the game... seems soooo much better than KOF XII. The speed, the gameplay,everything about it just improved. I can't wait for a home version. Kula is adorable <3


RoryDropkick said:
Got to go to Arcade UFO tonight to check out the game... seems soooo much better than KOF XII. The speed, the gameplay,everything about it just improved. I can't wait for a home version. Kula is adorable <3

How was the reception of KOFXIII in Arcade UFO, are people liking it?
-DarKaoZ- said:
How was the reception of KOFXIII in Arcade UFO, are people liking it?

It was getting play all night, so I barely got any games in. Compared to KOF XII last year, it's a huge difference.

They also had Azumanga Puzzle Bobble Daioh, which I've always wanted to play :)
I was thinking of going to AI to try this out but after seeing some of those players, I wouldn't even be able to have fun trying to play it.

All I can say is the console version better be $40 or less or it's gonna bomb harder than 12.


I want to go back to KOF again, did SNK said anything regarding better netcode? AFAIK all the SNK games have horrible netcodes.........


Sketchbook Picasso
valenti said:

Parts 1 through 17 available there, BTW, though smoai has also uploaded some Street Fighter vids since then. Here is the first one, just to make it easy for any who wanna watch ^_^

I'm not one to jump the gun, but even I, an avid Elisabeth fan/player, though she looked insanely overpowerful in the first few vids! :lol SO much damage from her, without using HD meter in some cases, and landing a hit at every possible point.

But as the vids went on, everyone else started to catch on. Big Bear was doing similiar damage to Beth with 4 hits and no meters used at all. Chin began to burst out awesome combos one after the other. We already knew K' and Kyo had alot of strength, but they didn't look like anything TOO special compared to the rest. They just looked like they have very solid "fundamantal" combos, while everyone else was pulling off some wild shenanigans.

In a world with gimmicky characters like Arakune and Nu/Mu/Lamda in a popular fighter... I don't think anything I saw here really bothers me. The Betty was the worse, and that might be going a BIT further than I'd prefer (she's a bit too good without using more HD meter), but balanced aganist the rest, it doesn't look nearly as OP as it would in another fighter. Even the Takuma EX bug brought along it's share of detrimental side effects, to keep it from looking OP.
The lack of yuri is killing me .
Man after buying BB CS and having no one to play really thanks to lag every ps3 owner in here better buy KOF XIII so we can play online.
Hopes for good net code from SNK.

The guy that was doing the takuma EX glitch i would kick his ass.


Sketchbook Picasso
valenti said:
i really dont understand the glitch from takuma..someone wanna enlighten me :p

Takuma can use his EX Hien Shippukyaku without having any super bar. If he has ANY meter before getting to a full bar, however, it takes what's there.

So, a Takuma who keeps on using this glitch will rarely build meter in normal play.

Goro has the same glitch with his EX Ground Pound
(I laugh when people call this Seismo, like C.Viper...)

gundamkyoukai said:
The lack of yuri is killing me .

Kinda odd too, since she was immensely popular early on. I think people are having too much fun with K' / Kula *****s. She's not missing for lack of power, that's for sure...


SAB CA said:
Takuma can use his EX Hien Shippukyaku without having any super bar. If he has ANY meter before getting to a full bar, however, it takes what's there.

So, a Takuma who keeps on using this glitch will rarely build meter in normal play.

Goro has the same glitch with his EX Ground Pound
(I laugh when people call this Seismo, like C.Viper...)

Kinda odd too, since she was immensely popular early on. I think people are having too much fun with K' / Kula *****s. She's not missing for lack of power, that's for sure...
What?? How is that possible??

BTW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7QB_RNmPeg&playnext=1&videos=x2dlYmapTt8&feature=sub


Tier List on KOFUnion

K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

Ralf, Joe

kinda makes sense in a way.
-DarKaoZ- said:
Tier List on KOFUnion

K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

Ralf, Joe

kinda makes sense in a way.

In a way but still Elizabeth should be S . I seen to much vids of her destroying people from just one hit . To make matter worst you can't even sit down and block vs her.
Easy combos without super , from mid screen or corner mega damage plus she gets meter fast as hell. Crazy combos with cancel in corner without super.
Elizabeth as your second char is a nightmare god i love that woman so much :D
Also think Athena should be higher don't see many players with her but few i seen have a serious kept a way game that destroy chars.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
Tier List on KOFUnion

K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

Ralf, Joe

kinda makes sense in a way.
Paging Arstal. He looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooveees tier talk.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Tiers matter a lot more in bad fighting games.

Great fighting games don't have strong tiers. (Before people go with counterexamples, I'd probably consider those counterexamples mediocre or bad fighting games)

That said, waiting until SBO before making final judgement on this build. That said, my initial impression isn't that positive. I like the look, like the gameplay style, but SNK needs to polish it up- game plays like a beta still in terms of balance and glitches.

With SSF4 and Tekken providing good balance this gen- you have to be close to that now for me to want to give you money.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I really hope that after Tougeki SNKP patches KOFXIII to keep the community alive.
Something like KOFXIII Regulation A.


Sketchbook Picasso
Eh, I don't see how you can say the balance of this game looks Beta-like.

The glitches are very unfortunate, yes, but in the right hands, everyone in this game looks viable. No one seems to be lacking tools in any serious ways. And if they do lack in one area, they seem to have a legitimate strength in other areas.

The fact that the people who actually have the game within play reach, find what looks to be "unbalanced" characters in these vid, to not even necessairly be the best, is a pretty good sign to me.

In recent fighitng games, I find balance to feel better when good overall fundamantals are in place, which XIII seems to have across all characters. A few errant properties on a small amount of special moves doesn't worry me much, because that can always be balanced out by learning to improve your normal/spacing game.

But having characters with useless close/neutral normals, that also have some comparetively gimped special moves, or having characters with high HP also have highest damage output and a variety of safe options, atop of fantastic spacing and quick normals... that doesn't seem like true balance.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SAB CA said:
Eh, I don't see how you can say the balance of this game looks Beta-like.

The glitches are very unfortunate, yes, but in the right hands, everyone in this game looks viable. No one seems to be lacking tools in any serious ways. And if they do lack in one area, they seem to have a legitimate strength in other areas.

The fact that the people who actually have the game within play reach, find what looks to be "unbalanced" characters in these vid, to not even necessairly be the best, is a pretty good sign to me.

In recent fighitng games, I find balance to feel better when good overall fundamantals are in place, which XIII seems to have across all characters. A few errant properties on a small amount of special moves doesn't worry me much, because that can always be balanced out by learning to improve your normal/spacing game.

But having characters with useless close/neutral normals, that also have some comparetively gimped special moves, or having characters with high HP also have highest damage output and a variety of safe options, atop of fantastic spacing and quick normals... that doesn't seem like true balance.

What I'm looking at is the char selects of people making it to SBO. In a team game especially, that's a good sign of balance- look at all the Krausers in 98UM and all the Duo Lons in 2k3.

I also said that this is my initial not final opinion. I still think it's a little too early to tell for certain.

I'm not trying to slam the game unfairly, just like you, I want this game to be awesome, but I'm tempering my expectations. The KOF style is hard to get right, SNK themselves have only managed it a couple of times.
arstal said:
What I'm looking at is the char selects of people making it to SBO. In a team game especially, that's a good sign of balance- look at all the Krausers in 98UM and all the Duo Lons in 2k3.

I also said that this is my initial not final opinion. I still think it's a little too early to tell for certain.

I'm not trying to slam the game unfairly, just like you, I want this game to be awesome, but I'm tempering my expectations. The KOF style is hard to get right, SNK themselves have only managed it a couple of times.

Balance seem fine and tiers can always change.
Plus i don't see why you would look at who people are playing .
It is much easier for people to have same person on there team if the char is good ,you can pick 3 people.

Plus why do tiers even matter to you when can't even short jump.


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
What I'm looking at is the char selects of people making it to SBO. In a team game especially, that's a good sign of balance- look at all the Krausers in 98UM and all the Duo Lons in 2k3.

I also said that this is my initial not final opinion. I still think it's a little too early to tell for certain.

I'm not trying to slam the game unfairly, just like you, I want this game to be awesome, but I'm tempering my expectations. The KOF style is hard to get right, SNK themselves have only managed it a couple of times.

-nod- I figure a lot the selection is due to the fact that many of the characters being picked are a "quick study".

K' and Kula play very close to 2k2, Kyo's has great normals and is probably one of the most displayed, well-shown characters in the game so far... and then you have the glitch spam teams, with Mature and Goro, and then Takuma, who'se pretty much right in the middle of Glitch and Legit.

The speed at which this is being thrown in tourney play might be it's biggest advantage, and yet potentially somewhat detrimental. With the amount of positive word-of-mouth that seems to be around, it appears a strong enough game to weather the storm of percieved negativity.

Ralf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub0GSl-YbMY I am suprised that list places Clark over Ralf, too. And Joe was pretty beast in XII, did the lost of OMGWTF invincibility on Tiger Kick really mean that much? You'd think gaining triple hurricane upper would balace that out.


Elizabeth looking like God tier in those vids damn.

Also this is one of the few fighting games were my favorite character is top tier. Go Iori!

Why is Robert A tier and Ryo B tier? That doesn't make sense.

SAB CA said:
Eh, I don't see how you can say the balance of this game looks Beta-like.

The glitches are very unfortunate, yes, but in the right hands, everyone in this game looks viable. No one seems to be lacking tools in any serious ways. And if they do lack in one area, they seem to have a legitimate strength in other areas.

The fact that the people who actually have the game within play reach, find what looks to be "unbalanced" characters in these vid, to not even necessairly be the best, is a pretty good sign to me.

In recent fighitng games, I find balance to feel better when good overall fundamantals are in place, which XIII seems to have across all characters. A few errant properties on a small amount of special moves doesn't worry me much, because that can always be balanced out by learning to improve your normal/spacing game.

But having characters with useless close/neutral normals, that also have some comparetively gimped special moves, or having characters with high HP also have highest damage output and a variety of safe options, atop of fantastic spacing and quick normals... that doesn't seem like true balance.

Like BlazBlue. I love the game but the balance is fucking retarded. Asssys will get there someday.


Sketchbook Picasso
ultim8p00 said:
Why is Robert A tier and Ryo B tier? That doesn't make sense.
Well Robert does have a command throw + Aerial Dives, the EX command throw has nice range and can be combo'd after, and his fireball goes full screen distance.

Like BlazBlue. I love the game but the balance is fucking retarded. Asssys will get there someday.

Yeah... I still have a hard time relating to some of the choices made in that game... One super from Tager in BB does more damage than like 17 moves from Elisabeth in XIII :lol


arstal said:
Tiers matter a lot more in bad fighting games.

Great fighting games don't have strong tiers. (Before people go with counterexamples, I'd probably consider those counterexamples mediocre or bad fighting games)

So KOF 2002, 98, XI, SF3 3rd strike,SS2, Garou are bad or mediocre, now?

:lol :lol :lol

But wait, you then you turn around and mention 98UM's strong tier to support your argument?

You're insane.
SAB CA said:
Well Robert does have a command throw + Aerial Dives, the EX command throw has nice range and can be combo'd after, and his fireball goes full screen distance.

Yeah... I still have a hard time relating to some of the choices made in that game... One super from Tager in BB does more damage than like 17 moves from Elisabeth in XIII :lol

Not really 17 moves from Elisabeth means death worst if your in the corner.
HP, 4LK , 2 QCB jumping HK ,super is half your life.

BB CS is much better balance than the first with more patches to come .
I hope SNK does same for KOF XIII when it comes on console.


Sketchbook Picasso
gundamkyoukai said:
Not really 17 moves from Elisabeth means death worst if your in the corner.
HP, 4LK , 2 QCB jumping HK ,super is half your life.

BB CS is much better balance than the first with more patches to come .
I hope SNK does same for KOF XIII when it comes on console.

Well ok, 17 or so hits from Betty, with more execution (not super hard or anything though) is about as bad as mashing circles with Tager :lol I still think his damage is obscene, but alot of that also stems from playing Tsubaki, who really feels like she needs a damage buff...

Anywho, yeah, I hope SNKP will use online properly this time. I love that the Monday Night combat guys said they could do minor patches without even using title updates :lol I also rather like how well integrated Blazblue's Marketplace link is displayed within it's game, and how it makes use of the XBLA content banners.

I really hope they're taking notes. And after taking them, actually... you know... implementing them!


With the 13 soundtrack imminent, I think 12's is, literally, the only SNK fighting game without a retail or online release. I'm sure they'll rectify it someday, but they're usually 100% meticulous about getting original and arranged versions out there.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Frankfurt said:
So KOF 2002, 98, XI, SF3 3rd strike,SS2, Garou are bad or mediocre, now?

:lol :lol :lol

But wait, you then you turn around and mention 98UM's strong tier to support your argument?

You're insane.

I think you misunderstood. Strong tiers means that mid tiers can't really compete with the top tiers.

Of those games you mentioned- the only one I liked is 98, and the tiers weren't that strong in thatt.

98UM had Krauser, the rest of the cast, then Kasumi as tiers.

Krauser wasn't THAT dominant- no worse then SF4 Sagat. Bad, but not gamebreaking.
Kasumi wasn't 3S Sean.

the SBO distribution was Krauser+anyone+anyone, and that game didn't have long to develop anti-Krauser (Rugal supposedly beat Krauser)
Just played KOF XIII for the first time at arcade infinity and while I was only able to play one time through (died with the cheap boss ...haha) here are some quick first impressions:

- The game plays noticeably different compared to the other KOFS. Its almost like comparing SF III to SFII, meaning everything is a little bit slower.

- I felt as if the inputs were a little less sensitive? (I had some trouble pulling off Kim's Phoenix DM, then I realized I couldn't half ass it and had to do the whole motion correctly)

- The loading times were good

- And finally, this part I cannot stress enough- the graphics!! The game looks GORGEOUS. Seriously, not even the direct feed youtube vids do it justice. There are just so many shades of colors on the sprites, animations, backgrounds- folds on the characters clothing, secondary animation, effects when attacks are pulled off, etc. IMO- this game puts BlazBlue to shame (yes Blazblue is a very nice looking game too, but it lacks the little realistic details that cater to people like me). The game looks great, the filter for the sprites is perfect (not blurry like some of the screenshots from March- there is a hint of pixelation, but JUST a little bit, this filter is right on the money).

I thought the game looked good from the direct feed vids- and then I saw it in person and was amazed even more. This is definitely next gen 2d fighting at its finest.

For sure my next attempt at playing the game I will try to focus more on the gameplay. :lol

I wish I could have played it for more than 30 min. If patches come out to fix all the bugs/god tiers, this game might be the best KOF since 98.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
atomiswave said:
Just played KOF XIII for the first time at arcade infinity and while I was only able to play one time through (died with the cheap boss ...haha) here are some quick first impressions:

- The game plays noticeably different compared to the other KOFS. Its almost like comparing SF III to SFII, meaning everything is a little bit slower.

- I felt as if the inputs were a little less sensitive? (I had some trouble pulling off Kim's Phoenix DM, then I realized I couldn't half ass it and had to do the whole motion correctly)

- The loading times were good

- And finally, this part I cannot stress enough- the graphics!! The game looks GORGEOUS. Seriously, not even the direct feed youtube vids do it justice. There are just so many shades of colors on the sprites, animations, backgrounds- folds on the characters clothing, secondary animation, effects when attacks are pulled off, etc. IMO- this game puts BlazBlue to shame (yes Blazblue is a very nice looking game too, but it lacks the little realistic details that cater to people like me). The game looks great, the filter for the sprites is perfect (not blurry like some of the screenshots from March- there is a hint of pixelation, but JUST a little bit, this filter is right on the money).

I thought the game looked good from the direct feed vids- and then I saw it in person and was amazed even more. This is definitely next gen 2d fighting at its finest.

For sure my next attempt at playing the game I will try to focus more on the gameplay. :lol

I wish I could have played it for more than 30 min. If patches come out to fix all the bugs/god tiers, this game might be the best KOF since 98.
I want to touch you. @__@


RoryDropkick said:
Got to go to Arcade UFO tonight to check out the game... seems soooo much better than KOF XII. The speed, the gameplay,everything about it just improved. I can't wait for a home version. Kula is adorable <3

Sorry to disappoint because that isn't going to happen.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
PJX said:
Sorry to disappoint because that isn't going to happen.

Source ?
You have been saying that for a while so im gonna guess you have some insider info?


Fersis said:
Source ?
You have been saying that for a while so im gonna guess you have some insider info?

Things aren't looking so good about getting this one published. That was according to a friend of mine about 2 months ago. Things could have changed thou.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
PJX said:
Things aren't looking so good about getting this one published. That was according to a friend of mine about 2 months ago. Things could have changed thou.

SNK could always go the PSN/XBLA route. Better then nothing.

I'm not too surprised given how bad XII bombed. If SNK goes bye-bye, I could easily see myself being done with 2d fighters.


arstal said:
SNK could always go the PSN/XBLA route. Better then nothing.

I guess so but the last time I bought a SNK game from XBLA it didn't work for me. So I would rather for it to be disc based.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
PJX said:
Things aren't looking so good about getting this one published. That was according to a friend of mine about 2 months ago. Things could have changed thou.
I really hope you're wrong. :(

arstal said:
SNK could always go the PSN/XBLA route. Better then nothing.

I'm not too surprised given how bad XII bombed. If SNK goes bye-bye, I could easily see myself being done with 2d fighters.
Same here, KOF was ,IS and will be really important to me.


Interesting tier list, considering only 1 Mature qualified for SBO so far out of 10 teams.

Here's the SBO-qualified char list as of the end of last weekend (missing one character):

8 K'
5 Elizabeth
4 Kyo
3 Kula
1 Daimon, Mature, Andy, Benimaru, Leona, Iori, Mai, Takuma, Yuri

If anything, I'd say that K' and Elizabeth are the only real S-tiers so far with Kyo and Kula leaning either towards S or A+. Only 1 Mature has qualified even with her "easy" infinite. Seems like K' is a lot better even without an infinite.

I'll update after the weekend and we'll see if anything changes!


Fersis said:
I really hope you're wrong. :(

I really hope my friend is wrong. This is one fighter I'm looking forward to after having a chance to play it. It brought tears to my eyes at how much better it is over KOF XII. I've always loved the KOF series. I have every single one of them, the legal versions that is. I've always been an SNK supporter. SNK was the reason I imported my first console (a Sega Saturn). Hopefully it sees a release.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
PJX said:
I really hope my friend is wrong. This is one fighter I'm looking forward to after having a chance to play it. It brought tears to my eyes at how much better it is over KOF XII. I've always loved the KOF series. I have every single one of them, the legal versions that is. I've always been an SNK supporter. SNK was the reason I imported my first console (a Sega Saturn). Hopefully it sees a release.
Give me a hug my friend.

* Hugs PJX *

fubarduck said:
Interesting tier list, considering only 1 Mature qualified for SBO so far out of 10 teams.

Here's the SBO-qualified char list as of the end of last weekend (missing one character):

8 K'
5 Elizabeth
4 Kyo
3 Kula
1 Daimon, Mature, Andy, Benimaru, Leona, Iori, Mai, Takuma, Yuri

If anything, I'd say that K' and Elizabeth are the only real S-tiers so far with Kyo and Kula leaning either towards S or A+. Only 1 Mature has qualified even with her "easy" infinite. Seems like K' is a lot better even without an infinite.

I'll update after the weekend and we'll see if anything changes!
So what do you think of the game? Is it competitive worthy (unlike XII)?
Did you like it?

* Hugs fubarduck *

tzare said:
shit, i really hope PJX is wrong. I feel depressed now, this was my most wanted game this year.
* Hugs tzare *
Me too buddy... but i think that it will be released next year.


If VF5FS doesn't get a console release, i will cry. But if KOFXIII didn't either...then god damn...

There's always one problem or another with fighters that i desperately want to play and actually improve with. I love SSF4, Tekken etc, but VF and KOF have always been at the top for me. But with both series; no local interest amongst friends and no arcades etc. Now things are so much better due to online and the group of friends i now regularly play with.

Even though I'd love to be playing SNK's XBLA releases, unfortunately, none of the people i regularly game with have 360's :lol

But damn, I'll be one happy man if this gets a console release.


simtmb said:
If VF5FS doesn't get a console release, i will cry. But if KOFXIII didn't either...then god damn...

There's always one problem or another with fighters that i desperately want to play and actually improve with. I love SSF4, Tekken etc, but VF and KOF have always been at the top for me. But with both series; no local interest amongst friends and no arcades etc. Now things are so much better due to online and the group of friends i now regularly play with.

Even though I'd love to be playing SNK's XBLA releases, unfortunately, none of the people i regularly game with have 360's :lol

But damn, I'll be one happy man if this gets a console release.

BTW, there's a glitch if you dwl MW2 demo so people can play SNK XBLA games XD

In order to see the glitch in action, you only need to launch Modern Warfare 2. Once the game and/or demo has booted, press the Xbox 360 guide button and select "Quick Launch." Now, highlight the XBLA SNK demo that you want to play and confirm the selection. The XBLA game will launch as a full version.

The SNK games affected by the glitch are: Garou: Mark of the Wolves, The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug XX and Samurai Showdown II. Fatal Fury Special and NeoGeo Battle Coliseum are unaffected.

i own NGBC and Fatal Fury special. I tried the glitch so i could test netcode for those games but no matches found in any of them :(


Fersis said:
So what do you think of the game? Is it competitive worthy (unlike XII)?
Did you like it?

* Hugs fubarduck *

I like it so far--disclaimer that I am still learning the game. My first KOF was 2K3 so my limited history with KOF games is

- 2K3 (fun, but Duolon-fest)
- KOF XI (really fun, learned in Japan before I came home from study abroad)
- KOF XII (my biggest complaint is that the game was too simple, and critical counters basically killed a character with no strategy whatsoever; it was so easy to land one by accident)

And now KOF XIII!

- Definitely more fun than 2K3/XII. I never truly learned KOF2K2 and below, so I can't vouch in comparison to those titles.
- Combo system is deep, giving you lots of options (should I go for an EX move combo now, or save the meter for a super? should I cancel into another special move or save that gauge for HyperDrive/NeoMax? etc.)
- Pace is fast and really tests your reactions
- HyperDrive is an interesting game mechanic, still learning everything I can do with it.
- They brought back the blocking options, so you can use meter to counter roll or do a counter C+D attack. Nice to have defensive options in a game where you're always getting rushed!
- To me, the game is at least as fun as KOF XI.

And the bad -

- Combo scaling is based solely on how many hits the combo does. The fewer hits, the less scaling there is. So sometimes, you get more damage in a big combo by ending it with a powerful one-hit EX move rather then a Super or NeoMax. Not much different than Street Fighter in this sense, though.
- Lots of 100% damage combo possibilities (but they usually require HyperDrive); read about one for Takuma yesterday. I don't know how much different this is from previous KOF games, though.
- Glitches basically make Vice unplayable
- Nothing else yet!
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