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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread

Got my first "connection lost" in this game.

Thanks kaoz, pusha-t and that other guy i can't remember what his PSN name was :p

this one hurt me man :p week 11 day 5 and that connection drop put me in a bad spot. i'm hoping i don't get a repeat of my first 12 weeks. i still have some time to fix things a bit.


GAF domination in the TLOU Multiplayer. StunandStab, Kikarian, Kard8p3 and me didn't loose a single match! All dem supplies! :3

Good game folks!


Maxis Redwood
Am I being a jerk for leaving lobbies and then coming right back when its obvious there is a team of 4 seasoned players playing together and 3 other low level randoms in a room? Its the only way I can seem to eventually find a game with similar level of competition.

Nope, I'm doing the exact same thing. Sorry, I'm not about to random against some coordinated party; they can find a different victim to roll over.


Apparently the next patch will include mercenary playlists of both modes (Supply Raid and Survivors) so... you won't have to worry about parties for much longer if you're a solo player.


Im taking a break to eat something, coming back in 30mins... I don't know if anyone saw my triple kill with molotov cocktail through a second floor window but thats my proudest moment so far in this MP haha.


Im home! Im starting to play in 15mins

PSN ID: mzertu

Oh of course we played with mzertu too, that one match was really intense, nice CQC near the end! ^^

Im taking a break to eat something, coming back in 30mins... I don't know if anyone saw my triple kill with molotov cocktail through a second floor window but thats my proudest moment so far in this MP haha.

I only heard stun cheering about that, I suppose it was you then!


I'm really enjoying the mp, but I wish there was a "unranked" mode where you play without worrying about survivors, and you get no experience.

Just the four canned classes, the other weapons available to purchase with enough parts, and that's it.

You get fucking steamrolled online when you're matched up against a clan that plays all the time, and having shit unlocked in this game is a huge benefit.

I'd like a mode for someone like me who has limited time to play games, and wants to hope in, kill some dudes, save some people, and craft some shit, then start over again and again.


Anyone on right now? Please invite me. NIBZY is my PSN as posted earlier. I have a Supplies challenge where I risk 100% of my population eek! So I want to do fairly well.


Sorry guys, was in a game. I'm ready now. Need one more execution for 20% survivors dying. Shame that's the best it'll give me :(


Ugh sorry nib, my isp capped out for 10 seconds lol

edit - ugh, not sure why my mic isn't working. Sound coming out fine though


I wouldn't mind playing with people rather than getting stuck on a team of 11 year olds.
About to jump on.
GT: VashTS_H2O
So me and SGRemy were playing supply raid on last of us. We ended up being the final 2 left against 5. We had enough supplies to make 3 bombs and limited ammo. We ran into a house and dropped a bomb near the front door a bomb in the foyer near open windows and a bomb on the second floor landing. He tagged one hunter and fired a couple rounds. He wounded him but no kill. They knew where we were. One tried to get in through the foyer. Boom. Another ran behind and got upstairs got me down but fell to the bomb. 2 down. SGRemy revived me. And I made a health pack. One guy I shot at and he ran into the bomb near the entrance. 3 down. I got shot at and almost downed but My boy shivs the guy in the neck. I heal. Final guy runs at My boy and I start to fire. Needless to say our teammates watched and we were applauded.


I was lagging REALLY bad and got killed standing still maybe 5 times in a row. I quit the match and holy fuck, never doing that again. My colony took a massive hit. Will need to speak to ISP tomorrow about changing some things up.


GGs Nibs, zert, and sorry I can't remember who was the fourth.

And I apologize for not being reviving at checkpoint when two of you were down; I was on a stupid executions mission and we had a healthy lead lol :(


GGs Nibs, zert, and sorry I can't remember who was the fourth.

And I apologize for not being reviving at checkpoint when two of you were down; I was on a stupid executions mission and we had a healthy lead lol :(

haha no problem, sorry to leave so soon but I accepted VashTS_H2O's invite


Not sure if it's just me, but being on the fireflies all this evening meant everyone running off in their own direction while hunters stuck together to take down whoever came their way.


Not sure if it's just me, but being on the fireflies all this evening meant everyone running off in their own direction while hunters stuck together to take down whoever came their way.

Factions aren't really divided up like that. The factions mix freely online. You may be the fireflies clan, but someone else may see it as the hunters. Its based on the group that you selected in your clan creation.


Guys, is there any way to cancel or change what you're doing for a mission in Supplies? I chose the challenge which asks you to kill people with bows, not realising the bow was a locked weapon. So essentially there's no way I can complete this mission.

Any way I can sort this?


GGs Nibs, zert, and sorry I can't remember who was the fourth.

And I apologize for not being reviving at checkpoint when two of you were down; I was on a stupid executions mission and we had a healthy lead lol :(

Yea, GG. I've been playing pretty awful tonight though. Not sure what's up, I reckon it's the pressure of these missions. Always getting you to do weird things lol.


Guys, is there any way to cancel or change what you're doing for a mission in Supplies? I chose the challenge which asks you to kill people with bows, not realising the bow was a locked weapon. So essentially there's no way I can complete this mission.

Any way I can sort this?

Use the stealth loadout.


GGs Nibs, zert, and sorry I can't remember who was the fourth.

And I apologize for not being reviving at checkpoint when two of you were down; I was on a stupid executions mission and we had a healthy lead lol :(
I was right there :(


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Guys, is there any way to cancel or change what you're doing for a mission in Supplies? I chose the challenge which asks you to kill people with bows, not realising the bow was a locked weapon. So essentially there's no way I can complete this mission.

Any way I can sort this?
Nope, you're stuck with it until it's over. You don't have to unlock the bow to use it though. The preset loadouts have unlocked versions of items that are locked when you start, one of them comes with a bow.


In the final stretch on week 12. If you want some easy goings on the missions definitely save easier jobs for last. For example I;ve done the medic/heal deals and I ended up completing all 3 mission requirements in one match. Good stuff.


Man, I'm absolutely terrified right now. Something happened to me last night that hasn't happened since the PS2 SOCOM days and it's making it hard to sleep...

I'm pretty good at this game's MP and I'm in first place in 99% of the time to where we might only lose one game a night after multiple hours and that's more due to the fact that the other team has a few that can match me and beat the rest of my team, but last night was different in the fact that we steamrolled all night long to where we had a few games where we only lost 1 or 2 lives total and I had some 12-0 games. Most people are good sports and we try to mix it up to challenge ourselves a bit while helping the new guys, but one group didn't take it so well...

After one of those 12-0 games where we beat a party of 4 that all had high ranks and mics, this guy proceeded to tell me that I not only lag, but I'm a cheating mofo that can only win by hacking which I of course questioned and asked how I could even do both and that he needed to make up his mind. He gets so heated that he then threatens to hack my PSN account and destroy me and that I won't be playing much longer and then actually threatened my life...over a video game...because I kicked his ass. It made the room laugh so hard because most of us were SOCOM guys and remember those days where people made the stupidest of threats after one loss. Of course, after I question how he plans on doing that and how he's a hypocrite for calling someone else a hacker while threatening to hack them, they all bail and I'm left here wondering when I'm going to lose my account and then get shot by this guy using an execution he learned from this game...

It just amazes me that people take it that seriously and we don't even trashtalk at all and always say good game and compliment them on any insane moves they pulled but some people are just way too serious and have some problems that they need to deal with considering this guy was older and you could hear young kids in the background. I almost felt bad but man is this game fun.

I didn't mean to come off as bragging but the context of it all was funny and it was the first time that I was even called a lagger since SOCOM 4 so this game reminds me more and more of the SOCOM series. Not necessarily in the hardcore gameplay, but the emphasis on teamwork and slow, methodical playing along with apparently a few bitter parties as well just like SOCOM. I just had to share since my friend and I were still laughing at it. Nothing weirder than getting threatened by a dad with kids talking in the background. It makes me happy that MS changed some of its policies so we didn't get an influx of more players from those communities since it's bad enough in some PS3 games right now. :D

Note: I asked everyone else that night who had a mic if I was lagging or anything and they all said no and one of the guys that stayed in the room since that guy left also said he noticed no lag and had no idea what the guy was talking about. Everyone has an excuse I guess and it's sad when people that are ranked that high are getting steamrolled by a bunch of rank 8's which might have been where the problem was since people think that shit skill too...
I need to play with some gaffers, these random teams aren't working out.


I won't be on tonight, but I will the rest of the week after 8pm pst. I have a mic.
It just amazes me that people take it that seriously and we don't even trashtalk at all and always say good game and compliment them on any insane moves they pulled but some people are just way too serious and have some problems that they need to deal with considering this guy was older and you could hear young kids in the background. I almost felt bad but man is this game fun.

People like that exist in all online communities unfortunately. Don't let it bug you and just keep enjoying the game. If you know you're not doing anything wrong then there's nothing to worry about. Keep kickin' ass.
So this stupid game just stopped working completely for me, don't know if this belongs here but here goes..

Try to boot the game, black screen ensues.. press power it flashes for 2 minutes or so until I decide to unplug it.


Delete patch and game data (assume this is your options) try to boot game

Greet with a black screen followed by a blank XMB and then 10 seconds later an error code "an error has occurred with the start operation"

Anyone else having this issue?

edit: just tried it and grabbed the patch again, booted up business as usual.. weird..
I also tried to boot it being offline and the same nonsense happened as the last try..

New slim BTW, stock 320 HDD.


Short bus special
this one hurt me man :p week 11 day 5 and that connection drop put me in a bad spot. i'm hoping i don't get a repeat of my first 12 weeks. i still have some time to fix things a bit.

Got my first "connection lost" in this game.

Thanks kaoz, pusha-t and that other guy i can't remember what his PSN name was :p

Well, that solves my little question I had. Was I the host? Just as we rushed everyone at the end, and started slaughtering them from all angles, my entire game froze. Goddamnit. So, I had to shut off the Ps3 fully. Sorry about that guys.

Dibs on not being the Party Leader next time. ;) Really good games though. Enjoyed our Downtown game alot. That was, fun.

Probably will jump in around the same time tonight again.

Meet me somewhere. Motherfucker.
Let us know. I want to know as wswell, I had assumed those people at the top were boosters.

Ok, I asked my brother. He's now 6th on the clan leaderboards (or was last time I checked), and uses...

- Revolver
- Nothing
-Collector 2
- First Aid Training 3
- Reviver 1
- Marathon Runner 1

The trick is to revive and heal the shit out of your team mates!!! Healing using the X button racks up a ton of points over time.

You should also be marking enemies, picking up weapon boxes, getting headshots, crafting items, and so on. It really helps that he's good at getting downs and special executions, as these give good payouts, but the initial heal/revive tip should get you on your way.

At his best he got 7900 parts while playing solo. When playing in a party he seems to be averaging about 6000, all using the same method.
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