I guess this is due to the widescreen hackery, but it was pretty funny.
Yeah, I did a playthrough of the game just to find all the instances of character models standing where they shouldn't. In 4:3, you obviously couldn't see where they were, but in widescreen, all that shows. Olivier was in a toootally different place before and he just insta-warped to his intro spot when the camera turned toward him. Hopefully all of those were caught. Sara did a lovely job fixing them.
In the opening tutorial where Estelle is being dragged off by Schera and yelling at Joshua, it makes it look like she was outside, but in widescreen, they were just...kind of standing in the doorway very clearly. Lots of moments like that.
Also, for the doubled-up video thing people keep seeing, Sara seems to believe that's actually not the game, but a codec issue. She's not sure why it's so widespread and she'll look into it, but like said, she seems pretty sure that it's not the game.