I don't understand why people keep freaking out over the "spoilers". It's just like a movie trailer, without context you don't really know what you're watching.
The only reason they put "This trailer contains spoilers" is so no one can blame them if they get upset.
It's just like when people were pissed off that the first teaser showed the (spoiler tagging only for the sensitive)
scene. I had seen it many times before playing in reviews/trailers/whatever and it did nothing to affect my playthrough, because the only reason it has any meaning/resonance with the player is the context in game.
I didn't know I'd ever play the game so I watched Rev3Games' Spoiled Games discussion on the game, so I knew about a couple of twists
and again, it didn't affect my playthrough at all (I forgot a good amount of the stuff after watching too). The gameplay is still awesome and it's still a physically and emotionally draining experience. I hate spoilers as much as anybody but it's a bummer when people freak out as if they've totally ruined the game for people, which could potentially make someone choose not to play it
My PS4 is ready for July 29th