Man, I'm absolutely terrified right now. Something happened to me last night that hasn't happened since the PS2 SOCOM days and it's making it hard to sleep...
I'm pretty good at this game's MP and I'm in first place in 99% of the time to where we might only lose one game a night after multiple hours and that's more due to the fact that the other team has a few that can match me and beat the rest of my team, but last night was different in the fact that we steamrolled all night long to where we had a few games where we only lost 1 or 2 lives total and I had some 12-0 games. Most people are good sports and we try to mix it up to challenge ourselves a bit while helping the new guys, but one group didn't take it so well...
After one of those 12-0 games where we beat a party of 4 that all had high ranks and mics, this guy proceeded to tell me that I not only lag, but I'm a cheating mofo that can only win by hacking which I of course questioned and asked how I could even do both and that he needed to make up his mind. He gets so heated that he then threatens to hack my PSN account and destroy me and that I won't be playing much longer and then actually threatened my life...over a video game...because I kicked his ass. It made the room laugh so hard because most of us were SOCOM guys and remember those days where people made the stupidest of threats after one loss. Of course, after I question how he plans on doing that and how he's a hypocrite for calling someone else a hacker while threatening to hack them, they all bail and I'm left here wondering when I'm going to lose my account and then get shot by this guy using an execution he learned from this game...
It just amazes me that people take it that seriously and we don't even trashtalk at all and always say good game and compliment them on any insane moves they pulled but some people are just way too serious and have some problems that they need to deal with considering this guy was older and you could hear young kids in the background. I almost felt bad but man is this game fun.
I didn't mean to come off as bragging but the context of it all was funny and it was the first time that I was even called a lagger since SOCOM 4 so this game reminds me more and more of the SOCOM series. Not necessarily in the hardcore gameplay, but the emphasis on teamwork and slow, methodical playing along with apparently a few bitter parties as well just like SOCOM. I just had to share since my friend and I were still laughing at it. Nothing weirder than getting threatened by a dad with kids talking in the background. It makes me happy that MS changed some of its policies so we didn't get an influx of more players from those communities since it's bad enough in some PS3 games right now.
Note: I asked everyone else that night who had a mic if I was lagging or anything and they all said no and one of the guys that stayed in the room since that guy left also said he noticed no lag and had no idea what the guy was talking about. Everyone has an excuse I guess and it's sad when people that are ranked that high are getting steamrolled by a bunch of rank 8's which might have been where the problem was since people think that shit skill too...