Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying ND needs to create a game with poor animation for it to be good. MGSV is a game with amazing animation and it's gameplay is also excellent.
What I'm saving is the animations are not (in past games at least, I hope TLoU2 will be different) reflective of user input/enemy AI.
Look at this gif for example
Is this two buttons presses or one? How can you determine whether it's an upper or slower slash? Can the enemy AI interrupt the attack? What happens if it does? etc...
This is what I meant by "scripted" or "on the rails". If this is just 1 or even 2 standard button presses and it initiates this entire animation sequence that can not be interrupted and must complete that it doesn't gel with the user input.
The more complex animations you have and the more you seek to keep them intact so as to no break "immersion" then the more you need to "control" certain aspects of the gameplay to ensure that.